
The AWS Tools for PowerShell Core lets developers and administrators manage their AWS services from the PowerShell Core scripting environment.

There is a newer prerelease version of this module available.
See the version list below for details.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name AWSPowerShell.NetCore -RequiredVersion

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name AWSPowerShell.NetCore -Version

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright 2012-2016, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Package Details


  • Inc






This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

### (2016-12-02)
 Roll-up release of all new features and services added during AWS re:Invent 2016:
 * Amazon API Gateway
   - Updated and added cmdlets to support publishing your APIs on Amazon API Gateway as products on the AWS Marketplace. You can use cmdlets to associate your APIs on API Gateway with Marketplace Product Codes. API Gateway will then send metering data to the Marketplace Metering Service on your behalf. New cmdlets also enable documenting your API.
 * Amazon EC2
   - Updated cmdlets with support for IPv6 new F1 Instance types.
 * Amazon Pinpoint
   - Added support for the new Amazon Pinpoint service. Amazon Pinpoint makes it easy to run targeted campaigns to improve user engagement. Pinpoint helps you understand your users behavior, define who to target, what messages to send, when to deliver them, and tracks the results of the campaign. Cmdlets for the new service have the noun prefix 'PIN' and can be viewed using the command 'Get-AWSCmdletName -Service PIN'.
 * Amazon Simple Systems Management
   - Updated cmdlets to support all new features announced during the conference.
 * Amazon Lightsail
   - Added support for the new Amazon Lightsail service, a simplified VM creation and management service. Cmdlets for the new service have the noun prefix 'LS' and can be viewed with the command 'Get-AWSCmdletName -Service LS'.
 * Amazon Polly
   - Added suport for the new Amazon Polly service. Amazon Polly service turns text into lifelike speech, making it easy to develop applications that use high-quality speech to increase engagement and accessibility. Cmdlets for this service have a noun prefix of 'POL' and can be viewed with the command 'Get-AWSCmdletName -Service POL'.
 * Amazon Rekognition
   - Added support for the new Amazon Rekognition service, a deep-learning based service to search, verify and organize images. With Rekognition, you can detect objects, scenes, and faces in images. You can also search and compare faces. Cmdlets for the service have the noun prefix 'REK' and can be viewed with the command 'Get-AWSCmdletName -Service REK'.
 * AWS AppStream
   - Added support for AWS AppStream, a fully managed desktop application streaming service that provides users instant access to their apps from a web browser. The cmdlets for the new service have the noun prefix 'APS' and can be viewed using the command 'Get-AWSCmdletName -Service APS'.
 * AWS CodeBuild
   - Added support for the new AWS CodeBuild service, a fully-managed build service in the cloud. CodeBuild compiles source code, runs tests, and produces packages that are ready to deploy. Cmdlets for this service have a noun prefix of 'CB' and can be viewed with the command 'Get-AWSCmdletName -Service CB'.
 * AWS DirectConnect
   - Updated cmdlets to support IPv6. The update includes two new cmdlets, New-DCBGPPeer (CreateBGPPeer API) and Remove-DCBGPPeer (DeleteBGPPeer API).
 * AWS Elastic Beanstalk
   - Updated cmdlets to support the new integration with AWS CodeBuild.
 * AWS Lambda
   - Added cmdlet Get-LMAccountSetting to support the new GetAccountSettings API, added dotnetcore 1.0 as a supported runtime, and added support for DeadLetterConfig and event source mappings with Kinesis streams.
 * AWS OpsWorksCM
   - Added support for the new AWS OpsWorks Managed Chef service, enabling single tenant Chef Automate server. The Chef Automate server is fully managed by AWS and supports automatic backup, restore and upgrade operations. Cmdlets for the new service have the noun prefix 'OWCM' and can be viewed using the command 'Get-AWSCmdletName -Service OWCM'.
 * AWS Shield
   - Added support for the new AWS Shield service. AWS Shield is a managed Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection for web applications running on AWS. Cmdlets for this service have a noun prefix of 'SHLD' and can be viewed with the command 'Get-AWSCmdletName -Service SHLD'.
 * AWS StepFunctions
   - Added support for the new AWS StepFunctions service. AWS StepFunctions allows developers to build cloud applications with breakthrough reliability using state machines. Cmdlets for the new service have the noun prefix 'SFN' and can be viewed using the command 'Get-AWSCmdletName -Service SFN'.
 * AWS X-Ray
   - Added support for the new AWS X-Ray service. AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug distributed applications. With X-Ray, you can understand how your application and its underlying services are performing to identify and troubleshoot the root cause of performance issues and errors. Cmdlets for the new service have the noun prefix 'XR' and can be viewed with the command 'Get-AWSCmdletName -Service XR'.
 * AWS Import/Export Snowball
   - Updated cmdlets to support a new job type, added cmdlets to support the new cluster apis, and the new AWS Snowball Edge device to support local compute and storage use cases.


