PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) base module which implements a general purpose set of Cmdlets.
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c) 2006 - 2020 Keith Hill, Oisin Grehan, and contributors
Package Details
- Keith Hill Oisin Grehan and contributors
Windows Utilities Xml Zip Clipboard Base64 ShortPath PEHeader
Add-PathVariable ConvertFrom-Base64 ConvertTo-Base64 ConvertTo-MacOs9LineEnding ConvertTo-Metric ConvertTo-UnixLineEnding ConvertTo-WindowsLineEnding Convert-Xml Disconnect-TerminalSession Edit-File Expand-PscxArchive Export-Bitmap Format-Byte Format-PscxHex Format-Xml Get-PscxADObject Get-AdoConnection Get-AdoDataProvider Get-PscxClipboard Get-DhcpServer Get-DomainController Get-DriveInfo Get-EnvironmentBlock Get-FileTail Get-FileVersionInfo Get-ForegroundWindow Get-Hash Get-HttpResource Get-LoremIpsum Get-MountPoint Get-OpticalDriveInfo Get-PathVariable Get-PEHeader Get-Privilege Get-PscxUptime Get-PSSnapinHelp Get-ReparsePoint Get-RunningObject Get-ShortPath Get-TerminalSession Get-TypeName Import-Bitmap Invoke-AdoCommand Invoke-Apartment Join-PscxString New-Hardlink New-Junction New-Shortcut New-Symlink Out-PscxClipboard Ping-Host Pop-EnvironmentBlock Push-EnvironmentBlock Read-PscxArchive Remove-MountPoint Remove-ReparsePoint Resolve-Host Send-SmtpMail Set-BitmapSize Set-PscxClipboard Set-FileTime Set-ForegroundWindow Set-PathVariable Set-Privilege Set-VolumeLabel Skip-Object Split-String Stop-TerminalSession Test-AlternateDataStream Test-Assembly Test-Script Test-UserGroupMembership Test-Xml Write-BZip2 Write-PscxClipboard Write-GZip Write-Tar Write-Zip
Add-DirectoryLength Add-ShortPath Edit-Profile Edit-HostProfile Enable-OpenPowerShellHere Get-ExecutionTime Get-PscxHelp Get-Parameter Get-PropertyValue Get-ScreenCss Get-ScreenHtml Get-ViewDefinition Import-VisualStudioVars Invoke-BatchFile Invoke-Elevated Invoke-GC Invoke-Method Invoke-NullCoalescing Invoke-Ternary New-HashObject Out-Speech PscxHelp PscxLess QuoteList QuoteString Resolve-ErrorRecord Resolve-HResult Resolve-WindowsError Search-Transcript Set-Writable Set-ReadOnly Show-Tree Start-PowerShell Stop-RemoteProcess Set-PscxLocation Dismount-PscxVHD Mount-PscxVHD
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
4.0.0-beta4 - January 8, 2022
* Remove Windows specific commands: *-MSMQueue
4.0.0-beta3 - January 2, 2022
* Updated Import-VisualStudioVars to support Visual Studio 2022. Thanks @weloytty (Bill Loytty)!
4.0.0-beta2 - October 22, 2020
* Renamed less function to PscxLess.
* Renamed help function to PscxHelp.
* Renamed prompt function to PscxPrompt.
* Renamed Get-ADObject to Get-PscxADObject.
* Renamed Get-Help to Get-PscxHelp.
* Renamed Mount/Dismount-VHD to Mount/Dismount-PscxVHD.
* Changed Pscx to only override the built-in help function if PageHelpUsingLess Pscx.UserPreference is $true
* Changed default value of Pscx.UserPreference to be $true only on PowerShell v5.
4.0.0-beta1 - October 17, 2020
* Migrate to .NET 4.61
* Renamed Expand-Archive to Expand-PscxArchive and Read-Archive to Read-PscxArchive.
* Renamed Set-LocationEx to Set-PscxLocation.
* Renamed all *-Clipboard commands to *-PscxClipboard
* Renamed Format-Hex command to Format-PscxHex.
* Renamed Get-Uptime to Get-PscxUptime.
* Renamed Join-String to Join-PscxString.
* Removed redefinition of the cd alias
* Removed the gcb alias that now conflicts with the built-in gcb alias
* Removed ?? alias to avoid conflict with ?? operator in PS 7.
* Removed ?: alias since PS 7 now implements a true ternary operator.
