The AWS Tools for PowerShell Core lets developers and administrators manage their AWS services from the PowerShell Core scripting environment.
Minimum PowerShell version
See the version list below for details.
Installation Options
Copyright 2012-2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Package Details
- Inc
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
### 3.3.390.0 (2018-10-22)
* Cmdlets and parameters are now marked as obsolete if the corresponding service operation or parameter are deprecated.
* Added support for Set-AWSProxy and Clear-AWSProxy cmdlets to AWSPowerShell.NetCore
* Amazon Storage Gateway
* [Breaking Change] The response data from the service's RefreshCache API has been extended to emit both the file share ARN and the notification id.
* Amazon APIGateway
* Updated cmdlets Test-AGInvokeMethod and Test-AGInvokeAuthorizer adding support for multi-value parameters.
* Amazon AppStream
* Added cmdlets providing support for creating, managing, and deleting users in the AppStream 2.0 user pool.
* Amazon Auto Scaling
* DateTime parameters of Get-ASScheduledAction and Write-ASScheduledUpdateGroupAction were marked as obsolete as they may result in the wrong timestamp being passed to the service, please use the new parameters marked with the "Utc" prefix.
* Amazon CloudWatch
* DateTime parameters of Get-CWAlarmHistory and Get-CWMetricData, Get-CWMetricStatistic were marked as obsolete as they may result in the wrong timestamp being passed to the service, please use the new parameters marked with the "Utc" prefix.
* Amazon CodeCommit
* Added cmdlets Get-CCFile, Get-CCFolder and Remove-CCFile allowing to get the contents of a file, get the contents of a folder, and delete a file in an AWS CodeCommit repository.
* Amazon CodeStar
* Updated cmdlet New-CSTProject enabling to tag CodeStar Projects at creation.
* Amazon DirectConnect
* Added cmdlet Update-DCVirtualInterfaceAttribute allowing to modify the MTU value of existing virtual interfaces.
* Amazon Directory Service
* Added and updated cmdlets related to launch of cross account for Directory Service and to create a new type of trust for active directory.
* Amazon EC2
* DateTime parameters of multiple cmdlets were marked as obsolete as they may result in the wrong timestamp being passed to the service, please use the new parameters marked with the "Utc" prefix.
* Updated cmdlet Get-EC2RouteTable to add pagination support.
* Amazon Elastic Beanstalk
* DateTime parameters of Get-EBEnvironment and Get-EBEvent were marked as obsolete as they may result in the wrong timestamp being passed to the service, please use the new parameters marked with the "Utc" prefix.
* Amazon ElastiCache
* DateTime parameters of Get-ECEvent were marked as obsolete as they may result in the wrong timestamp being passed to the service, please use the new parameters marked with the "Utc" prefix.
* Amazon Elasticsearch
* Added cmdlets Start-ESElasticsearchServiceSoftwareUpdate and Stop-ESElasticsearchServiceSoftwareUpdate to support customer-scheduled service software updates. When new service software becomes available, you can request an update to your domain and benefit from new features more quickly. If you take no action, we update the service software automatically after a certain time frame.
* Amazon Glue
* Added cmdlet Get-GLUEDataCatalogEncryptionSetting. AWS Glue now supports data encryption at rest for ETL jobs and development endpoints. With encryption enabled, when you run ETL jobs, or development endpoints, Glue will use AWS KMS keys to write encrypted data at rest. You can also encrypt the metadata stored in the Glue Data Catalog using keys that you manage with AWS KMS. Additionally, you can use AWS KMS keys to encrypt the logs generated by crawlers and ETL jobs as well as encrypt ETL job bookmarks. Encryption settings for Glue crawlers, ETL jobs, and development endpoints can be configured using the security configurations in Glue. Glue Data Catalog encryption can be enabled via the settings for the Glue Data Catalog.
* Added cmdlets Set-GLUEResourcePolicy, Get-GLUEResourcePolicy and Remove-GLUEResourcePolicy for creating, updating, reading and deleting Data Catalog resource-based policies.
* Amazon GuardDuty
* Updated cmdlets New-GDDetector and Update-GDDetector to support optional FindingPublishingFrequency parameter.
* Updated cmdlets New-GDThreatIntelSet, New-GDIPSet and New-GDDetector to add an idempotency token parameter.
* Amazon IoT
* DateTime parameters of Get-IOTTaskList and Get-IOTViolationEventsList were marked as obsolete as they may result in the wrong timestamp being passed to the service, please use the new parameters marked with the "Utc" prefix.
* Updated cmdlets New-IOTJob, Start-IOTJNextPendingJobExecution and Update-IOTJJobExecution to support job execution timeout functionalities. Customer now can set job execution timeout on the job level when creating a job.
* Amazon Lightsail
* Added cmdlets supporting Lightsail managed databases.
* Amazon MediaConvert
* Updated New-EMCQueue and Update-EMCQueue to support offering lower prices for predictable, non-urgent workloads, we propose the concept of Reserved Transcode pricing.
* Amazon MQ
* Updated cmdlet Update-MQBroker with new parameters AutoMinorVersionUpgrade and EngineVersion to support ActiveMQ 5.15.6, in addition to 5.15.0.
* Amazon OpsWorksCM
* Added cmdlet Export-OWCMServerEngineAttribute allowing to export engine specific attributes like the UserData script used for unattended bootstrapping of new nodes that connect to the server.
* Amazon RDS
* DateTime parameters of Get-RDSEvent, Reset-RDSDBCluster, Restore-RDSDBClusterToPointInTime and Restore-RDSDBInstanceToPointInTime were marked as obsolete as they may result in the wrong timestamp being passed to the service, please use the new parameters marked with the "Utc" prefix.
* Updated cmdlets to support Deletion Protection for RDS databases.
* Amazon Redshift
* DateTime parameters of Get-RSClusterSnapshot and Get-RSEvent were marked as obsolete as they may result in the wrong timestamp being passed to the service, please use the new parameters marked with the "Utc" prefix.
* Amazon S3
* DateTime parameters of Copy-S3Object, Get-S3ObjectMetadata and Read-S3Object were marked as obsolete as they may result in the wrong timestamp being passed to the service, please use the new parameters marked with the "Utc" prefix.
* Amazon ServiceCatalog
* Added cmdlets to support Service Actions. With service actions, you as the administrator can enable end users to perform operational tasks, troubleshoot issues, run approved commands, or request permissions within Service Catalog. Service actions are defined using AWS Systems Manager documents, where you have access to pre-defined actions that implement AWS best practices, such asEC2 stop and reboot, as well as the ability to define custom actions.
* Amazon Simple Email Service
* DateTime parameters of Send-SESBounce were marked as obsolete as they may result in the wrong timestamp being passed to the service, please use the new parameters marked with the "Utc" prefix.
* Amazon SimpleSystemsManagement
* Added and updated cmdlets allowing to interact with maintenance windows.
* Updated cmdlets New-SSMPatchBaseline and Update-SSMPatchBaseline adding RejectedPatchesAction to enable stricted validation of the rejected Patches List.
* Amazon StorageGateway
* Updated cmdlet Invoke-SGCacheRefresh allowing to specify folders and subfolders.
* Amazon TranscribeService
* Added cmdlet Remove-TRSTranscriptionJob allowing to delete completed transcription jobs.
