Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery module.
Minimum PowerShell version
See the version list below for details.
Installation Options
(c) 2016 - 2018 WebMD Health Services. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- WebMD Health Services
build pipeline devops ci cd continuous-integration continuous-delivery continuous-deploy
Add-WhiskeyApiKey Add-WhiskeyCredential Add-WhiskeyTaskDefault Add-WhiskeyVariable Assert-WhiskeyNodePath Assert-WhiskeyNodeModulePath ConvertFrom-WhiskeyContext ConvertFrom-WhiskeyYamlScalar ConvertTo-WhiskeyContext ConvertTo-WhiskeySemanticVersion Get-WhiskeyApiKey Get-WhiskeyTask Get-WhiskeyCredential Get-WhiskeyMSBuildConfiguration Import-WhiskeyPowerShellModule Install-WhiskeyTool Invoke-WhiskeyNodeTask Invoke-WhiskeyNpmCommand Invoke-WhiskeyPipeline Invoke-WhiskeyBuild Invoke-WhiskeyTask New-WhiskeyContext Publish-WhiskeyBuildMasterPackage Publish-WhiskeyNuGetPackage Publish-WhiskeyProGetUniversalPackage Publish-WhiskeyBBServerTag Register-WhiskeyEvent Resolve-WhiskeyNodePath Resolve-WhiskeyNodeModulePath Resolve-WhiskeyNuGetPackageVersion Resolve-WhiskeyTaskPath Resolve-WhiskeyVariable Set-WhiskeyBuildStatus Set-WhiskeyMSBuildConfiguration Stop-WhiskeyTask Uninstall-WhiskeyTool Unregister-WhiskeyEvent
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
* Fixed: `Version` task uses the last matching item in the prerelease label branch map instead of the first match.
* NUnit3 task supports running NUnit2 tests and uses version 3.10 of ConsoleRunner.
* Task authors can now define task aliases. Use the `Aliases` property on your task's `TaskAttribute` attribute. Build scripts can then use your task using its name or one of its aliases. See `about_Whiskey_Writing_Tasks` for more information.
* Whiskey tasks can now have named parameters and Whiskey will pass task properties from the build YAML file that match a parameter on a task's function. See about_Whiskey_Writing_Tasks for more information.
* Task authors can now deprecate tasks. Set the `Obsolete` property on the task's `Whiskey.Task` attribute. See `about_Whiskey_Writing_Tasks` for more information.
* Fixed: `DotNet` task fails to resolve recent version of the .NET Core SDK.
* You no longer need to commit Whiskey into your repository. Whiskey's default build.ps1 script will bootstrap Whiskey from GitHub.
* Created `MergeFile` task for merging files together, with optional text/binary separators. The task will also optionally delete the source files.
- Whiskey.nuspec
- build.ps1
- Import-Whiskey.ps1
- Whiskey.psd1
- Whiskey.psm1
- whiskey.sample.yml
- bin\dotnet-install.ps1
- bin\dotnet-install.sh
- bin\NuGet.exe
- bin\SemanticVersion.dll
- bin\Whiskey.dll
- bin\YamlDotNet.dll
- bin\YamlDotNet.xml
- en-US\about_Whiskey.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_CopyFile_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_Delete_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_DotNet_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_Exec_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_GetPowerShellModule_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_GitHubRelease_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_LoadTasks_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_MergeFile_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_MSBuild_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_NodeLicenseChecker_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_Npm_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_NuGetPack_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_NuGetPush_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_NuGetRestore_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_NUnit2_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_NUnit3_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_Parallel_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_Pester3_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_Pester4_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_Pipeline_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_PowerShell_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_ProGetUniversalPackage_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_PublishBitbucketServerTag_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_PublishBuildMasterPackage_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_PublishNodeModule_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_PublishPowerShellModule_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_PublishProGetAsset_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_PublishProGetUniversalPackage_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_SetVariableFromPowerShellDataFile_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_SetVariableFromXml_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_SetVariable_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_Stop_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_TaskDefaults_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_Tasks.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_Variables.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_Version_Task.help.txt
