

This module contains DSC resources for the management and configuration of Windows Server DNS Server.

Minimum PowerShell version


This is a prerelease version of xDnsServer.
There is a newer prerelease version of this module available.
See the version list below for details.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name xDnsServer -RequiredVersion 2.0.0-preview0015 -AllowPrerelease

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name xDnsServer -Version 2.0.0-preview0015 -Prerelease

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright the DSC Community contributors. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • DSC Community


DesiredStateConfiguration DSC DSCResourceKit DSCResource


DnsRecordSrv DnsRecordSrvScoped xDnsRecord xDnsRecordMx xDnsServerADZone xDnsServerClientSubnet xDnsServerConditionalForwarder xDnsServerDiagnostics xDnsServerForwarder xDnsServerPrimaryZone xDnsServerRootHint xDnsServerSecondaryZone xDnsServerSetting xDnsServerZoneAging xDnsServerZoneScope xDnsServerZoneTransfer DnsRecordCname DnsRecordPtr DnsRecordA DnsRecordCnameScoped DnsServerScavenging DnsRecordAScoped


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

## [2.0.0-preview0015] - 2021-03-23

### Added

- xDnsServer
 - Added automatic release with a new CI pipeline.
 - Add unit tests for the Get-LocalizedData, NewTerminatingError, and
   Assert-Module helper functions.
 - Added description README files for each resource.
 - Add example files for resources
 - OptIn to the following Dsc Resource Meta Tests:
   - Common Tests - Validate Localization
   - Common Tests - Validate Example Files To Be Published
 - Standardize Resource Localization.
 - Added the build task `Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content` to publish content
   to the GitHub repository wiki.
 - Added new source folder `WikiSource` which content will be published
   to the GitHub repository wiki.
   - Add the markdown file `Home.md` which will be automatically updated
     with the latest version before published to GitHub repository wiki.
 - Updated the prerequisites in the GitHub repository wiki (`Home.md`)
   that _Microsoft DNS Server_ is required on a node targeted by a resource,
   and that the DSC resources requires the [DnsServer](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/dnsserver)
   PowerShell module ([issue #37](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/37)).
 - Added the base class `ResourcePropertiesBase` to hold DSC properties that
   can be inherited for all class-based resources.
 - Added the base class `ResourceBase` to hold methods that should be
   inherited for all class-based resources.
 - Added new private function `ConvertTo-TimeSpan` to help when evaluating
   properties that must be passed as strings and then converted to `[System.TimeSpan]`.
 - Added `prefix.ps1` that is used to import dependent modules like _DscResource.Common_.
 - Added new resource
   - _DnsServerScavenging_ - resource to enforce scavenging settings ([issue #189](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/189)).
- xDNSServerClientSubnet
 - Added integration tests.
- xDnsServerPrimaryZone
 - Added integration tests ([issue #173](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/173)).
 - Added more examples.
- xDnsRecordMx
 - Added new resource to manage MX records
- xDnsServerZoneScope
 - Added integration tests ([issue #177](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/177)).
 - New read-only property `ZoneFile` was added to return the zone scope
   file name used for the zone scope.
- xDnsServerZoneAging
 - Added integration tests ([issue #176](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/176)).
- xDnsServerForwarder
 - Added integration tests ([issue #170](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/170)).
- xDnsServerRootHint
 - Added integration tests ([issue #174](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/174)).
- Added a class `DnsRecordBase` that is used as the base class for the resources that create DNS records.
 - Added unit tests to get code coverage on unimplemented method calls (ensuring the `throw` statements get called)
- DnsRecordSrv
 - Added new resource to manage SRV records
- DnsRecordSrvScoped
 - Added new resource to manage scoped SRV records
- DnsRecordA
 - Added new resource to manage A records
- DnsRecordAScoped
 - Added new resource to manage scoped A records
- DnsRecordCname
 - Added new resource to manage CNAME records
- DnsRecordCnameScoped
 - Added new resource to manage scoped CNAME records
- DnsRecordPtr
 - Added new resource to manage PTR records