  • AWSPowerShell.NetCore.nuspec
  • AWSAliases.ps1
  • AWSPowerShell.dll-Help.xml
  • AWSPowerShell.Format.ps1xml
  • AWSPowerShell.NetCore.dll
  • AWSPowerShell.NetCore.psd1
  • AWSPowerShell.TypeExtensions.ps1xml
  • AWSPowerShellCompleters.psm1
  • AWSSDK.APIGateway.dll
  • AWSSDK.ApplicationAutoScaling.dll
  • AWSSDK.ApplicationDiscoveryService.dll
  • AWSSDK.AppStream.dll
  • AWSSDK.AutoScaling.dll
  • AWSSDK.AWSHealth.dll
  • AWSSDK.AWSMarketplaceCommerceAnalytics.dll
  • AWSSDK.AWSMarketplaceMetering.dll
  • AWSSDK.AWSSupport.dll
  • AWSSDK.Budgets.dll
  • AWSSDK.CertificateManager.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudFormation.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudFront.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudHSM.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudSearch.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudSearchDomain.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudTrail.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudWatch.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudWatchEvents.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudWatchLogs.dll
  • AWSSDK.CodeBuild.dll
  • AWSSDK.CodeCommit.dll
  • AWSSDK.CodeDeploy.dll
  • AWSSDK.CodePipeline.dll
  • AWSSDK.CognitoIdentity.dll
  • AWSSDK.CognitoIdentityProvider.dll
  • AWSSDK.ConfigService.dll
  • AWSSDK.Core.dll
  • AWSSDK.DatabaseMigrationService.dll
  • AWSSDK.DataPipeline.dll
  • AWSSDK.DeviceFarm.dll
  • AWSSDK.DirectConnect.dll
  • AWSSDK.DirectoryService.dll
  • AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2.dll
  • AWSSDK.EC2.dll
  • AWSSDK.ECR.dll
  • AWSSDK.ECS.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElastiCache.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElasticBeanstalk.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElasticFileSystem.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElasticLoadBalancing.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElasticLoadBalancingV2.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElasticMapReduce.dll
  • AWSSDK.Elasticsearch.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElasticTranscoder.dll
  • AWSSDK.GameLift.dll
  • AWSSDK.IdentityManagement.dll
  • AWSSDK.ImportExport.dll
  • AWSSDK.Inspector.dll
  • AWSSDK.IoT.dll
  • AWSSDK.IotData.dll
  • AWSSDK.KeyManagementService.dll
  • AWSSDK.Kinesis.dll
  • AWSSDK.KinesisAnalytics.dll
  • AWSSDK.KinesisFirehose.dll
  • AWSSDK.Lambda.dll
  • AWSSDK.Lightsail.dll
  • AWSSDK.MachineLearning.dll
  • AWSSDK.OpsWorks.dll
  • AWSSDK.OpsWorksCM.dll
  • AWSSDK.Pinpoint.dll
  • AWSSDK.Polly.dll
  • AWSSDK.RDS.dll
  • AWSSDK.Redshift.dll
  • AWSSDK.Rekognition.dll
  • AWSSDK.Route53.dll
  • AWSSDK.Route53Domains.dll
  • AWSSDK.S3.dll
  • AWSSDK.SecurityToken.dll
  • AWSSDK.ServerMigrationService.dll
  • AWSSDK.ServiceCatalog.dll
  • AWSSDK.Shield.dll
  • AWSSDK.SimpleEmail.dll
  • AWSSDK.SimpleNotificationService.dll
  • AWSSDK.SimpleSystemsManagement.dll
  • AWSSDK.SimpleWorkflow.dll
  • AWSSDK.Snowball.dll
  • AWSSDK.SQS.dll
  • AWSSDK.StepFunctions.dll
  • AWSSDK.StorageGateway.dll
