The community module that enables SQL Server Pros to automate database development and server administration
Minimum PowerShell version
See the version list below for details.
Installation Options
2018 Chrissy LeMaire
Package Details
- Chrissy LeMaire
sqlserver migrations sql dba databases
Start-DbaMigration Copy-DbaDatabase Copy-DbaLogin Copy-DbaSqlServerAgent Copy-DbaSpConfigure Copy-DbaLinkedServer Copy-DbaDatabaseMail Copy-DbaDatabaseAssembly Copy-DbaSqlPolicyManagement Copy-DbaAgentSharedSchedule Copy-DbaAgentOperator Copy-DbaAgentJob Copy-DbaSqlDataCollector Copy-DbaCustomError Copy-DbaServerAuditSpecification Copy-DbaEndpoint Copy-DbaServerAudit Copy-DbaServerRole Copy-DbaResourceGovernor Copy-DbaExtendedEvent Copy-DbaBackupDevice Copy-DbaServerTrigger Copy-DbaCredential Copy-DbaCentralManagementServer Copy-DbaSysDbUserObject Copy-DbaAgentProxyAccount Copy-DbaAgentAlert Import-DbaSpConfigure Export-DbaSpConfigure Get-DbaDetachedDatabaseInfo Restore-DbaBackupFromDirectory Test-DbaConnection Import-DbaCsvToSql Copy-DbaAgentCategory Update-Dbatools Test-DbaSqlPath Export-DbaLogin Reset-DbaAdmin Watch-DbaDbLogin Expand-DbaTLogResponsibly Test-DbaMigrationConstraint Get-DbaRegisteredServer Test-DbaNetworkLatency Find-DbaDuplicateIndex Show-DbaServerFileSystem Get-DbaDiskSpace Remove-DbaDatabaseSafely Show-DbaDatabaseList Set-DbaTempDbConfiguration Test-DbaTempDbConfiguration Repair-DbaOrphanUser Remove-DbaOrphanUser Find-DbaUnusedIndex Test-DbaDiskAllocation Test-DbaPowerPlan Set-DbaPowerPlan Test-DbaDiskAlignment Get-DbaDatabaseSpace Get-DbaClusterNode Test-DbaDatabaseOwner Set-DbaDatabaseOwner Test-DbaJobOwner Set-DbaJobOwner Test-DbaDbVirtualLogFile Get-DbaRestoreHistory Get-DbaTcpPort Test-DbaDatabaseCompatibility Test-DbaDatabaseCollation Test-DbaConnectionAuthScheme Test-DbaServerName Repair-DbaServerName Stop-DbaProcess Copy-DbaSsisCatalog Find-DbaOrphanedFile Get-DbaAvailabilityGroup Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb Get-DbaProcess Get-DbaRunningJob Set-DbaMaxDop Test-DbaRecoveryModel Test-DbaMaxDop Remove-DbaBackup Get-DbaPermission Get-DbaLastBackup Connect-DbaInstance Get-DbaStartupParameter Get-DbaBackupHistory Read-DbaBackupHeader Test-DbaLastBackup Get-DbaMaxMemory Set-DbaMaxMemory Test-DbaMaxMemory Get-DbaDbSnapshot Remove-DbaDbSnapshot Get-DbaRoleMember Resolve-DbaNetworkName Test-DbaWindowsLogin Get-DbaMemoryUsage Export-DbaAvailabilityGroup Write-DbaDataTable New-DbaDbSnapshot Restore-DbaDbSnapshot Get-DbaTrigger Export-DbaUser Get-DbaDatabaseState Set-DbaDatabaseState Get-DbaHelpIndex Get-DbaAgentAlert Get-DbaAgentOperator Get-DbaPageFileSetting Get-DbaSpConfigure Rename-DbaLogin Find-DbaAgentJob Find-DbaDatabase Get-DbaMsdtc Get-DbaUptime Get-DbaXESession Test-DbaOptimizeForAdHoc Find-DbaStoredProcedure Measure-DbaBackupThroughput Find-DbaLoginInGroup Get-DbaSpn Test-DbaSpn Set-DbaSpn Remove-DbaSpn Get-DbaDatabase Find-DbaUserObject Get-DbaSqlService Get-DbaDependency Clear-DbaSqlConnectionPool Find-DbaCommand Get-DbaConfig Get-DbaConfigValue Set-DbaConfig Get-DbaClientProtocol Backup-DbaDatabase New-DbaSqlDirectory Get-DbaPrivilege Install-DbaWatchUpdate Watch-DbaUpdate Uninstall-DbaWatchUpdate Get-DbaDbQueryStoreOptions Set-DbaDbQueryStoreOptions Restore-DbaDatabase Copy-DbaQueryStoreConfig Get-DbaExecutionPlan Export-DbaExecutionPlan Get-DbaServerProtocol Get-DbaLocaleSetting Get-DbaSqlBuildReference Set-DbaSpConfigure Test-DbaIdentityUsage Get-DbaDatabaseAssembly Get-DbaAgentJob Get-DbaCustomError Get-DbaCredential Get-DbaBackupDevice Get-DbaJobCategory Get-DbaDatabaseEncryption New-DbaSsisCatalog Remove-DbaDatabase Get-DbaQueryExecutionTime Get-DbaTempdbUsage Find-DbaDbGrowthEvent Get-DbaNetworkActivity Get-DbaAgentJobOutputFile Set-DbaAgentJobOutputFile Test-DbaLinkedServerConnection Get-DbaDatabaseFile Read-DbaTransactionLog Get-DbaTable Invoke-DbaDatabaseShrink Get-DbaEstimatedCompletionTime Get-DbaLinkedServer Set-DbaStartupParameter New-DbaAgentJob Export-DbaScript Get-DbaLogin New-DbaScriptingOption Save-DbaDiagnosticQueryScript Invoke-DbaDiagnosticQuery Export-DbaDiagnosticQuery Invoke-DbaWhoIsActive Install-DbaWhoIsActive Set-DbaAgentJob Remove-DbaAgentJob New-DbaAgentJobStep Set-DbaAgentJobStep Remove-DbaAgentJobStep New-DbaAgentSchedule Set-DbaAgentSchedule Remove-DbaAgentSchedule Backup-DbaDbCertificate Get-DbaDbCertificate Get-DbaCmConnection Get-DbaCmObject Get-DbaEndpoint Get-DbaDatabaseMasterKey Get-DbaSchemaChangeHistory Get-DbaServerAudit Get-DbaServerAuditSpecification Get-DbaSqlProductKey Get-DbatoolsLog Restore-DbaDbCertificate New-DbaDbCertificate New-DbaCmConnection New-DbaDatabaseMasterKey New-DbaServiceMasterKey New-DbatoolsSupportPackage Remove-DbaDbCertificate Remove-DbaCmConnection Remove-DbaDatabaseMasterKey Set-DbaCmConnection Set-DbaTcpPort Test-DbaCmConnection New-DbaSqlConnectionStringBuilder Get-DbaSqlInstanceProperty Get-DbaSqlInstanceUserOption New-DbaSqlConnectionString Get-DbaAgentSchedule Invoke-DbaLogShipping Read-DbaTraceFile New-DbaComputerCertificate Get-DbaComputerCertificate Add-DbaComputerCertificate Get-DbaNetworkCertificate Set-DbaNetworkCertificate Remove-DbaNetworkCertificate Enable-DbaForceNetworkEncryption Disable-DbaForceNetworkEncryption Get-DbaForceNetworkEncryption Remove-DbaComputerCertificate Get-DbaServerInstallDate Install-DbaFirstResponderKit Backup-DbaDatabaseMasterKey Get-DbaAgentJobHistory Get-DbaSsisEnvironmentVariable Get-DbaSqlManagementObject Test-DbaSqlManagementObject Get-DbaMaintenanceSolutionLog Invoke-DbaLogShippingRecovery Find-DbaTrigger Find-DbaView Invoke-DbaDatabaseUpgrade Get-DbaDatabaseUser Get-DbaWindowsLog Get-DbaErrorLog Get-DbaAgentLog Get-DbaDbMailLog Get-DbaDbMailHistory Get-DbaDatabaseView Get-DbaDatabaseUdf Get-DbaDatabasePartitionFunction Get-DbaDatabasePartitionScheme Get-DbaDefaultPath Get-DbaDbStoredProcedure Test-DbaDbCompression Mount-DbaDatabase Dismount-DbaDatabase Set-DbaPrivilege Get-DbaAgReplica Get-DbaAgDatabase Get-DbaSqlModule Get-DbaRegisteredServerStore Sync-DbaLoginPermission Invoke-Sqlcmd2 New-DbaCredential Get-DbaFile Set-DbaDbCompression New-DbaClientAlias Get-DbaClientAlias Get-DbaOperatingSystem Install-DbaMaintenanceSolution Get-DbaComputerSystem Get-DbaTraceFlag Stop-DbaSqlService Start-DbaSqlService Restart-DbaSqlService Invoke-DbaCycleErrorLog Get-DbaSqlRegistryRoot Get-DbaAvailableCollation Get-DbaUserLevelPermission Get-DbaAgHadr Get-DbaPolicy Find-DbaSimilarTable Disable-DbaAgHadr Enable-DbaAgHadr Get-DbaTrace Get-DbaSuspectPage Get-DbaWaitStatistic Clear-DbaWaitStatistics Get-DbaTopResourceUsage New-DbaLogin Get-DbaAgListener Invoke-DbaDatabaseClone Read-DbaXEFile Get-DbaDistributor Update-DbaSqlServiceAccount Watch-DbaXESession Disable-DbaTraceFlag Enable-DbaTraceFlag Start-DbaAgentJob Stop-DbaAgentJob Remove-DbaClientAlias New-DbaAgentProxy Test-DbaLogShippingStatus Get-DbaXESessionTarget New-DbaXESmartTargetResponse New-DbaXESmartTarget Get-DbaDbVirtualLogFile Register-DbaConfig Get-DbaBackupInformation Start-DbaXESession Stop-DbaXESession Set-DbaDbRecoveryModel Get-DbaDbRecoveryModel Get-DbaWaitingTask Remove-DbaDbUser Get-DbaDump Invoke-DbaAdvancedRestore Format-DbaBackupInformation Get-DbaAgentJobStep Test-DbaBackupInformation Invoke-DbaBalanceDataFiles Select-DbaBackupInformation Rename-DbaDatabase New-DbaPublishProfile Publish-DbaDacpac Export-DbaDacpac Copy-DbaTableData Invoke-DbaSqlQuery Remove-DbaLogin Get-DbaFileStream Set-DbaFileStream Get-DbaAgentJobCategory New-DbaAgentJobCategory Remove-DbaAgentJobCategory Set-DbaAgentJobCategory Get-DbaDbRole Get-DbaServerRole Find-DbaBackup Get-DbaCpuUsage Remove-DbaXESession New-DbaXESession Import-DbaXESessionTemplate Get-DbaXEStore Export-DbaXESessionTemplate New-DbaXESmartTableWriter New-DbaXESmartReplay New-DbaXESmartEmail New-DbaXESmartQueryExec Start-DbaXESmartTarget Get-DbaOrphanUser Get-DbaOpenTransaction Get-DbaLogShippingError Test-DbaSqlBuild Get-DbaXESessionTemplate ConvertTo-DbaXESession Start-DbaTrace Stop-DbaTrace Remove-DbaTrace Set-DbaLogin Copy-DbaXESessionTemplate Get-DbaXEObject ConvertTo-DbaDataTable Find-DbaDisabledIndex Invoke-DbaPfRelog Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample Get-DbaPfDataCollector Get-DbaPfDataCollectorSet Start-DbaPfDataCollectorSet Stop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet Export-DbaPfDataCollectorSetTemplate Get-DbaPfDataCollectorSetTemplate Import-DbaPfDataCollectorSetTemplate Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet Add-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter Get-DbaPfAvailableCounter Get-DbaXESmartTarget Remove-DbaXESmartTarget Stop-DbaXESmartTarget Get-DbaRegisteredServerGroup New-DbaDbUser Measure-DbaDiskSpaceRequirement New-DbaXESmartCsvWriter Export-DbaXECsv Invoke-DbaXeReplay Find-DbaInstance Test-DbaDiskSpeed Get-DbaDbExtentDiff Read-DbaAuditFile Get-DbaDbCompression Invoke-DbaDbDecryptObject Get-DbaDbForeignKey Get-DbaDbCheckConstraint Set-DbaAgentAlert Get-DbaSqlFeature Get-DbaWaitResource Get-DbaDbPageInfo Get-DbaConnection Test-DbaLoginPassword Get-DbaResourceGovernorClassifierFunction Get-DbaErrorLogConfig Set-DbaErrorLogConfig Select-DbaObject Add-DbaRegisteredServer Add-DbaRegisteredServerGroup Export-DbaRegisteredServer Import-DbaRegisteredServer Move-DbaRegisteredServer Move-DbaRegisteredServerGroup Remove-DbaRegisteredServer Remove-DbaRegisteredServerGroup
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
- dbatools.nuspec
- allcommands.ps1
- appveyor.yml
- codecov.yml
- contributing.md
- dbatools.psd1
- dbatools.psm1
- dbatools.psproj
- dbatools.psprojs
- install.ps1
- msbuild.log
- readme.md
- bin\build-project.ps1
- bin\dbatools-buildref-index.json
- bin\dbatools-index.json
- bin\dbatools.dll
- bin\dbatools.pdb
- bin\dbatools.xml
- bin\library.ps1
- bin\LumenWorks.Framework.IO.dll
- bin\PSScriptAnalyzerRules.psd1
- bin\sp_SQLskills_ConvertTraceToEEs.sql
- bin\stig.sql
- bin\thor.png
- bin\type-extensions.ps1
- bin\typealiases.ps1
- bin\xetemplates-metadata.xml
- bin\bcp\bcp.exe
- bin\bcp\Resources\1033\bcp.rll
- bin\build\vsts-build.ps1
- bin\build\vsts-prebuild.ps1
- bin\diagnosticquery\SQLServerDiagnosticQueries_2005_201805.sql
- bin\diagnosticquery\SQLServerDiagnosticQueries_2008R2_201805.sql
- bin\diagnosticquery\SQLServerDiagnosticQueries_2008_201805.sql
- bin\diagnosticquery\SQLServerDiagnosticQueries_2012_201805.sql
- bin\diagnosticquery\SQLServerDiagnosticQueries_2014_201805.sql
- bin\diagnosticquery\SQLServerDiagnosticQueries_2016SP2_201805.sql
- bin\diagnosticquery\SQLServerDiagnosticQueries_2016_201805.sql
- bin\diagnosticquery\SQLServerDiagnosticQueries_2017_201805.sql
- bin\diagnosticquery\SQLServerDiagnosticQueries_AzureSQLDatabase_201805.sql
- bin\perfmontemplates\collectorsets.xml
- bin\perfmontemplates\collectorsets\Long Running Queries.xml
- bin\perfmontemplates\collectorsets\PAL - SQL Server 2005.xml
- bin\perfmontemplates\collectorsets\PAL - SQL Server 2008 and R2.xml
- bin\perfmontemplates\collectorsets\PAL - SQL Server 2012.xml
