
Invokes a web API on an Axis device.
The Invoke-AxisWebApi function is used to send HTTP requests to an Axis device's web API. It supports both HTTP and HTTPS protocols. This function handles authentication, header customization, and error handling.
The path of the API endpoint to be called.
The IP address or hostname of the Axis device. If not specified, the function will use the current device configured in the module's configuration.
The HTTP method to be used for the request. The default value is "GET".
The body of the request. This parameter is used when making POST requests.
A hashtable containing custom headers to be included in the request.
The path to a file to be included in the request. This parameter is used when uploading files.
Currentlky not implemented
A switch parameter indicating whether to skip authentication. By default, authentication is enabled.
Invoke-AxisWebApi -Path "/axis-cgi/param.cgi?action=list" -Device "" -Method "GET"
Invokes the web API on the Axis device with the specified path using the GET method.
Invoke-AxisWebApi -Path "/axis-cgi/param.cgi?action=set" -Device "" -Method "POST" -Body @{param1="value1"; param2="value2"}
Invokes the web API on the Axis device with the specified path using the POST method and includes a JSON body.
This function requires the Axis PowerShell module to be imported.

function Invoke-AxisWebApi {








    #Build Headers
    $RequestHeaders = $Config.Headers.Clone()
# if($Headers) {
# ForEach ($h in $Headers.Keys) {
# $RequestHeaders.Add($h,$Headers[$h])
# }
# }

    #Init allows us to set HTTP for cameras not configured for HTTPS
    Initialize-AxisCache -Device $Device
    $baseUrl = "$($Cache.$Device.Type)://$Device"

    $Param = @{
        Method = $Method
        UseBasicParsing = $true
        Uri = "$baseUrl$Path"
        Headers = $RequestHeaders
        Verbose = $false

    if(!$NoAuth) {

    if($Body) {
        $Param.Method = 'Post'
        $Param.Add('Body',(ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 10 $Body))

    if($OutFile) {

    if($TimeoutSec) {

    Write-Verbose "$($Param.Method) $($Param.Uri)"

    #Unsafe header Parsing as older devices can commit porotocol violations
    #Disable Certificate Validation as the user may try to connect to devices with invalid addresses
    Set-UseUnsafeHeaderParsing -Disable
    Set-CertificateValidation -Disable

    $ConnectionError = $false
    $Connected = $false
    Try {
        if($WebRequest) {
            $response = Invoke-WebRequest @Param
        else {
            $response = Invoke-RestMethod @Param
        $Connected = $true
    Catch {
        Write-Verbose "Failed to connect to $Device using HTTPS, trying HTTP"

    if(!$Connected) {
        Try {
            #If HTTPS call fails, try HTTP
            $Param.Uri = "http://$Device$($Path)"
            if($WebRequest) {
                $response = Invoke-WebRequest @Param
            else {
                $response = Invoke-RestMethod @Param
            $Connected = $true
        Catch {
            Write-Verbose "Failed to connect to $Device using HTTP"
            $ConnectionError = $_

    #Regardless of Success or Failure, re-enable safe header parsing and Cert Validation
    Set-UseUnsafeHeaderParsing -Enable
    #Set-CertificateValidation -Enable

    if(!$Connected) {
        Throw $ConnectionError

    return $response