

PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) base module which implements a general purpose set of Cmdlets.

Minimum PowerShell version


This is a prerelease version of Pscx.
There is a newer prerelease version of this module available.
See the version list below for details.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Pscx -RequiredVersion 4.0.0-beta1 -AllowPrerelease

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Pscx -Version 4.0.0-beta1 -Prerelease

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2006 - 2020 Keith Hill, Oisin Grehan, and contributors

Package Details


  • Keith Hill Oisin Grehan and contributors


Windows Utilities Xml Zip Clipboard Base64 ShortPath PEHeader


Add-PathVariable Clear-MSMQueue ConvertFrom-Base64 ConvertTo-Base64 ConvertTo-MacOs9LineEnding ConvertTo-Metric ConvertTo-UnixLineEnding ConvertTo-WindowsLineEnding Convert-Xml Disconnect-TerminalSession Edit-File Expand-PscxArchive Export-Bitmap Format-Byte Format-PscxHex Format-Xml Get-ADObject Get-AdoConnection Get-AdoDataProvider Get-PscxClipboard Get-DhcpServer Get-DomainController Get-DriveInfo Get-EnvironmentBlock Get-FileTail Get-FileVersionInfo Get-ForegroundWindow Get-Hash Get-HttpResource Get-LoremIpsum Get-MountPoint Get-MSMQueue Get-OpticalDriveInfo Get-PathVariable Get-PEHeader Get-Privilege Get-PscxUptime Get-PSSnapinHelp Get-ReparsePoint Get-RunningObject Get-ShortPath Get-TerminalSession Get-TypeName Import-Bitmap Invoke-AdoCommand Invoke-Apartment Join-PscxString New-Hardlink New-Junction New-MSMQueue New-Shortcut New-Symlink Out-PscxClipboard Ping-Host Pop-EnvironmentBlock Push-EnvironmentBlock Read-PscxArchive Receive-MSMQueue Remove-MountPoint Remove-ReparsePoint Resolve-Host Send-MSMQueue Send-SmtpMail Set-BitmapSize Set-PscxClipboard Set-FileTime Set-ForegroundWindow Set-PathVariable Set-Privilege Set-VolumeLabel Skip-Object Split-String Stop-TerminalSession Test-AlternateDataStream Test-Assembly Test-MSMQueue Test-Script Test-UserGroupMembership Test-Xml Write-BZip2 Write-PscxClipboard Write-GZip Write-Tar Write-Zip


Add-DirectoryLength Add-ShortPath Edit-Profile Edit-HostProfile Enable-OpenPowerShellHere Get-ExecutionTime Get-Help Get-Parameter Get-PropertyValue Get-ScreenCss Get-ScreenHtml Get-ViewDefinition help Import-VisualStudioVars Invoke-BatchFile Invoke-Elevated Invoke-GC Invoke-Method Invoke-NullCoalescing Invoke-Ternary less New-HashObject Out-Speech prompt QuoteList QuoteString Resolve-ErrorRecord Resolve-HResult Resolve-WindowsError Search-Transcript Set-Writable Set-ReadOnly Show-Tree Start-PowerShell Stop-RemoteProcess Set-PscxLocation Dismount-VHD Mount-VHD




This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

4.0.0-beta1 - October 17, 2020

* Minimum version of PowerShell is 5.0.
* Migrate to .NET 4.61.
* Renamed Expand-Archive to Expand-PscxArchive and Read-Archive to Read-PscxArchive.
* Renamed Set-LocationEx to Set-PscxLocation.
* Renamed all *-Clipboard commands to *-PscxClipboard.
* Renamed Format-Hex command to Format-PscxHex.
* Renamed Get-Uptime to Get-PscxUptime.
* Renamed Join-String to Join-PscxString.

* Removed redefinition of the cd alias
* Removed the gcb alias that now conflicts with the built-in gcb alias
* Removed ?? alias to avoid conflict with ?? operator in PS 7.
* Removed ?: alias since PS 7 now implements a true ternary operator.

* Fixed Expand-PscxArchive help topic to remove references to the Format parameter - this parameter does not exist.
* Changed help function to default to displaying Full help details.

3.3.2 - January 16, 2018

* Fix Edit-File does not respect TextEditor property [#48](

3.3.1 - October 12, 2017

* Fix Import-VisualStudioVars - Select-VSSetupInstance ignores VS 2017 Build Tools by default [#36](
# Fix Import-VisualStudioVars - VS 2015 Build Tools do not have VsDevCmd.bat [#37](
# Fix Import-VisualStudioVars fails when workload for VC is not installed [#41](

3.3.0 - September 5, 2017

* Fix issues with CD functionality not working on PowerShell Core.
* Updated Import-VisualStudioVars to support Visual Studio 2017.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
4.0.0-beta4 20,847 1/8/2022
4.0.0-beta3 66 1/2/2022
4.0.0-beta2 2,679 10/22/2020
4.0.0-beta1 (current version) 57 10/18/2020
3.3.2 1,282,476 1/17/2018
3.3.1 11,712 10/13/2017
3.3.0 2,817 9/6/2017
3.2.2 34,516 6/30/2016 4,773 7/29/2015 1,345 10/24/2014 15,264 4/17/2014
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