- en-US\about_Whiskey_Writing_Tasks.help.txt
- en-US\about_whiskey_Zip_Task.help.txt
- Formats\System.Exception.format.ps1xml
- Formats\Whiskey.BuildInfo.format.ps1xml
- Formats\Whiskey.BuildVersion.format.ps1xml
- Formats\Whiskey.Context.format.ps1xml
- Formats\Whiskey.TaskAttribute.format.ps1xml
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\PackageManagement.cat
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\PackageManagement.format.ps1xml
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\PackageManagement.psd1
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\PackageManagement.psm1
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\PackageManagement.Resources.psd1
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\PackageProviderFunctions.psm1
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\coreclr\netstandard2.0\Microsoft.PackageManagement.ArchiverProviders.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\coreclr\netstandard2.0\Microsoft.PackageManagement.CoreProviders.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\coreclr\netstandard2.0\Microsoft.PackageManagement.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\coreclr\netstandard2.0\Microsoft.PackageManagement.MetaProvider.PowerShell.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\coreclr\netstandard2.0\Microsoft.PackageManagement.NuGetProvider.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\coreclr\netstandard2.0\Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\DSCResources\PackageManagementDscUtilities.psm1
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\DSCResources\PackageManagementDscUtilities.strings.psd1
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\DSCResources\MSFT_PackageManagement\MSFT_PackageManagement.psm1
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\DSCResources\MSFT_PackageManagement\MSFT_PackageManagement.schema.mfl
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\DSCResources\MSFT_PackageManagement\MSFT_PackageManagement.schema.mof
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\DSCResources\MSFT_PackageManagement\MSFT_PackageManagement.strings.psd1
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\DSCResources\MSFT_PackageManagementSource\MSFT_PackageManagementSource.psm1
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\DSCResources\MSFT_PackageManagementSource\MSFT_PackageManagementSource.schema.mfl
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\DSCResources\MSFT_PackageManagementSource\MSFT_PackageManagementSource.schema.mof
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\DSCResources\MSFT_PackageManagementSource\MSFT_PackageManagementSource.strings.psd1
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\fullclr\Microsoft.PackageManagement.ArchiverProviders.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\fullclr\Microsoft.PackageManagement.CoreProviders.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\fullclr\Microsoft.PackageManagement.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\fullclr\Microsoft.PackageManagement.MetaProvider.PowerShell.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\fullclr\Microsoft.PackageManagement.MsiProvider.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\fullclr\Microsoft.PackageManagement.MsuProvider.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\fullclr\Microsoft.PackageManagement.NuGetProvider.dll
- Modules\PackageManagement\1.4.4\fullclr\Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.dll
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\PowerShellGet.cat
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\PowerShellGet.psd1
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\PSGet.Format.ps1xml
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\PSGet.Resource.psd1
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\PSModule.psm1
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\DSCResources\MSFT_PSModule\MSFT_PSModule.psm1
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\DSCResources\MSFT_PSModule\MSFT_PSModule.schema.mfl
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\DSCResources\MSFT_PSModule\MSFT_PSModule.schema.mof