* Amazon WorkDocs
* DateTime parameters of Get-WDActivity were marked as obsolete as they may result in the wrong timestamp being passed to the service, please use the new parameters marked with the "Utc" prefix.
- AWSPowerShell.NetCore.nuspec
- AWSAliases.ps1
- AWSPowerShell.Format.ps1xml
- AWSPowerShell.NetCore.dll
- AWSPowerShell.NetCore.dll-Help.xml
- AWSPowerShell.NetCore.psd1
- AWSPowerShell.TypeExtensions.ps1xml
- AWSPowerShellCompleters.psm1
- AWSPowerShellLegacyAliases.psm1
- AWSSDK.AlexaForBusiness.dll
- AWSSDK.APIGateway.dll
- AWSSDK.ApplicationAutoScaling.dll
- AWSSDK.ApplicationDiscoveryService.dll
- AWSSDK.AppStream.dll
- AWSSDK.AppSync.dll
- AWSSDK.Athena.dll
- AWSSDK.AutoScaling.dll
- AWSSDK.AutoScalingPlans.dll
- AWSSDK.AWSHealth.dll
- AWSSDK.AWSMarketplaceCommerceAnalytics.dll
- AWSSDK.AWSMarketplaceMetering.dll
- AWSSDK.AWSSupport.dll
- AWSSDK.Batch.dll
- AWSSDK.Budgets.dll
- AWSSDK.CertificateManager.dll
- AWSSDK.Cloud9.dll
- AWSSDK.CloudDirectory.dll
- AWSSDK.CloudFormation.dll
- AWSSDK.CloudFront.dll
- AWSSDK.CloudHSM.dll
- AWSSDK.CloudHSMV2.dll
- AWSSDK.CloudSearch.dll
- AWSSDK.CloudSearchDomain.dll
- AWSSDK.CloudTrail.dll
- AWSSDK.CloudWatch.dll
- AWSSDK.CloudWatchEvents.dll
- AWSSDK.CloudWatchLogs.dll
- AWSSDK.CodeBuild.dll
- AWSSDK.CodeCommit.dll
- AWSSDK.CodeDeploy.dll
- AWSSDK.CodePipeline.dll
- AWSSDK.CodeStar.dll
- AWSSDK.CognitoIdentity.dll
- AWSSDK.CognitoIdentityProvider.dll
- AWSSDK.Comprehend.dll
- AWSSDK.ConfigService.dll
- AWSSDK.Connect.dll
- AWSSDK.Core.dll
- AWSSDK.CostAndUsageReport.dll
- AWSSDK.CostExplorer.dll
- AWSSDK.DatabaseMigrationService.dll
- AWSSDK.DataPipeline.dll
- AWSSDK.DeviceFarm.dll
- AWSSDK.DirectConnect.dll
- AWSSDK.DirectoryService.dll
- AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2.dll
- AWSSDK.EC2.dll
- AWSSDK.ElastiCache.dll
- AWSSDK.ElasticBeanstalk.dll
- AWSSDK.ElasticFileSystem.dll
- AWSSDK.ElasticLoadBalancing.dll
- AWSSDK.ElasticLoadBalancingV2.dll
- AWSSDK.ElasticMapReduce.dll
- AWSSDK.Elasticsearch.dll
- AWSSDK.ElasticTranscoder.dll
- AWSSDK.GameLift.dll
- AWSSDK.Glue.dll
- AWSSDK.Greengrass.dll
- AWSSDK.GuardDuty.dll
- AWSSDK.IdentityManagement.dll
- AWSSDK.ImportExport.dll
- AWSSDK.Inspector.dll
- AWSSDK.IoT.dll
- AWSSDK.IoT1ClickDevicesService.dll
- AWSSDK.IoT1ClickProjects.dll
- AWSSDK.IoTAnalytics.dll
- AWSSDK.IotData.dll
- AWSSDK.IoTJobsDataPlane.dll
- AWSSDK.KeyManagementService.dll
- AWSSDK.Kinesis.dll
- AWSSDK.KinesisAnalytics.dll
- AWSSDK.KinesisFirehose.dll
- AWSSDK.KinesisVideo.dll
- AWSSDK.KinesisVideoArchivedMedia.dll
- AWSSDK.KinesisVideoMedia.dll
- AWSSDK.Lambda.dll
- AWSSDK.Lex.dll
- AWSSDK.LexModelBuildingService.dll
- AWSSDK.Lightsail.dll
- AWSSDK.MachineLearning.dll
- AWSSDK.Macie.dll
- AWSSDK.MarketplaceEntitlementService.dll
- AWSSDK.MediaConvert.dll
- AWSSDK.MediaLive.dll
- AWSSDK.MediaPackage.dll
- AWSSDK.MediaStore.dll
- AWSSDK.MediaStoreData.dll
- AWSSDK.MediaTailor.dll
- AWSSDK.MigrationHub.dll
- AWSSDK.Mobile.dll
- AWSSDK.MTurk.dll
- AWSSDK.Neptune.dll
- AWSSDK.OpsWorks.dll
- AWSSDK.OpsWorksCM.dll
- AWSSDK.Organizations.dll
- AWSSDK.Pinpoint.dll
- AWSSDK.Polly.dll
- AWSSDK.Pricing.dll
- AWSSDK.Redshift.dll
- AWSSDK.Rekognition.dll
- AWSSDK.ResourceGroups.dll
- AWSSDK.ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI.dll
- AWSSDK.Route53.dll
- AWSSDK.Route53Domains.dll
- AWSSDK.S3.dll
- AWSSDK.SageMaker.dll
- AWSSDK.SageMakerRuntime.dll
- AWSSDK.SecretsManager.dll
- AWSSDK.SecurityToken.dll
- AWSSDK.ServerlessApplicationRepository.dll
- AWSSDK.ServerMigrationService.dll
- AWSSDK.ServiceCatalog.dll
- AWSSDK.ServiceDiscovery.dll
- AWSSDK.Shield.dll
- AWSSDK.Signer.dll
- AWSSDK.SimpleEmail.dll
- AWSSDK.SimpleNotificationService.dll
- AWSSDK.SimpleSystemsManagement.dll
- AWSSDK.SimpleWorkflow.dll
- AWSSDK.Snowball.dll
- AWSSDK.StepFunctions.dll
- AWSSDK.StorageGateway.dll
- AWSSDK.TranscribeService.dll
- AWSSDK.Translate.dll
- AWSSDK.WAFRegional.dll
- AWSSDK.WorkDocs.dll
- AWSSDK.WorkMail.dll
- AWSSDK.WorkSpaces.dll
