function New-GitHubAction { <# .Synopsis Creates a new GitHub action .Example New-GitHubAction -Job TestPowerShellOnLinux .Link New-GitHubWorkflow .Link Import-BuildStep .Link Convert-BuildStep .Link Expand-BuildStep #> [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Justification = "Does not change state")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull", "", Justification = "Explicitly checking for null (0 is ok)")] [OutputType([string])] param( # The name of the action. [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [string] $Name, # A description of the action. [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [string] $Description, # The git hub action steps. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Management.Automation.ArgumentCompleter({ # While we don't want to restrict the steps here, we _do_ want to be able to suggest steps that are built-in. $psDevOpsModule = Get-Module PSDevOps if ($psDevOpsModule) { & $psDevOpsModule { $script:ComponentMetaData.GitHubAction.Values | Where-Object Type -eq Action | Select-object -ExpandProperty Name } } })] [PSObject[]]$Action, # The DockerImage used for a GitHub Action. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$DockerImage, # The NodeJS main script used for a GitHub Action. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$NodeJSScript, # The git hub action inputs. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Collections.IDictionary]$ActionInput, # The git hub action outputs. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Collections.IDictionary]$ActionOutput, # Optional changes to a component. # A table of additional settings to apply wherever a part is used. # For example -Option @{RunPester=@{env=@{"SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"='$(System.AccessToken)'}} [Collections.IDictionary] $Option, # The name of parameters that should be excluded. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ExcludeParameters')] [string[]] $ExcludeParameter, # The name of parameters that should be referred to uniquely. # For instance, if converting function foo($bar) {} and -UniqueParameter is 'bar' # The build parameter would be foo_bar. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('UniqueParameters')] [string[]] $UniqueParameter, # A collection of default parameters. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Collections.IDictionary] $DefaultParameter = @{}, # If set, will output the created objects instead of creating YAML. [switch] $PassThru, # A list of build scripts. Each build script will run as a step in the action. [string[]] $BuildScript, # The icon used for branding. By default, a terminal icon. [string] $Icon = "terminal", # The color used for branding. By default, blue. [ValidateSet('white', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'orange', 'red', 'purple', 'gray-dark')] [string] $Color = 'blue' ) begin { $expandBuildStepCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Expand-BuildStep','Function') $workflowOptions = @{} $mynoun = "GitHubAction" $expandGitHubBuildStep = @{ BuildSystem = $mynoun SingleItemName = 'On','Name' DictionaryItemName = 'Jobs', 'Inputs','Outputs' BuildOption = $workflowOptions } $DoNotExpandParameters = 'InputObject', 'BuildScript', 'DockerImage', 'NodeJSScript', 'Icon', 'Color', 'ActionInput', 'ActionOutput' } process { $myParams = [Ordered]@{ } + $PSBoundParameters $stepsByType = [Ordered]@{ Name = $Name Description = $Description } $ThingNames = $script:ComponentNames.$mynoun foreach ($kv in $myParams.GetEnumerator()) { if ($ThingNames[$kv.Key]) { $stepsByType[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value } elseif ($DoNotExpandParameters -notcontains $kv.Key) { $workflowOptions[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value } } #region Map InputObject if ($InputObject -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { foreach ($key in $InputObject.Keys) { $stepsByType[$key] = $InputObject.$key } } elseif ($InputObject) { foreach ($property in $ { $stepsByType[$] = $InputObject.$key } } $stepsByType["branding"] = [Ordered]@{ icon = $Icon color = $Color } #endregion Map InputObject #region Expand Input $expandSplat = @{} + $PSBoundParameters foreach ($k in @($expandSplat.Keys)) { if (-not $expandBuildStepCmd.Parameters[$k]) { $expandSplat.Remove($k) } } if ($ActionInput) { $stepsByType.inputs = $ActionInput } if ($ActionOutput) { $stepsByType.outputs = $ActionOutput } #endregion Expand Input $yamlToBe = Expand-BuildStep -StepMap $stepsByType @expandSplat @expandGitHubBuildStep -InputParameter @{'*'='*'} if ($ { $actionSteps = $yamlToBe.actions $yamlToBe.runs = [Ordered]@{ using = "composite" steps = @($actionSteps) } $yamlToBe.Remove('actions') } elseif ($DockerImage) { $yamlToBe.runs = [Ordered]@{ using = "docker" image = $DockerImage } } elseif ($NodeJSScript) { $yamlToBe.runs = [Ordered]@{ using = "node12" main = $NodeJSScript } } $yamlToBe.Remove('On') if ($BuildScript) { if (-not $yamlToBe.steps) { $yamlToBe.steps = [Ordered]@{} } $yamlToBe.steps = [Ordered]@{ steps = @( Get-Item $BuildScript -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Convert-BuildStep -BuildSystem GitHubWorkflow ) } } if ($Environment) { if (-not $yamlToBe.env) { $yamlToBe.env = [Ordered]@{} } foreach ($kv in $Environment.GetEnumerator()) { $yamlToBe.env[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value } } if ($PassThru) { $yamlToBe } else { @($yamlToBe | & $toYaml -Indent -2) -join '' -replace "$([Environment]::NewLine * 2)", [Environment]::NewLine } } } |