

PowerShell SDK for Microsoft Graph automation

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name autographps-sdk -RequiredVersion 0.28.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name autographps-sdk -Version 0.28.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2021 Adam Edwards.

Package Details


  • Adam Edwards


MSGraph Graph AADGraph Azure MicrosoftGraph Microsoft-Graph MS-Graph AAD-Graph REST CRUD GraphAPI poshgraph poshgraph-sdk autograph Windows Linux MacOS


Clear-GraphLog Connect-GraphApi Disconnect-GraphApi Find-GraphLocalCertificate Format-GraphLog Get-GraphApplication Get-GraphApplicationCertificate Get-GraphApplicationConsent Get-GraphApplicationServicePrincipal Get-GraphConnection Get-GraphCurrentConnection Get-GraphError Get-GraphResource Get-GraphLog Get-GraphLogOption Get-GraphProfile Get-GraphToken Invoke-GraphApiRequest New-GraphApplication New-GraphApplicationCertificate New-GraphConnection New-GraphLocalCertificate Register-GraphApplication Remove-GraphApplication Remove-GraphApplicationCertificate Remove-GraphApplicationConsent Remove-GraphConnection Remove-GraphResource Select-GraphConnection Select-GraphProfile Set-GraphApplicationCertificate Set-GraphApplicationConsent Set-GraphConnectionStatus Set-GraphLogOption Test-Graph Test-GraphSettings Unregister-GraphApplication


Core Desktop


Release Notes

## AutoGraphPS-SDK 0.28.0 Release Notes

This release improves adds support for graph object output customization.

### New dependencies

* Microsoft.Identity.Client (MSAL) 4.35.0

### Breaking changes

* AAD sign-ins now use the http://localhost reply URL / redirect URI instead of because the latter does not support web browser sign-ins on PS Core.
* Public client applications created by `New-GraphApplication` now configure the application with http://localhost as a redirect URI instead of due to the above change
* The structure of the output of `Test-Graph` has changed -- the properties were always dynamic and potentially subject to change since they were based on HTTP protocol responses returned by Graph without a contract for the response structure. However, `Test-Graph` now obtains data from a different part of the protocol that deviates from the earlier source, and this causes the breaking changes to properties of `Test-Graph` output. The new source is a more reliable one, so additional changes are unlikely in the future.
* `New-GraphConnection` now defaults the ConsistencyLevel pararameter to `Default` instead of `Auto`.

### New features

* Sign-in UX for PowerShell core on Windows now uses a web browser rather than device code auth (possible due to MSAL 4.35.0 dependency update).
* Formatting for `Get-GraphApplicationServicePrincipal`
* Format improvements in time fields for `Get-GraphApplication`
* Formatting / color for `Test-Graph`
* `New-GraphConnection` no longer assumes you're requesting `User.Read`, enabling legacy apps that don't support incremental consent
* `Connect-GraphApi` requests `User.Read` by default, but this can be suppressed by the ExistingPermissionsOnly parameter, enabling legacy apps that don't support incremental consent
* `NoSetCurrentConnection` parameter added for `Connect-GraphApi`: this parameter allows you to sign in to an existing connection without setting it as the current connection.
* `Test-GraphSettings` command to validate Graph profile settings and also return information about the settings.
* Improved command help for several commands

### Fixed defects

* Context URI parsing was broken for Invoke-GraphRequest and Get-GraphResource and any command that relief on it. Cases such as me/photo would incorrectly interpret `me` as an entity set and `photo` as an element of that set, instead of treating `me` as an entity and `photo` as a navigation property


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.32.0 373 11/9/2024
0.31.0 378 9/2/2024
0.30.0 368 2/19/2023
0.29.0 727 12/30/2021
0.28.0 (current version) 559 10/12/2021
0.27.0 555 6/13/2021
0.26.1 469 5/5/2021
0.26.0 438 5/4/2021
0.25.0 458 2/27/2021
0.24.0 590 9/26/2020
0.23.0 394 9/26/2020
0.22.0 440 9/8/2020
0.21.1 595 6/20/2020
0.21.0 484 5/24/2020
0.20.0 792 4/19/2020
0.19.0 624 4/12/2020
0.18.0 1,165 2/8/2020
0.17.0 625 1/29/2020
0.16.0 719 11/6/2019
0.15.0 453 10/24/2019
0.14.0 417 10/23/2019
0.13.0 426 10/16/2019
0.12.0 421 10/7/2019
0.11.1 489 9/23/2019
0.11.0 401 9/20/2019
0.10.0 596 3/18/2019
0.9.0 633 2/3/2019
0.8.1 417 1/19/2019
0.8.0 415 1/13/2019
0.7.1 423 1/8/2019
0.7.0 407 1/8/2019
0.6.2 413 1/6/2019
0.6.1 410 1/5/2019
0.6.0 413 1/2/2019
0.5.1 458 10/30/2018
0.5.0 458 9/30/2018
0.4.0 432 9/15/2018
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