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Last Updated: 12/4/2024
Latest Version: 2.0.1
The "TlsCertificateValidation" PowerShell module allows you to manage TLS server certificate validation. With it, you can: * Completely disable TLS server certificate validation with its Disable-TlsCertificateValidation function. * Write your own server certificate validation in PowerShell with its Set-TlsCertificateValidator function. * Chec... More info |
Last Updated: 2/1/2024
Latest Version: 1.0.1
This script will sign a script with a self signed certificate. If a certificate is not found, the script will return a warning and prompt the user to create a self signed certificate. The script will also check if the file is already signed and return a warning if it is. The script will also add a timestamp to the signature to ensure the signature ... More info |