Module to pull telemetry data from windows for corporate environments.
This module exists because Intune is lacking with the MDM Windows 10 integration.
- installed win 32 apps
- installed appx packages
- enabled windows features
- local users
- local groups
- administrators
- powershell version and modules
- cloud join users
- bit locker status
- vo
Module to pull telemetry data from windows for corporate environments.
This module exists because Intune is lacking with the MDM Windows 10 integration.
- installed win 32 apps
- installed appx packages
- enabled windows features
- local users
- local groups
- administrators
- powershell version and modules
- cloud join users
- bit locker status
- volumes
- chrome extensions
- user files
Installation Options
(c) 2019 Nerdy Mishka, Michael Herndon. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Nerdy Mishka Michael Herndon
VisualStudio VS MsBuild Test VsTest DevOps Gainz NerdyMishka
Get-GzWinAutopilotInfo Get-GzWinCloudJoinUser Get-GzWinLocalGroupMember Invoke-GzWinTelemetry Merge-GzWinTelemetryObject Read-GzPowershellModule Read-GzWin32App Read-GzWinAdministratorMember Read-GzWinAppXPackage Read-GzWinBitLockerStatus Read-GzWinChromeExtension Read-GzWinEnabledFeature Read-GzWinLocalUser Read-GzWinScheduledTask Read-GzWinService Read-GzWinUserFile Read-GzWinVolume Register-GzRegistryUserHive
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
- 0.1.3 Minor Fix. The `1` File was still generated by the -IncludeAdmins flag. should be resolved.
- 0.1.2 Minor Fix. Invoke-GzWinTelemetry generate a file with 1 in it. Also emitted the users profile
- 0.1.1 Minor Fix. Trim spaces from serial number and fix spelling for cloud join function.
- 0.1.0 initial release. The goal is to get to a point where the json files are treated as records that change over time.
Currently the output from Invoke-GzWinTelemetry should be saved to a new file with each invoke. The result is PsCustomObject
which can exported to JSON, YAML, XML, and if need be, csv if you generate csv files by leaf.
The next version major release 0.2.0 will focus on reporting.
- Gz-WindowsTelemetry.nuspec
- Gz-WindowsTelemetry.psd1
- Gz-WindowsTelemetry.psm1
- private\Format-GzFileSize.ps1
- private\Test-GzCurrentUserIsElevated.ps1
- public\Get-GzWinAutopilotInfo.ps1
- public\Get-GzWinCloudJoinUser.ps1
- public\Get-GzWinLocalGroupMember.ps1
- public\Invoke-GzWinTelemetry.ps1
- public\Merge-GzWinTelemetryObject.ps1
- public\Read-GzPowershellModule.ps1
- public\Read-GzWin32App.ps1
- public\Read-GzWinAdministratorMember.ps1
- public\Read-GzWinAppXPackage.ps1
- public\Read-GzWinBitLockerStatus.ps1
- public\Read-GzWinChromeExtension.ps1
- public\Read-GzWinEnabledFeature.ps1
- public\Read-GzWinLocalGroup.ps1
- public\Read-GzWinLocalUser.ps1
- public\Read-GzWinScheduledTask.ps1
- public\Read-GzWinService.ps1
- public\Read-GzWinUserFile.ps1
- public\Read-GzWinVolume.ps1
- public\Register-GzRegistryUserHive.ps1