
DSC resources for configuring Windows iSCSI Targets and Initiators.

Minimum PowerShell version


This is a prerelease version of iSCSIDsc.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name iSCSIDsc -AllowPrerelease

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name iSCSIDsc -Prerelease

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright the DSC Community contributors. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • DSC Community


DesiredStateConfiguration DSC DSCResource iSCSI Target Initiator


iSCSIInitiator iSCSIServerTarget iSCSIVirtualDisk


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

## [2.0.0-preview0005] - 2024-10-19

### Changed

- Transferred ownership to - Fixes [Issue #50](
- Fix hash table style guideline violations.
- Added .gitattributes file to fix bug publishing examples - Fixes [Issue #40](
- Opted into Common Tests 'Common Tests - Validate Localization' - Fixes [Issue #44](
- Renamed `iSCSIDsc.ResourceHelpers` module to `iSCSIDsc.Common`
 to align to other modules.
- Renamed all localization strings so that they are detected by
 'Common Tests - Validate Localization'.
- Fixed issues with mismatched localization strings.
- Replaced `iSCSIDsc.Common` module with the latest version from
- Fix minor style issues in statement case.
- Fix minor style issues in hashtable layout.
- Correct other minor style issues.
- Enabled PSSA rule violations to fail build - Fixes [Issue #27](
- Updated tests to meet Pester v4 standard.
- Added Open Code of Conduct.
- Refactored module folder structure to move resource
 to root folder of repository and remove test harness - Fixes [Issue #36](
- Converted Examples to support format for publishing to PowerShell
- Opted into common tests:
 - Common Tests - Validate Example Files To Be Published
 - Common Tests - Validate Markdown Links
 - Common Tests - Relative Path Length
 - Common Tests - Relative Path Length
- Update to new format LICENSE.
- Added .VSCode settings for applying DSC PSSA rules - fixes [Issue #37](
- BREAKING CHANGE: Changed resource prefix from MSFT to DSC.
- Updated to use continuous delivery pattern using Azure DevOps - fixes
 [Issue #52](
- Update build badges in `` with correct build IDs.
- Removed unused test helper function `New-VDisk`.
- Added test helper function `Assert-CanRunIntegrationTest` to validate if
 integration tests can be successfully run on a machine.
- Fixed build failures caused by changes in `ModuleBuilder` module v1.7.0
 by changing `CopyDirectories` to `CopyPaths` - Fixes [Issue #58](
- Updated to use the common module _DscResource.Common_ - Fixes [Issue #53](
- Pin `Pester` module to 4.10.1 because Pester 5.0 is missing code
 coverage - Fixes [Issue #60](
- Automatically publish documentation to GitHub Wiki - Fixes [Issue #61](
- Renamed `master` branch to `main` - Fixes [Issue #63](
- Updated build to use `Sampler.GitHubTasks` - Fixes [Issue #65](
- Added support for publishing code coverage to `` and
 Azure Pipelines - Fixes [Issue #66](
- Updated .github issue templates to standard - Fixes [Issue #69](
- Added Create_ChangeLog_GitHub_PR task to publish stage of build pipeline.
- Added
- Updated pipeline Deploy_Module anb Code_Coverage jobs to use ubuntu-latest
 images - Fixes [Issue #68](
- Updated pipeline unit tests and integration tests to use Windows Server
 2019 only - Fixes [Issue #68](
- Removed unused ISNS feature from being installed for unit tests.

### Fixed

- Fixed pipeline by replacing the GitVersion task in the `azure-pipelines.yml`
 with a script.
- Updated build files to fix build and use latest patterns.
 - azure-pipelines.yml
 - build.ps1
 - build.yml
 - GitVersion.yml
 - RequiredModules.psd1
 - Resolve-Dependency.ps1/psd1


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2.0.0-previe... (current version) 21 10/19/2024
2.0.0-previe... 64 4/25/2021
2.0.0-previe... 29 1/21/2021
2.0.0-previe... 28 7/5/2020
2.0.0-previe... 25 5/9/2020 17,579 9/2/2017
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