
PowerShell Tools for DevOps

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PSDevOps -RequiredVersion

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PSDevOps -Version

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



2019 Start-Automating

Package Details


  • James Brundage


ADO AzureDevOps PSDevOps DevOps


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes
* Adding Register-ADOArtifactFeed (Fixes #118)
* Fixing Invoke-ADORestApi issues:  #111,#114,#115
* Attaching .BuildID and .DefinitionID properties to Get-ADOBuild where appropriate.

* Formatting Improvments:
** Get-ADOField now includes .Type
** Get-ADOExtension now includes .Version
* Set-ADOTeam -DefaultAreaPath/-AreaPath parameter set issue fixed (fixes #103 / #92)
** Added tests for Set-ADOTeam
* GitHub Workflow Definition Improvements:
** New Triggers:
*** On PullToMain
** New Jobs:
*** UpdateModuleTag
*** PublishToGallery
** New Steps:
*** PublishPowerShellGallery
*** TagModuleVersion
* New-GitHubWorkflow/New-ADOPipeline now support -RootDirectory
* Fixing pluralization / list issue with multiple GitHub Workflow "On"
* Get-ADORepository  :  Adding -PullRequestID
* New/Set-ADOWorkItem:  Fixing pipelining issue

* Get-ADOTeam:  Adding alias -AreaPath for -TeamFieldValue, carrying on team property
* Set-ADOTeam:  Support for -DefaultAreaPath/-AreaPath (TeamFieldValues api, fixing issue #92)
* Get-ADOTest:  Enabling pagination and filtering of results.
** Invoke-ADORestAPI:  Fixing -Cache(ing) correctly (#88)
** Invoke-GitHubRESTAPI: Only using .ContentEncoding if present in results (PowerShell core fix)
* Get-ADOWorkItem:
** Fixing -Related (#79)
** Fixing -Comment errors when there are no commments (#80)
* New/Set-ADOWorkItem:
** Adding -Relationship and -Comment (#81)
** Improving Formatting of Work Items (#82)
** Adding -Tag
* Invoke-ADORestAPI:  Fixing issue with -QueryParameter
* Bugfixes:
** Get-ADOTest:  Fixing parameter sets and adding formatting.
** Invoke-GitHubRESTAPI:  Only using .ContentEncoding when present.
* Improved Git Functionality
** New-GitHubAction
** Invoke-GitHubRESTApi
** Connect/Disconnect-GitHub (enabling smart aliases like and<owner>/<repo>)
** Formatting for GitHub Issues and Repos
* Azure DevOps Additions/Fixes
** Invoke-ADORestAPI -AsJob

** Get-ADOArtifactFeed now has -Metric, -PackageList, -PackageVersionList, -Provenance
** Get-ADOIdentity [new]
** Get-ADOProject now has -Board, -TestVariable, -TestConfiguration
** Get-ADOPermission is now more API-complete and has parameter sets for permission types
** Set-ADOPermission
** Get-ADOExtension can now read extension data
** Set-ADOExtension can now set extension data
** Get-ADOTest [new]
** New-ADOPipeline now has -RootDirectory
** Tons of New Type Definitions and Formatters

* New Command: Wait-ADOBuild
* Start-ADOBuild
** Supports -Debug (to start a build with extra tracing)
** Allows parameters as PSObject
* Get-ADORepository:  Added -IncludeHidden, -IncludeRemoteURL, -IncludeLink
* Improvements to Pipelines and Workflows:
** Pester, PSScriptAnalyzer, and ScriptCop now produce output variables
** PSDevOps now includes a file to generate it's own build
** PublishTest/CodeCoverage Results steps will always() run
** Convert-BuildStep will add a .Name to each script step.
* Improved Tracing
** New Commands: Write-ADOOutput, Trace-ADOCommand/GitHubCommand
** Renaming Command / Adding Parameters:  Set-ADOVariable -> Write-ADOVariable.  Added -IsOutput & -IsReadOnly.
** Adding Trace-GitHubCommand/ADOCommand
** Improved logging of parameters in Convert-BuildStep
* New Functionality in Azure DevOps:
** Get-ADOProject now has -TestRun, -TestPlan, -Release, and -PendingApproval (and better progress bars)
** Get-ADOWorkItemType now has -Field
** Commands for Picklists:  Add/Get/Remove/Update-ADOPicklist


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.5.9 73,396 11/1/2022
0.5.8 11,817 6/7/2022
0.5.7 16,010 12/1/2021
0.5.6 1,169 11/7/2021 1,298 10/13/2021
0.5.5 723 9/28/2021 (current version) 3,814 7/13/2021 615 7/2/2021
0.5.4 886 6/15/2021
0.5.3 1,310 5/14/2021
0.5.2 152 5/11/2021
0.5.1 809 4/22/2021
0.5 244 4/13/2021
0.4.9 1,757 10/6/2020
0.4.8 10 9/30/2020
0.4.7 10 9/21/2020
0.4.6 35 9/15/2020
0.4.5 200 9/1/2020
0.4.4 163 8/20/2020
0.4.3 115 8/14/2020
0.4.2 84 8/10/2020
0.4.1 195 8/3/2020
0.4 334 7/13/2020
0.3.9 121 7/9/2020
0.3.8 287 6/24/2020
0.3.7 88 6/22/2020 36 6/18/2020
0.3.6 27 6/17/2020
0.3.5 18 6/17/2020 28 6/16/2020
0.3.4 17 6/16/2020
0.3.3 82 6/8/2020
0.3.2 61 5/28/2020
0.3.1 54 5/26/2020
0.3 220 5/19/2020
0.2.9 212 5/11/2020
0.2.8 286 1/8/2020
0.2.7 71 12/22/2019
0.2.6 38 12/16/2019
0.2.5 58 11/30/2019
0.2.4 21 11/26/2019
0.2.3 16 11/26/2019
0.2.2 19 11/25/2019
0.2.1 31 11/22/2019
0.2 24 11/19/2019
0.1.1 15 11/18/2019
0.1 15 11/18/2019
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