

Smarter Lighting with PowerShell

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name LightScript -RequiredVersion 0.2.6

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name LightScript -Version 0.2.6

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



2021 Start-Automating

Package Details


  • James Brundage


IoT Hue Twinkly NanoLeaf Pixoo Divoom


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

## 0.2.6:
* Set-NanoLeaf:
   * Fixing -SaturationIncrement (#35)
   * Adding -BrightnessIncrement (#34)
   * Fixing -Hue/-Saturation/-Brightness behavior to allow increment parameters to work. (#36)
   * Making Parameter Aliases consistent with Set-HueLight (#38)
* Now using [GitPub]( to blog (#37).

## 0.2.5:
* Set-HueRule:  Easier conditions (Fixes #28) and plural aliases (Fixes #31)
* Adding Rename-HueSensor (Fixes #26).
* Rename-HueLight: Adding [Alias('ID')] to -OldName (Fixes #27)
* Get-HueBridge:  SupportShouldProcess (Fixes #30)
* Set-HueLight:  Fixing -Brightness/SaturationIncrement (Fixes #29)
* Add-HueSensor:  Adding -New (Fixes #25)
* Improved Repository Organization (Fixes #32)

* Adding help for Add-HueLight (#23)
* Fixing other markdown documentation layout issues

## 0.2.4:
* Adding Add-HueLight (#18)
* Adding Get-HueLight -New (#21)
* Fixing Rename-HueLight (#19)
* Building LightScript with PipeScript (#20)

## 0.2.3:
* Set-NanoLeaf:  Fixing #17
* Send-HueBridge:  Adding logging
* Automatically documentating module (#13)
* Set-HueLight:
 * Fixing Transition Time (#12)
 * Adding examples
 * Fixing -Hue/-HueIncrement (#15)   

## 0.2.2:
Adding KeyLight: Connect-KeyLight, Get-KeyLight, Set-KeyLight, Disconnect-KeyLight
## 0.2.1:
* Set-NanoLeaf:  Adding -EffectOption parameter help (#9).  Adding examples.
* Set-NanoLeaf:  Fixing Brightness (#7).  Adding Tab Completion (#8).  Adding Examples
## 0.2:
Adding: Disconnect-HueBridge, Disconnect-NanoLeaf, Disconnect-Twinkly (#2)
Adding Pixoo commands: Connect/Disconnect/Get/Set-Pixoo (#4)

## 0.1:
Initial Release of LightScript:  Smarter Lighting with PowerShell

Script your Hue Bridge, NanoLeaf, or Twinkly lights.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.2.9 205 11/12/2022
0.2.8 20 11/1/2022
0.2.7 14 10/31/2022
0.2.6 (current version) 17 10/12/2022
0.2.5 15 10/3/2022 27 7/31/2022
0.2.4 16 7/24/2022
0.2.3 26 4/26/2022
0.2.2 17 4/9/2022
0.2.1 16 3/27/2022
0.2 18 3/14/2022
0.1 38 12/23/2021
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