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\DSCResources\MSFT_PSModule\en-US\MSFT_PSModule.strings.psd1
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\DSCResources\MSFT_PSRepository\MSFT_PSRepository.psm1
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\DSCResources\MSFT_PSRepository\MSFT_PSRepository.schema.mfl
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\DSCResources\MSFT_PSRepository\MSFT_PSRepository.schema.mof
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\DSCResources\MSFT_PSRepository\en-US\MSFT_PSRepository.strings.psd1
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\en-US\PSGet.Resource.psd1
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\Modules\PowerShellGet.LocalizationHelper\PowerShellGet.LocalizationHelper.psm1
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\Modules\PowerShellGet.ResourceHelper\PowerShellGet.ResourceHelper.psm1
- Modules\PowerShellGet\2.2.1\Modules\PowerShellGet.ResourceHelper\en-US\PowerShellGet.ResourceHelper.strings.psd1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
0.62.0-rc9 | 11 | 12/18/2024 |
0.62.0-rc8 | 4 | 12/17/2024 |
0.62.0-rc7 | 4 | 12/13/2024 |
0.62.0-rc6 | 3 | 12/11/2024 |
0.62.0-rc5 | 8 | 10/24/2024 |
0.62.0-rc4 | 7 | 9/30/2024 |
0.62.0-rc3 | 4 | 9/19/2024 |
0.62.0-rc2 | 5 | 8/21/2024 |
0.62.0-rc11 | 4 | 2/4/2025 |
0.62.0-rc10 | 4 | 1/23/2025 |
0.62.0-rc1 | 4 | 8/20/2024 |
0.61.1 | 7 | 1/23/2025 |
0.61.0 | 36 | 6/13/2024 |
0.61.0-rc1 | 4 | 6/6/2024 |
0.60.5 | 19 | 4/3/2024 |
0.60.4 | 12 | 2/7/2024 |
0.60.3 | 22 | 12/28/2023 |
0.60.2 | 31 | 10/13/2023 |
0.60.1 | 7 | 10/12/2023 |
0.60.0 | 8 | 10/9/2023 |
0.59.0 | 89 | 4/22/2023 |
0.58.0 | 9 | 4/15/2023 |
0.57.0 | 7 | 4/10/2023 |
0.56.0 | 7 | 4/6/2023 |
0.55.0 | 7 | 4/5/2023 |
0.54.0 | 6 | 4/4/2023 |
0.53.2 | 67 | 8/24/2022 |
0.53.1 | 18 | 8/12/2022 |
0.53.0 | 17 | 8/9/2022 |
0.52.2 | 12 | 8/4/2022 |
0.52.2-alpha1 | 12 | 7/26/2022 |
0.52.1 | 21 | 7/25/2022 |
0.52.0 | 27 | 7/6/2022 |
0.51.1 | 18 | 6/10/2022 |
0.51.0 | 20 | 5/27/2022 |
0.50.1 | 17 | 5/20/2022 |
0.50.0 | 13 | 5/18/2022 |
0.49.2-alpha... | 44 | 4/4/2022 |
0.49.1 | 70 | 2/8/2022 |
0.49.0 | 52 | 12/30/2021 |
0.49.0-rc2010 | 11 | 12/22/2021 |
0.49.0-rc1958 | 10 | 12/10/2021 |
0.49.0-rc1913 | 10 | 12/7/2021 |
0.49.0-alpha... | 10 | 12/20/2021 |
0.48.3 | 176 | 3/23/2021 |
0.48.2 | 16 | 3/22/2021 |
0.48.1 | 19 | 3/20/2021 |
0.48.0 | 16 | 3/19/2021 |
0.48.0-beta1705 | 15 | 3/3/2021 |
0.47.0 | 25 | 2/19/2021 |
0.47.0-beta1684 | 14 | 1/20/2021 |
0.47.0-beta1679 | 14 | 12/23/2020 |
0.47.0-beta1643 | 13 | 11/19/2020 |
0.47.0-beta1629 | 12 | 11/2/2020 |
0.47.0-beta1622 | 10 | 10/15/2020 |
0.46.0 | 53 | 9/2/2020 |
0.46.0-beta1605 | 15 | 8/19/2020 |
0.45.1 | 23 | 8/20/2020 |
0.45.0 | 21 | 8/11/2020 |
0.45.0-beta1594 | 12 | 8/7/2020 |
0.44.2 | 47 | 3/19/2020 |
0.44.1 | 16 | 3/18/2020 |
0.44.0 | 32 | 2/24/2020 |
0.44.0-beta1547 | 16 | 1/30/2020 |
0.44.0-beta1528 | 19 | 12/24/2019 |
0.43.2 | 57 | 11/11/2019 |
0.43.1 | 32 | 11/4/2019 |
0.43.0 | 24 | 10/29/2019 |
0.43.0-beta1416 | 3,780 | 10/28/2019 |
0.42.1 | 25 | 10/15/2019 |
0.42.0 | 22 | 10/10/2019 |
0.42.0-beta1231 | 14 | 9/5/2019 |
0.42.0-beta1209 (current version) | 13 | 9/3/2019 |
0.42.0-beta1203 | 14 | 8/30/2019 |
0.42.0-beta1105 | 17 | 6/21/2019 |
0.42.0-beta1088 | 14 | 6/18/2019 |
0.42.0-beta1082 | 13 | 6/17/2019 |
0.42.0-beta1039 | 14 | 6/3/2019 |
0.41.1 | 54 | 8/16/2019 |
0.41.1-beta1034 | 14 | 5/31/2019 |
0.41.1-beta1028 | 13 | 4/11/2019 |
0.41.0 | 92 | 4/9/2019 |
0.41.0-beta1025 | 13 | 4/4/2019 |
0.40.0 | 71 | 1/28/2019 |
0.39.0 | 65 | 1/17/2019 |
0.38.5 | 134 | 12/11/2018 |
0.38.4 | 38 | 12/5/2018 |
0.38.3 | 25 | 11/29/2018 |
0.38.2 | 38 | 11/9/2018 |
0.38.1 | 41 | 10/24/2018 |
0.38.0 | 32 | 9/21/2018 |
0.37.1 | 217 | 9/6/2018 |
0.37.0 | 55 | 7/18/2018 |
0.35.0 | 80 | 6/22/2018 |
0.34.1 | 22 | 6/21/2018 |
0.34.0 | 140 | 5/29/2018 |
0.33.2 | 64 | 5/15/2018 |
0.33.1 | 723 | 5/2/2018 |
0.33.0 | 286 | 4/24/2018 |
0.32.0 | 25 | 3/15/2018 |
0.31.0 | 25 | 3/1/2018 |
0.30.1 | 22 | 2/14/2018 |
0.30.0 | 19 | 2/13/2018 |
0.29.1 | 18 | 2/12/2018 |
0.29.0 | 21 | 2/12/2018 |
0.28.0 | 21 | 2/7/2018 |
0.27.0 | 18 | 2/3/2018 |
0.26.0 | 19 | 1/19/2018 |
0.25.0 | 25 | 12/29/2017 |
0.24.0 | 21 | 12/20/2017 |
0.23.0 | 22 | 12/4/2017 |
0.22.1 | 18 | 11/29/2017 |
0.22.0 | 19 | 11/27/2017 |
0.21.0 | 29 | 11/13/2017 |
0.20.2 | 17 | 11/11/2017 |
0.20.1 | 16 | 11/7/2017 |
0.20.0 | 17 | 11/3/2017 |
0.19.3 | 22 | 10/30/2017 |
0.19.2 | 17 | 10/27/2017 |
0.19.1 | 17 | 10/24/2017 |
0.19.0 | 25 | 9/28/2017 |
0.18.0 | 20 | 9/20/2017 |
0.17.0 | 18 | 9/20/2017 |
0.16.0 | 19 | 9/15/2017 |
0.15.0 | 18 | 9/15/2017 |
0.14.1 | 16 | 9/12/2017 |
0.14.0 | 19 | 9/12/2017 |