- AWSSDK.XRay.dll
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
5.0.0-previe... | 29 | 10/22/2024 |
4.1.710 | 828 | 12/3/2024 |
4.1.709 | 2,018 | 12/2/2024 |
4.1.708 | 4,878 | 11/28/2024 |
4.1.707 | 1,868 | 11/26/2024 |
4.1.706 | 1,952 | 11/25/2024 |
4.1.705 | 3,080 | 11/22/2024 |
4.1.704 | 1,674 | 11/21/2024 |
4.1.703 | 1,921 | 11/21/2024 |
4.1.702 | 2,533 | 11/20/2024 |
4.1.701 | 2,506 | 11/18/2024 |
4.1.700 | 3,822 | 11/15/2024 |
4.1.699 | 1,640 | 11/15/2024 |
4.1.698 | 487 | 11/14/2024 |
4.1.697 | 2,569 | 11/13/2024 |
4.1.696 | 2,392 | 11/12/2024 |
4.1.695 | 2,239 | 11/11/2024 |
4.1.694 | 3,780 | 11/8/2024 |
4.1.693 | 2,139 | 11/7/2024 |
4.1.692 | 2,324 | 11/6/2024 |
4.1.691 | 7,977 | 11/1/2024 |
4.1.690 | 1,365 | 10/31/2024 |
4.1.689 | 1,824 | 10/30/2024 |
4.1.688 | 5,289 | 10/29/2024 |
4.1.687 | 7,683 | 10/28/2024 |
4.1.686 | 19,811 | 10/25/2024 |
4.1.685 | 5,296 | 10/24/2024 |
4.1.684 | 3,698 | 10/23/2024 |
4.1.683 | 1,755 | 10/23/2024 |
4.1.682 | 2,048 | 10/21/2024 |
4.1.681 | 3,258 | 10/18/2024 |
4.1.680 | 1,923 | 10/17/2024 |
4.1.679 | 1,976 | 10/16/2024 |
4.1.678 | 1,977 | 10/15/2024 |
4.1.677 | 2,040 | 10/14/2024 |
4.1.676 | 3,586 | 10/11/2024 |
4.1.675 | 1,740 | 10/10/2024 |
4.1.674 | 2,508 | 10/9/2024 |
4.1.673 | 5,018 | 10/8/2024 |
4.1.672 | 2,866 | 10/7/2024 |
4.1.671 | 3,219 | 10/4/2024 |
4.1.670 | 1,828 | 10/3/2024 |
4.1.669 | 1,767 | 10/2/2024 |
4.1.668 | 1,858 | 10/1/2024 |
4.1.667 | 1,967 | 10/1/2024 |
4.1.666 | 3,507 | 9/27/2024 |
4.1.665 | 1,833 | 9/26/2024 |
4.1.664 | 4,122 | 9/25/2024 |
4.1.663 | 2,142 | 9/24/2024 |
4.1.662 | 2,045 | 9/23/2024 |
4.1.661 | 3,465 | 9/21/2024 |
4.1.660 | 2,482 | 9/19/2024 |
4.1.659 | 2,224 | 9/18/2024 |
4.1.658 | 2,279 | 9/17/2024 |
4.1.657 | 2,282 | 9/16/2024 |
4.1.656 | 4,074 | 9/13/2024 |
4.1.655 | 2,025 | 9/12/2024 |
4.1.654 | 2,579 | 9/11/2024 |
4.1.653 | 2,293 | 9/10/2024 |
4.1.652 | 2,112 | 9/9/2024 |
4.1.651 | 3,563 | 9/6/2024 |
4.1.650 | 1,850 | 9/5/2024 |
4.1.649 | 2,248 | 9/4/2024 |
4.1.648 | 2,338 | 9/3/2024 |
4.1.647 | 5,336 | 8/30/2024 |
4.1.646 | 1,641 | 8/29/2024 |
4.1.645 | 2,203 | 8/28/2024 |
4.1.644 | 2,101 | 8/27/2024 |
4.1.643 | 2,037 | 8/26/2024 |
4.1.642 | 3,362 | 8/23/2024 |
4.1.641 | 1,800 | 8/22/2024 |
4.1.640 | 2,133 | 8/21/2024 |
4.1.639 | 2,136 | 8/20/2024 |
4.1.638 | 2,182 | 8/19/2024 |
4.1.637 | 3,600 | 8/16/2024 |
4.1.636 | 1,743 | 8/15/2024 |
4.1.635 | 2,108 | 8/14/2024 |
4.1.634 | 2,066 | 8/13/2024 |
4.1.633 | 1,962 | 8/12/2024 |
4.1.632 | 3,272 | 8/9/2024 |
4.1.631 | 1,694 | 8/8/2024 |
4.1.630 | 2,032 | 8/7/2024 |
4.1.629 | 2,029 | 8/6/2024 |
4.1.628 | 1,843 | 8/5/2024 |
4.1.627 | 3,282 | 8/2/2024 |
4.1.626 | 1,797 | 8/1/2024 |
4.1.625 | 4,226 | 7/30/2024 |
4.1.624 | 1,843 | 7/29/2024 |
4.1.623 | 5,197 | 7/25/2024 |
4.1.622 | 1,942 | 7/24/2024 |
4.1.621 | 1,580 | 7/23/2024 |
4.1.620 | 1,563 | 7/23/2024 |
4.1.619 | 4,288 | 7/19/2024 |
4.1.618 | 8,486 | 7/12/2024 |
4.1.617 | 4,360 | 7/10/2024 |
4.1.616 | 1,881 | 7/9/2024 |
4.1.615 | 1,751 | 7/8/2024 |
4.1.614 | 2,896 | 7/5/2024 |
4.1.613 | 2,581 | 7/3/2024 |
4.1.612 | 1,569 | 7/2/2024 |
4.1.611 | 2,102 | 7/2/2024 |
4.1.610 | 2,859 | 6/28/2024 |
4.1.609 | 1,432 | 6/27/2024 |
4.1.608 | 1,910 | 6/26/2024 |
4.1.607 | 1,782 | 6/25/2024 |
4.1.606 | 1,824 | 6/25/2024 |
4.1.605 | 6,047 | 6/20/2024 |
4.1.604 | 3,843 | 6/19/2024 |
4.1.603 | 1,980 | 6/18/2024 |
4.1.602 | 1,993 | 6/17/2024 |
4.1.601 | 4,534 | 6/14/2024 |
4.1.600 | 5,204 | 6/13/2024 |
4.1.599 | 3,170 | 6/12/2024 |
4.1.598 | 2,156 | 6/11/2024 |
4.1.597 | 2,039 | 6/10/2024 |
4.1.596 | 3,108 | 6/7/2024 |
4.1.595 | 1,593 | 6/6/2024 |
4.1.594 | 1,692 | 6/5/2024 |
4.1.593 | 1,824 | 6/4/2024 |
4.1.592 | 4,586 | 6/3/2024 |
4.1.591 | 3,067 | 5/31/2024 |
4.1.590 | 1,543 | 5/30/2024 |
4.1.589 | 1,877 | 5/29/2024 |
4.1.588 | 2,227 | 5/28/2024 |
4.1.587 | 5,161 | 5/24/2024 |
4.1.586 | 1,439 | 5/23/2024 |
4.1.585 | 1,682 | 5/22/2024 |
4.1.584 | 1,660 | 5/21/2024 |
4.1.583 | 1,625 | 5/20/2024 |
4.1.582 | 2,582 | 5/17/2024 |
4.1.581 | 1,619 | 5/16/2024 |