  • AWSSDK.WAF.dll
  • AWSSDK.WorkSpaces.dll
  • AWSSDK.XRay.dll

Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
5.0.0-previe... 23 10/22/2024
4.1.703 1,084 11/21/2024
4.1.702 2,529 11/20/2024
4.1.701 2,505 11/18/2024
4.1.700 3,822 11/15/2024
4.1.699 1,640 11/15/2024
4.1.698 487 11/14/2024
4.1.697 2,569 11/13/2024
4.1.696 2,392 11/12/2024
4.1.695 2,239 11/11/2024
4.1.694 3,779 11/8/2024
4.1.693 2,139 11/7/2024
4.1.692 2,324 11/6/2024
4.1.691 7,977 11/1/2024
4.1.690 1,365 10/31/2024
4.1.689 1,824 10/30/2024
4.1.688 5,289 10/29/2024
4.1.687 7,683 10/28/2024
4.1.686 19,811 10/25/2024
4.1.685 5,296 10/24/2024
4.1.684 3,698 10/23/2024
4.1.683 1,755 10/23/2024
4.1.682 2,048 10/21/2024
4.1.681 3,258 10/18/2024
4.1.680 1,923 10/17/2024
4.1.679 1,976 10/16/2024
4.1.678 1,977 10/15/2024
4.1.677 2,040 10/14/2024
4.1.676 3,586 10/11/2024
4.1.675 1,740 10/10/2024
4.1.674 2,508 10/9/2024
4.1.673 5,018 10/8/2024
4.1.672 2,866 10/7/2024
4.1.671 3,219 10/4/2024
4.1.670 1,828 10/3/2024
4.1.669 1,767 10/2/2024
4.1.668 1,858 10/1/2024
4.1.667 1,967 10/1/2024
4.1.666 3,507 9/27/2024
4.1.665 1,833 9/26/2024
4.1.664 4,122 9/25/2024
4.1.663 2,142 9/24/2024
4.1.662 2,045 9/23/2024
4.1.661 3,465 9/21/2024
4.1.660 2,482 9/19/2024
4.1.659 2,224 9/18/2024
4.1.658 2,279 9/17/2024
4.1.657 2,282 9/16/2024
4.1.656 4,074 9/13/2024
4.1.655 2,025 9/12/2024
4.1.654 2,579 9/11/2024
4.1.653 2,293 9/10/2024
4.1.652 2,110 9/9/2024
4.1.651 3,563 9/6/2024
4.1.650 1,850 9/5/2024
4.1.649 2,248 9/4/2024
4.1.648 2,338 9/3/2024
4.1.647 5,336 8/30/2024
4.1.646 1,641 8/29/2024
4.1.645 2,203 8/28/2024
4.1.644 2,101 8/27/2024
4.1.643 2,037 8/26/2024
4.1.642 3,362 8/23/2024
4.1.641 1,800 8/22/2024
4.1.640 2,133 8/21/2024
4.1.639 2,135 8/20/2024
4.1.638 2,182 8/19/2024
4.1.637 3,600 8/16/2024
4.1.636 1,743 8/15/2024
4.1.635 2,108 8/14/2024
4.1.634 2,066 8/13/2024
4.1.633 1,962 8/12/2024
4.1.632 3,272 8/9/2024
4.1.631 1,694 8/8/2024
4.1.630 2,032 8/7/2024
4.1.629 2,029 8/6/2024
4.1.628 1,843 8/5/2024
4.1.627 3,282 8/2/2024
4.1.626 1,797 8/1/2024
4.1.625 4,226 7/30/2024
4.1.624 1,843 7/29/2024
4.1.623 5,197 7/25/2024
4.1.622 1,942 7/24/2024
4.1.621 1,580 7/23/2024
4.1.620 1,563 7/23/2024
4.1.619 4,288 7/19/2024
4.1.618 8,486 7/12/2024
4.1.617 4,217 7/10/2024
4.1.616 1,881 7/9/2024
4.1.615 1,751 7/8/2024
4.1.614 2,896 7/5/2024
4.1.613 2,581 7/3/2024
4.1.612 1,569 7/2/2024
4.1.611 2,102 7/2/2024
4.1.610 2,859 6/28/2024
4.1.609 1,432 6/27/2024
4.1.608 1,910 6/26/2024
4.1.607 1,782 6/25/2024
4.1.606 1,824 6/25/2024
4.1.605 6,047 6/20/2024
4.1.604 3,843 6/19/2024
4.1.603 1,980 6/18/2024
4.1.602 1,993 6/17/2024
4.1.601 4,532 6/14/2024
4.1.600 5,203 6/13/2024
4.1.599 3,170 6/12/2024
4.1.598 2,156 6/11/2024
4.1.597 2,039 6/10/2024
4.1.596 3,105 6/7/2024
4.1.595 1,593 6/6/2024
4.1.594 1,692 6/5/2024
4.1.593 1,824 6/4/2024
4.1.592 4,416 6/3/2024
4.1.591 3,067 5/31/2024
4.1.590 1,543 5/30/2024
4.1.589 1,877 5/29/2024
4.1.588 2,227 5/28/2024
4.1.587 5,161 5/24/2024
4.1.586 1,439 5/23/2024
4.1.585 1,682 5/22/2024
4.1.584 1,660 5/21/2024
4.1.583 1,625 5/20/2024
4.1.582 2,582 5/17/2024
4.1.581 1,619 5/16/2024
4.1.580 1,837 5/15/2024
4.1.579 1,878 5/14/2024