- bin\perfmontemplates\collectorsets\PAL - SQL Server 2014 and Up.xml
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools.sln
- bin\projects\dbatools\msbuild.rsp
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\dbatools.csproj
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Computer\DiskSpace.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Computer\DriveType.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Computer\PageFileSetting.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Configuration\Config.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Configuration\ConfigScope.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Configuration\ConfigurationHost.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Connection\ConnectionHost.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Connection\ManagementConnection.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Connection\ManagementConnectionProtocolState.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Connection\ManagementConnectionType.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Connection\PSSessionContainer.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Connection\SqlConnectionProtocol.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Database\BackupHistory.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Database\Dependency.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\dbaSystem\DbaErrorRecord.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\dbaSystem\DbatoolsException.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\dbaSystem\DbatoolsExceptionRecord.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\dbaSystem\DebugHost.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\dbaSystem\LogEntry.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\dbaSystem\LogEntryType.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\dbaSystem\MessageHost.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\dbaSystem\MessageLevel.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\dbaSystem\StartTimeEntry.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\dbaSystem\StartTimeResult.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\dbaSystem\SystemHost.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Discovery\DbaBrowserReply.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Discovery\DbaInstanceAvailability.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Discovery\DbaInstanceConfidenceLevel.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Discovery\DbaInstanceDiscoveryType.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Discovery\DbaInstanceReport.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Discovery\DbaInstanceScanType.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Discovery\DbaPortReport.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Exceptions\BloodyHellGiveMeSomethingToWorkWithException.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\General\ExecutionMode.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Maintenance\MaintenanceHost.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Maintenance\MaintenancePriority.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Maintenance\MaintenanceTask.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\obj\Release\dbatools.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\obj\Release\dbatools.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\obj\Release\dbatools.dll
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\obj\Release\dbatools.pdb
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Parameter\DbaCmConnectionParameter.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Parameter\DbaCredentialParameter.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Parameter\DbaDatabaseParameter.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Parameter\DbaDatabaseSmoParameter.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Parameter\DbaInstanceInputType.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Parameter\DbaInstanceParameter.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Parameter\DbaSelectParameter.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Parameter\ParameterContractAttribute.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Parameter\ParameterContractBehavior.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Parameter\ParameterContractType.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Runspace\DbaRunspaceState.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Runspace\RunspaceContainer.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Runspace\RunspaceHost.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\TabExpansion\InstanceAccess.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\TabExpansion\ScriptContainer.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\TabExpansion\TabCompletionSet.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\TabExpansion\TabExpansionHost.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\TypeConversion\DbaCredentialParameterConverter.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\CredentialPrompt.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\DateTimeExtension.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\DbaDate.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\DbaDateTime.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\DbaDateTimeBase.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\DbaTime.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\DbaTimeSpan.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\DbaTimeSpanPretty.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\DbaValidatePatternAttribute.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\DbaValidateScriptAttribute.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\RegexHelper.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\Size.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\SizeStyle.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\UtilityHost.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Utility\Validation.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools\Validation\LinkedServerResult.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools.Tests\dbatools.Tests.csproj
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools.Tests\packages.config
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools.Tests\Connection\ManagementConnectionTest.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools.Tests\Parameter\DbaInstanceParamaterTest.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools.Tests\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
- bin\projects\dbatools\dbatools.Tests\Utility\SizeTest.cs
- bin\smo\Accessibility.dll
- bin\smo\EnvDTE.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AppLocal.Core.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AppLocal.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.Core.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.Data.Edm.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.Data.OData.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Components.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Contracts.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.SqlTasks.targets
- bin\smo\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Tasks.Sql.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Utilities.Sql.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Utilities.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Utils.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.Practices.TransientFaultHandling.Core.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ADONETSrc.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ASTasks.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.BatchParser.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.BatchParserClient.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.BulkInsertTaskConnections.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfoExtended.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.CustomControls.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Extensions.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Extensions.xml
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.xml
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.DataProfiler.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.DataProfilingTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Diagnostics.Strace.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dmf.Adapters.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dmf.Common.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dmf.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.DmfSqlClrWrapper.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.DMQueryTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.DTEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Design.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.DtsClient.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.DtsMsg.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SQLServer.DTSRuntimeWrap.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.DtsServer.Interop.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSUtilities.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Edition.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ExecProcTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ExpressionTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.FileSystemTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ForEachADOEnumerator.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ForEachFileEnumeratorWrap.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ForEachFromVarEnumerator.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ForEachNodeListEnumerator.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ForEachSMOEnumerator.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.FtpTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.GridControl.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Instapi.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.ClusterManagement.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Common.ObjectModel.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.ISServerDBUpgrade.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.ODataConnectionManager.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.ODataSrc.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Server.Common.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Server.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Server.IPC.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.server.shared.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.SqlTaskScheduler.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.TaskScheduler.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.WorkerAgent.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedConnections.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.AlwaysEncrypted.AzureKeyVaultProvider.