4.1.580 | 1,837 | 5/15/2024 |
4.1.579 | 1,878 | 5/14/2024 |
4.1.578 | 2,676 | 5/13/2024 |
4.1.577 | 2,947 | 5/10/2024 |
4.1.576 | 1,208 | 5/10/2024 |
4.1.575 | 1,820 | 5/8/2024 |
4.1.574 | 2,002 | 5/7/2024 |
4.1.573 | 1,962 | 5/6/2024 |
4.1.572 | 2,578 | 5/3/2024 |
4.1.571 | 1,446 | 5/2/2024 |
4.1.570 | 1,677 | 5/1/2024 |
4.1.569 | 1,397 | 4/30/2024 |
4.1.568 | 1,869 | 4/29/2024 |
4.1.567 | 2,915 | 4/26/2024 |
4.1.566 | 1,496 | 4/25/2024 |
4.1.565 | 1,842 | 4/24/2024 |
4.1.564 | 1,812 | 4/23/2024 |
4.1.563 | 1,892 | 4/22/2024 |
4.1.562 | 2,936 | 4/19/2024 |
4.1.561 | 1,661 | 4/18/2024 |
4.1.560 | 1,599 | 4/17/2024 |
4.1.559 | 1,981 | 4/16/2024 |
4.1.558 | 4,442 | 4/12/2024 |
4.1.557 | 1,586 | 4/11/2024 |
4.1.556 | 1,929 | 4/10/2024 |
4.1.555 | 19,159 | 4/9/2024 |
4.1.554 | 1,630 | 4/8/2024 |
4.1.553 | 2,903 | 4/5/2024 |
4.1.552 | 1,851 | 4/4/2024 |
4.1.551 | 1,651 | 4/3/2024 |
4.1.550 | 1,711 | 4/2/2024 |
4.1.549 | 1,589 | 4/1/2024 |
4.1.548 | 2,263 | 3/29/2024 |
4.1.547 | 1,093 | 3/28/2024 |
4.1.546 | 1,642 | 3/27/2024 |
4.1.545 | 1,659 | 3/26/2024 |
4.1.544 | 2,044 | 3/25/2024 |
4.1.543 | 3,594 | 3/22/2024 |
4.1.542 | 1,674 | 3/21/2024 |
4.1.541 | 1,794 | 3/20/2024 |
4.1.540 | 1,818 | 3/19/2024 |
4.1.539 | 1,762 | 3/18/2024 |
4.1.538 | 2,710 | 3/15/2024 |
4.1.537 | 12,353 | 3/14/2024 |
4.1.536 | 3,919 | 3/13/2024 |
4.1.535 | 7,863 | 3/12/2024 |
4.1.534 | 2,559 | 3/11/2024 |
4.1.533 | 28,203 | 3/8/2024 |
4.1.532 | 19,709 | 3/7/2024 |
4.1.531 | 9,001 | 3/6/2024 |
4.1.530 | 7,998 | 3/5/2024 |
4.1.529 | 2,439 | 3/4/2024 |
4.1.528 | 4,826 | 3/1/2024 |
4.1.527 | 8,298 | 2/29/2024 |
4.1.526 | 4,618 | 2/28/2024 |
4.1.525 | 2,156 | 2/27/2024 |
4.1.524 | 2,291 | 2/26/2024 |
4.1.523 | 168,698 | 2/23/2024 |
4.1.522 | 80,195 | 2/22/2024 |
4.1.521 | 21,631 | 2/21/2024 |
4.1.520 | 15,713 | 2/20/2024 |
4.1.519 | 13,282 | 2/19/2024 |
4.1.518 | 39,624 | 2/16/2024 |
4.1.517 | 4,369 | 2/15/2024 |
4.1.516 | 82,662 | 2/14/2024 |
4.1.515 | 1,849 | 2/13/2024 |
4.1.514 | 1,636 | 2/12/2024 |
4.1.513 | 2,564 | 2/9/2024 |
4.1.512 | 4,863 | 2/8/2024 |
4.1.511 | 15,784 | 2/7/2024 |
4.1.510 | 10,978 | 2/6/2024 |
4.1.509 | 11,869 | 2/5/2024 |
4.1.508 | 5,817 | 2/2/2024 |
4.1.507 | 1,775 | 2/1/2024 |
4.1.506 | 1,799 | 2/1/2024 |
4.1.505 | 1,803 | 1/30/2024 |
4.1.504 | 1,641 | 1/29/2024 |
4.1.503 | 15,115 | 1/26/2024 |
4.1.502 | 7,586 | 1/26/2024 |
4.1.501 | 7,109 | 1/25/2024 |
4.1.500 | 1,932 | 1/24/2024 |
4.1.499 | 19,484 | 1/22/2024 |
4.1.498 | 66,276 | 1/19/2024 |
4.1.497 | 1,258 | 1/18/2024 |
4.1.496 | 3,120 | 1/17/2024 |
4.1.495 | 6,385 | 1/16/2024 |
4.1.494 | 6,850 | 1/14/2024 |
4.1.493 | 1,066 | 1/12/2024 |
4.1.492 | 1,685 | 1/11/2024 |
4.1.491 | 58,818 | 1/10/2024 |
4.1.490 | 10,988 | 1/8/2024 |
4.1.489 | 3,682 | 1/5/2024 |
4.1.488 | 4,218 | 1/4/2024 |
4.1.487 | 5,214 | 1/3/2024 |
4.1.486 | 13,437 | 12/29/2023 |
4.1.485 | 3,685 | 12/28/2023 |
4.1.484 | 1,607 | 12/27/2023 |
4.1.483 | 1,670 | 12/26/2023 |
4.1.482 | 4,097 | 12/22/2023 |
4.1.481 | 3,476 | 12/21/2023 |
4.1.480 | 3,952 | 12/20/2023 |
4.1.479 | 2,211 | 12/19/2023 |
4.1.478 | 5,154 | 12/18/2023 |
4.1.477 | 64,366 | 12/15/2023 |
4.1.476 | 1,785 | 12/14/2023 |
4.1.475 | 63,505 | 12/13/2023 |
4.1.474 | 6,855 | 12/12/2023 |
4.1.473 | 40,020 | 12/11/2023 |
4.1.472 | 45,217 | 12/8/2023 |
4.1.471 | 8,851 | 12/7/2023 |
4.1.470 | 3,001 | 12/7/2023 |
4.1.469 | 13,563 | 12/6/2023 |
4.1.468 | 8,728 | 12/5/2023 |
4.1.467 | 34,822 | 12/2/2023 |
4.1.466 | 6,356 | 12/1/2023 |
4.1.465 | 2,731 | 11/30/2023 |
4.1.464 | 560 | 11/29/2023 |
4.1.463 | 2,500 | 11/28/2023 |
4.1.462 | 10,620 | 11/28/2023 |
4.1.461 | 9,906 | 11/28/2023 |
4.1.460 | 1,779 | 11/27/2023 |
4.1.459 | 5,757 | 11/23/2023 |
4.1.458 | 1,892 | 11/22/2023 |
4.1.457 | 1,782 | 11/21/2023 |
4.1.456 | 81,894 | 11/18/2023 |
4.1.455 | 6,220 | 11/17/2023 |
4.1.454 | 80,286 | 11/15/2023 |
4.1.453 | 2,658 | 11/14/2023 |
4.1.452 | 1,955 | 11/14/2023 |
4.1.451 | 10,236 | 11/10/2023 |
4.1.450 | 15,939 | 11/9/2023 |
4.1.449 | 10,421 | 11/9/2023 |
