

A collection of SQL Server automation functionality

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name tcdbtools -RequiredVersion 1.0.53

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name tcdbtools -Version 1.0.53

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2022 Tim Cartwright. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Tim Cartwright


sqlserver sql dba databases database smo


Invoke-DBMoveIndexes Invoke-DBSafeShrink Invoke-DBScriptObjects Invoke-DBExtractCLRDLL Invoke-DBCompareServerSettings Invoke-DBRenameConstraints Find-DBInvalidSettings Find-DBValue Test-DBReadOnlyRouting Find-DBColumnDataTypeDiscrepancies Invoke-DBDeployAgentJob Invoke-DBSqlAgentScripter Invoke-DBScalarQuery Invoke-DBNonQuery Invoke-DBReaderQuery Invoke-DBDataSetQuery Invoke-DBDataTableQuery New-DBSqlParameter Get-DBInClauseParams Get-DBInClauseString New-DBScripterObject New-DBSMOServer New-DBSqlCmdArguments New-DBSQLConnection Get-AllUserDatabases Test-DBSqlConnection Invoke-DBScriptRunner Get-DBUserCredential Set-DBUserCredential New-DBUserCredential Write-InformationColorized ConvertTo-Markdown Invoke-Telnet ConvertFrom-DataRows ConvertFrom-DataTable


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

* Fixed two major bugs in safe shrink:
 * When trying to create the file group and not enough hard drive space was available the script would continue on and not move any indexes and start shrinking with indexes on the filegroup. Drive free space can only be checked when the path to the files are a local drive. UNC paths cannot be checked.
 * When a table did not have any LOB data, but the tables lob_dataspace_id was pointed to a file group, the index could get orphaned in the new file group. Causing the file group to be impossible to drop
Full Release Notes:


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.0.54 605 8/11/2023
1.0.53 (current version) 41 6/10/2023
1.0.52 8 6/9/2023
1.0.51 6 6/9/2023
1.0.50 13 5/29/2023
1.0.49 26 5/17/2023
1.0.48 11 5/8/2023
1.0.47 18 4/20/2023
1.0.46 20 3/28/2023
1.0.45 26 3/3/2023
1.0.44 17 2/28/2023
1.0.43 25 2/15/2023
1.0.42 21 2/10/2023
1.0.41 23 2/2/2023
1.0.40 10 1/25/2023
1.0.39 14 1/25/2023
1.0.38 14 1/25/2023
1.0.37 9 1/25/2023
1.0.36 12 1/18/2023
1.0.35 7 1/18/2023
1.0.34 7 1/17/2023
1.0.33 7 1/14/2023
1.0.32 8 1/13/2023
1.0.31 8 1/11/2023
1.0.30 11 1/9/2023
1.0.29 8 1/5/2023
1.0.28 10 12/23/2022
1.0.27 7 12/22/2022
1.0.26 7 12/22/2022
1.0.25 9 12/21/2022
1.0.24 8 12/21/2022
1.0.23 9 12/21/2022
1.0.22 7 12/21/2022
1.0.21 8 12/20/2022
1.0.20 8 12/20/2022
1.0.19 7 12/20/2022
1.0.18 8 12/16/2022
1.0.17 6 12/16/2022
1.0.16 7 12/16/2022
1.0.15 7 12/16/2022
1.0.14 8 12/16/2022
1.0.13 12 12/13/2022
1.0.12 7 12/13/2022
1.0.11 8 12/12/2022
1.0.10 8 12/12/2022
1.0.9 8 12/12/2022
1.0.8 9 12/12/2022
1.0.7 10 12/9/2022
1.0.6 8 12/9/2022
1.0.5 7 12/9/2022
1.0.4 7 12/9/2022
1.0.3 6 12/9/2022
1.0.1 7 12/9/2022
1.0.0 9 12/9/2022
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