

PowerShell Tools for DevOps

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PSDevOps -RequiredVersion 0.4.2

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PSDevOps -Version 0.4.2

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



2019 Start-Automating

Package Details


  • James Brundage


ADO AzureDevOps PSDevOps DevOps


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

* Build Step Improvements:
** New-ADOPipeline now has -PowerShellCore and -WindowsPowerShell
** Import-BuildStep now has parameter sets
** New-ADOPipeline/New-GitHubWorkflow now refer to a metadata collection based off of their noun.
** BuildStep directories can be aliased:
*** ADOPipeline directories can be: ADOPipeline, ADO, AzDo, and AzureDevOps.
*** GitHubWorkflow directories can be: GitHubWorkflow, GitHubWorkflows, and GitHub.
* New Dashboard Commands: Clear/Update-ADODashboard
* New Extension Commands: Enable/Disbale-ADOExtension
* Improved formatting/types for Extensions.
* Breaking change: Install/Uninstall-ADOExtension now accept -PublisherID and -ExtensionID, not -PublisherName and -ExtensionName.
* More GitHub Functionality:
** Write-GitHubDebug
** Write-GitHubOutput
** Hide-GitHubOutput
** New-GitHubWorkflow allows for more complex event mapping.
* Azure DevOps Pipeline Changes
** Convert-BuildStep once again converts using ${{parameters}} syntax
* New/Improved Azure DevOps Cmdlets
** Get/New/Remove-ADODashboard
** Get-ADOAgentPool now supports -PoolID
** Set-ADOProject
** Repositories returned from a build definition are now decorated as PSDevOps.Repository
* Improved testing and static analysis compliance
* Overhaul of GitHub Workflow functionality.
** New-GitHubAction renamed to New-GitHubWorkflow
** /GitHubActions renamed to /GitHub
** Added -EventParameter to allow for parameters from events such as workflow_dispatch
** Added Write-GitHubError/GitHubWarning (updating Write-ADOError/Write-ADOWarning for consistency)
** Cleaning up GitHub Workflow parts
* Get-ADOTask no longer has -ApiVersion parameter
* New/Get/Remove-ADOWorkItemType:  Create/get/remove work custom work item types, states, rules, and behaviors.
* Added Get-ADOBuild -IncludeAllProperty/-IncludeLatestBuild.
* ScriptCop Integration:  PowerShelllStaticAnalysis stage now runs ScriptCop as well.
* Improved ScriptAnalyzer Integration: Rule name is now outputted.
* Add/Remove-ADOAreaPath
* Formatter for AreaPaths