4.1.448 | 983 | 11/8/2023 |
4.1.447 | 6,851 | 11/7/2023 |
4.1.446 | 76,979 | 11/6/2023 |
4.1.445 | 6,917 | 11/3/2023 |
4.1.444 | 4,147 | 11/2/2023 |
4.1.443 | 2,491 | 11/1/2023 |
4.1.442 | 2,154 | 11/1/2023 |
4.1.441 | 2,583 | 10/30/2023 |
4.1.440 | 872,118 | 10/27/2023 |
4.1.439 | 80,791 | 10/26/2023 |
4.1.438 | 174,560 | 10/26/2023 |
4.1.437 | 213,853 | 10/24/2023 |
4.1.436 | 1,521 | 10/23/2023 |
4.1.435 | 2,702 | 10/21/2023 |
4.1.434 | 1,540 | 10/20/2023 |
4.1.433 | 2,084 | 10/18/2023 |
4.1.432 | 2,080 | 10/17/2023 |
4.1.431 | 3,239 | 10/16/2023 |
4.1.430 | 35,281 | 10/12/2023 |
4.1.429 | 46,007 | 10/6/2023 |
4.1.428 | 9,829 | 10/5/2023 |
4.1.427 | 5,976 | 10/4/2023 |
4.1.426 | 14,812 | 10/3/2023 |
4.1.425 | 12,074 | 10/2/2023 |
4.1.424 | 39,739 | 9/28/2023 |
4.1.423 | 9,892 | 9/27/2023 |
4.1.422 | 9,676 | 9/26/2023 |
4.1.421 | 17,392 | 9/25/2023 |
4.1.420 | 280,122 | 9/22/2023 |
4.1.419 | 34,035 | 9/20/2023 |
4.1.418 | 7,524 | 9/19/2023 |
4.1.417 | 7,654 | 9/18/2023 |
4.1.416 | 146,242 | 9/15/2023 |
4.1.415 | 2,913 | 9/15/2023 |
4.1.414 | 6,796 | 9/13/2023 |
4.1.413 | 5,079 | 9/12/2023 |
4.1.412 | 5,404 | 9/11/2023 |
4.1.411 | 33,593 | 9/8/2023 |
4.1.410 | 6,285 | 9/8/2023 |
4.1.409 | 11,357 | 9/6/2023 |
4.1.408 | 6,613 | 9/5/2023 |
4.1.407 | 134,871 | 9/1/2023 |
4.1.406 | 86,158 | 8/31/2023 |
4.1.405 | 94,020 | 8/30/2023 |
4.1.404 | 107,454 | 8/29/2023 |
4.1.403 | 28,531 | 8/28/2023 |
4.1.402 | 365,020 | 8/25/2023 |
4.1.401 | 131,139 | 8/25/2023 |
4.1.400 | 160,726 | 8/23/2023 |
4.1.399 | 125,717 | 8/23/2023 |
4.1.398 | 125,945 | 8/21/2023 |
4.1.397 | 450,131 | 8/18/2023 |
4.1.396 | 108,762 | 8/17/2023 |
4.1.395 | 115,540 | 8/16/2023 |
4.1.394 | 97,378 | 8/15/2023 |
4.1.393 | 48,710 | 8/14/2023 |
4.1.392 | 41,368 | 8/11/2023 |
4.1.391 | 40,171 | 8/10/2023 |
4.1.390 | 107,530 | 8/9/2023 |
4.1.389 | 41,584 | 8/8/2023 |
4.1.388 | 4,933 | 8/7/2023 |
4.1.387 | 73,757 | 8/4/2023 |
4.1.386 | 51,707 | 8/3/2023 |
4.1.385 | 53,078 | 8/2/2023 |
4.1.384 | 21,810 | 8/1/2023 |
4.1.383 | 2,161 | 7/31/2023 |
4.1.382 | 2,982 | 7/28/2023 |
4.1.381 | 1,172 | 7/28/2023 |
4.1.380 | 335 | 7/27/2023 |
4.1.379 | 1,540 | 7/26/2023 |
4.1.378 | 1,794 | 7/25/2023 |
4.1.377 | 1,637 | 7/24/2023 |
4.1.376 | 2,816 | 7/21/2023 |
4.1.375 | 1,374 | 7/20/2023 |
4.1.374 | 1,157 | 7/20/2023 |
4.1.373 | 611 | 7/19/2023 |
4.1.372 | 1,534 | 7/18/2023 |
4.1.371 | 1,429 | 7/17/2023 |
4.1.370 | 3,489 | 7/13/2023 |
4.1.369 | 4,321 | 7/11/2023 |
4.1.368 | 3,392 | 7/7/2023 |
4.1.367 | 1,600 | 7/6/2023 |
4.1.366 | 1,516 | 7/5/2023 |
4.1.365 | 3,112 | 7/3/2023 |
4.1.364 | 2,485 | 6/30/2023 |
4.1.363 | 1,535 | 6/29/2023 |
4.1.362 | 1,751 | 6/28/2023 |
4.1.361 | 1,844 | 6/27/2023 |
4.1.360 | 1,617 | 6/26/2023 |
4.1.359 | 2,669 | 6/23/2023 |
4.1.358 | 1,395 | 6/22/2023 |
4.1.357 | 1,598 | 6/21/2023 |
4.1.356 | 1,903 | 6/21/2023 |
4.1.355 | 2,104 | 6/19/2023 |
4.1.354 | 2,570 | 6/16/2023 |
4.1.353 | 1,612 | 6/15/2023 |
4.1.352 | 3,450 | 6/14/2023 |
4.1.351 | 1,569 | 6/12/2023 |
4.1.350 | 2,911 | 6/9/2023 |
4.1.349 | 1,420 | 6/8/2023 |
4.1.348 | 2,201 | 6/7/2023 |
4.1.347 | 2,323 | 6/6/2023 |
4.1.346 | 3,369 | 6/6/2023 |
4.1.345 | 3,223 | 6/2/2023 |
4.1.344 | 1,247 | 6/1/2023 |
4.1.343 | 1,418 | 5/31/2023 |
4.1.342 | 1,606 | 5/30/2023 |
4.1.341 | 3,904 | 5/26/2023 |
4.1.340 | 1,336 | 5/25/2023 |
4.1.339 | 1,588 | 5/24/2023 |
4.1.338 | 1,604 | 5/23/2023 |
4.1.337 | 1,559 | 5/22/2023 |
4.1.336 | 2,930 | 5/19/2023 |
4.1.335 | 1,518 | 5/18/2023 |
4.1.334 | 5,468 | 5/16/2023 |
4.1.333 | 1,887 | 5/15/2023 |
4.1.332 | 4,280 | 5/11/2023 |
4.1.331 | 1,728 | 5/10/2023 |
4.1.330 | 1,688 | 5/9/2023 |
4.1.329 | 1,661 | 5/8/2023 |
4.1.328 | 2,810 | 5/6/2023 |
4.1.327 | 1,550 | 5/5/2023 |
4.1.326 | 1,809 | 5/3/2023 |
4.1.325 | 1,946 | 5/2/2023 |
4.1.324 | 2,088 | 5/1/2023 |
4.1.323 | 2,388 | 4/29/2023 |
4.1.322 | 2,043 | 4/27/2023 |
4.1.321 | 2,104 | 4/26/2023 |
4.1.320 | 1,907 | 4/25/2023 |
4.1.319 | 1,017 | 4/25/2023 |
4.1.318 | 4,295 | 4/21/2023 |
4.1.317 | 1,575 | 4/21/2023 |