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.AlwaysEncrypted.Management.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.AlwaysEncrypted.Types.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.AzureAuthenticationManagement.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.CloudAdapter.Client.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.CloudAdapter.Data.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Collector.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.CollectorEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.CollectorTasks.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac.UniversalAuthProvider.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.HadrDmf.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.HelpViewer.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.InMemoryOLTPMigrationAdvisor.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServicesEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.RegisteredServers.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Scripting.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SDK.SqlStudio.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SmartAdminPolicies.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SystemMetadataProvider.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Utility.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UtilityEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.XEvent.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.XEventDbScoped.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.XEventDbScopedEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.XEventEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.MSMQTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.OlapEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.PackageFormatUpdate.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.PipelineHost.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.PipelineXML.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.PolicyEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.RegSvrEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ReplEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ScriptTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.SendMailTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.ServiceBrokerEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlCEDest.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlClrProvider.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.SQLTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.SQLTaskConnectionsWrap.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlTDiagm.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlWmiManagement.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.SString.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.TransferDatabasesTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.TransferErrorMessagesTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.TransferJobsTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.TransferLoginsTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.TransferObjectsTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.TransferSqlServerObjectsTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.TransferStoredProceduresTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.TxScript.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.resources.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.VSTAScriptingLib.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.VulnerabilityAssessment.Model.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.WebServiceTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.WMIDRTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.WmiEnum.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.WMIEWTask.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.XE.Core.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.XEvent.Configuration.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.XEvent.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.XEvent.dll.xoeg8du.partial
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.XEvent.Linq.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.XEvent.Linq.dll.oc2ihg1.partial
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.XmlSrc.dll
- bin\smo\Microsoft.SqlServer.XMLTask.dll
- bin\smo\smo-deps.txt
- bin\smo\sqlpackage.exe
- bin\smo\sqlpackage.exe.config
- bin\sqlcmd\SQLCMD.EXE
- bin\sqlcmd\Resources\1033\license_SQLCMD.txt
- bin\sqlcmd\Resources\1033\SQLCMD.rll
- bin\third-party-licenses\sql-server-data-tools-license-terms-vs2017.md
- bin\third-party-licenses\sql-server-data-tools-license-terms.md
- bin\third-party-licenses\ThirdPartyNoticesDacFramework.rtf
- bin\XESmartTarget\CommandLine.dll
- bin\XESmartTarget\CsvHelper.dll
- bin\XESmartTarget\DouglasCrockford.JsMin.dll
- bin\XESmartTarget\NLog.dll
- bin\XESmartTarget\NLog.dll.nlog
- bin\XESmartTarget\SmartFormat.dll
- bin\XESmartTarget\XESmartTarget.Core.dll
- bin\XEtemplates\15 Second IO Error.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Activity Detail Tracking.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Activity Tracking.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\AlwaysOn Health Enhanced.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Blocked Process Report.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Connection Detail Tracking.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Connection Tracking.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Count Query Locks.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Database File IO.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Database Health 2012.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Database Health 2014.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Database Health 2016 and Above.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Deadlock Graphs.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Default Profiler Trace.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Deprecated Feature Usage.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Function Executions.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Index Page Splits.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Log File IO Detail Tracking.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Log File IO Tracking.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Login Tracker.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Long Running Queries.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Overly Complex Queries.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Profiler SP Counts.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Profiler Standard.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Profiler TSQL Duration.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Profiler TSQL Locks.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Profiler TSQL Replay.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Profiler TSQL SPs.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Profiler TSQL.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Profiler Tuning.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Queries and Resources.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Query Batch Detail Sampling.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Query Batch Sampling.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Query Batch Tracking.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Query Detail Sampling.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Query Detail Tracking.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Query Timeouts.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Query Wait Statistics Detail.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Query Wait Statistics.xml
- bin\XEtemplates\Stored Procedure Parameters.xml
- en-us\about_dbatools.help.txt
- en-us\about_dbatools_importoptions.help.txt
- en-us\about_dbatools_support.help.txt
- functions\Add-DbaComputerCertificate.ps1
- functions\Add-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter.ps1
- functions\Add-DbaRegisteredServer.ps1
- functions\Add-DbaRegisteredServerGroup.ps1
- functions\Backup-DbaDatabase.ps1
- functions\Backup-DbaDatabaseMasterKey.ps1
- functions\Backup-DbaDbCertificate.ps1
- functions\Clear-DbaSqlConnectionPool.ps1
- functions\Clear-DbaWaitStatistics.ps1
- functions\Connect-DbaInstance.ps1
- functions\ConvertTo-DbaDataTable.ps1
- functions\ConvertTo-DbaXESession.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaAgentAlert.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaAgentCategory.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaAgentJob.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaAgentOperator.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaAgentProxyAccount.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaAgentSharedSchedule.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaBackupDevice.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaCentralManagementServer.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaCredential.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaCustomError.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaDatabase.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaDatabaseAssembly.ps1
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- functions\Copy-DbaEndpoint.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaExtendedEvent.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaLinkedServer.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaLogin.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaQueryStoreConfig.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaResourceGovernor.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaServerAudit.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaServerAuditSpecification.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaServerTrigger.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaSpConfigure.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaSqlDataCollector.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaSqlPolicyManagement.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaSqlServerAgent.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaSsisCatalog.ps1
- functions\Copy-DbaSysDbUserObject.ps1
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- functions\Copy-DbaXESessionTemplate.ps1
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- functions\Export-DbaRegisteredServer.ps1
- functions\Export-DbaScript.ps1
- functions\Export-DbaSpConfigure.ps1
- functions\Export-DbaUser.ps1
- functions\Export-DbaXECsv.ps1
- functions\Export-DbaXESessionTemplate.ps1
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- functions\Find-DbaDbGrowthEvent.ps1
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- functions\Find-DbaDuplicateIndex.ps1
