Smarter Lighting with PowerShell
Installation Options
2021 Start-Automating
Package Details
- James Brundage
IoT Hue Twinkly NanoLeaf Pixoo Divoom
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
* Adding help for Add-HueLight (#23)
* Fixing other markdown documentation layout issues
## 0.2.4
* Adding Add-HueLight (#18)
* Adding Get-HueLight -New (#21)
* Fixing Rename-HueLight (#19)
* Building LightScript with PipeScript (#20)
## 0.2.3
* Set-NanoLeaf: Fixing #17
* Send-HueBridge: Adding logging
* Automatically documentating module (#13)
* Set-HueLight:
* Fixing Transition Time (#12)
* Adding examples
* Fixing -Hue/-HueIncrement (#15)
## 0.2.2
Adding KeyLight: Connect-KeyLight, Get-KeyLight, Set-KeyLight, Disconnect-KeyLight
## 0.2.1
* Set-NanoLeaf: Adding -EffectOption parameter help (#9). Adding examples.
* Set-NanoLeaf: Fixing Brightness (#7). Adding Tab Completion (#8). Adding Examples
## 0.2:
Adding: Disconnect-HueBridge, Disconnect-NanoLeaf, Disconnect-Twinkly (#2)
Adding Pixoo commands: Connect/Disconnect/Get/Set-Pixoo (#4)
## 0.1:
Initial Release of LightScript: Smarter Lighting with PowerShell
Script your Hue Bridge, NanoLeaf, or Twinkly lights.
- LightScript.nuspec
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- Formatting\Hue.Schedule.format.ps1
- Formatting\Hue.Rule.format.ps1
- Formatting\Hue.Group.format.ps1
- Formatting\Pixoo.format.ps1
- Formatting\Hue.Capabilities.format.ps1
- Formatting\NanoLeaf.Panel.Layout.format.ps1
- Formatting\Hue.Light.format.ps1
- Formatting\Hue.Sensor.format.ps1
- Formatting\NanoLeaf.Effect.Plugin.format.ps1
- Formatting\NanoLeaf.Effect.format.ps1
- en-us\
- Assets\LightScript.png
- docs\Assets\LightScript.png
- Add-HueSensor.ps1
- Types\LightScript.Color\get_RGB.ps1
- Rename-HueLight.ps1
- Types\LightScript.Color\get_HSL.ps1
- LightScript.GitHubWorkflow.psdevops.ps1
- Types\LightScript.Color\FromColorTemperature.ps1
- LightScript.psm1
- Types\LightScript.Color\Lighten.ps1
- Get-HueBridge.ps1
- Types\LightScript.Color\Darken.ps1
- Get-Twinkly.ps1
- Types\LightScript.Color\FromRGB.ps1
- Set-KeyLight.ps1
- Types\LightScript.Color\HSLToRGB.ps1
- Set-NanoLeaf.ps1
- Types\LightScript.Color\RGBToHSL.ps1
- Types\Hue.Sensor\get_Manufacturer.ps1
- Connect-KeyLight.ps1
- HueScratch.ps1
- Remove-HueResource.ps1
- LightScript.HelpOut.ps1
- Disconnect-KeyLight.ps1
- Remove-HueScene.ps1
- Add-HueSchedule.ps1
- Add-HueRoom.ps1
- Disconnect-Pixoo.ps1
- Connect-HueBridge.ps1
- Find-NanoLeaf.ps1
- Read-HueSensor.ps1
- Connect-Pixoo.ps1
- LightScript.ezformat.ps1
- Get-HueLight.ps1
- Remove-HueSensor.ps1
- Find-HueBridge.ps1
- Watch-NanoLeaf.ps1
- Set-Twinkly.ps1
- Add-HueLight.ps1.ps1
- Set-Pixoo.ps1
- LightScript.format.ps1xml
- Set-HueRule.ps1
- Set-HueLight.ps1
- LightScript.psd1
- Remove-HueSchedule.ps1
- Connect-Twinkly.ps1
- Get-HueScene.ps1
- Clear-Twinkly.ps1
- Write-HueSensor.ps1
- Get-KeyLight.ps1
- Disconnect-Twinkly.ps1
- Add-HueLight.ps1
- Get-HueSensor.ps1
- Get-HueRule.ps1
- Remove-HueRoom.ps1
- Disconnect-NanoLeaf.ps1
- Send-HueBridge.ps1
- Connect-NanoLeaf.ps1
- Get-HueRoom.ps1
- LightScript.types.ps1xml
- Disconnect-HueBridge.ps1
- Get-HueResource.ps1
- Get-Pixoo.ps1
- LightScript.ps1.psm1
- Remove-HueRule.ps1
- Get-HueSchedule.ps1
- LightScript.splatter.ps1
- Get-Nanoleaf.ps1
- Send-NanoLeaf.ps1
- docs\
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