

PowerShell SDK for automating the Microsoft Graph

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name autographps-sdk -RequiredVersion 0.13.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name autographps-sdk -Version 0.13.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2019 Adam Edwards.

Package Details


  • Adam Edwards


MSGraph Graph AADGraph Azure MicrosoftGraph Microsoft-Graph MS-Graph AAD-Graph REST CRUD GraphAPI poshgraph poshgraph-sdk autograph Windows Linux MacOS


Connect-Graph Disconnect-Graph Find-GraphLocalCertificate Get-GraphApplication Get-GraphApplicationCertificate Get-GraphApplicationConsent Get-GraphApplicationServicePrincipal Get-GraphConnectionInfo Get-GraphError Get-GraphItem Get-GraphToken Invoke-GraphRequest New-GraphApplication New-GraphApplicationCertificate New-GraphConnection New-GraphLocalCertificate Register-GraphApplication Remove-GraphApplication Remove-GraphApplicationCertificate Remove-GraphApplicationConsent Remove-GraphItem Set-GraphApplicationConsent Set-GraphConnectionStatus Test-Graph Unregister-GraphApplication


Core Desktop


Release Notes

## AutoGraphPS-SDK 0.13.0 Release Notes

This release adds features for additional API request customization and includes fixes for defects
related to AAD application management commands.

### New dependencies

### Breaking changes

* The `Set-GraphApplicationConsent` parameter `AppOnlyPermissions` has been changed to `ApplicationPermissions` to for
 consistency with the changes made in `0.11.1` made to other commands with the same parameter. This change was intended
 to be part of the `0.11.1` release but was missed.
* The `AllApplicationPermissions` parameter of `Remove-GraphApplicationConsent` is renamed `AllPermissions`.
* The `AllTenantUsers` parameter of `Remove-GraphApplicationConsent` is renamed `ConsentForAllUsers`.

### New features

* By default, any request to Graph sets the `client-request-id` header with a unique GUID per request
* The `Get-GraphItem` and `Invoke-GraphRequest` commands support the following new parameters:
    * `ClientRequestId`: overrides the auto-generated value of the `client-request-id` header with the
      specified GUID value
    * `NoClientRequestId`: switch overrides the behavior of supplying an auto-generated `client-request-id` header
      and instead does not specify the header at all
* `UserAgent` parameter now added to `New-GraphConnection` and `Connect-Graph`: By default, AutoGraphPS specifies a particular
  user agent when sending requests. The `UserAgent` parameter allows these commands to set a specific user agent string
  used by all requests made through the resulting connection.
* As noted in the breaking changes section, the `ApplicationPermissions` parameter has replaced `AppOnlyPermissions` in
* `Remove-GraphApplicationConsent` now accepts pipeline input from output of `Get-GraphApplicationConsent` via
  `$ConsentGrant` parameter.

### Fixed defects

* `Remove-GraphItem` unusable without explicitly specifying `Cloud` parameter because of parameter binding issue in the default case.
* `New-GraphApplication` did not honor the `ConsentAllUsers` parameter and wrote an error about an undefined variable to
 the error stream. The incorret variable usage has been corrected and the parameter is now honored.
* `Register-GraphApplication`'s consent functionality explicitly or silently failed due to regression from breaking changes
 to other parts of the module in version 0.11.1. The command has been fixed to be compatible with the changes.
* `Get-GraphApplication` output extra words / characters in the `StartTime` field -- this formatting issue is now fixed.
* `Set-GraphAllicationConsent` was ignoring `ConsentAllUsers` and was not adding `AllPrincipals` consent grants -- this is fixed.
* `Remove-GraphConsent` syntax error due to reference to non-existent parameter, broken *All Users* consent removal
* `New-GraphApplication` adds minimal required permissions to the application object when permissions are not specified --
  only delegated permissions are added for public client apps, and only offline_access instead of `User.Read`.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.32.0 373 11/9/2024
0.31.0 378 9/2/2024
0.30.0 368 2/19/2023
0.29.0 727 12/30/2021
0.28.0 559 10/12/2021
0.27.0 555 6/13/2021
0.26.1 469 5/5/2021
0.26.0 438 5/4/2021
0.25.0 458 2/27/2021
0.24.0 590 9/26/2020
0.23.0 394 9/26/2020
0.22.0 440 9/8/2020
0.21.1 595 6/20/2020
0.21.0 484 5/24/2020
0.20.0 792 4/19/2020
0.19.0 624 4/12/2020
0.18.0 1,165 2/8/2020
0.17.0 625 1/29/2020
0.16.0 719 11/6/2019
0.15.0 453 10/24/2019
0.14.0 417 10/23/2019
0.13.0 (current version) 426 10/16/2019
0.12.0 421 10/7/2019
0.11.1 489 9/23/2019
0.11.0 401 9/20/2019
0.10.0 596 3/18/2019
0.9.0 633 2/3/2019
0.8.1 417 1/19/2019
0.8.0 415 1/13/2019
0.7.1 423 1/8/2019
0.7.0 407 1/8/2019
0.6.2 413 1/6/2019
0.6.1 410 1/5/2019
0.6.0 413 1/2/2019
0.5.1 458 10/30/2018
0.5.0 458 9/30/2018
0.4.0 432 9/15/2018
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