ugit: Updated Git. Git gets better with PowerShell and the Object Pipeline.
ugit is a powerful PowerShell wrapper for git that lets you extend git, automate multiple repos, and use the object pipeline.
Installation Options
2022-2024 Start-Automating
Package Details
- James Brundage
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
## ugit 0.4.3:
* Cloning Improvements:
* git clone -Depth (#219)
* git clone -Sparse (#220)
* git clone -NoCheckout (#221)
* git clone -Since (#224)
* git clone -Nothing (#229)
* git clone now handles gitless urls (#223)
* Commit Improvements:
* Conventional Commit Support
* Improving git commit -Type tab completion (#197)
* git commit -Title will become description if -Type is passed (#225)
* git.Conventional.Commit pseudotype (#250,#251,#252, #253, #254)
* git commit -Fix (#226)
* git commit -Reference (#227)
* Decorating errors and output for better experience (#228)
* Adding some helpful script properties:
* git.output.NotGitCommand (#236)
* git.merge.error.Conflict (#235)
* git.pull.error.Conflict (#234)
* git.error.UnknownRevision (#232)
* Fixes:
* Improving Use-Git dynamic alias support (#231)
* Consolidating Repo structure (#240, #241, #242, #243)
* Module Improvements:
* Exporting `$ugit` (#247)
* Mounting module to `ugit:` (#246)
* Mounting `$home/Myugit` to `Myugit:` (if present) (#246)
Additional Changes in [Changelog](/
Like It? Start It. Love It? Support It.
- ugit.nuspec
- docs\
- Build\ugit.HelpOut.ps1
- Types\git.log\Archive.ps1
- ugit.psm1
- docs\
- Build\ugit.Piecemeal.ps1
- Types\git.log\Reset.ps1
- docs\
- en-us\
- Types\git.log\get_ReferenceNumbers.ps1
- docs\
- Types\Git.Command.format.ps1
- Types\git.log\Diff.ps1
- ugit.types.ps1xml
- docs\
- assets\ugit.svg
- Types\git.clone\Git.Clone.Format.ps1
- ugit.demo.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.clone\ToString.ps1
- ugit.psd1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.stash\Git.Stash.Entry.format.ps1
- ugit.format.ps1xml
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.stash\Git.Stash.Nothing.format.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.stash\Git.Stash.Drop.format.ps1
- action.yml
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.stash\Git.Stash.Apply.format.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.grep\Git.Grep.format.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.init\Git.Init.Format.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Commit.Input.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.blame\git.blame.format.ps1
- Extensions\Git.FileName.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.blame\get_Log.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Shortlog.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.blame\PSTypeName.txt
- Extensions\Git.Diff.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.removal\Git.Removal.format.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Format.Simple.ugit.extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.push\Git.Push.Info.format.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Log.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.push\Git.Push.Upstream.format.ps1
- Extensions\Git.SubModule.Status.ugit.extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\ugit\Alias.psd1
- Extensions\Git.RefLog.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\ugit\get_ConventionalCommit.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Log.Input.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\System.IO.FileInfo\get_GitDirty.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Push.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\System.IO.FileInfo\Alias.psd1
- Extensions\Git.Status.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\System.IO.FileInfo\get_GitLogs.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Init.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\System.IO.FileInfo\get_GitDiff.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Clone.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\System.IO.FileInfo\GitChanges.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Blame.Input.ugit.extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.merge.error\get_Conflict.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Stash.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.submodule\Git.Submodule.format.ps1
- Extensions\Git.FileOutput.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\ugit.extension\get_Pattern.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Commit.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\ugit.extension\ugit.extension.Format.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Branch.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.pull.error\get_Conflict.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Help.All.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\\Git.Commit.Info.Format.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Grep.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\\Amend.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Checkout.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\\Push.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Clone.Input.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\\UpdateMessage.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Remote.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\CNAME