4.1.316 | 2,360 | 4/19/2023 |
4.1.315 | 4,402 | 4/17/2023 |
4.1.314 | 2,832 | 4/14/2023 |
4.1.313 | 1,539 | 4/13/2023 |
4.1.312 | 1,777 | 4/12/2023 |
4.1.311 | 1,739 | 4/11/2023 |
4.1.310 | 1,869 | 4/10/2023 |
4.1.309 | 2,848 | 4/7/2023 |
4.1.308 | 1,374 | 4/6/2023 |
4.1.307 | 2,089 | 4/5/2023 |
4.1.306 | 1,967 | 4/4/2023 |
4.1.305 | 2,172 | 4/3/2023 |
4.1.304 | 8,835 | 3/31/2023 |
4.1.303 | 1,852 | 3/30/2023 |
4.1.302 | 2,248 | 3/29/2023 |
4.1.301 | 1,723 | 3/28/2023 |
4.1.300 | 1,637 | 3/27/2023 |
4.1.299 | 3,506 | 3/24/2023 |
4.1.298 | 1,718 | 3/23/2023 |
4.1.297 | 1,644 | 3/22/2023 |
4.1.296 | 2,157 | 3/21/2023 |
4.1.295 | 1,917 | 3/20/2023 |
4.1.294 | 3,640 | 3/17/2023 |
4.1.293 | 1,723 | 3/16/2023 |
4.1.292 | 2,207 | 3/15/2023 |
4.1.291 | 1,744 | 3/14/2023 |
4.1.290 | 1,928 | 3/13/2023 |
4.1.289 | 3,518 | 3/10/2023 |
4.1.288 | 1,672 | 3/9/2023 |
4.1.287 | 2,100 | 3/8/2023 |
4.1.286 | 1,767 | 3/7/2023 |
4.1.285 | 2,210 | 3/6/2023 |
4.1.284 | 3,154 | 3/3/2023 |
4.1.283 | 1,761 | 3/2/2023 |
4.1.282 | 2,059 | 3/1/2023 |
4.1.281 | 1,831 | 2/28/2023 |
4.1.280 | 1,899 | 2/27/2023 |
4.1.279 | 2,446 | 2/24/2023 |
4.1.278 | 1,773 | 2/23/2023 |
4.1.277 | 2,104 | 2/22/2023 |
4.1.276 | 1,910 | 2/22/2023 |
4.1.275 | 2,103 | 2/20/2023 |
4.1.274 | 2,605 | 2/17/2023 |
4.1.273 | 1,634 | 2/17/2023 |
4.1.272 | 2,325 | 2/16/2023 |
4.1.271 | 1,861 | 2/15/2023 |
4.1.270 | 1,998 | 2/13/2023 |
4.1.269 | 2,672 | 2/10/2023 |
4.1.268 | 2,061 | 2/9/2023 |
4.1.267 | 2,080 | 2/8/2023 |
4.1.266 | 2,210 | 2/7/2023 |
4.1.265 | 2,052 | 2/6/2023 |
4.1.264 | 2,785 | 2/3/2023 |
4.1.263 | 1,809 | 2/2/2023 |
4.1.262 | 1,992 | 2/1/2023 |
4.1.261 | 2,071 | 1/31/2023 |
4.1.260 | 2,283 | 1/30/2023 |
4.1.259 | 2,751 | 1/27/2023 |
4.1.258 | 1,938 | 1/26/2023 |
4.1.257 | 2,060 | 1/25/2023 |
4.1.256 | 1,850 | 1/24/2023 |
4.1.255 | 1,795 | 1/23/2023 |
4.1.254 | 2,789 | 1/20/2023 |
4.1.253 | 1,543 | 1/20/2023 |
4.1.252 | 2,235 | 1/18/2023 |
4.1.251 | 1,904 | 1/17/2023 |
4.1.250 | 4,377 | 1/13/2023 |
4.1.249 | 1,654 | 1/12/2023 |
4.1.248 | 2,041 | 1/11/2023 |
4.1.247 | 1,736 | 1/10/2023 |
4.1.246 | 1,639 | 1/9/2023 |
4.1.245 | 2,671 | 1/6/2023 |
4.1.244 | 1,471 | 1/5/2023 |
4.1.243 | 1,713 | 1/4/2023 |
4.1.242 | 1,523 | 1/3/2023 |
4.1.241 | 3,357 | 12/30/2022 |
4.1.240 | 872 | 12/29/2022 |
4.1.239 | 893 | 12/28/2022 |
4.1.238 | 1,143 | 12/27/2022 |
4.1.237 | 2,454 | 12/23/2022 |
4.1.236 | 1,149 | 12/22/2022 |
4.1.235 | 1,274 | 12/22/2022 |
4.1.234 | 1,709 | 12/20/2022 |
4.1.233 | 1,640 | 12/19/2022 |
4.1.232 | 2,724 | 12/16/2022 |
4.1.231 | 1,599 | 12/15/2022 |
4.1.230 | 1,904 | 12/14/2022 |
4.1.229 | 1,791 | 12/13/2022 |
4.1.228 | 1,960 | 12/12/2022 |
4.1.227 | 3,487 | 12/9/2022 |
4.1.226 | 1,948 | 12/8/2022 |
4.1.225 | 1,483 | 12/8/2022 |
4.1.224 | 178 | 12/8/2022 |
4.1.223 | 507 | 12/7/2022 |
4.1.222 | 1,934 | 12/7/2022 |
4.1.221 | 2,123 | 12/5/2022 |
4.1.220 | 3,168 | 12/2/2022 |
4.1.219 | 1,608 | 12/1/2022 |
4.1.218 | 2,029 | 11/30/2022 |
4.1.217 | 1,978 | 11/29/2022 |
4.1.216 | 1,261 | 11/29/2022 |
4.1.215 | 2,291 | 11/28/2022 |
4.1.214 | 5,848 | 11/23/2022 |
4.1.213 | 2,197 | 11/22/2022 |
4.1.212 | 1,571 | 11/22/2022 |
4.1.211 | 3,950 | 11/19/2022 |
4.1.210 | 1,878 | 11/17/2022 |
4.1.209 | 1,950 | 11/16/2022 |
4.1.208 | 1,754 | 11/15/2022 |
4.1.207 | 2,026 | 11/14/2022 |
4.1.206 | 3,112 | 11/11/2022 |
4.1.205 | 2,181 | 11/10/2022 |
4.1.204 | 2,232 | 11/9/2022 |
4.1.203 | 1,872 | 11/8/2022 |
4.1.202 | 2,406 | 11/7/2022 |
4.1.201 | 4,229 | 11/4/2022 |
4.1.200 | 2,541 | 11/3/2022 |
4.1.199 | 1,960 | 11/2/2022 |
4.1.198 | 2,156 | 11/1/2022 |
4.1.197 | 2,969 | 10/31/2022 |
4.1.196 | 5,194 | 10/28/2022 |
4.1.195 | 2,396 | 10/27/2022 |
4.1.194 | 2,531 | 10/26/2022 |
4.1.193 | 2,558 | 10/25/2022 |
4.1.192 | 2,376 | 10/24/2022 |
4.1.191 | 2,843 | 10/21/2022 |
4.1.190 | 2,447 | 10/20/2022 |
4.1.189 | 2,849 | 10/19/2022 |
4.1.188 | 2,248 | 10/18/2022 |
4.1.187 | 2,922 | 10/17/2022 |
4.1.186 | 5,049 | 10/14/2022 |
4.1.185 | 2,565 | 10/13/2022 |
4.1.184 | 13,284 | 10/7/2022 |
