DSC resources for configuring Windows iSCSI Targets and Initiators.
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
Copyright the DSC Community contributors. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- DSC Community
DesiredStateConfiguration DSC DSCResource iSCSI Target Initiator
iSCSIInitiator iSCSIServerTarget iSCSIVirtualDisk
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
## [2.0.0-preview0005] - 2024-10-19
### Changed
- Transferred ownership to - Fixes [Issue #50](
- Fix hash table style guideline violations.
- Added .gitattributes file to fix bug publishing examples - Fixes [Issue #40](
- Opted into Common Tests 'Common Tests - Validate Localization' - Fixes [Issue #44](
- Renamed `iSCSIDsc.ResourceHelpers` module to `iSCSIDsc.Common`
to align to other modules.
- Renamed all localization strings so that they are detected by
'Common Tests - Validate Localization'.
- Fixed issues with mismatched localization strings.
- Replaced `iSCSIDsc.Common` module with the latest version from
- Fix minor style issues in statement case.
- Fix minor style issues in hashtable layout.
- Correct other minor style issues.
- Enabled PSSA rule violations to fail build - Fixes [Issue #27](
- Updated tests to meet Pester v4 standard.
- Added Open Code of Conduct.
- Refactored module folder structure to move resource
to root folder of repository and remove test harness - Fixes [Issue #36](
- Converted Examples to support format for publishing to PowerShell
- Opted into common tests:
- Common Tests - Validate Example Files To Be Published
- Common Tests - Validate Markdown Links
- Common Tests - Relative Path Length
- Common Tests - Relative Path Length
- Update to new format LICENSE.
- Added .VSCode settings for applying DSC PSSA rules - fixes [Issue #37](
- BREAKING CHANGE: Changed resource prefix from MSFT to DSC.
- Updated to use continuous delivery pattern using Azure DevOps - fixes
[Issue #52](
- Update build badges in `` with correct build IDs.
- Removed unused test helper function `New-VDisk`.
- Added test helper function `Assert-CanRunIntegrationTest` to validate if
integration tests can be successfully run on a machine.
- Fixed build failures caused by changes in `ModuleBuilder` module v1.7.0
by changing `CopyDirectories` to `CopyPaths` - Fixes [Issue #58](
- Updated to use the common module _DscResource.Common_ - Fixes [Issue #53](
- Pin `Pester` module to 4.10.1 because Pester 5.0 is missing code
coverage - Fixes [Issue #60](
- Automatically publish documentation to GitHub Wiki - Fixes [Issue #61](
- Renamed `master` branch to `main` - Fixes [Issue #63](
- Updated build to use `Sampler.GitHubTasks` - Fixes [Issue #65](
- Added support for publishing code coverage to `` and
Azure Pipelines - Fixes [Issue #66](
- Updated .github issue templates to standard - Fixes [Issue #69](
- Added Create_ChangeLog_GitHub_PR task to publish stage of build pipeline.
- Added
- Updated pipeline Deploy_Module anb Code_Coverage jobs to use ubuntu-latest
images - Fixes [Issue #68](
- Updated pipeline unit tests and integration tests to use Windows Server
2019 only - Fixes [Issue #68](
- Removed unused ISNS feature from being installed for unit tests.
### Fixed
- Fixed pipeline by replacing the GitVersion task in the `azure-pipelines.yml`
with a script.
- Updated build files to fix build and use latest patterns.
- azure-pipelines.yml
- build.ps1
- build.yml
- GitVersion.yml
- RequiredModules.psd1
- Resolve-Dependency.ps1/psd1
- iSCSIDsc.nuspec
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIVirtualDisk\DSC_iSCSIVirtualDisk.schema.mof
- iSCSIDsc.psd1
- Modules\DscResource.Common\0.19.0\DscResource.Common.psd1
- iSCSIDsc.psm1
- Modules\DscResource.Common\0.19.0\DscResource.Common.psm1
- en-US\
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIInitiator\en-US\
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIInitiator\DSC_iSCSIInitiator.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIInitiator\en-US\DSC_iSCSIInitiator.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIInitiator\
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIServerTarget\en-US\DSC_iSCSIServerTarget.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIInitiator\DSC_iSCSIInitiator.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIServerTarget\en-US\
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIServerTarget\DSC_iSCSIServerTarget.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIVirtualDisk\en-US\DSC_iSCSIVirtualDisk.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIServerTarget\
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIVirtualDisk\en-US\
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIServerTarget\DSC_iSCSIServerTarget.psm1
- Modules\DscResource.Common\0.19.0\en-US\
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIVirtualDisk\DSC_iSCSIVirtualDisk.psm1
- Modules\DscResource.Common\0.19.0\en-US\DscResource.Common-help.xml
- DSCResources\DSC_iSCSIVirtualDisk\
- Modules\DscResource.Common\0.19.0\en-US\DscResource.Common.strings.psd1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
2.0.0-previe... (current version) | 21 | 10/19/2024 |
2.0.0-previe... | 64 | 4/25/2021 |
2.0.0-previe... | 29 | 1/21/2021 |
2.0.0-previe... | 28 | 7/5/2020 |
2.0.0-previe... | 25 | 5/9/2020 | | 17,579 | 9/2/2017 |