A module for managing Axis devices.
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c) Matt Small. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Matt Small
ManagedServiceProvider Windows
Add-AxisParameter Disable-AxisUnusedViews Enable-AxisDNSUpdate Export-AxisRecording Format-AxisSDCard Get-AxisAction Get-AxisContinuousRecordingProfile Get-AxisDate Get-AxisDeviceInfo Get-AxisDeviceStatus Get-AxisDSCP Get-AxisNetworkInfo Get-AxisNTPClient Get-AxisParameter Get-AxisPSConfig Get-AxisRecording Get-AxisRecordingProfile Get-AxisRecordingSupport Get-AxisSDCardStatus Get-AxisSnapshot Get-AxisStorageOptions Get-AxisStreamProfile Get-AxisSupportedResolutions Get-AxisViewStatus Initialize-AxisDevice Invoke-AxisWebAPI Invoke-AxisProvisioningTask New-AxisProvisioningJob New-AxisRecordingProfile New-AxisStreamProfile Optimize-AxisRecordingProfiles Remove-AxisAction Remove-AxisParameter Remove-AxisRecordingProfile Remove-AxisStreamProfile Reset-AxisDevice Restart-AxisDevice Set-AxisCredential Set-AxisDNSResolver Set-AxisDSCP Set-AxisIPv4Address Set-AxisNTPClient Set-AxisParameter Set-AxisPSConfig Set-AxisServices Set-AxisStorageOptions Set-AxisStreamProfile Update-AxisDevice
- CredentialManager (>= 2.0.0)
- IPV4Toolbox (>= 0.6.0)
- PSLANSCAN (>= 1.2.0)
Release Notes
## 0.11.1
* Added break between formatting and retention setting as some cameras would not take the retention setting in a timely maner.
## 0.11.0
* Added Get-AxisDeviceStatus using SystemReady API
* Added FactoryDefault option to Update-AxisDevice
* Initialize-AxisDevice now checks devices status
* Initialize-AxisDevice now sets password to the Stored Credential if no password is specified
* Provisioning jobs now perform a factory default to account for the breaking changes in AxisOS 12.x
* Provisioning jobs now encrypt the disk with the device password by default
* Format-AxisSDCard now provides an option to encrypt the SD card
* Fixed Set-AxisStorageOptions to set CleanupMaxAge for all SD cards
* Fixed issue with New-AxisRecordingProfile where it would ignore the stream profile
## 0.10.2
* Added Get-AxisNTPClient
* Added Set-AxisNTPClient
* Added Get-AxisRecording
* Added Set-AxisDNSResolver
* Added Export-AxisRecording
* Changed Set-AxisIPAddress to Set-AxisIPv4Address (Old command will still work)
* Added ability to use static addresses with Set-AxisIPv4Address
* Get-AxisNetworkInfo now returns the UPnP name of the device
## 0.10.1
* Fixed issue with Set-AxisDSCP
## 0.10.0
* Get-AxisRecordingSupport now returns a comma separated list of supported codecs
* Added New-, Get-, Set-, Remove- Stream Profile commands
* Fixed New-AxisRecordingProfile to properly tie to a stream profile
* Invoke-AxisProvisioningTask now creates a stream profile called "EdgeRecording" which is used by New-AxisRecordingProfile
* Invoke-AxisProvisioningTask now sets sensible DSCP values
* Added Get-AxisDSCP
## 0.9.0
* Added support for setting DSCP values
## 0.8.4
* Minor bugfix for singlethreaded behavior
## 0.8.3
* Added Singlthreaded provisioning to try to resolve issues with runspaces
## 0.8.2
* Fixed formatting issue with Update-AxisDevice
* Fixed output in Restart-AxisDevice
* Fixed issue where New-AxisRecordingProfile incorrectly counted SDCards.
## 0.8.0
* Added support for customizing the directory provisioning snapshots are saved to
## 0.7.3
* Issue with Refactor causing script not to run
## 0.7.2
* Issue with Refactor causing script not to run
## 0.7.1
* Hotfix release
* Fixed issue with Set-AxisServices
* Fixed issue with Progress display during a provisioning job
* Fixed issues with logging to file
* Fixed issue where Set-AxisPSConfig would not change the logging directory
## 0.7.0
* Added AxisParameter cmdlets
* Added Restart command
* Refactored several cmdlets to use AxisParameter cmdlets
* Changed behavior of Set-AxisServices to disable O3C by default
* Combined PSConfig cmdlets into unified Set-AxisPSConfig / Get-AxisPSConfig
## 0.6.0
* Refactored Provision-AxisDevice
* Added logging to file
* Added Snapshot stage to Provision-AxisDevice
* Fixed issue with Get-AxisRecordingProfile where it would not display the correct number of lenses
* New-AxisRecordingProfile now completes successfully when a profile already exists
* Changed the way of interacting with the config
* Added logging to Provision-AxisDevice
## 0.5.1
* Documentation adjustments
## 0.5.0
* Removed Provision-AxisDevice to get rid of Verb warnings
* Added Get-AxisSnapshot
* Added logic to suppress errors when another command has already set TrustAllCerts
* Modified behavior for Get-AxisDeviceInfo to use param.cgi to increase compatibility with older models.
