param( [string] $ModulePath, # The user email associated with a git commit. [string] $UserEmail, # The user name associated with a git commit. [string] $UserName, # The tag version format (default value: 'v$(imported.Version)') # This can expand variables. $imported will contain the imported module. [string] $TagVersionFormat = 'v$($imported.Version)', # The tag version format (default value: '$($imported.Name) $(imported.Version)') # This can expand variables. $imported will contain the imported module. [string] $TagAnnotationFormat = '$($imported.Name) $($imported.Version)' ) $gitHubEvent = if ($env:GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) { [IO.File]::ReadAllText($env:GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) | ConvertFrom-Json } else { $null } @" ::group::GitHubEvent $($gitHubEvent | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100) ::endgroup:: "@ | Out-Host if (-not ($gitHubEvent.head_commit.message -match "Merge Pull Request #(?<PRNumber>\d+)") -and (-not $['inputs'])) { "::warning::Pull Request has not merged, skipping" | Out-Host return } $imported = if (-not $ModulePath) { $orgName, $moduleName = $env:GITHUB_REPOSITORY -split "/" Import-Module ".\$moduleName.psd1" -Force -PassThru -Global } else { Import-Module $modulePath -Force -PassThru -Global } if (-not $imported) { return } $targetVersion =$ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($TagVersionFormat) $existingTags = git tag --list @" Target Version: $targetVersion Existing Tags: $($existingTags -join [Environment]::NewLine) "@ | Out-Host $versionTagExists = $existingTags | Where-Object { $_ -match $targetVersion } if ($versionTagExists) { "::warning::Version $($versionTagExists)" return } if (-not $UserName) { $UserName = $env:GITHUB_ACTOR } if (-not $UserEmail) { $UserEmail = "$" } git config --global $UserEmail git config --global $UserName git tag -a $targetVersion -m $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($TagAnnotationFormat) git push origin --tags if ($env:GITHUB_ACTOR) { exit 0 } |