
By: | 2,485 downloads | Last Updated: 10/4/2022 | Latest Version: 0.1

ConvertTo-Hashtable converts a PSCustomObject into a hashtable Usage: ConvertTo-Hashtable [-InputObject] <object>

By: | 771 downloads | Last Updated: 12/1/2022 | Latest Version: 0.4

Write-LogMessage is a simple PowerShell Logger Write-LogMessage writes the log to the console with color. Usage: Write-LogMessage [-logMessage] <string> [[-errorLevel] {INFO|SUCCESS|WARNING|ERROR|DEBUG}] [[-logFilePath] <string>] [[-stack] <string>] Default errorLevel is INFO

By: | 80 downloads | Last Updated: 1/3/2023 | Latest Version: 0.3

CFLogger is a simple PowerShell Logger Class CFLogger writes the log to the console with color, and to a specified log file path Usage: Load Module: Using Module CFLogger Create an instance of the class: $myLogger = Initialize-CFLogger $myLogger = Initialize-CFLogger "WARN" "C:\users\john.doe\documents\myLogger.... More info