4.1.578 2,676 5/13/2024
4.1.577 2,947 5/10/2024
4.1.576 1,208 5/10/2024
4.1.575 1,820 5/8/2024
4.1.574 1,999 5/7/2024
4.1.573 1,962 5/6/2024
4.1.572 2,578 5/3/2024
4.1.571 1,446 5/2/2024
4.1.570 1,677 5/1/2024
4.1.569 1,397 4/30/2024
4.1.568 1,869 4/29/2024
4.1.567 2,915 4/26/2024
4.1.566 1,496 4/25/2024
4.1.565 1,842 4/24/2024
4.1.564 1,812 4/23/2024
4.1.563 1,892 4/22/2024
4.1.562 2,936 4/19/2024
4.1.561 1,661 4/18/2024
4.1.560 1,599 4/17/2024
4.1.559 1,981 4/16/2024
4.1.558 4,442 4/12/2024
4.1.557 1,586 4/11/2024
4.1.556 1,929 4/10/2024
4.1.555 18,412 4/9/2024
4.1.554 1,630 4/8/2024
4.1.553 2,903 4/5/2024
4.1.552 1,851 4/4/2024
4.1.551 1,651 4/3/2024
4.1.550 1,711 4/2/2024
4.1.549 1,589 4/1/2024
4.1.548 2,263 3/29/2024
4.1.547 1,093 3/28/2024
4.1.546 1,642 3/27/2024
4.1.545 1,659 3/26/2024
4.1.544 2,044 3/25/2024
4.1.543 3,594 3/22/2024
4.1.542 1,674 3/21/2024
4.1.541 1,794 3/20/2024
4.1.540 1,818 3/19/2024
4.1.539 1,762 3/18/2024
4.1.538 2,710 3/15/2024
4.1.537 12,353 3/14/2024
4.1.536 3,919 3/13/2024
4.1.535 7,863 3/12/2024
4.1.534 2,559 3/11/2024
4.1.533 28,203 3/8/2024
4.1.532 19,686 3/7/2024
4.1.531 9,001 3/6/2024
4.1.530 7,998 3/5/2024
4.1.529 2,439 3/4/2024
4.1.528 4,826 3/1/2024
4.1.527 8,298 2/29/2024
4.1.526 4,618 2/28/2024
4.1.525 2,156 2/27/2024
4.1.524 2,291 2/26/2024
4.1.523 168,698 2/23/2024
4.1.522 80,195 2/22/2024
4.1.521 21,631 2/21/2024
4.1.520 15,713 2/20/2024
4.1.519 13,282 2/19/2024
4.1.518 39,624 2/16/2024
4.1.517 4,369 2/15/2024
4.1.516 82,662 2/14/2024
4.1.515 1,849 2/13/2024
4.1.514 1,636 2/12/2024
4.1.513 2,563 2/9/2024
4.1.512 4,863 2/8/2024
4.1.511 15,784 2/7/2024
4.1.510 10,978 2/6/2024
4.1.509 11,869 2/5/2024
4.1.508 5,817 2/2/2024
4.1.507 1,775 2/1/2024
4.1.506 1,799 2/1/2024
4.1.505 1,803 1/30/2024
4.1.504 1,641 1/29/2024
4.1.503 15,115 1/26/2024
4.1.502 7,586 1/26/2024
4.1.501 7,109 1/25/2024
4.1.500 1,932 1/24/2024
4.1.499 19,484 1/22/2024
4.1.498 66,276 1/19/2024
4.1.497 1,258 1/18/2024
4.1.496 3,120 1/17/2024
4.1.495 6,385 1/16/2024
4.1.494 6,850 1/14/2024
4.1.493 1,066 1/12/2024
4.1.492 1,685 1/11/2024
4.1.491 58,818 1/10/2024
4.1.490 10,988 1/8/2024
4.1.489 3,682 1/5/2024
4.1.488 4,218 1/4/2024
4.1.487 5,214 1/3/2024
4.1.486 13,437 12/29/2023
4.1.485 3,685 12/28/2023
4.1.484 1,607 12/27/2023
4.1.483 1,670 12/26/2023
4.1.482 4,097 12/22/2023
4.1.481 3,476 12/21/2023
4.1.480 3,952 12/20/2023
4.1.479 2,211 12/19/2023
4.1.478 5,154 12/18/2023
4.1.477 64,366 12/15/2023
4.1.476 1,785 12/14/2023
4.1.475 63,505 12/13/2023
4.1.474 6,855 12/12/2023
4.1.473 40,020 12/11/2023
4.1.472 45,217 12/8/2023
4.1.471 8,851 12/7/2023
4.1.470 3,001 12/7/2023
4.1.469 13,563 12/6/2023
4.1.468 8,728 12/5/2023
4.1.467 34,822 12/2/2023
4.1.466 6,356 12/1/2023
4.1.465 2,731 11/30/2023
4.1.464 560 11/29/2023
4.1.463 2,500 11/28/2023
4.1.462 10,620 11/28/2023
4.1.461 9,906 11/28/2023
4.1.460 1,779 11/27/2023
4.1.459 5,757 11/23/2023
4.1.458 1,892 11/22/2023
4.1.457 1,781 11/21/2023
4.1.456 81,894 11/18/2023
4.1.455 6,220 11/17/2023
4.1.454 80,286 11/15/2023
4.1.453 2,658 11/14/2023
4.1.452 1,955 11/14/2023
4.1.451 10,236 11/10/2023
4.1.450 15,939 11/9/2023
4.1.449 10,421 11/9/2023