- functions\Find-DbaInstance.ps1
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- functions\Find-DbaOrphanedFile.ps1
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- functions\Find-DbaStoredProcedure.ps1
- functions\Find-DbaTrigger.ps1
- functions\Find-DbaUnusedIndex.ps1
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- functions\Find-DbaView.ps1
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- functions\Get-DbaAgDatabase.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAgentAlert.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAgentJob.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAgentJobCategory.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAgentJobHistory.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAgentJobOutputFile.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAgentJobStep.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAgentLog.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAgentOperator.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAgentSchedule.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAgHadr.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAgListener.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAgReplica.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAvailabilityGroup.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaAvailableCollation.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaBackupDevice.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaBackupHistory.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaBackupInformation.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaClientAlias.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaClientProtocol.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaClusterNode.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaCmConnection.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaCmObject.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaComputerCertificate.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaComputerSystem.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaConfig.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaConfigValue.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaConnection.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaCpuUsage.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaCredential.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaCustomError.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDatabase.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDatabaseAssembly.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDatabaseEncryption.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDatabaseFile.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDatabaseMasterKey.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDatabasePartitionFunction.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDatabasePartitionScheme.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDatabaseSpace.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDatabaseState.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDatabaseUdf.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDatabaseUser.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDatabaseView.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbCertificate.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbCheckConstraint.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbCompression.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbExtentDiff.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbForeignKey.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbMailHistory.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbMailLog.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbPageInfo.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbQueryStoreOptions.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbRecoveryModel.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbRole.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbSnapshot.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbStoredProcedure.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDbVirtualLogFile.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDefaultPath.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDependency.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDetachedDatabaseInfo.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDiskSpace.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDistributor.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaDump.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaEndpoint.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaErrorLog.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaErrorLogConfig.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaEstimatedCompletionTime.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaExecutionPlan.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaFile.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaForceNetworkEncryption.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaHelpIndex.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaJobCategory.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaLastBackup.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaLinkedServer.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaLocaleSetting.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaLogin.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaLogShippingError.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaMaintenanceSolutionLog.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaMaxMemory.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaMemoryUsage.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaMsdtc.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaNetworkActivity.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaNetworkCertificate.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaOpenTransaction.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaOperatingSystem.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaOrphanUser.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaPageFileSetting.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaPermission.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaPfAvailableCounter.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaPfDataCollector.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaPfDataCollectorSet.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaPfDataCollectorSetTemplate.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaPolicy.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaPrivilege.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaProcess.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaQueryExecutionTime.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaRegisteredServer.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaRegisteredServerGroup.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaRegisteredServerStore.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaResourceGovernorClassifierFunction.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaRestoreHistory.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaRoleMember.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaRunningJob.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSchemaChangeHistory.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaServerAudit.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaServerAuditSpecification.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaServerInstallDate.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaServerProtocol.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaServerRole.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSpConfigure.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSpn.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSqlBuildReference.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSqlFeature.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSqlInstanceProperty.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSqlInstanceUserOption.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSqlManagementObject.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSqlModule.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSqlProductKey.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSqlRegistryRoot.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSqlService.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSsisEnvironmentVariable.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaStartupParameter.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaSuspectPage.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaTable.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaTcpPort.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaTempdbUsage.ps1
- functions\Get-DbatoolsLog.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaTopResourceUsage.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaTrace.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaTraceFlag.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaTrigger.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaUptime.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaUserLevelPermission.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaWaitingTask.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaWaitResource.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaWaitStatistic.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaWindowsLog.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaXEObject.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaXESession.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaXESessionTarget.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaXESessionTargetFile.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaXESessionTemplate.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaXESmartTarget.ps1
- functions\Get-DbaXEStore.ps1
- functions\Import-DbaCsvToSql.ps1
- functions\Import-DbaPfDataCollectorSetTemplate.ps1
- functions\Import-DbaRegisteredServer.ps1
- functions\Import-DbaSpConfigure.ps1
- functions\Import-DbaXESessionTemplate.ps1
- functions\Install-DbaFirstResponderKit.ps1
- functions\Install-DbaMaintenanceSolution.ps1
- functions\Install-DbaWatchUpdate.ps1
- functions\Install-DbaWhoIsActive.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaAdvancedRestore.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaBalanceDataFiles.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaCycleErrorLog.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaDatabaseClone.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaDatabaseShrink.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaDatabaseUpgrade.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaDbDecryptObject.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaDiagnosticQuery.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaLogShipping.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaLogShippingRecovery.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaPfRelog.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaSqlQuery.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaWhoisActive.ps1