4.1.183 | 2,395 | 10/6/2022 |
4.1.182 | 2,643 | 10/5/2022 |
4.1.181 | 2,773 | 10/4/2022 |
4.1.180 | 2,547 | 10/3/2022 |
4.1.179 | 4,136 | 9/30/2022 |
4.1.178 | 2,104 | 9/29/2022 |
4.1.177 | 5,476 | 9/27/2022 |
4.1.176 | 2,637 | 9/26/2022 |
4.1.175 | 3,917 | 9/23/2022 |
4.1.174 | 2,289 | 9/22/2022 |
4.1.173 | 2,821 | 9/21/2022 |
4.1.172 | 2,729 | 9/20/2022 |
4.1.171 | 2,806 | 9/19/2022 |
4.1.170 | 4,726 | 9/16/2022 |
4.1.169 | 2,968 | 9/15/2022 |
4.1.168 | 3,004 | 9/14/2022 |
4.1.167 | 2,941 | 9/13/2022 |
4.1.166 | 3,251 | 9/12/2022 |
4.1.165 | 5,420 | 9/9/2022 |
4.1.164 | 2,432 | 9/8/2022 |
4.1.163 | 2,915 | 9/7/2022 |
4.1.162 | 2,722 | 9/6/2022 |
4.1.161 | 6,616 | 9/2/2022 |
4.1.160 | 2,402 | 9/1/2022 |
4.1.159 | 2,265 | 8/31/2022 |
4.1.158 | 2,236 | 8/31/2022 |
4.1.157 | 2,376 | 8/29/2022 |
4.1.156 | 2,840 | 8/26/2022 |
4.1.155 | 1,921 | 8/25/2022 |
4.1.154 | 2,801 | 8/24/2022 |
4.1.153 | 2,668 | 8/23/2022 |
4.1.152 | 2,885 | 8/22/2022 |
4.1.151 | 4,948 | 8/19/2022 |
4.1.150 | 2,545 | 8/18/2022 |
4.1.149 | 3,109 | 8/17/2022 |
4.1.148 | 3,433 | 8/16/2022 |
4.1.147 | 3,499 | 8/15/2022 |
4.1.146 | 56,249 | 8/12/2022 |
4.1.145 | 3,217 | 8/11/2022 |
4.1.144 | 3,384 | 8/10/2022 |
4.1.143 | 3,070 | 8/9/2022 |
4.1.142 | 3,070 | 8/8/2022 |
4.1.141 | 8,623 | 8/4/2022 |
4.1.140 | 2,728 | 8/3/2022 |
4.1.139 | 3,192 | 8/2/2022 |
4.1.138 | 2,935 | 8/1/2022 |
4.1.137 | 4,539 | 7/29/2022 |
4.1.136 | 2,902 | 7/28/2022 |
4.1.135 | 3,014 | 7/27/2022 |
4.1.134 | 3,063 | 7/26/2022 |
4.1.133 | 2,884 | 7/25/2022 |
4.1.132 | 4,701 | 7/22/2022 |
4.1.131 | 2,727 | 7/21/2022 |
4.1.130 | 2,219 | 7/21/2022 |
4.1.129 | 2,673 | 7/19/2022 |
4.1.128 | 2,591 | 7/18/2022 |
4.1.127 | 4,854 | 7/15/2022 |
4.1.126 | 2,520 | 7/14/2022 |
4.1.125 | 2,695 | 7/13/2022 |
4.1.124 | 2,476 | 7/12/2022 |
4.1.123 | 2,495 | 7/11/2022 |
4.1.122 | 4,892 | 7/8/2022 |
4.1.120 | 2,703 | 7/6/2022 |
4.1.119 | 3,100 | 7/5/2022 |
4.1.118 | 5,130 | 7/1/2022 |
4.1.117 | 2,545 | 6/30/2022 |
4.1.116 | 2,291 | 6/29/2022 |
4.1.115 | 2,626 | 6/28/2022 |
4.1.114 | 2,724 | 6/27/2022 |
4.1.113 | 4,451 | 6/24/2022 |
4.1.112 | 2,082 | 6/23/2022 |
4.1.111 | 2,557 | 6/22/2022 |
4.1.110 | 2,577 | 6/21/2022 |
4.1.109 | 2,314 | 6/20/2022 |
4.1.108 | 4,604 | 6/17/2022 |
4.1.107 | 2,697 | 6/16/2022 |
4.1.106 | 3,039 | 6/15/2022 |
4.1.105 | 2,858 | 6/14/2022 |
4.1.104 | 2,086 | 6/13/2022 |
4.1.103 | 4,029 | 6/10/2022 |
4.1.102 | 1,755 | 6/9/2022 |
4.1.101 | 2,751 | 6/8/2022 |
4.1.100 | 2,514 | 6/7/2022 |
4.1.99 | 2,454 | 6/6/2022 |
4.1.98 | 5,353 | 6/2/2022 |
4.1.97 | 2,048 | 6/1/2022 |
4.1.96 | 2,331 | 5/31/2022 |
4.1.95 | 4,793 | 5/27/2022 |
4.1.94 | 2,376 | 5/26/2022 |
4.1.93 | 1,550 | 5/25/2022 |
4.1.92 | 1,927 | 5/24/2022 |
4.1.91 | 2,481 | 5/23/2022 |
4.1.90 | 4,140 | 5/20/2022 |
4.1.89 | 2,382 | 5/19/2022 |
4.1.88 | 2,905 | 5/18/2022 |
4.1.87 | 2,801 | 5/17/2022 |
4.1.86 | 2,340 | 5/16/2022 |
4.1.85 | 3,768 | 5/13/2022 |
4.1.84 | 2,477 | 5/12/2022 |
4.1.83 | 2,322 | 5/11/2022 |
4.1.82 | 2,503 | 5/10/2022 |
4.1.81 | 2,459 | 5/9/2022 |
4.1.80 | 3,885 | 5/6/2022 |
4.1.79 | 1,586 | 5/6/2022 |
4.1.78 | 2,830 | 5/4/2022 |
4.1.77 | 1,425 | 5/4/2022 |
4.1.76 | 2,021 | 5/2/2022 |
4.1.75 | 5,267 | 4/29/2022 |
4.1.74 | 2,383 | 4/28/2022 |
4.1.73 | 2,276 | 4/27/2022 |
4.1.72 | 2,104 | 4/26/2022 |
4.1.71 | 2,591 | 4/25/2022 |
4.1.70 | 4,879 | 4/22/2022 |
4.1.69 | 2,385 | 4/21/2022 |
4.1.68 | 2,327 | 4/20/2022 |
4.1.67 | 2,711 | 4/19/2022 |
4.1.66 | 4,460 | 4/15/2022 |
4.1.65 | 1,384 | 4/14/2022 |
4.1.64 | 1,645 | 4/13/2022 |
4.1.63 | 2,176 | 4/12/2022 |
4.1.62 | 2,171 | 4/11/2022 |
4.1.61 | 3,624 | 4/8/2022 |
4.1.60 | 1,497 | 4/8/2022 |
4.1.59 | 2,274 | 4/6/2022 |
4.1.58 | 2,128 | 4/5/2022 |
4.1.57 | 2,068 | 4/4/2022 |
4.1.56 | 4,054 | 4/1/2022 |
4.1.55 | 2,275 | 3/31/2022 |
4.1.54 | 2,389 | 3/31/2022 |
4.1.53 | 2,808 | 3/29/2022 |
4.1.52 | 2,203 | 3/28/2022 |
4.1.51 | 3,620 | 3/25/2022 |
4.1.50 | 2,211 | 3/24/2022 |
4.1.49 | 2,008 | 3/24/2022 |
4.1.48 | 2,470 | 3/22/2022 |
4.1.47 | 2,180 | 3/22/2022 |