4.1.448 983 11/8/2023
4.1.447 6,851 11/7/2023
4.1.446 76,979 11/6/2023
4.1.445 6,917 11/3/2023
4.1.444 4,147 11/2/2023
4.1.443 2,491 11/1/2023
4.1.442 2,154 11/1/2023
4.1.441 2,583 10/30/2023
4.1.440 872,118 10/27/2023
4.1.439 80,791 10/26/2023
4.1.438 174,560 10/26/2023
4.1.437 213,853 10/24/2023
4.1.436 1,521 10/23/2023
4.1.435 2,702 10/21/2023
4.1.434 1,540 10/20/2023
4.1.433 2,084 10/18/2023
4.1.432 2,080 10/17/2023
4.1.431 3,239 10/16/2023
4.1.430 35,281 10/12/2023
4.1.429 46,007 10/6/2023
4.1.428 9,829 10/5/2023
4.1.427 5,976 10/4/2023
4.1.426 14,812 10/3/2023
4.1.425 12,074 10/2/2023
4.1.424 39,739 9/28/2023
4.1.423 9,892 9/27/2023
4.1.422 9,676 9/26/2023
4.1.421 17,392 9/25/2023
4.1.420 280,122 9/22/2023
4.1.419 34,035 9/20/2023
4.1.418 7,521 9/19/2023
4.1.417 7,654 9/18/2023
4.1.416 146,242 9/15/2023
4.1.415 2,913 9/15/2023
4.1.414 6,796 9/13/2023
4.1.413 5,079 9/12/2023
4.1.412 5,403 9/11/2023
4.1.411 33,593 9/8/2023
4.1.410 6,285 9/8/2023
4.1.409 11,357 9/6/2023
4.1.408 6,613 9/5/2023
4.1.407 134,871 9/1/2023
4.1.406 86,158 8/31/2023
4.1.405 94,020 8/30/2023
4.1.404 107,454 8/29/2023
4.1.403 28,531 8/28/2023
4.1.402 365,020 8/25/2023
4.1.401 131,139 8/25/2023
4.1.400 160,726 8/23/2023
4.1.399 125,717 8/23/2023
4.1.398 125,945 8/21/2023
4.1.397 450,131 8/18/2023
4.1.396 108,762 8/17/2023
4.1.395 115,540 8/16/2023
4.1.394 97,378 8/15/2023
4.1.393 48,710 8/14/2023
4.1.392 41,368 8/11/2023
4.1.391 40,171 8/10/2023
4.1.390 107,530 8/9/2023
4.1.389 41,584 8/8/2023
4.1.388 4,933 8/7/2023
4.1.387 73,757 8/4/2023
4.1.386 51,707 8/3/2023
4.1.385 53,078 8/2/2023
4.1.384 21,810 8/1/2023
4.1.383 2,161 7/31/2023
4.1.382 2,982 7/28/2023
4.1.381 1,172 7/28/2023
4.1.380 335 7/27/2023
4.1.379 1,540 7/26/2023
4.1.378 1,794 7/25/2023
4.1.377 1,637 7/24/2023
4.1.376 2,816 7/21/2023
4.1.375 1,374 7/20/2023
4.1.374 1,157 7/20/2023
4.1.373 611 7/19/2023
4.1.372 1,534 7/18/2023
4.1.371 1,429 7/17/2023
4.1.370 3,489 7/13/2023
4.1.369 4,321 7/11/2023
4.1.368 3,392 7/7/2023
4.1.367 1,600 7/6/2023
4.1.366 1,516 7/5/2023
4.1.365 3,112 7/3/2023
4.1.364 2,485 6/30/2023
4.1.363 1,535 6/29/2023
4.1.362 1,751 6/28/2023
4.1.361 1,844 6/27/2023
4.1.360 1,617 6/26/2023
4.1.359 2,669 6/23/2023
4.1.358 1,395 6/22/2023
4.1.357 1,598 6/21/2023
4.1.356 1,903 6/21/2023
4.1.355 2,104 6/19/2023
4.1.354 2,570 6/16/2023
4.1.353 1,612 6/15/2023
4.1.352 3,450 6/14/2023
4.1.351 1,569 6/12/2023
4.1.350 2,911 6/9/2023
4.1.349 1,420 6/8/2023
4.1.348 2,201 6/7/2023
4.1.347 2,323 6/6/2023
4.1.346 3,358 6/6/2023
4.1.345 3,223 6/2/2023
4.1.344 1,247 6/1/2023
4.1.343 1,418 5/31/2023
4.1.342 1,606 5/30/2023
4.1.341 3,904 5/26/2023
4.1.340 1,336 5/25/2023
4.1.339 1,588 5/24/2023
4.1.338 1,604 5/23/2023
4.1.337 1,559 5/22/2023
4.1.336 2,930 5/19/2023
4.1.335 1,518 5/18/2023
4.1.334 5,452 5/16/2023
4.1.333 1,887 5/15/2023
4.1.332 4,280 5/11/2023
4.1.331 1,728 5/10/2023
4.1.330 1,688 5/9/2023
4.1.329 1,661 5/8/2023
4.1.328 2,810 5/6/2023
4.1.327 1,550 5/5/2023
4.1.326 1,809 5/3/2023
4.1.325 1,946 5/2/2023
4.1.324 2,088 5/1/2023
4.1.323 2,388 4/29/2023
4.1.322 2,043 4/27/2023
4.1.321 2,104 4/26/2023
4.1.320 1,907 4/25/2023
4.1.319 1,017 4/25/2023