- functions\Invoke-DbaXEReplay.ps1
- functions\Invoke-SqlCmd2.ps1
- functions\Measure-DbaBackupThroughput.ps1
- functions\Measure-DbaDiskSpaceRequirement.ps1
- functions\Mount-DbaDatabase.ps1
- functions\Move-DbaRegisteredServer.ps1
- functions\Move-DbaRegisteredServerGroup.ps1
- functions\New-DbaAgentJob.ps1
- functions\New-DbaAgentJobCategory.ps1
- functions\New-DbaAgentJobStep.ps1
- functions\New-DbaAgentProxy.ps1
- functions\New-DbaAgentSchedule.ps1
- functions\New-DbaClientAlias.ps1
- functions\New-DbaCmConnection.ps1
- functions\New-DbaComputerCertificate.ps1
- functions\New-DbaCredential.ps1
- functions\New-DbaDatabaseMasterKey.ps1
- functions\New-DbaDbCertificate.ps1
- functions\New-DbaDbSnapshot.ps1
- functions\New-DbaDbUser.ps1
- functions\New-DbaLogin.ps1
- functions\New-DbaPublishProfile.ps1
- functions\New-DbaScriptingOption.ps1
- functions\New-DbaServiceMasterKey.ps1
- functions\New-DbaSqlConnectionString.ps1
- functions\New-DbaSqlConnectionStringBuilder.ps1
- functions\New-DbaSqlDirectory.ps1
- functions\New-DbaSsisCatalog.ps1
- functions\New-DbatoolsSupportPackage.ps1
- functions\New-DbaXESession.ps1
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- functions\New-DbaXESmartQueryExec.ps1
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- functions\New-DbaXESmartTableWriter.ps1
- functions\Publish-DbaDacpac.ps1
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- functions\Read-DbaBackupHeader.ps1
- functions\Read-DbaTraceFile.ps1
- functions\Read-DbaTransactionLog.ps1
- functions\Read-DbaXEFile.ps1
- functions\Register-DbaConfig.ps1
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- functions\Remove-DbaAgentJobCategory.ps1
- functions\Remove-DbaAgentJobStep.ps1
- functions\Remove-DbaAgentSchedule.ps1
- functions\Remove-DbaBackup.ps1
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- functions\Remove-DbaCmConnection.ps1
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- functions\Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter.ps1
- functions\Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet.ps1
- functions\Remove-DbaRegisteredServer.ps1
- functions\Remove-DbaRegisteredServerGroup.ps1
- functions\Remove-DbaSpn.ps1
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- functions\Rename-DbaLogin.ps1
- functions\Repair-DbaOrphanUser.ps1
- functions\Repair-DbaServerName.ps1
- functions\Reset-DbaAdmin.ps1
- functions\Resolve-DbaNetworkName.ps1
- functions\Restart-DbaSqlService.ps1
- functions\Restore-DbaBackupFromDirectory.ps1
- functions\Restore-DbaDatabase.ps1
- functions\Restore-DbaDbCertificate.ps1
- functions\Restore-DbaDbSnapshot.ps1
- functions\Save-DbaDiagnosticQueryScript.ps1
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- functions\Select-DbaObject.ps1
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- functions\Set-DbaAgentJobCategory.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaAgentJobOutputFile.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaAgentJobStep.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaAgentSchedule.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaCmConnection.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaConfig.ps1
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- functions\Set-DbaDbQueryStoreOptions.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaDbRecoveryModel.ps1
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- functions\Set-DbaJobOwner.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaLogin.ps1
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- functions\Set-DbaMaxMemory.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaNetworkCertificate.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaPowerPlan.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaPrivilege.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaSpConfigure.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaSpn.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaStartupParameter.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaTcpPort.ps1
- functions\Set-DbaTempDbConfiguration.ps1
- functions\Show-DbaDatabaseList.ps1
- functions\Show-DbaServerFileSystem.ps1
- functions\Start-DbaAgentJob.ps1
- functions\Start-DbaMigration.ps1
- functions\Start-DbaPfDataCollectorSet.ps1
- functions\Start-DbaPowerBi.ps1
- functions\Start-DbaSqlService.ps1
- functions\Start-DbaTrace.ps1
- functions\Start-DbaXESession.ps1
- functions\Start-DbaXESmartTarget.ps1
- functions\Stop-DbaAgentJob.ps1
- functions\Stop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet.ps1
- functions\Stop-DbaProcess.ps1
- functions\Stop-DbaSqlService.ps1
- functions\Stop-DbaTrace.ps1
- functions\Stop-DbaXESession.ps1
- functions\Stop-DbaXESmartTarget.ps1
- functions\Sync-DbaLoginPermission.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaBackupInformation.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaCmConnection.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaConnection.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaConnectionAuthScheme.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaDatabaseCollation.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaDatabaseCompatibility.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaDatabaseOwner.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaDbCompression.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaDbVirtualLogFile.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaDiskAlignment.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaDiskAllocation.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaDiskSpeed.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaIdentityUsage.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaJobOwner.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaLastBackup.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaLinkedServerConnection.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaLoginPassword.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaLogShippingStatus.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaMaxDop.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaMaxMemory.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaMigrationConstraint.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaNetworkLatency.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaOptimizeForAdHoc.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaPowerPlan.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaRecoveryModel.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaServerName.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaSpn.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaSqlBuild.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaSqlManagementObject.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaSqlPath.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaTempDbConfiguration.ps1
- functions\Test-DbaWindowsLogin.ps1
- functions\Uninstall-DbaWatchUpdate.ps1
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- functions\Update-DbaSqlServiceAccount.ps1
- functions\Update-dbatools.ps1
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- functions\Watch-DbaUpdate.ps1
- functions\Watch-DbaXESession.ps1
- functions\Write-DbaDataTable.ps1
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- internal\dynamicparams\processSpid.ps1
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- internal\functions\Connect-AsServer.ps1
- internal\functions\Connect-SqlInstance.ps1
- internal\functions\Convert-ByteToHexString.ps1
- internal\functions\Convert-DbVersionToSqlVersion.ps1
- internal\functions\Convert-HexStringToByte.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-BackupAncientHistory.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-CodePage.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-DbaADObject.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-DbaDbPhysicalFile.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-DbaFileStreamFolder.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-DbaRunspace.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-DbaService.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-DBASQLServiceErrorMessage.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-DirectoryRestoreFile.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-ErrorMessage.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-JobList.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-Language.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-OfflineSqlFileStructure.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-PasswordHash.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-RegServerGroupReverseParse.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-RegServerParent.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-RestoreContinuableDatabase.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-SaLoginName.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-SmoServerForDynamicParams.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-SqlCmdVars.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-SqlDefaultPaths.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-SqlDefaultSpConfigure.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-SqlFileStructure.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-SqlSaLogin.ps1
- internal\functions\Get-XpDirTreeRestoreFile.ps1
- internal\functions\Invoke-Command2.ps1
- internal\functions\Invoke-DbaDatabaseCorruption.ps1
- internal\functions\Invoke-DbaDiagnosticQueryScriptParser.ps1
- internal\functions\Invoke-DbaSqlAsync.ps1
- internal\functions\Invoke-ManagedComputerCommand.ps1
- internal\functions\Invoke-Parallel.ps1
- internal\functions\Invoke-SmoCheck.ps1
- internal\functions\Invoke-SteppablePipeline.ps1
- internal\functions\Invoke-TagCommand.ps1
- internal\functions\Join-AdminUnc.ps1
- internal\functions\New-DbaLogShippingPrimaryDatabase.ps1
- internal\functions\New-DbaLogShippingPrimarySecondary.ps1
- internal\functions\New-DbaLogShippingSecondaryDatabase.ps1
- internal\functions\New-DbaLogShippingSecondaryPrimary.ps1
- internal\functions\New-DbaTeppCompletionResult.ps1
- internal\functions\Register-DbaConfigValidation.ps1
- internal\functions\Register-DbaMaintenanceTask.ps1
- internal\functions\Register-DbaRunspace.ps1
- internal\functions\Register-DbaTeppArgumentCompleter.ps1
- internal\functions\Register-DbaTeppInstanceCacheBuilder.ps1
- internal\functions\Register-DbaTeppScriptBlock.ps1
- internal\functions\Remove-InvalidFileNameChars.ps1
- internal\functions\Resolve-IpAddress.ps1
- internal\functions\Resolve-NetBiosName.ps1
- internal\functions\Resolve-SqlIpAddress.ps1
- internal\functions\Select-DefaultView.ps1
- internal\functions\Set-ServiceStartMode.ps1
