

A module for managing Axis devices.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name AxisPowershell -RequiredVersion 0.10.1

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name AxisPowershell -Version 0.10.1

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) Matt Small. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Matt Small


ManagedServiceProvider Windows


Add-AxisParameter Disable-AxisUnusedViews Enable-AxisDNSUpdate Format-AxisSDCard Get-AxisAction Get-AxisContinuousRecordingProfile Get-AxisDeviceInfo Get-AxisDSCP Get-AxisNetworkInfo Get-AxisParameter Get-AxisPSConfig Get-AxisRecordingProfile Get-AxisRecordingSupport Get-AxisSDCardStatus Get-AxisSnapshot Get-AxisStorageOptions Get-AxisStreamProfile Get-AxisSupportedResolutions Get-AxisViewStatus Initialize-AxisDevice Invoke-AxisWebAPI Invoke-AxisProvisioningTask New-AxisProvisioningJob New-AxisRecordingProfile New-AxisStreamProfile Optimize-AxisRecordingProfiles Remove-AxisAction Remove-AxisParameter Remove-AxisRecordingProfile Remove-AxisStreamProfile Reset-AxisDevice Restart-AxisDevice Set-AxisCredential Set-AxisDSCP Set-AxisIPAddress Set-AxisPSConfig Set-AxisServices Set-AxisStorageOptions Set-AxisStreamProfile Update-AxisDevice Update-AxisParameter


Release Notes

## 0.10.1
   * Fixed issue with Set-AxisDSCP
## 0.10.0
   * Get-AxisRecordingSupport now returns a comma separated list of supported codecs
   * Added New-, Get-, Set-, Remove- Stream Profile commands
   * Fixed New-AxisRecordingProfile to properly tie to a stream profile
   * Invoke-AxisProvisioningTask now creates a stream profile called "EdgeRecording" which is used by New-AxisRecordingProfile
   * Invoke-AxisProvisioningTask now sets sensible DSCP values
   * Added Get-AxisDSCP
## 0.9.0
   * Added support for setting DSCP values
## 0.8.4
   * Minor bugfix for singlethreaded behavior
## 0.8.3
   * Added Singlthreaded provisioning to try to resolve issues with runspaces
## 0.8.2
   * Fixed formatting issue with Update-AxisDevice
   * Fixed output in Restart-AxisDevice
   * Fixed issue where New-AxisRecordingProfile incorrectly counted SDCards.
## 0.8.0
   * Added support for customizing the directory provisioning snapshots are saved to
## 0.7.3
   * Issue with Refactor causing script not to run
## 0.7.2
   * Issue with Refactor causing script not to run
## 0.7.1
   * Hotfix release
   * Fixed issue with Set-AxisServices
   * Fixed issue with Progress display during a provisioning job
   * Fixed issues with logging to file
   * Fixed issue where Set-AxisPSConfig would not change the logging directory
## 0.7.0
   * Added AxisParameter cmdlets
   * Added Restart command
   * Refactored several cmdlets to use AxisParameter cmdlets
   * Changed behavior of Set-AxisServices to disable O3C by default
   * Combined PSConfig cmdlets into unified Set-AxisPSConfig / Get-AxisPSConfig
## 0.6.0
   * Refactored Provision-AxisDevice
   * Added logging to file
   * Added Snapshot stage to Provision-AxisDevice
   * Fixed issue with Get-AxisRecordingProfile where it would not display the correct number of lenses
   * New-AxisRecordingProfile now completes successfully when a profile already exists
   * Changed the way of interacting with the config
   * Added logging to Provision-AxisDevice
## 0.5.1
   * Documentation adjustments
## 0.5.0
   * Removed Provision-AxisDevice to get rid of Verb warnings
   * Added Get-AxisSnapshot
   * Added logic to suppress errors when another command has already set TrustAllCerts
   * Modified behavior for Get-AxisDeviceInfo to use param.cgi to increase compatibility with older models.
   * Added functions to manipulate Event-to-Action configurations from the camera
   * Get-AxisRecordingProfiles now returns action-based recording profiles
   * Added Optimize-AxisRecordingProfiles
## 0.4.6
   * Fixed issue with error reporting in New-AxisProvisioningJob
## 0.4.5
   * Fixed issue with Provision-AxisDevice where it called New-AxisRecordingProfile with the wrong parameter
   * Fixed issue with Format-AxisSDCard where it would not check if there was an SD card to format
## 0.4.4
   * Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where it would not display progress or errors
   * Fixed issue with Set-AxisPSFactoryConfig where it would cause credential prompt on next command
## 0.4.3
   * Credential storage hotfix
## 0.4.2
   * Fixed issue with Get-AxisSDCardStatus where it would not display a disk number for SD Card 1
   * Added Lens count to Get-AxisRecordingSupport
   * Added multi-lens support to New-AxisRecordingProfile
   * Fixed issues with dubnet calculation in New-AxisProvisioningJob
   * Added optional credential storage to Set-AxisCredential
   * Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where it would stall if no devices were found
## 0.4.1
   * Fixed issue with Format-AxisSDCard where it ignored the second SD card on P3737 and P3719
   * Fixed issue with Get-AxisSDCardStatus where it ignored the second SD card on P3737 and P3719
   * Fixed issue with Get-AxisDeviceInfo where it would not work against older cameras
   * Fixed issue with Enable-AxisDNSUpdate where it would not autopopulate the DNS name on older cameras
## 0.4.0
   * Fixed issue connecting to cameras via HTTP
   * Fixed issue with Format-AxisSDCard showing progress when -Wait is not specified
   * Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where it would not return error information.
   * Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where it would not clear screen on final print.
   * Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where IP was not provided to provisioning process.
   * Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where it did not check for FirmwareFolder before run
   * Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob where incremental progress was not reported.
## 0.3.1
   * Fixed issue with New-AxisProvisioningJob not functioning properly.
## 0.3.0
   * Added New-AxisProvisioningJob
   * Bug fixes
## 0.2.0
   * Further Bug fixes and readyment for inistal release
## 0.1.1
   * Fixed issues with port from inital script
## 0.1.0
   * First Release
   * May be buggy, but shouldn't break anything as all cmdlets only connect to things.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.11.1 23 10/17/2024
0.11.0 6 10/17/2024
0.10.3 9 8/29/2024
0.10.2 5 8/27/2024
0.10.1 (current version) 9 7/3/2024
0.10.0 7 6/25/2024
0.9.0 6 6/6/2024
0.8.5 6 6/3/2024
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