
By: | 11,556 downloads | Last Updated: 2/17/2025 | Latest Version:

Bitwarden/Vaultwarden extension for the PowerShell SecretManager allowing you to Get, Set, and Remove secrets in a standardized way. Supports storing and retrieving PowerShell Objects as secrets. Can be used for automated secret retrieval/management.

By: | 254 downloads | Last Updated: 6/13/2022 | Latest Version: 1.7.1

This script generates Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) reports across Windows OSs with and without native PowerShell support for such. When the native Get-GPResultantSetOfPolicy is available, that is used to generate an HTML/XML report. When it is not, or the user wishes to output the results to console, the script relies on the older gpresult.exe.... More info