@{ ModuleVersion = '0.4.3' RootModule = 'ugit.psm1' FormatsToProcess = 'ugit.format.ps1xml' TypesToProcess = 'ugit.types.ps1xml' Guid = '32323806-1d4a-485b-a64b-c502b0468847' Author = 'James Brundage' Copyright = '2022-2024 Start-Automating' CompanyName = 'Start-Automating' Description = 'ugit: Updated Git. Git gets better with PowerShell and the Object Pipeline. ugit is a powerful PowerShell wrapper for git that lets you extend git, automate multiple repos, and use the object pipeline. ' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = 'PowerShell', 'git' ProjectURI = '' LicenseURI = '' BuildModule = @('EZOut', 'Piecemeal', 'PipeScript', 'PSSVG') ReleaseNotes = @' ## ugit 0.4.3: * Cloning Improvements: * git clone -Depth (#219) * git clone -Sparse (#220) * git clone -NoCheckout (#221) * git clone -Since (#224) * git clone -Nothing (#229) * git clone now handles gitless urls (#223) * Commit Improvements: * Conventional Commit Support * Improving git commit -Type tab completion (#197) * git commit -Title will become description if -Type is passed (#225) * git.Conventional.Commit pseudotype (#250,#251,#252, #253, #254) * git commit -Fix (#226) * git commit -Reference (#227) * Decorating errors and output for better experience (#228) * Adding some helpful script properties: * git.output.NotGitCommand (#236) * git.merge.error.Conflict (#235) * git.pull.error.Conflict (#234) * git.error.UnknownRevision (#232) * Fixes: * Improving Use-Git dynamic alias support (#231) * Consolidating Repo structure (#240, #241, #242, #243) * Module Improvements: * Exporting `$ugit` (#247) * Mounting module to `ugit:` (#246) * Mounting `$home/Myugit` to `Myugit:` (if present) (#246) --- Additional Changes in [Changelog](/ Like It? Start It. Love It? Support It. '@ Taglines = @( "I've got to admit it's gitting better, gitting better all the time:" "Somehow, someway, I keep coming up with funky git nearly every single day:" "#git in the #PowerShell object pipeline!" "Get your git together!" "Put this git in your pipe and smoke it!" "I promise you, git gets better" "Git ahead of the game!" ) } } } |