- internal\functions\Show-Notification.ps1
- internal\functions\Start-DbaRunspace.ps1
- internal\functions\Start-DbccCheck.ps1
- internal\functions\Stop-DbaRunspace.ps1
- internal\functions\Stop-Function.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-Bound.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-ComputerTarget.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-DbaDeprecation.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-DbaLsnChain.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-DbaRestoreVersion.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-ElevationRequirement.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-FunctionInterrupt.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-HostOSLinux.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-PSRemoting.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-SqlAgent.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-SqlLoginAccess.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-SqlQueryComplete.ps1
- internal\functions\Test-SqlSa.ps1
- internal\functions\Update-ServiceStatus.ps1
- internal\functions\Update-SqlDbOwner.ps1
- internal\functions\Update-SqlDbReadOnly.ps1
- internal\functions\Update-SqlPermissions.ps1
- internal\functions\Where-DbaObject.ps1
- internal\functions\Write-HostColor.ps1
- internal\functions\Write-Message.ps1
- internal\maintenance\PSSession-Cleanup.ps1
- internal\maintenance\tempcleanup.ps1
- internal\maintenance\teppInsertTask.ps1
- internal\scripts\dbatools-maintenance.ps1
- internal\scripts\insertTepp.ps1
- internal\scripts\logfilescript.ps1
- internal\scripts\smoLibraryImport.ps1
- internal\scripts\updateTeppAsync.ps1
- optional\Compress-Archive.ps1
- optional\Expand-Archive.ps1
- optional\Get-GenericArgumentCompleter.ps1
- optional\TabExpansionPlusPlus.ps1
- tests\Add-DbaComputerCertificate.Tests.ps1
- tests\Add-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter.Tests.ps1
- tests\Add-DbaRegisteredServer.Tests.ps1
- tests\Add-DbaRegisteredServerGroup.Tests.ps1
- tests\appveyor.pester.ps1
- tests\appveyor.post.ps1
- tests\appveyor.prep.ps1
- tests\appveyor.SQL2008R2SP2.ps1
- tests\appveyor.SQL2016.ps1
- tests\appveyor.SQL2017.ps1
- tests\appveyor.sqlserver.ps1
- tests\Backup-DbaDatabase.Tests.ps1
- tests\Backup-DbaDatabaseMasterKey.Tests.ps1
- tests\Backup-DbaDbCertificate.Tests.ps1
- tests\Clear-DbaSqlConnectionPool.Tests.ps1
- tests\Clear-DbaWaitStatistics.Tests.ps1
- tests\Connect-DbaInstance.Tests.ps1
- tests\Connect-SqlInstance.Tests.ps1
- tests\constants.ps1
- tests\ConvertTo-DbaDataTable.Tests.ps1
- tests\ConvertTo-DbaXESession.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaAgentAlert.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaAgentCategory.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaAgentJob.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaAgentOperator.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaBackupDevice.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaCentralManagementServer.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaCredential.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaCustomError.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaDatabase.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaDatabaseAssembly.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaLinkedServer.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaLogin.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaResourceGovernor.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaServerTrigger.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaSpConfigure.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaTableData.Tests.ps1
- tests\Copy-DbaXESessionTemplate.Tests.ps1
- tests\dbatools.Tests.ps1
- tests\Disable-DbaAgHadr.Tests.ps1
- tests\Disable-DbaForceNetworkEncryption.Tests.ps1
- tests\Disable-DbaTraceFlag.Tests.ps1
- tests\Dismount-DbaDatabase.Tests.ps1
- tests\Enable-DbaAgHadr.Tests.ps1
- tests\Enable-DbaForceNetworkEncryption.Tests.ps1
- tests\Enable-DbaTraceFlag.Tests.ps1
- tests\Expand-DbaTLogResponsibly.Tests.ps1
- tests\Export-DbaAvailabilityGroup.Tests.ps1
- tests\Export-DbaDacpac.Tests.ps1
- tests\Export-DbaDiagnosticQuery.Tests.ps1
- tests\Export-DbaLogin.Tests.ps1
- tests\Export-DbaPfDataCollectorSetTemplate.Tests.ps1
- tests\Export-DbaRegisteredServer.Tests.ps1
- tests\Export-DbaUser.Tests.ps1
- tests\Export-DbaXESessionTemplate.Tests.ps1
- tests\Find-DbaBackup.Tests.ps1
- tests\Find-DbaDatabase.Tests.ps1
- tests\Find-DbaDisabledIndex.Tests.ps1
- tests\Find-DbaDuplicateIndex.Tests.ps1
- tests\Find-DbaInstance.Tests.ps1
- tests\Find-DbaOrphanedFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\Find-DbaSimilarTable.Tests.ps1
- tests\Format-DbaBackupInformation.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAgDatabase.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAgentAlert.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAgentJob.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAgentJobCategory.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAgentJobHistory.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAgentJobOutputFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAgentJobStep.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAgentLog.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAgentOperator.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAgHadr.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAgListener.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAgReplica.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAvailabilityGroup.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaAvailableCollation.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaBackupHistory.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaBackupInformation.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaClientAlias.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaClientProtocol.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaClusterNode.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaCmObject.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaComputerCertificate.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaComputerSystem.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaConnection.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaCredential.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDatabase.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDatabaseEncryption.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDatabaseFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDatabaseState.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDatabaseView.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDbCertificate.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDbCheckConstraint.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDbCompression.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDbForeignKey.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDbPageInfo.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDbQueryStoreOptions.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDbRecoveryModel.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDbRole.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDbSnapshot.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDbStoredProcedure.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDbVirtualLogFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDefaultPath.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDiskSpace.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDistributor.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaDump.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaErrorLog.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaErrorLogConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaForceNetworkEncryption.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaLastBackup.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaLogin.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaLogShippingError.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaMaxMemory.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaOpenTransaction.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaOperatingSystem.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaOrphanUser.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaPermission.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaPfAvailableCounter.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaPfDataCollector.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaPfDataCollectorSet.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaPfDataCollectorSetTemplate.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaPolicy.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaProcess.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaRegisteredServer.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaRegisteredServerGroup.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaRegisteredServerStore.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaResourceGovernorClassifierFunction.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaRestoreHistory.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaSchemaChangeHistory.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaServerAudit.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaServerProtocol.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaServerRole.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaSpConfigure.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaSqlBuildReference.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaSqlFeature.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaSqlInstanceProperty.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaSqlModule.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaSqlRegistryRoot.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaSqlService.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaSuspectPage.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaTopResourceUsage.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaTrace.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaTraceFlag.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaUpTime.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaUserLevelPermission.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaWaitingTask.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaWaitResource.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaWaitStatistic.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaXESession.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaXESessionTarget.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DbaXESessionTemplate.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-DirectoryRestoreFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\Get-XpDirTreeRestoreFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\Import-DbaPfDataCollectorSetTemplate.Tests.ps1