4.1.318 4,295 4/21/2023
4.1.317 1,575 4/21/2023
4.1.316 2,360 4/19/2023
4.1.315 4,393 4/17/2023
4.1.314 2,832 4/14/2023
4.1.313 1,539 4/13/2023
4.1.312 1,777 4/12/2023
4.1.311 1,739 4/11/2023
4.1.310 1,869 4/10/2023
4.1.309 2,848 4/7/2023
4.1.308 1,374 4/6/2023
4.1.307 2,089 4/5/2023
4.1.306 1,967 4/4/2023
4.1.305 2,172 4/3/2023
4.1.304 8,764 3/31/2023
4.1.303 1,852 3/30/2023
4.1.302 2,248 3/29/2023
4.1.301 1,723 3/28/2023
4.1.300 1,637 3/27/2023
4.1.299 3,506 3/24/2023
4.1.298 1,718 3/23/2023
4.1.297 1,644 3/22/2023
4.1.296 2,157 3/21/2023
4.1.295 1,917 3/20/2023
4.1.294 3,640 3/17/2023
4.1.293 1,723 3/16/2023
4.1.292 2,207 3/15/2023
4.1.291 1,744 3/14/2023
4.1.290 1,928 3/13/2023
4.1.289 3,518 3/10/2023
4.1.288 1,672 3/9/2023
4.1.287 2,100 3/8/2023
4.1.286 1,767 3/7/2023
4.1.285 2,210 3/6/2023
4.1.284 3,154 3/3/2023
4.1.283 1,761 3/2/2023
4.1.282 2,058 3/1/2023
4.1.281 1,831 2/28/2023
4.1.280 1,899 2/27/2023
4.1.279 2,446 2/24/2023
4.1.278 1,773 2/23/2023
4.1.277 2,104 2/22/2023
4.1.276 1,910 2/22/2023
4.1.275 2,103 2/20/2023
4.1.274 2,605 2/17/2023
4.1.273 1,634 2/17/2023
4.1.272 2,325 2/16/2023
4.1.271 1,861 2/15/2023
4.1.270 1,998 2/13/2023
4.1.269 2,672 2/10/2023
4.1.268 2,061 2/9/2023
4.1.267 2,080 2/8/2023
4.1.266 2,210 2/7/2023
4.1.265 2,052 2/6/2023
4.1.264 2,785 2/3/2023
4.1.263 1,809 2/2/2023
4.1.262 1,992 2/1/2023
4.1.261 2,071 1/31/2023
4.1.260 2,283 1/30/2023
4.1.259 2,751 1/27/2023
4.1.258 1,938 1/26/2023
4.1.257 2,060 1/25/2023
4.1.256 1,850 1/24/2023
4.1.255 1,795 1/23/2023
4.1.254 2,789 1/20/2023
4.1.253 1,543 1/20/2023
4.1.252 2,235 1/18/2023
4.1.251 1,904 1/17/2023
4.1.250 4,377 1/13/2023
4.1.249 1,654 1/12/2023
4.1.248 2,041 1/11/2023
4.1.247 1,736 1/10/2023
4.1.246 1,639 1/9/2023
4.1.245 2,671 1/6/2023
4.1.244 1,471 1/5/2023
4.1.243 1,713 1/4/2023
4.1.242 1,523 1/3/2023
4.1.241 3,357 12/30/2022
4.1.240 872 12/29/2022
4.1.239 893 12/28/2022
4.1.238 1,143 12/27/2022
4.1.237 2,454 12/23/2022
4.1.236 1,149 12/22/2022
4.1.235 1,274 12/22/2022
4.1.234 1,709 12/20/2022
4.1.233 1,640 12/19/2022
4.1.232 2,724 12/16/2022
4.1.231 1,599 12/15/2022
4.1.230 1,904 12/14/2022
4.1.229 1,791 12/13/2022
4.1.228 1,960 12/12/2022
4.1.227 3,487 12/9/2022
4.1.226 1,948 12/8/2022
4.1.225 1,483 12/8/2022
4.1.224 178 12/8/2022
4.1.223 507 12/7/2022
4.1.222 1,934 12/7/2022
4.1.221 2,123 12/5/2022
4.1.220 3,168 12/2/2022
4.1.219 1,608 12/1/2022
4.1.218 2,029 11/30/2022
4.1.217 1,978 11/29/2022
4.1.216 1,261 11/29/2022
4.1.215 2,291 11/28/2022
4.1.214 5,848 11/23/2022
4.1.213 2,197 11/22/2022
4.1.212 1,571 11/22/2022
4.1.211 3,949 11/19/2022
4.1.210 1,878 11/17/2022
4.1.209 1,950 11/16/2022
4.1.208 1,754 11/15/2022
4.1.207 2,026 11/14/2022
4.1.206 3,112 11/11/2022
4.1.205 2,181 11/10/2022
4.1.204 2,232 11/9/2022
4.1.203 1,872 11/8/2022
4.1.202 2,406 11/7/2022
4.1.201 4,229 11/4/2022
4.1.200 2,541 11/3/2022
4.1.199 1,960 11/2/2022
4.1.198 2,156 11/1/2022
4.1.197 2,969 10/31/2022
4.1.196 5,194 10/28/2022
4.1.195 2,396 10/27/2022
4.1.194 2,531 10/26/2022
4.1.193 2,558 10/25/2022
4.1.192 2,376 10/24/2022
4.1.191 2,843 10/21/2022
4.1.190 2,447 10/20/2022
4.1.189 2,849 10/19/2022
4.1.188 2,248 10/18/2022