* Added functions to manipulate Event-to-Action configurations from the camera
* Get-AxisRecordingProfiles now returns action-based recording profiles
* Added Optimize-AxisRecordingProfiles
## 0.4.6
* Fixed issue with error reporting in New-AxisProvisioningJob
## 0.4.5
* Fixed issue with Provision-AxisDevice where it called New-AxisRecordingProfile with the wrong parameter
* Fixed issue with Format-AxisSDCard where it would not check if there was an SD card to format
## 0.4.4
* Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where it would not display progress or errors
* Fixed issue with Set-AxisPSFactoryConfig where it would cause credential prompt on next command
## 0.4.3
* Credential storage hotfix
## 0.4.2
* Fixed issue with Get-AxisSDCardStatus where it would not display a disk number for SD Card 1
* Added Lens count to Get-AxisRecordingSupport
* Added multi-lens support to New-AxisRecordingProfile
* Fixed issues with dubnet calculation in New-AxisProvisioningJob
* Added optional credential storage to Set-AxisCredential
* Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where it would stall if no devices were found
## 0.4.1
* Fixed issue with Format-AxisSDCard where it ignored the second SD card on P3737 and P3719
* Fixed issue with Get-AxisSDCardStatus where it ignored the second SD card on P3737 and P3719
* Fixed issue with Get-AxisDeviceInfo where it would not work against older cameras
* Fixed issue with Enable-AxisDNSUpdate where it would not autopopulate the DNS name on older cameras
## 0.4.0
* Fixed issue connecting to cameras via HTTP
* Fixed issue with Format-AxisSDCard showing progress when -Wait is not specified
* Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where it would not return error information.
* Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where it would not clear screen on final print.
* Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where IP was not provided to provisioning process.
* Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where it did not check for FirmwareFolder before run
* Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where incremental progress was not reported.
## 0.3.1
* Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob not functioning properly.
## 0.3.0
* Added New-AxisProvisioningJob
* Bug fixes
## 0.2.0
* Further Bug fixes and readyment for inistal release
## 0.1.1
* Fixed issues with port from inital script
## 0.1.0
* First Release
* May be buggy, but shouldn't break anything as all cmdlets only connect to things.
- AxisPowershell.nuspec
- public\Get-AxisAction.ps1
- public\Get-AxisPSRecordingProfile.ps1
- public\Get-AxisViewStatus.ps1
- public\Remove-AxisParameter.ps1
- public\Set-AxisIPv4Address.ps1
- private\functions\Set-CertificateValidation.ps1
- private\module\Update-ModuleConfiguration.ps1
- public\Get-AxisContinuousRecordingProfile.ps1
- public\Get-AxisRecording.ps1
- public\Get-AxisZipStreamSupport.ps1
- public\Remove-AxisRecordingProfile.ps1
- public\Set-AxisNTPClient.ps1
- AxisPowershell.psd1
- private\functions\Set-UseUnsafeHeaderParsing.ps1
- private\module\Write-ModuleConfiguration.ps1
- public\Get-AxisDate.ps1
- public\Get-AxisRecordingProfile.ps1
- public\Initialize-AxisDevice.ps1
- public\Remove-AxisStreamProfile.ps1
- public\Set-AxisParameter.ps1
- PSModule.psm1
- private\functions\Write-Log.ps1
- private\setup\config.default.json
- public\Get-AxisDeviceInfo.ps1
- public\Get-AxisRecordingSupport.ps1
- public\Invoke-AxisProvisioningTask.ps1
- public\Reset-AxisDevice.ps1
- public\Set-AxisPSConfig.ps1
- private\functions\Check-Credential.ps1
- private\module\ConvertTo-HashTable.ps1
- private\setup\PostFunctionLoad.ps1
- public\Get-AxisDeviceStatus.ps1
- public\Get-AxisSDCardStatus.ps1
- public\Invoke-AxisWebApi.ps1
- public\Restart-AxisDevice.ps1
- public\Set-AxisServices.ps1
- private\functions\Compare-Version.ps1
- private\module\Copy-Config.ps1
- private\setup\PreFunctionLoad.ps1
- public\Get-AxisDSCP.ps1
- public\Get-AxisSnapshot.ps1
- public\New-AxisProvisioningJob.ps1
- public\Set-AxisCredential.ps1
- public\Set-AxisStorageOptions.ps1
- private\functions\Get-AxisApiVersion.ps1
- private\module\Get-ModuleSchemaVersion.ps1
- public\Add-AxisParameter.ps1
- public\Get-AxisNetworkInfo.ps1
- public\Get-AxisStorageOptions.ps1
- public\New-AxisRecordingProfile.ps1
- public\Set-AxisDNSResolver.ps1
- public\Set-AxisStreamProfile.ps1
- private\functions\Get-AxisAvailableApis.ps1
- private\module\New-DynamicParameter.ps1
- public\Disable-AxisUnusedViews.ps1
- public\Get-AxisNTPClient.ps1
- public\Get-AxisStreamProfile.ps1
- public\New-AxisStreamProfile.ps1
- public\Set-AxisDSCP.ps1
- public\Update-AxisDevice.ps1
- private\functions\Get-CurrentTime.ps1
- private\module\New-DynamicParameterDictionary.ps1
- public\Enable-AxisDNSUpdate.ps1
- public\Get-AxisParameter.ps1
- public\Get-AxisStreamProfiles.ps1
- public\Optimize-AxisRecordingProfiles.ps1
- public\Set-AxisIPAddress.ps1
- public\Update-AxisParameter.ps1
- private\functions\Initialize-AxisCache.ps1
- private\module\Read-ModuleConfiguration.ps1
- public\Export-AxisRecording.ps1
- public\Get-AxisPSConfig.ps1
- public\Get-AxisSupportedResolutions.ps1
- public\Remove-AxisAction.ps1
- private\functions\Invoke-MultiPartWebRequest.ps1
- private\module\ThrowError.ps1
- public\Format-AxisSDCard.ps1