function Read-GzWinService() { [CmdletBinding()] Param( ) <# .SYNOPSIS Reads a list of services. .DESCRIPTION Reads a list of services by name with the startupType, serviceType, status, and list of requiredServices. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $svcs = Read-GzWinService .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS An array of PsCustomObjects with the following properties: name = [string] name displayName = [string] titlized name requiredServices = [array[string]] an array of names for services this one depends on startupType = [enum|string] serviceType = [enum|string] status = string createdAt = [long] epoch updatedAt = [long] epoch createdAtDisplay = [string] datetime in current users' dt format updatedAtDisplay = [string] datetime in current users' dt format #> PROCESS { $svcs = Get-Service $services = @() foreach($svc in $svcs) { $requiredSvc = $null; if($svc.ServicesDependOn.Length -gt 0) { $requiredSvc = @(); foreach($p in $svc.ServicesDependOn) { $requiredSvc.Add($p.Name); } } $now = [DateTime]::UtcNow $epoc = ($now.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000; $services += [PsCustomObject]@{ name = $svc.Name displayName = $svc.DisplayName requiredServices = $requiredSvc startupType = $svc.StartupType serviceType = $svc.ServiceType status = $svc.ServiceType rowCreatedAt = $epoch rowUpdatedAt = $epoch rowRemovedAt = $null rowCreatedAtDisplay = $now.ToString() rowUpdatedAtDisplay = $now.ToString() rowRemovedAtDisplay = $null } } return $services } } |