4.1.46 | 4,144 | 3/18/2022 |
4.1.45 | 3,257 | 3/17/2022 |
4.1.44 | 2,188 | 3/16/2022 |
4.1.43 | 2,308 | 3/14/2022 |
4.1.42 | 3,963 | 3/11/2022 |
4.1.41 | 2,161 | 3/10/2022 | | 2,203 | 3/10/2022 | | 2,396 | 3/9/2022 |
4.1.38 | 2,376 | 3/7/2022 |
4.1.37 | 4,090 | 3/4/2022 |
4.1.36 | 2,316 | 3/4/2022 |
4.1.35 | 2,252 | 3/3/2022 |
4.1.34 | 3,256 | 3/1/2022 |
4.1.33 | 3,092 | 2/28/2022 |
4.1.32 | 3,671 | 2/26/2022 |
4.1.31 | 3,820 | 2/25/2022 | | 2,704 | 2/23/2022 | | 3,997 | 2/22/2022 | | 2,656 | 2/21/2022 | | 4,718 | 2/18/2022 | | 2,538 | 2/17/2022 | | 2,666 | 2/16/2022 | | 5,055 | 2/15/2022 | | 5,522 | 2/11/2022 | | 2,460 | 2/11/2022 | | 5,536 | 2/9/2022 | | 3,414 | 2/8/2022 | | 2,103 | 2/8/2022 | | 29,453 | 1/27/2022 | | 71,369 | 1/5/2022 | | 102,845 | 11/19/2021 | | 128,508 | 10/2/2021 | | 226,661 | 6/25/2021 | | 55,064 | 6/1/2021 | | 66,130 | 4/23/2021 | | 12,908 | 4/15/2021 | | 31,333 | 3/23/2021 | | 45,724 | 2/26/2021 | | 34,327 | 2/3/2021 | | 35,261 | 1/5/2021 | | 14,672 | 12/23/2020 | | 47,238 | 11/17/2020 | | 11,781 | 11/7/2020 | | 26,654 | 10/7/2020 | | 93 | 10/1/2020 | | 47,367 | 8/19/2020 | | 86,107 | 6/11/2020 | | 103,393 | 3/13/2020 | | 48,731 | 2/5/2020 | | 12,500 | 1/22/2020 | | 28,980 | 12/13/2019 | | 19,378 | 11/25/2019 | | 446 | 11/25/2019 | | 4,370 | 11/21/2019 |
3.3.618.0 | 93,554 | 11/4/2019 |
3.3.604.0 | 18,188 | 10/11/2019 |
3.3.590.0 | 18,964 | 9/23/2019 |
3.3.563.1 | 30,309 | 8/9/2019 |
3.3.563.0 | 1,106 | 8/9/2019 |
3.3.553.0 | 14,226 | 7/19/2019 |
3.3.542.0 | 15,900 | 6/28/2019 |
3.3.522.0 | 23,149 | 5/31/2019 |
3.3.509.0 | 11,418 | 5/14/2019 |
3.3.498.0 | 57,926 | 4/25/2019 |
3.3.485.0 | 11,981 | 3/28/2019 |
3.3.462.0 | 11,381 | 2/25/2019 |
3.3.450.0 | 9,939 | 2/6/2019 |
3.3.428.0 | 16,911 | 12/15/2018 |
3.3.422.0 | 2,893 | 12/6/2018 |
3.3.390.0 (current version) | 14,104 | 10/22/2018 |
3.3.365.0 | 8,502 | 9/21/2018 |
3.3.343.0 | 13,605 | 8/23/2018 |
3.3.335.0 | 20,629 | 8/13/2018 |
3.3.330.0 | 991 | 8/6/2018 |
3.3.313.0 | 3,676 | 7/9/2018 | | 6,241 | 5/18/2018 | | 2,210 | 4/25/2018 | | 4,593 | 3/26/2018 | | 1,692 | 3/2/2018 | | 1,249 | 2/13/2018 | | 1,249 | 1/25/2018 | | 195 | 1/23/2018 | | 519 | 1/16/2018 | | 280 | 1/12/2018 | | 498 | 1/2/2018 | | 744 | 12/19/2017 | | 380 | 12/13/2017 | | 375 | 12/8/2017 | | 366 | 12/2/2017 | | 278 | 11/28/2017 | | 179 | 11/25/2017 | | 499 | 11/14/2017 | | 325 | 11/9/2017 | | 390 | 11/1/2017 | | 202 | 10/30/2017 | | 368 | 10/24/2017 | | 415 | 10/17/2017 | | 515 | 10/9/2017 | | 644 | 9/29/2017 | | 539 | 9/22/2017 | | 800 | 9/17/2017 | | 406 | 9/10/2017 | | 874 | 8/25/2017 | | 578 | 8/17/2017 | | 844 | 8/4/2017 | | 491 | 7/28/2017 | | 793 | 7/7/2017 | | 587 | 6/23/2017 | | 299 | 6/19/2017 | | 389 | 6/9/2017 | | 280 | 6/5/2017 | | 150 | 6/2/2017 | | 174 | 5/31/2017 | | 219 | 5/26/2017 | | 331 | 5/19/2017 | | 293 | 5/12/2017 | | 282 | 5/5/2017 | | 256 | 5/1/2017 | | 248 | 4/24/2017 | | 330 | 4/12/2017 | | 128 | 4/11/2017 | | 167 | 4/7/2017 | | 809 | 4/1/2017 | | 182 | 3/29/2017 | | 238 | 3/24/2017 | | 163 | 3/22/2017 | | 209 | 3/17/2017 | | 135 | 3/16/2017 | | 164 | 3/13/2017 | | 224 | 3/7/2017 | | 235 | 2/28/2017 | | 397 | 2/24/2017 | | 141 | 2/23/2017 | | 158 | 2/20/2017 | | 127 | 2/17/2017 | | 128 | 2/15/2017 | | 193 | 2/10/2017 | | 154 | 2/8/2017 | | 257 | 1/27/2017 | | 128 | 1/26/2017 | | 139 | 1/25/2017 | | 372 | 1/18/2017 | | 121 | 1/17/2017 | | 156 | 1/13/2017 | | 152 | 1/9/2017 | | 145 | 1/5/2017 | | 154 | 12/30/2016 | | 199 | 12/23/2016 | | 123 | 12/22/2016 | | 216 | 12/20/2016 | | 281 | 12/16/2016 | | 208 | 12/9/2016 | | 114 | 12/8/2016 | | 125 | 12/7/2016 | | 165 | 12/3/2016 | | 346 | 11/23/2016 | | 133 | 11/22/2016 | | 141 | 11/19/2016 | | 129 | 11/17/2016 | | 148 | 11/14/2016 | | 713 | 10/26/2016 | | 189 | 10/20/2016 | | 119 | 10/19/2016 | | 131 | 10/17/2016 | | 129 | 10/14/2016 | | 134 | 10/12/2016 | | 151 | 10/7/2016 | | 164 | 9/30/2016 | | 136 | 9/28/2016 | | 165 | 9/22/2016 | | 114 | 9/21/2016 | | 149 | 9/19/2016 | | 158 | 9/8/2016 | | 268 | 8/23/2016 |