- tests\Import-DbaRegisteredServer.Tests.ps1
- tests\Import-DbaXESessionTemplate.Tests.ps1
- tests\InModule.Help.Exceptions.ps1
- tests\InModule.Help.Tests.ps1
- tests\Install-DbaFirstResponderKit.Tests.ps1
- tests\Install-DbaMaintenanceSolution.Tests.ps1
- tests\Invoke-DbaBalanceDataFiles.Tests.ps1
- tests\Invoke-DbaCycleErrorLog.Tests.ps1
- tests\Invoke-DbaDatabaseClone.Tests.ps1
- tests\Invoke-DbaDatabaseCorruption.Tests.ps1
- tests\Invoke-DbaDatabaseShrink.Tests.ps1
- tests\Invoke-DbaDbDecryptObject.Tests.ps1
- tests\Invoke-DbaDiagnosticQuery.Tests.ps1
- tests\Invoke-DbaLogShipping.Tests.ps1
- tests\Invoke-DbaSqlQuery.Tests.ps1
- tests\Invoke-SqlCmd2.Tests.ps1
- tests\manual.pester.ps1
- tests\Measure-DbaBackupThroughput.Tests.ps1
- tests\Mount-DbaDatabase.Tests.ps1
- tests\Move-DbaRegisteredServer.Tests.ps1
- tests\Move-DbaRegisteredServerGroup.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaAgentJob.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaAgentJobCategory.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaAgentJobStep.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaAgentProxy.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaClientAlias.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaComputerCertificate.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaCredential.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaDbCertificate.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaDbSnapshot.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaLogin.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaPublishProfile.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaSqlConnectionStringBuilder.Tests.ps1
- tests\New-DbaSsisCatalog.Tests.ps1
- tests\pester.groups.ps1
- tests\Publish-DbaDacpac.Tests.ps1
- tests\Read-DbaAuditFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\Read-DbaTraceFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\Read-DbaXEFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaAgentJob.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaAgentJobCategory.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaBackup.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaClientAlias.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaComputerCertificate.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaDatabase.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaDatabaseSafely.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaDbCertificate.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaDbSnapshot.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaDbUser.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaLogin.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaRegisteredServer.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaRegisteredServerGroup.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaTrace.Tests.ps1
- tests\Remove-DbaXESession.Tests.ps1
- tests\Rename-DbaLogin.Tests.ps1
- tests\Repair-DbaOrphanUser.Tests.ps1
- tests\Reset-DbaAdmin.Tests.ps1
- tests\Restart-DbaSqlService.Tests.ps1
- tests\Restore-DbaDatabase.Tests.ps1
- tests\Restore-DbaDbCertificate.Tests.ps1
- tests\Restore-DbaDbSnapshot.Tests.ps1
- tests\Select-DbaBackupInformation.Tests.ps1
- tests\Select-DbaObject.Tests.ps1
- tests\Set-DbaAgentAlert.Tests.ps1
- tests\Set-DbaAgentJobCategory.Tests.ps1
- tests\Set-DbaDatabaseState.Tests.ps1
- tests\Set-DbaDbCompression.Tests.ps1
- tests\Set-DbaDbQueryStoreOptions.Tests.ps1
- tests\Set-DbaDbRecoveryModel.Tests.ps1
- tests\Set-DbaErrorLogConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\Set-DbaLogin.Tests.ps1
- tests\Set-DbaMaxDop.Tests.ps1
- tests\Set-DbaMaxMemory.Tests.ps1
- tests\Set-DbaSpConfigure.Tests.ps1
- tests\Start-DbaAgentJob.Tests.ps1
- tests\Start-DbaPfDataCollectorSet.Tests.ps1
- tests\Start-DbaSqlService.Tests.ps1
- tests\Start-DbaTrace.Tests.ps1
- tests\Start-DbaXESession.Tests.ps1
- tests\Stop-DbaAgentJob.Tests.ps1
- tests\Stop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet.Tests.ps1
- tests\Stop-DbaProcess.Tests.ps1
- tests\Stop-DbaSqlService.Tests.ps1
- tests\Stop-DbaTrace.Tests.ps1
- tests\Stop-DbaXESession.Tests.ps1
- tests\Stop-Function.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaBackupInformation.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaCmConnection.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaConnection.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaConnectionAuthScheme.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaDatabaseCollation.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaDatabaseOwner.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaDbCompression.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaDbVirtualLogFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaDiskAlignment.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaDiskSpeed.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaIdentityUsage.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaJobOwner.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaLastBackup.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaLinkedServerConnection.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaLoginPassword.test.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaLogShippingStatus.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaLsnChain.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaMaxDop.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaMaxMemory.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaMigrationConstraint.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaNetworkLatency.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaOptimizeForAdHoc.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaPowerPlan.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaRecoveryModel.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaServerName.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaSpn.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaSqlManagementObject.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaSqlPath.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaTempDbConfiguration.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-DbaWindowsLogin.Tests.ps1
- tests\Test-PSRemoting.Tests.ps1
- tests\Update-DbaSqlServiceAccount.Tests.ps1
- tests\Watch-DbaDbLogin.Tests.ps1
- tests\Watch-DbaXESession.Tests.ps1
- tests\Write-DbaDataTable.Tests.ps1
- tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\broken_chain.json
- tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\chkptLSN-ne-firstLSN.json
- tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\CleanFormatDbaInformation.xml
- tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\ContinuePointTest.xml
- tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\DiffIssues.json
- tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\DiffRestore.json
- tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\EmptyTLogData.json
- tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\RestoreCommaIssues.json
- tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\RestoreTimeClean.xml
- tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\TLogBWFirstLastLsn.json
- xml\dbatools.Format.ps1xml
- xml\dbatools.Types.ps1xml
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
2.1.28 | 77,582 | 11/17/2024 |
2.1.27 | 64,854 | 11/3/2024 |
2.1.26 | 79,488 | 10/14/2024 |
2.1.25 | 34,677 | 10/5/2024 |
2.1.24 | 68,427 | 9/18/2024 |
2.1.23 | 181,196 | 8/4/2024 |
2.1.22 | 35,178 | 7/25/2024 |
2.1.21 | 14,200 | 7/21/2024 |
2.1.20 | 17,357 | 7/16/2024 |
2.1.19 | 50,278 | 7/1/2024 |
2.1.18 | 46,428 | 6/15/2024 |
2.1.17 | 24,744 | 6/6/2024 |
2.1.16 | 45,299 | 5/22/2024 |
2.1.15 | 12,158 | 5/18/2024 |
2.1.14 | 102,915 | 4/12/2024 |
2.1.13 | 907 | 4/12/2024 |
2.1.12 | 32,575 | 3/30/2024 |
2.1.11 | 38,244 | 3/16/2024 |
2.1.10 | 24,116 | 3/9/2024 |
2.1.9 | 8,008 | 3/8/2024 |
2.1.8 | 48,869 | 2/21/2024 |
2.1.7 | 82,641 | 1/24/2024 |
2.1.6 | 75,950 | 12/22/2023 |
2.1.5 | 101,119 | 11/5/2023 |
2.1.4 | 57,358 | 10/14/2023 |
2.1.3 | 9,307 | 10/10/2023 |
2.1.2 | 16,573 | 10/4/2023 |
2.1.1 | 12,974 | 9/28/2023 |
2.1.0 | 22,275 | 9/21/2023 |
2.0.4 | 207,516 | 6/7/2023 |
2.0.3 | 41,111 | 5/22/2023 |
2.0.2 | 23,229 | 5/12/2023 |
2.0.1 | 18,917 | 5/5/2023 |
2.0.0 | 16,356 | 4/28/2023 |
2.0.0-preview7 | 508 | 4/18/2023 |
2.0.0-preview6 | 59 | 4/16/2023 |
2.0.0-preview5 | 12 | 4/16/2023 |
2.0.0-preview4 | 72 | 4/13/2023 |
2.0.0-preview3 | 153 | 4/10/2023 |
2.0.0-preview2 | 769 | 3/4/2023 |
2.0.0-preview1 | 343 | 1/29/2023 |
1.1.146 | 101,178 | 4/4/2023 |
1.1.145 | 128,988 | 1/27/2023 |
1.1.144 | 1,921 | 1/26/2023 |
1.1.143 | 85,236 | 11/17/2022 |
1.1.142 | 27,579 | 10/22/2022 |
1.1.141 | 1,607 | 10/21/2022 |
1.1.140 | 4,456 | 10/17/2022 |
1.1.139 | 5,533 | 10/11/2022 |
1.1.138 | 210 | 10/11/2022 |
1.1.137 | 3,425 | 10/6/2022 |
1.1.136 | 5,801 | 9/30/2022 |
1.1.135 | 187 | 9/30/2022 |
1.1.134 | 15,596 | 9/21/2022 |
1.1.133 | 6,304 | 9/17/2022 |
1.1.132 | 13,630 | 9/9/2022 |
1.1.131 | 1,411 | 9/8/2022 |
1.1.130 | 2,839 | 9/7/2022 |
1.1.129 | 4,680 | 9/5/2022 |
1.1.128 | 11,231 | 8/29/2022 |
1.1.127 | 8,290 | 8/24/2022 |
1.1.126 | 7,087 | 8/19/2022 |
1.1.125 | 4,748 | 8/16/2022 |
1.1.124 | 1,363 | 8/15/2022 |
1.1.123 | 493 | 8/15/2022 |
1.1.122 | 13,558 | 8/6/2022 |
1.1.121 | 3,530 | 8/4/2022 |
1.1.120 | 4,008 | 8/1/2022 |
1.1.119 | 2,381 | 7/30/2022 |
1.1.118 | 7,145 | 7/25/2022 |
1.1.117 | 4,159 | 7/21/2022 |
1.1.116 | 869 | 7/21/2022 |
1.1.115 | 940 | 7/20/2022 |
1.1.114 | 8,709 | 7/14/2022 |
1.1.113 | 4,089 | 7/11/2022 |
1.1.112 | 3,771 | 7/8/2022 |
1.1.111 | 7,730 | 7/3/2022 |
1.1.110 | 4,154 | 6/30/2022 |
1.1.109 | 1,967 | 6/29/2022 |
1.1.108 | 7,326 | 6/24/2022 |
1.1.107 | 3,705 | 6/22/2022 |
1.1.106 | 9,577 | 6/15/2022 |
1.1.105 | 1,472 | 6/14/2022 |
1.1.104 | 314 | 6/14/2022 |
1.1.103 | 11,598 | 6/5/2022 |
1.1.102 | 3,934 | 6/2/2022 |
1.1.101 | 5,872 | 5/29/2022 |
1.1.100 | 975 | 5/28/2022 |
1.1.99 | 9,465 | 5/26/2022 |
1.1.98 | 2,928 | 5/24/2022 |
1.1.97 | 252 | 5/24/2022 |
1.1.96 | 1,713 | 5/21/2022 |
1.1.95 | 11,343 | 5/11/2022 |
1.1.94 | 1,232 | 5/10/2022 |
1.1.93 | 519 | 5/10/2022 |
1.1.92 | 1,313 | 5/8/2022 |
1.1.91 | 1,258 | 5/6/2022 |
1.1.90 | 2,773 | 5/3/2022 |
1.1.89 | 3,534 | 4/28/2022 |
1.1.88 | 14,899 | 4/8/2022 |
1.1.87 | 2,112 | 4/6/2022 |
1.1.86 | 1,887 | 4/4/2022 |
1.1.85 | 1,255 | 4/2/2022 |
1.1.84 | 2,082 | 3/31/2022 |
1.1.83 | 1,721 | 3/29/2022 |
1.1.82 | 2,785 | 3/25/2022 |
1.1.81 | 8,030 | 3/16/2022 |
1.1.80 | 1,079 | 3/15/2022 |
1.1.79 | 881 | 3/14/2022 |
1.1.78 | 1,726 | 3/11/2022 |
1.1.77 | 543 | 3/11/2022 |
1.1.76 | 4,097 | 3/5/2022 |
1.1.75 | 6,374 | 2/25/2022 |
1.1.74 | 1,503 | 2/24/2022 |
1.1.73 | 1,930 | 2/22/2022 |
1.1.72 | 1,376 | 2/21/2022 |
1.1.71 | 3,923 | 2/15/2022 |
1.1.70 | 5,884 | 2/9/2022 |
1.1.69 | 2,008 | 2/7/2022 |
1.1.68 | 335 | 2/7/2022 |
1.1.67 | 791 | 2/5/2022 |
1.1.66 | 1,087 | 2/4/2022 |
1.1.65 | 1,722 | 2/2/2022 |
1.1.64 | 587 | 2/2/2022 |
1.1.63 | 1,430 | 1/31/2022 |
1.1.62 | 1,833 | 1/30/2022 |
1.1.61 | 1,702 | 1/28/2022 |
