
By: | 5,654 downloads | Last Updated: 3/28/2023 | Latest Version: 1.1.1

PnP PowerShell Predictor - Module providing recommendations for cmdlets comprised in the PnP PowerShell module - This module requires PowerShell 7.2 and PSReadLine 2.2.2.

By: | 1,311 downloads | Last Updated: 11/8/2022 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

Microsoft 365 CLI PowerShell Predictor - Module providing recommendations for cmdlets comprised in the Microsoft 365 CLI PowerShell module - This module requires PowerShell 7.2 and PSReadLine 2.2.2.

By: | 411 downloads | Last Updated: 9/30/2022 | Latest Version: 0.0.4

Power Platform CLI PowerShell Predictor - Module providing recommendations for cmdlets comprised in the Power Platform CLI - This module requires PowerShell 7.2 and PSReadLine 2.2.2.

By: | 388 downloads | Last Updated: 10/4/2022 | Latest Version: 2.1.1

SPO PowerShell Predictor - Module providing recommendations for cmdlets comprised in the SharePoint Online PowerShell module - This module requires PowerShell 7.2 and PSReadLine 2.2.2.