* Convert-ADOPipeline now has -Passthru and -Wherefore
* Get-ADOWorkProcess now has -Behavior and -WorkItemType
* Get-ADOWorkItem now has -Mine, -CurrentIteration, -Comment, -Update, -Revision.
* Convert-ADOPipeline now binds to .Variables property
* Fixing bug in PSDevOps.WorkItem types file, which displayed in formatting.
* Added: Get-ADOTask, Convert-ADOPipeline
* New Command: Get-ADOTeam
* Get-ADOBuild -CodeCoverage
* Progress bars on Get-ADORepository
* Slight refactoring to make progress bars easier in any function
* Removing supplied parameters in commands generated by Import-ADOProxy.
* New capability: Import-ADOProxy (Import a proxy module with for your ADO / TFS instance)
* New REST Commands: Get-ADOAreaPath, Get-ADOIterationPath, Get-ADOExtension
* More Features: Get-ADORepository -FileList
* Massive Internal Refactoring (switching to dynamic parameters for -PersonalAccessToken etc, standardizing pstypenames)
* Now Caching Personal Access Tokens!
* URLEncoding all segments in Parts/ReplaceRouteParameter.
* Ensuring all Azure DevOps YAML Parameters are wrapped in a string.
* Pester workarounds - Steps/InstallPester and Steps/RunPester now accept a PesterMaxVersion (defaulting to 4.99.99)
* Convert-BuildStep handles blank parameter defaults correctly
* Get-ADOBuild can get yaml definitions directly, e.g Get-ADOBuild -DefinitionID 123 -DefinitionYaml
* Bugfixes and Improvements to Convert/Import/Expand-BuildStep:
1. Enforcing pluralization of certain fields within Azure DevOps
2. Handling [string[]], [int[]], [float[]], or [ScriptBlock] parameters
* Allowing lists of primitives to not be indented in YAML.
* Added Convert/Import/Expand-BuildStep
* Allowing build steps to be defined in functions
* Automagically importing build step parameters
* Get/New/Remove-ADORepository
* Get/New/Remove-ADOServiceEndpoint
* Get-ADOAgentPool
** Improvements to New-ADOPipeline to avoid unexpected singletons
* Get/New/Update-ADOBuild
* Improving New-ADOPipeline:
** Unknown -InputObject properties will no longer be pluralized
** Added 'Pool' to list of known singletons
* New Cmdlet: Set-ADOArtifactFeed
* Improvements to New/Get/Remove-ADOArtifactFeed (better pipelining, renaming -FullyQualifiedID to -FeedID)
* New Cmdlets:
** New/Get/Remove-ADOArtifactFeed
** New/Remove-ADOProject
** New-GitHubAction
* Improving Get-ADOWorkItem:
** -Title allows getting work items by title
** -NoDetail allows for queries to only return IDs
** Passing -Field will skip formatting
** WorkItemsBatch will be used for query results.
** Passing an old -ApiVersion will not use workItemsBatch
** Formatting improved
* Adding Get-ADOWorkProcess
* Fixing issues with -ADOField commands when not provided a -Project
* Adding Adding -CanSortBy, -IsQueryable, and -ReadOnly to New-ADOField.
* Adding parameter help to New-ADOField
* Adding New/Remove-ADOField
* Adding help to Get-ADOField
* Adding formatting for fields
* Adding New/Set/Remove-ADOWorkItem
* Adding Get-ADOField
* New Parameter: Get-ADOWorkItem -WorkItemType
* New Parameter: New-ADOPipeline -Option
* Initial formatting
* Switching Parts to use latest VMImage

0.2.1 :
* Added Get-ADOWorkItem
0.2   :
* Added Invoke-ADORestAPI
0.1    :
Initial Commit


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.5.9 77,652 11/1/2022
0.5.8 11,817 6/7/2022
0.5.7 16,011 12/1/2021
0.5.6 1,169 11/7/2021 1,298 10/13/2021
0.5.5 723 9/28/2021 3,814 7/13/2021 615 7/2/2021
0.5.4 886 6/15/2021
0.5.3 1,310 5/14/2021
0.5.2 152 5/11/2021
0.5.1 809 4/22/2021
0.5 244 4/13/2021
0.4.9 1,757 10/6/2020
0.4.8 10 9/30/2020
0.4.7 10 9/21/2020
0.4.6 35 9/15/2020
0.4.5 200 9/1/2020
0.4.4 163 8/20/2020
0.4.3 115 8/14/2020
0.4.2 (current version) 84 8/10/2020
0.4.1 195 8/3/2020
0.4 334 7/13/2020
0.3.9 121 7/9/2020
0.3.8 287 6/24/2020
0.3.7 89 6/22/2020 36 6/18/2020
0.3.6 27 6/17/2020
0.3.5 18 6/17/2020 28 6/16/2020
0.3.4 17 6/16/2020
0.3.3 82 6/8/2020
0.3.2 61 5/28/2020
0.3.1 54 5/26/2020
0.3 220 5/19/2020
0.2.9 212 5/11/2020
0.2.8 286 1/8/2020
0.2.7 71 12/22/2019
0.2.6 38 12/16/2019
0.2.5 58 11/30/2019
0.2.4 21 11/26/2019
0.2.3 16 11/26/2019
0.2.2 19 11/25/2019
0.2.1 31 11/22/2019
0.2 24 11/19/2019
0.1.1 15 11/18/2019
0.1 15 11/18/2019
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