* Fixed Expand-PscxArchive help topic to remove references to the Format parameter - this parameter does not exist.
* Changed help function to default to displaying Full help details.
3.3.2 - January 16, 2018
* Fix Edit-File does not respect TextEditor property [#48](
3.3.1 - October 12, 2017
* Fix Import-VisualStudioVars - Select-VSSetupInstance ignores VS 2017 Build Tools by default [#36](
# Fix Import-VisualStudioVars - VS 2015 Build Tools do not have VsDevCmd.bat [#37](
# Fix Import-VisualStudioVars fails when workload for VC is not installed [#41](
3.3.0 - September 5, 2017
* Fix issues with CD functionality not working on PowerShell Core.
* Updated Import-VisualStudioVars to support Visual Studio 2017.
- Pscx.nuspec
- 7z.dll
- 7z64.dll
- ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
- Interop.Microsoft.Feeds.Interop.dll
- Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.dll
- PowerCollections.dll
- Pscx.Core.dll
- Pscx.dll
- Pscx.dll-Help.xml
- Pscx.psd1
- Pscx.psm1
- Pscx.UserPreferences.ps1
- SevenZipSharp.dll
- SoftUni.Wintellect.PowerCollections.dll
- System.Management.Automation.dll
- Trinet.Core.IO.Ntfs.dll
- Apps\EchoArgs.exe
- Apps\less.exe
- Apps\
- Apps\lesskey.exe
- Apps\
- Apps\NEWS
- FormatData\Pscx.Archive.Format.ps1xml
- FormatData\Pscx.Environment.Format.ps1xml
- FormatData\Pscx.FeedStore.Format.ps1xml
- FormatData\Pscx.Format.ps1xml
- FormatData\Pscx.Security.Format.ps1xml
- FormatData\Pscx.SIUnits.Format.ps1xml
- FormatData\Pscx.TerminalServices.Format.ps1xml
- Modules\CD\Messages.psd1
- Modules\CD\Pscx.CD.psm1
- Modules\DirectoryServices\Pscx.DirectoryServices.Format.ps1xml
- Modules\DirectoryServices\Pscx.DirectoryServices.psd1
- Modules\DirectoryServices\Pscx.DirectoryServices.Type.ps1xml
- Modules\FileSystem\Pscx.FileSystem.Format.5.0.ps1xml
- Modules\FileSystem\Pscx.FileSystem.Format.ps1xml
- Modules\FileSystem\Pscx.FileSystem.psd1
- Modules\FileSystem\Pscx.FileSystem.psm1
- Modules\FileSystem\Pscx.FileSystem.Type.ps1xml
- Modules\GetHelp\Pscx.GetHelp.psm1
- Modules\Net\Pscx.Net.Format.ps1xml
- Modules\Net\Pscx.Net.psd1
- Modules\Net\Pscx.Net.Type.ps1xml
- Modules\Prompt\Pscx.Prompt.psm1
- Modules\Prompt\Themes\Jachym.ps1
- Modules\Prompt\Themes\Modern.ps1
- Modules\Prompt\Themes\WinXP.ps1
- Modules\TranscribeSession\Pscx.TranscribeSession.psm1
- Modules\Utility\Pscx.Utility.Format.ps1xml
- Modules\Utility\Pscx.Utility.psd1
- Modules\Utility\Pscx.Utility.psm1
- Modules\Vhd\Pscx.Vhd.psm1
- Modules\Wmi\Pscx.Wmi.psm1
- TypeData\Pscx.Archive.Type.ps1xml
- TypeData\Pscx.FeedStore.Type.ps1xml
- TypeData\Pscx.Reflection.Type.ps1xml
- TypeData\Pscx.SIUnits.Type.ps1xml
- TypeData\Pscx.TerminalServices.Type.ps1xml
- TypeData\Pscx.Wmi.Type.ps1xml
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
4.0.0-beta4 (current version) | 20,847 | 1/8/2022 |
4.0.0-beta3 | 66 | 1/2/2022 |
4.0.0-beta2 | 2,679 | 10/22/2020 |
4.0.0-beta1 | 57 | 10/18/2020 |
3.3.2 | 1,282,480 | 1/17/2018 |
3.3.1 | 11,712 | 10/13/2017 |
3.3.0 | 2,817 | 9/6/2017 |
3.2.2 | 34,516 | 6/30/2016 | | 4,773 | 7/29/2015 | | 1,345 | 10/24/2014 | | 15,264 | 4/17/2014 |