4.1.187 2,922 10/17/2022
4.1.186 5,049 10/14/2022
4.1.185 2,565 10/13/2022
4.1.184 13,187 10/7/2022
4.1.183 2,395 10/6/2022
4.1.182 2,643 10/5/2022
4.1.181 2,773 10/4/2022
4.1.180 2,547 10/3/2022
4.1.179 4,136 9/30/2022
4.1.178 2,104 9/29/2022
4.1.177 5,476 9/27/2022
4.1.176 2,637 9/26/2022
4.1.175 3,917 9/23/2022
4.1.174 2,289 9/22/2022
4.1.173 2,821 9/21/2022
4.1.172 2,729 9/20/2022
4.1.171 2,806 9/19/2022
4.1.170 4,726 9/16/2022
4.1.169 2,968 9/15/2022
4.1.168 3,004 9/14/2022
4.1.167 2,941 9/13/2022
4.1.166 3,251 9/12/2022
4.1.165 5,420 9/9/2022
4.1.164 2,432 9/8/2022
4.1.163 2,915 9/7/2022
4.1.162 2,721 9/6/2022
4.1.161 6,616 9/2/2022
4.1.160 2,402 9/1/2022
4.1.159 2,265 8/31/2022
4.1.158 2,236 8/31/2022
4.1.157 2,376 8/29/2022
4.1.156 2,840 8/26/2022
4.1.155 1,921 8/25/2022
4.1.154 2,801 8/24/2022
4.1.153 2,668 8/23/2022
4.1.152 2,885 8/22/2022
4.1.151 4,948 8/19/2022
4.1.150 2,545 8/18/2022
4.1.149 3,109 8/17/2022
4.1.148 3,433 8/16/2022
4.1.147 3,499 8/15/2022
4.1.146 55,133 8/12/2022
4.1.145 3,217 8/11/2022
4.1.144 3,384 8/10/2022
4.1.143 3,070 8/9/2022
4.1.142 3,070 8/8/2022
4.1.141 8,623 8/4/2022
4.1.140 2,728 8/3/2022
4.1.139 3,192 8/2/2022
4.1.138 2,935 8/1/2022
4.1.137 4,539 7/29/2022
4.1.136 2,902 7/28/2022
4.1.135 3,014 7/27/2022
4.1.134 3,063 7/26/2022
4.1.133 2,884 7/25/2022
4.1.132 4,701 7/22/2022
4.1.131 2,727 7/21/2022
4.1.130 2,219 7/21/2022
4.1.129 2,673 7/19/2022
4.1.128 2,591 7/18/2022
4.1.127 4,854 7/15/2022
4.1.126 2,520 7/14/2022
4.1.125 2,695 7/13/2022
4.1.124 2,476 7/12/2022
4.1.123 2,495 7/11/2022
4.1.122 4,892 7/8/2022
4.1.120 2,703 7/6/2022
4.1.119 3,100 7/5/2022
4.1.118 5,130 7/1/2022
4.1.117 2,545 6/30/2022
4.1.116 2,291 6/29/2022
4.1.115 2,626 6/28/2022
4.1.114 2,724 6/27/2022
4.1.113 4,451 6/24/2022
4.1.112 2,082 6/23/2022
4.1.111 2,557 6/22/2022
4.1.110 2,577 6/21/2022
4.1.109 2,314 6/20/2022
4.1.108 4,604 6/17/2022
4.1.107 2,697 6/16/2022
4.1.106 3,039 6/15/2022
4.1.105 2,858 6/14/2022
4.1.104 2,086 6/13/2022
4.1.103 4,029 6/10/2022
4.1.102 1,755 6/9/2022
4.1.101 2,751 6/8/2022
4.1.100 2,514 6/7/2022
4.1.99 2,454 6/6/2022
4.1.98 5,353 6/2/2022
4.1.97 2,048 6/1/2022
4.1.96 2,331 5/31/2022
4.1.95 4,793 5/27/2022
4.1.94 2,376 5/26/2022
4.1.93 1,550 5/25/2022
4.1.92 1,927 5/24/2022
4.1.91 2,481 5/23/2022
4.1.90 4,140 5/20/2022
4.1.89 2,382 5/19/2022
4.1.88 2,905 5/18/2022
4.1.87 2,801 5/17/2022
4.1.86 2,340 5/16/2022
4.1.85 3,768 5/13/2022
4.1.84 2,477 5/12/2022
4.1.83 2,322 5/11/2022
4.1.82 2,503 5/10/2022
4.1.81 2,459 5/9/2022
4.1.80 3,885 5/6/2022
4.1.79 1,586 5/6/2022
4.1.78 2,830 5/4/2022
4.1.77 1,425 5/4/2022
4.1.76 2,021 5/2/2022
4.1.75 5,267 4/29/2022
4.1.74 2,383 4/28/2022
4.1.73 2,276 4/27/2022
4.1.72 2,104 4/26/2022
4.1.71 2,591 4/25/2022
4.1.70 4,879 4/22/2022
4.1.69 2,385 4/21/2022
4.1.68 2,327 4/20/2022
4.1.67 2,711 4/19/2022
4.1.66 4,460 4/15/2022
4.1.65 1,384 4/14/2022
4.1.64 1,645 4/13/2022
4.1.63 2,176 4/12/2022
4.1.62 2,171 4/11/2022
4.1.61 3,624 4/8/2022
4.1.60 1,497 4/8/2022
4.1.59 2,274 4/6/2022
4.1.58 2,128 4/5/2022
4.1.57 2,068 4/4/2022
4.1.56 4,054 4/1/2022
4.1.55 2,275 3/31/2022
4.1.54 2,389 3/31/2022
4.1.53 2,808 3/29/2022