### Changed

- xDnsServer
 - BREAKING CHANGE: Set the minimum required PowerShell version to 5.0 to support classes used in the DnsRecordBase-derived resources.
 - Resolve style guideline violations for hashtables
 - Update pipeline files.
 - Renamed the default branch to `main` ([issue #131](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/131)).
 - Uses `PublishPipelineArtifact` in  _Azure Pipelines_ pipeline.
 - Unit tests are now run in PowerShell 7 in the _Azure Pipelines_
   pipeline ([issue #160](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/160)).
 - Merged the historic changelog into CHANGELOG.md ([issue #163](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/163)).
 - Only add required role in integration tests pipeline.
 - Updated the pipeline to use new deploy tasks.
 - Revert back to using the latest version of module Sampler for the pipeline ([issue #211](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/211)).
- DnsRecordBase
 - Changed class to inherit properties from 'ResourcePropertiesBase`.
- xDnsRecordSrv
 - Now uses `[CimInstance]::new()` both in the resource code and the resource
   unit test to clone the existing DNS record instead of using the method
   `Clone()` that does not exist in PowerShell 7.
- xDnsServerSetting
 - BREAKING CHANGE: The mandatory parameter was replaced by the mandatory
   parameter `DnsServer`. This prevents the resource from being used twice
   in the same configuration using the same value for the parameter `DnsServer`
   ([issue #156](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/156)).
- xDnsServerDiagnostics
 - BREAKING CHANGE: The mandatory parameter was replaced by the mandatory
   parameter `DnsServer`. This prevents the resource from being used twice
   in the same configuration using the same value for the parameter `DnsServer`
   ([issue #157](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/157)).
- xDnsServerPrimaryZone
 - Now the property `Name` is always returned from `Get-TargetResource`
   since it is a `Key` property.
- xDnsServerForwarder
 - When providing an empty collection the resource will enforce that no
   forwarders are present.
- DnsRecordSrv
 - Changed logic for calculating the record's hostname

### Removed

- xDnsServer
 - BREAKING CHANGE: The DSC resource xDnsARecord was removed and are replaced
   by the DSC resource xDnsRecord.
 - Removing resource parameter information from README.md in favor of
   GitHub repository wiki.
 - Remove helper function `Remove-CommonParameter` in favor of the one in
   module _DscResource.Common_ ([issue #166](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/166)).
 - Remove helper function `ConvertTo-CimInstance` in favor of the one in
   module _DscResource.Common_ ([issue #167](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/167)).
 - Remove helper function `ConvertTo-HashTable` in favor of the one in
   module _DscResource.Common_ ([issue #168](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/168)).
- xDnServerSetting
 - BREAKING CHANGE: The properties `LogIPFilterList`, `LogFilePath`, `LogFileMaxSize`,
   and `EventLogLevel` have been removed. Use the resource _xDnsServerDiagnostics_
   with the properties `FilterIPAddressList`, `LogFilePath`, `MaxMBFileSize`,
   and `EventLogLevel` respectively to enforce these settings ([issue #190](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/190)).
   This is done in preparation to support more settings through the cmdlet
   `Get-DnsServerSetting` for the resource _xDnServerSetting_, and these
   values are not available through that cmdlet.

### Fixed

- xDnsServer
 - Enable Unit Tests to be run locally.
 - Rename integration tests so they are run in the pipeline ([issue #134](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/134)).
 - Added back the build task to create releases on GitHub.
 - Fixed property descriptions in schema throughout.
 - Fixed uploading of code coverage that was broken since Sampler had a bug.
 - Fixed examples so the license information point to the correct default branch.
 - Fixed a link in the README.md.
- DnsRecordBase
 - Fixed so that `Compare-DscParameterState` is used in the method `Test()`
   if the record already exist, to compare the properties except `Ensure`
   in the desired state against the actual state ([issue #205](https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDnsServer/issues/205)).
- xDnsServerDiagnostics
 - Fix EnableLogFileRollover Parameter name in README.
- xDnsRecord
 - Fix "Removing a DNS A Record" example.
- xDnsServerDiagnostics
 - Fixed typo in parameter `EnableLogFileRollover`.
 - Updated integration test to correct template.
- xDnsServerSettings
 - Updated integration test to correct template.
- xDnsServerAdZone
 - Now the parameter `ComputerName` can be used without throwing an exception
   ([issue 79](https://github.com/PowerShell/xDnsServer/issues/79)).
- xDnsServerZoneScope
 - Correctly returns the zone scope name when calling `Get-TargetResource`.
- xDnsServerForwarder
 - Now it is possible to just enforce the property `UseRooHint` without
   changing forwarders.
- xDnsServerRootHint
 - Fixed the verbose message returning the correct number of root hints.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2.0.0 2,423,087 3/26/2021
2.0.0-previe... 22 3/26/2021
2.0.0-previe... 21 3/26/2021
2.0.0-previe... 23 3/23/2021
2.0.0-previe... (current version) 18 3/23/2021
2.0.0-previe... 41 2/28/2021
2.0.0-previe... 18 2/28/2021
2.0.0-previe... 18 2/28/2021
2.0.0-previe... 23 2/20/2021
2.0.0-previe... 18 2/20/2021
2.0.0-previe... 18 2/20/2021
2.0.0-previe... 23 2/17/2021
2.0.0-previe... 20 2/17/2021
2.0.0-previe... 21 2/16/2021
2.0.0-previe... 32 1/30/2021
2.0.0-previe... 162 3/14/2020 1,037,657 10/30/2019 25,333 9/19/2019 13,206 8/8/2019 14,469 6/26/2019 16,875 5/15/2019 85,047 6/13/2018 3,137 5/2/2018 16,106 11/15/2017 1,772 8/23/2017 29,033 5/18/2016 558 3/31/2016 575 2/3/2016 262 12/3/2015 206 10/22/2015 774 9/11/2015
1.1 380 5/2/2015
1.0 257 6/6/2014
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