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.shortlog\Git.Shortlog.Summary.format.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Mv.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.shortlog\Git.Shortlog.format.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Blame.UGit.extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.status\Push.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Rm.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.status\Git.Status.format.ps1
- Extensions\Git.Pull.UGit.Extension.ps1
- docs\
- docs\_posts\
- Types\git.diff\Git.Diff.ChangeSet.Format.ps1
- Commands\Out-Git.ps1
- docs\
- docs\assets\ugit.svg
- Types\git.diff\Git.Diff.format.ps1
- Commands\Get-UGitExtension.ps1
- docs\
- Types\git.branch.detail\Delete.ps1
- Types\git.checkout\Git.Checkout.format.ps1
- Commands\Use-Git.ps1
- docs\
- Types\git.branch.detail\ToString.ps1
- Types\git.stash.entry\Drop.ps1
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.output\Git.Output.format.ps1
- Types\git.stash.entry\Apply.ps1
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.output\get_NotGitCommand.ps1
- Types\git.stash.entry\Pop.ps1
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.reference.log\Alias.psd1
- Types\git.stash.entry\Delete.ps1
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.reference.log\Revert.ps1
- Types\git.stash.entry\Diff.ps1
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.reference.log\Git.Reference.Log.format.ps1
- Types\ugit.Conventional.Commit\
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.reference.log\Checkout.ps1
- Types\ugit.Conventional.Commit\ugit.Conventional.Commit.format.ps1
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.reference.log\Archive.ps1
- Types\ugit.Conventional.Commit\set_Type.ps1
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.reference.log\Reset.ps1
- Types\ugit.Conventional.Commit\get_Type.ps1
- docs\
- docs\rss.xml
- Types\git.reference.log\get_ReferenceNumbers.ps1
- Types\ugit.Conventional.Commit\Alias.psd1
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.reference.log\Diff.ps1
- docs\git\error\
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.remote\Git.Remote.format.ps1
- docs\git\error\
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.branch\Alias.psd1
- docs\git\output\
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.branch\Delete.ps1
- docs\git\output\
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.branch\Git.Branch.Format.ps1
- Build\GitHub\Actions\UGitAction.ps1
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.branch\get_IsTracked.ps1
- Build\GitHub\Jobs\buildugit.psd1
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.branch\Rename.ps1
- Build\GitHub\Jobs\SendPSA.psd1
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.branch\ToString.ps1
- Build\GitHub\Jobs\RunGitPub.psd1
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.branch\Diff.ps1
- docs\git\merge\error\
- docs\
- docs\
- Types\git.pull\Git.Pull.No.Update.Format.ps1
- docs\git\merge\error\
- docs\_config.yml
- docs\
- Types\git.pull\Git.Pull.Format.ps1
- docs\git\pull\error\
- docs\
- Build\ugit.psa.ps1
- Types\git.error\get_UnknownRevision.ps1
- docs\git\pull\error\
- docs\
- Build\ugit.tests.ps1
- Types\\ToString.ps1
- docs\ugit\Conventional\Commit\
- docs\
- Build\ugit.PSSVG.ps1
- Types\git.log\Revert.ps1
- docs\ugit\Conventional\Commit\
- docs\
- Build\ugit.GitHubAction.PSDevOps.ps1
- Types\git.log\Git.Log.format.ps1
- docs\System\IO\FileInfo\
- docs\
- Build\ugit.GitHubWorkflow.PSDevOps.ps1
- Types\git.log\Checkout.ps1
- docs\System\IO\FileInfo\
- docs\
- Build\ugit.ezout.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
0.4.5 | 1,167 | 10/16/2024 |
0.4.4 | 40,261 | 4/16/2024 |
0.4.3 (current version) | 9,872 | 2/28/2024 |
0.4.2 | 4,336 | 11/4/2023 |
0.4.1 | 392 | 10/5/2023 |
0.4 | 3,510 | 5/14/2023 |
0.3.9 | 547 | 4/24/2023 |
0.3.8 | 777 | 3/29/2023 |
0.3.7 | 227 | 3/9/2023 |
0.3.6 | 149 | 2/8/2023 |
0.3.5 | 7 | 2/5/2023 |
0.3.4 | 9 | 1/28/2023 |
0.3.3 | 21 | 1/18/2023 |
0.3.2 | 158 | 11/29/2022 |
0.3.1 | 40 | 10/30/2022 |
0.3 | 47 | 10/13/2022 |
0.2.9 | 25 | 10/1/2022 |
0.2.8 | 51 | 8/13/2022 |
0.2.7 | 36 | 7/29/2022 |
0.2.6 | 25 | 7/24/2022 |
0.2.5 | 29 | 7/18/2022 |
0.2.4 | 13 | 7/16/2022 |
0.2.3 | 26 | 7/7/2022 |
0.2.2 | 25 | 6/29/2022 |
0.2.1 | 14 | 6/25/2022 |
0.2.0 | 12 | 6/25/2022 | | 22 | 6/8/2022 |
0.1.9 | 34 | 4/25/2022 |
0.1.8 | 18 | 4/12/2022 |
0.1.7 | 15 | 4/10/2022 |
0.1.6 | 12 | 4/9/2022 |
0.1.5 | 14 | 4/4/2022 |
0.1.4 | 19 | 3/26/2022 |
0.1.3 | 14 | 3/25/2022 |
0.1.2 | 17 | 3/22/2022 |
0.1.1 | 13 | 3/21/2022 |
0.1 | 13 | 3/20/2022 |