4.1.52 2,203 3/28/2022
4.1.51 3,620 3/25/2022
4.1.50 2,211 3/24/2022
4.1.49 2,008 3/24/2022
4.1.48 2,470 3/22/2022
4.1.47 2,180 3/22/2022
4.1.46 4,144 3/18/2022
4.1.45 3,257 3/17/2022
4.1.44 2,188 3/16/2022
4.1.43 2,308 3/14/2022
4.1.42 3,963 3/11/2022
4.1.41 2,161 3/10/2022 2,203 3/10/2022 2,396 3/9/2022
4.1.38 2,376 3/7/2022
4.1.37 4,090 3/4/2022
4.1.36 2,316 3/4/2022
4.1.35 2,252 3/3/2022
4.1.34 3,256 3/1/2022
4.1.33 3,092 2/28/2022
4.1.32 3,671 2/26/2022
4.1.31 3,813 2/25/2022 2,704 2/23/2022 3,997 2/22/2022 2,656 2/21/2022 4,718 2/18/2022 2,538 2/17/2022 2,666 2/16/2022 5,055 2/15/2022 5,522 2/11/2022 2,460 2/11/2022 5,495 2/9/2022 3,414 2/8/2022 2,103 2/8/2022 29,453 1/27/2022 71,311 1/5/2022 102,826 11/19/2021 128,503 10/2/2021 226,661 6/25/2021 55,064 6/1/2021 66,130 4/23/2021 12,908 4/15/2021 31,332 3/23/2021 45,724 2/26/2021 34,327 2/3/2021 35,261 1/5/2021 14,672 12/23/2020 47,158 11/17/2020 11,781 11/7/2020 26,654 10/7/2020 93 10/1/2020 47,347 8/19/2020 86,107 6/11/2020 103,393 3/13/2020 48,731 2/5/2020 12,500 1/22/2020 28,980 12/13/2019 19,378 11/25/2019 446 11/25/2019 4,370 11/21/2019
3.3.618.0 93,421 11/4/2019
3.3.604.0 18,188 10/11/2019
3.3.590.0 18,960 9/23/2019
3.3.563.1 30,309 8/9/2019
3.3.563.0 1,106 8/9/2019
3.3.553.0 14,226 7/19/2019
3.3.542.0 15,900 6/28/2019
3.3.522.0 23,149 5/31/2019
3.3.509.0 11,418 5/14/2019
3.3.498.0 57,920 4/25/2019
3.3.485.0 11,981 3/28/2019
3.3.462.0 11,381 2/25/2019
3.3.450.0 9,939 2/6/2019
3.3.428.0 16,911 12/15/2018
3.3.422.0 2,893 12/6/2018
3.3.390.0 14,104 10/22/2018
3.3.365.0 8,502 9/21/2018
3.3.343.0 13,605 8/23/2018
3.3.335.0 20,626 8/13/2018
3.3.330.0 991 8/6/2018
3.3.313.0 3,676 7/9/2018 6,241 5/18/2018 2,210 4/25/2018 4,593 3/26/2018 1,692 3/2/2018 1,249 2/13/2018 1,249 1/25/2018 195 1/23/2018 518 1/16/2018 280 1/12/2018 498 1/2/2018 744 12/19/2017 380 12/13/2017 375 12/8/2017 366 12/2/2017 278 11/28/2017 179 11/25/2017 499 11/14/2017 325 11/9/2017 390 11/1/2017 202 10/30/2017 368 10/24/2017 415 10/17/2017 515 10/9/2017 644 9/29/2017 539 9/22/2017 800 9/17/2017 406 9/10/2017 874 8/25/2017 578 8/17/2017 844 8/4/2017 491 7/28/2017 793 7/7/2017 587 6/23/2017 299 6/19/2017 389 6/9/2017 280 6/5/2017 150 6/2/2017 174 5/31/2017 219 5/26/2017 331 5/19/2017 293 5/12/2017 282 5/5/2017 256 5/1/2017 248 4/24/2017 330 4/12/2017 128 4/11/2017 167 4/7/2017 809 4/1/2017 182 3/29/2017 238 3/24/2017 163 3/22/2017 209 3/17/2017 135 3/16/2017 164 3/13/2017 224 3/7/2017 235 2/28/2017 397 2/24/2017 141 2/23/2017 158 2/20/2017 127 2/17/2017 128 2/15/2017 193 2/10/2017 154 2/8/2017 257 1/27/2017 128 1/26/2017 139 1/25/2017 372 1/18/2017 121 1/17/2017 156 1/13/2017 152 1/9/2017 145 1/5/2017 154 12/30/2016 199 12/23/2016 123 12/22/2016 216 12/20/2016 281 12/16/2016 208 12/9/2016 114 12/8/2016 125 12/7/2016 (current version) 165 12/3/2016 346 11/23/2016 133 11/22/2016 141 11/19/2016 129 11/17/2016 148 11/14/2016 713 10/26/2016 189 10/20/2016 119 10/19/2016 131 10/17/2016 129 10/14/2016 134 10/12/2016 151 10/7/2016 164 9/30/2016 136 9/28/2016 165 9/22/2016 114 9/21/2016 149 9/19/2016 158 9/8/2016 268 8/23/2016
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