1.1.60 | 3,356 | 1/25/2022 |
1.1.59 | 2,898 | 1/20/2022 |
1.1.58 | 596 | 1/20/2022 |
1.1.57 | 328 | 1/19/2022 |
1.1.56 | 1,691 | 1/18/2022 |
1.1.55 | 406 | 1/17/2022 |
1.1.54 | 1,124 | 1/15/2022 |
1.1.53 | 515 | 1/14/2022 |
1.1.52 | 431 | 1/14/2022 |
1.1.51 | 483 | 1/13/2022 |
1.1.50 | 1,996 | 1/11/2022 |
1.1.49 | 2,708 | 1/6/2022 |
1.1.48 | 1,728 | 1/3/2022 |
1.1.47 | 85 | 1/3/2022 |
1.1.46 | 3,414 | 12/23/2021 |
1.1.45 | 1,180 | 12/21/2021 |
1.1.44 | 4,897 | 12/14/2021 |
1.1.43 | 1,694 | 12/10/2021 |
1.1.42 | 1,916 | 12/8/2021 |
1.1.41 | 3,148 | 12/3/2021 |
1.1.40 | 6,146 | 12/1/2021 |
1.1.39 | 2,014 | 11/28/2021 |
1.1.38 | 2,422 | 11/24/2021 |
1.1.37 | 659 | 11/23/2021 |
1.1.36 | 2,399 | 11/19/2021 |
1.1.35 | 4,252 | 11/15/2021 |
1.1.34 | 1,897 | 11/11/2021 |
1.1.33 | 2,308 | 11/9/2021 |
1.1.32 | 17,216 | 11/6/2021 |
1.1.31 | 4,023 | 11/1/2021 |
1.1.30 | 391 | 11/1/2021 |
1.1.29 | 1,827 | 10/28/2021 |
1.1.28 | 615 | 10/28/2021 |
1.1.27 | 1,979 | 10/26/2021 |
1.1.26 | 2,222 | 10/22/2021 |
1.1.25 | 2,330 | 10/20/2021 |
1.1.24 | 7,617 | 10/12/2021 |
1.1.23 | 4,114 | 10/6/2021 |
1.1.22 | 1,446 | 10/4/2021 |
1.1.21 | 4,922 | 9/27/2021 |
1.1.20 | 3,300 | 9/22/2021 |
1.1.19 | 2,133 | 9/18/2021 |
1.1.18 | 3,031 | 9/14/2021 |
1.1.17 | 522 | 9/14/2021 |
1.1.16 | 227 | 9/14/2021 |
1.1.15 | 7,640 | 9/2/2021 |
1.1.14 | 1,571 | 8/31/2021 |
1.1.13 | 275 | 8/31/2021 |
1.1.12 | 4,274 | 8/24/2021 |
1.1.11 | 6,606 | 8/11/2021 |
1.1.10 | 973 | 8/10/2021 |
1.1.9 | 7,634 | 8/5/2021 |
1.1.8 | 314 | 8/5/2021 |
1.1.7 | 1,308 | 8/3/2021 |
1.1.6 | 1,327 | 8/2/2021 |
1.1.5 | 849 | 7/31/2021 |
1.1.4 | 705 | 7/30/2021 |
1.1.3 | 485 | 7/29/2021 |
1.1.2 | 1,431 | 7/28/2021 |
1.1.1 | 1,038 | 7/27/2021 |
1.1.0 | 2,110 | 7/23/2021 |
1.0.173 | 32,165 | 7/13/2021 |
1.0.172 | 116 | 7/13/2021 |
1.0.171 | 760 | 7/12/2021 |
1.0.170 | 2,815 | 7/7/2021 |
1.0.169 | 1,033 | 7/6/2021 |
1.0.168 | 1,198 | 7/4/2021 |
1.0.167 | 324 | 7/3/2021 |
1.0.166 | 925 | 7/2/2021 |
1.0.165 | 1,930 | 6/29/2021 |
1.0.164 | 2,700 | 6/24/2021 |
1.0.163 | 1,038 | 6/23/2021 |
1.0.162 | 1,824 | 6/22/2021 |
1.0.161 | 1,003 | 6/21/2021 |
1.0.160 | 1,080 | 6/18/2021 |
1.0.158 | 117 | 6/18/2021 |
1.0.157 | 174 | 6/18/2021 |
1.0.156 | 5,966 | 6/11/2021 |
1.0.155 | 1,727 | 6/9/2021 |
1.0.153 | 11,183 | 5/26/2021 |
1.0.152 | 865 | 5/25/2021 |
1.0.151 | 1,280 | 5/23/2021 |
1.0.150 | 259 | 5/22/2021 |
1.0.149 | 2,683 | 5/18/2021 |
1.0.148 | 2,834 | 5/14/2021 |
1.0.147 | 4,914 | 5/6/2021 |
1.0.146 | 940 | 5/5/2021 |
1.0.145 | 10,962 | 4/18/2021 |
1.0.144 | 173 | 4/18/2021 |
1.0.143 | 84 | 4/18/2021 |
1.0.142 | 8,035 | 4/4/2021 |
1.0.141 | 16,769 | 3/11/2021 |
1.0.140 | 10,662 | 2/23/2021 |
1.0.139 | 4,763 | 2/16/2021 |
1.0.138 | 388 | 2/15/2021 |
1.0.137 | 133,972 | 1/18/2021 |
1.0.136 | 9,284 | 12/28/2020 |
1.0.135 | 1,332,525 | 12/5/2020 |
1.0.134 | 615 | 12/4/2020 |
1.0.133 | 9,747 | 11/23/2020 |
1.0.132 | 62 | 11/23/2020 |
1.0.131 | 3,368 | 11/16/2020 |
1.0.130 | 5,199 | 11/6/2020 |
1.0.129 | 29 | 11/6/2020 |
1.0.128 | 3,609 | 11/1/2020 |
1.0.127 | 1,848 | 10/28/2020 |
1.0.126 | 3,269 | 10/21/2020 |
1.0.125 | 761 | 10/17/2020 |
1.0.124 | 1,492 | 10/7/2020 |
1.0.123 | 20 | 10/1/2020 |
1.0.122 | 18 | 10/1/2020 |
1.0.121 | 71 | 9/25/2020 |
1.0.120 | 246 | 9/18/2020 |
1.0.119 | 2,631 | 9/13/2020 |
1.0.118 | 34 | 9/13/2020 |
1.0.117 | 30 | 9/13/2020 |
1.0.116 | 6,523 | 8/28/2020 |
1.0.115 | 17,487 | 7/24/2020 |
1.0.114 | 9,298 | 7/3/2020 |
1.0.113 | 152,769 | 6/15/2020 |
1.0.112 | 8,221 | 6/2/2020 |
1.0.111 | 4,007 | 5/22/2020 |
1.0.110 | 540 | 5/21/2020 |
1.0.109 | 3,931 | 5/14/2020 |
1.0.108 | 4,969 | 5/6/2020 |
1.0.107 | 6,047 | 4/27/2020 |
1.0.106 | 7,318 | 4/20/2020 |
1.0.105 | 4,124 | 4/14/2020 |
1.0.104 | 10,000 | 3/30/2020 |
1.0.103 | 3,299 | 3/23/2020 |
1.0.102 | 5,755 | 3/19/2020 |
1.0.101 | 8,111 | 3/3/2020 |
1.0.100 | 1,682 | 2/27/2020 |
1.0.99 | 2,381 | 2/27/2020 |
1.0.97 | 10,720 | 2/15/2020 |
1.0.96 | 53 | 2/14/2020 |
1.0.95 | 168 | 2/14/2020 |
1.0.94 | 224 | 2/14/2020 |
1.0.93 | 1,107 | 2/12/2020 |
1.0.92 | 1,679 | 2/10/2020 |
1.0.91 | 1,788 | 2/6/2020 |
1.0.90 | 2,142 | 2/3/2020 |
1.0.89 | 494 | 2/1/2020 |
1.0.88 | 4,360 | 1/25/2020 |
1.0.87 | 1,009 | 1/23/2020 |
1.0.86 | 92 | 1/23/2020 |
1.0.85 | 2,065 | 1/20/2020 |
1.0.84 | 923 | 1/17/2020 |
1.0.83 | 3,354 | 1/10/2020 |
1.0.82 | 151 | 1/10/2020 |
1.0.81 | 1,213 | 1/8/2020 |
1.0.80 | 982 | 1/6/2020 |
1.0.79 | 944 | 1/3/2020 |
1.0.78 | 718 | 1/1/2020 |
1.0.77 | 2,518 | 12/20/2019 |
1.0.76 | 109 | 12/20/2019 |
1.0.75 | 5,529 | 12/7/2019 |
1.0.74 | 2,822 | 12/2/2019 |
1.0.73 | 3,721 | 11/22/2019 |
1.0.72 | 2,577 | 11/19/2019 |
1.0.71 | 1,885 | 11/14/2019 |
1.0.70 | 83 | 11/14/2019 |
1.0.69 | 95 | 11/14/2019 |
1.0.68 | 1,825 | 11/11/2019 |
1.0.67 | 2,795 | 11/5/2019 |
1.0.66 | 591 | 11/4/2019 |
1.0.65 | 833 | 11/1/2019 |
1.0.64 | 1,845 | 10/29/2019 |
1.0.63 | 32 | 10/29/2019 |
1.0.62 | 653 | 10/28/2019 |
1.0.61 | 3,120 | 10/24/2019 |
1.0.60 | 1,078 | 10/22/2019 |
1.0.59 | 410 | 10/21/2019 |
1.0.58 | 386 | 10/20/2019 |
1.0.57 | 289 | 10/18/2019 |
1.0.56 | 112 | 10/18/2019 |
1.0.55 | 194 | 10/18/2019 |
1.0.54 | 867 | 10/16/2019 |
1.0.53 | 1,013 | 10/15/2019 |
1.0.52 | 4,420 | 10/7/2019 |
1.0.51 | 2,065 | 10/1/2019 |
1.0.50 | 1,868 | 9/26/2019 |
1.0.49 | 1,597 | 9/24/2019 |
1.0.48 | 777 | 9/23/2019 |
1.0.47 | 775 | 9/20/2019 |
1.0.46 | 3,058 | 9/14/2019 |
1.0.45 | 833 | 9/13/2019 |
1.0.44 | 416 | 9/12/2019 |
1.0.43 | 2,571 | 9/10/2019 |
1.0.42 | 36,841 | 9/8/2019 |
1.0.41 | 329 | 9/7/2019 |
1.0.40 | 1,266 | 9/5/2019 |
1.0.39 | 923 | 9/4/2019 |
1.0.38 | 4,248 | 8/28/2019 |
1.0.37 | 186 | 8/28/2019 |
1.0.36 | 653 | 8/27/2019 |
1.0.35 | 2,384 | 8/22/2019 |
1.0.34 | 1,738 | 8/19/2019 |
1.0.33 | 1,477 | 8/15/2019 |
1.0.32 | 647 | 8/14/2019 |
1.0.31 | 60 | 8/14/2019 |
1.0.30 | 2,079 | 8/8/2019 |
1.0.29 | 2,162 | 8/2/2019 |
1.0.28 | 497 | 8/1/2019 |
1.0.27 | 626 | 7/31/2019 |
1.0.26 | 1,003 | 7/29/2019 |
1.0.25 | 384 | 7/28/2019 |
1.0.23 | 2,722 | 7/22/2019 |
1.0.22 | 12,454 | 7/16/2019 |
1.0.21 | 1,721 | 7/11/2019 |
1.0.20 | 864 | 7/10/2019 |
1.0.19 | 359 | 7/9/2019 |
1.0.18 | 43 | 7/9/2019 |
1.0.17 | 806 | 7/9/2019 |
1.0.16 | 28 | 7/9/2019 |
1.0.15 | 934 | 7/5/2019 |
1.0.14 | 739 | 7/4/2019 |
1.0.13 | 112 | 7/4/2019 |
1.0.12 | 1,504 | 7/1/2019 |
1.0.11 | 331 | 7/1/2019 |
1.0.10 | 321 | 6/29/2019 |
1.0.9 | 2,226 | 6/26/2019 |
1.0.8 | 117 | 6/26/2019 |
1.0.7 | 42 | 6/26/2019 |
1.0.6 | 14,803 | 6/25/2019 |
1.0.5 | 933 | 6/24/2019 |
1.0.4 | 488 | 6/23/2019 |
1.0.3 | 75 | 6/23/2019 |
1.0.2 | 568 | 6/21/2019 |
1.0.1 | 329 | 6/21/2019 |
1.0.0 | 1,315 | 6/20/2019 |
0.9.834 | 230,576 | 5/30/2019 |
0.9.833 | 218 | 5/30/2019 |
0.9.832 | 2,025 | 5/24/2019 |
0.9.831 | 893 | 5/22/2019 |
0.9.830 | 1,192 | 5/20/2019 |
0.9.829 | 930 | 5/17/2019 |
0.9.828 | 1,259 | 5/15/2019 |
0.9.827 | 409 | 5/14/2019 |
0.9.826 | 587 | 5/13/2019 |
0.9.825 | 1,011 | 5/10/2019 |
0.9.824 | 275 | 5/9/2019 |
0.9.823 | 809 | 5/8/2019 |
0.9.822 | 986 | 5/6/2019 |
0.9.821 | 1,547 | 5/2/2019 |
0.9.819 | 743 | 5/1/2019 |
0.9.818 | 320 | 4/30/2019 |
0.9.817 | 180 | 4/30/2019 |
0.9.815 | 229 | 4/29/2019 |
0.9.814 | 142 | 4/29/2019 |
0.9.812 | 460 | 4/27/2019 |
0.9.811 | 603 | 4/25/2019 |
0.9.810 | 270 | 4/25/2019 |
0.9.809 | 1,579 | 4/20/2019 |
0.9.808 | 601 | 4/18/2019 |
0.9.807 | 345 | 4/17/2019 |
0.9.805 | 30 | 4/17/2019 |
0.9.804 | 1,498 | 4/14/2019 |
0.9.803 | 1,534 | 4/10/2019 |
0.9.802 | 1,304 | 4/6/2019 |
0.9.801 | 664 | 4/4/2019 |
0.9.800 | 1,431 | 4/1/2019 |
0.9.799 | 540 | 3/30/2019 |
0.9.798 | 968 | 3/28/2019 |
0.9.797 | 1,254 | 3/26/2019 |
0.9.795 | 649 | 3/23/2019 |
0.9.794 | 193 | 3/22/2019 |
0.9.793 | 113 | 3/20/2019 |
0.9.792 | 224 | 3/20/2019 |
0.9.791 | 749 | 3/18/2019 |
0.9.790 | 198 | 3/18/2019 |
0.9.789 | 210 | 3/18/2019 |
0.9.788 | 116 | 3/18/2019 |
0.9.787 | 145 | 3/17/2019 |
0.9.785 | 168 | 3/16/2019 |
0.9.784 | 2,485 | 3/11/2019 |
0.9.783 | 66 | 3/11/2019 |
0.9.782 | 515 | 3/10/2019 |
0.9.781 | 359 | 3/8/2019 |
0.9.780 | 718 | 3/7/2019 |
0.9.779 | 601 | 3/5/2019 |
0.9.778 | 161 | 3/5/2019 |
0.9.777 | 586 | 3/4/2019 |
0.9.775 | 5,255 | 2/26/2019 |
0.9.774 | 197 | 2/26/2019 |
0.9.773 | 835 | 2/24/2019 |
0.9.772 | 101 | 2/24/2019 |
0.9.771 | 1,769 | 2/20/2019 |
0.9.770 | 887 | 2/16/2019 |
0.9.758 | 25 | 2/16/2019 |
0.9.757 | 1,339 | 2/12/2019 |
0.9.755 | 886 | 2/9/2019 |
0.9.754 | 1,076 | 2/7/2019 |
0.9.753 | 455 | 2/6/2019 |
0.9.752 | 1,465 | 2/3/2019 |
0.9.751 | 756 | 1/31/2019 |
0.9.750 | 1,757 | 1/25/2019 |
0.9.749 | 254 | 1/24/2019 |
0.9.748 | 255 | 1/24/2019 |
0.9.747 | 261 | 1/23/2019 |
0.9.745 | 155 | 1/23/2019 |
0.9.744 | 109 | 1/23/2019 |
0.9.743 | 884 | 1/20/2019 |
0.9.742 | 1,573 | 1/15/2019 |
0.9.741 | 720 | 1/11/2019 |
0.9.740 | 114 | 1/11/2019 |
0.9.739 | 170 | 1/11/2019 |
0.9.738 | 234 | 1/10/2019 |
0.9.737 | 666 | 1/8/2019 |
0.9.735 | 419 | 1/7/2019 |
0.9.734 | 3,496 | 1/2/2019 |
0.9.733 | 444 | 12/31/2018 |
0.9.732 | 705 | 12/26/2018 |
0.9.731 | 371 | 12/23/2018 |
0.9.730 | 496 | 12/21/2018 |
0.9.729 | 40 | 12/21/2018 |
0.9.728 | 32 | 12/21/2018 |
0.9.725 | 271 | 12/20/2018 |
0.9.724 | 187 | 12/20/2018 |
0.9.722 | 432 | 12/19/2018 |
0.9.721 | 538 | 12/18/2018 |
0.9.720 | 635 | 12/16/2018 |
0.9.719 | 103 | 12/15/2018 |
0.9.718 | 204 | 12/14/2018 |
0.9.717 | 150 | 12/14/2018 |
0.9.715 | 391 | 12/12/2018 |
0.9.714 | 808 | 12/10/2018 |
0.9.712 | 315 | 12/9/2018 |
0.9.711 | 506 | 12/7/2018 |
0.9.710 | 560 | 12/5/2018 |
0.9.709 | 679 | 12/4/2018 |
0.9.708 | 51 | 12/4/2018 |
0.9.707 | 45 | 12/3/2018 |
0.9.705 | 88 | 12/3/2018 |
0.9.704 | 351 | 12/3/2018 |
0.9.703 | 80 | 12/2/2018 |
0.9.702 | 74 | 12/2/2018 |
0.9.701 | 5,004 | 12/1/2018 |
0.9.700 | 30 | 12/1/2018 |
0.9.538 | 294 | 11/30/2018 |
0.9.537 | 152 | 11/30/2018 |
0.9.535 | 192 | 11/29/2018 |
0.9.534 | 195 | 11/29/2018 |
0.9.533 | 693 | 11/27/2018 |
0.9.532 | 496 | 11/26/2018 |
0.9.531 | 443 | 11/24/2018 |
0.9.530 | 47 | 11/24/2018 |
0.9.528 | 43 | 11/24/2018 |
0.9.527 | 129 | 11/23/2018 |
0.9.525 | 46 | 11/23/2018 |
0.9.524 | 34 | 11/23/2018 |
0.9.523 | 96 | 11/23/2018 |
0.9.522 | 93 | 11/23/2018 |
0.9.521 | 243 | 11/22/2018 |
0.9.520 | 187 | 11/22/2018 |
0.9.519 | 1,470 | 11/17/2018 |
0.9.518 | 258 | 11/16/2018 |
0.9.517 | 287 | 11/15/2018 |
0.9.515 | 81 | 11/15/2018 |
0.9.512 | 690 | 11/14/2018 |
0.9.511 | 52 | 11/14/2018 |
0.9.510 | 110 | 11/14/2018 |
0.9.509 | 724 | 11/12/2018 |
0.9.508 | 265 | 11/12/2018 |
0.9.507 | 329 | 11/9/2018 |
0.9.505 | 28 | 11/9/2018 |
0.9.504 | 623 | 11/8/2018 |
0.9.503 | 213 | 11/7/2018 |
0.9.502 | 169 | 11/7/2018 |
0.9.501 | 921 | 11/5/2018 |
0.9.500 | 271 | 11/3/2018 |
0.9.499 | 342 | 11/2/2018 |
0.9.498 | 129 | 11/2/2018 |
0.9.497 | 725 | 10/31/2018 |
0.9.495 | 320 | 10/30/2018 |
0.9.494 | 237 | 10/29/2018 |
0.9.493 | 165 | 10/29/2018 |
0.9.492 | 286 | 10/28/2018 |
0.9.491 | 483 | 10/26/2018 |
0.9.490 | 775 | 10/24/2018 |
0.9.489 | 160 | 10/23/2018 |
0.9.488 | 28 | 10/23/2018 |
0.9.487 | 1,157 | 10/18/2018 |
0.9.485 | 311 | 10/18/2018 |
0.9.484 | 898 | 10/16/2018 |
0.9.483 | 258 | 10/15/2018 |
0.9.482 | 59 | 10/15/2018 |
0.9.481 | 109 | 10/15/2018 |
0.9.480 | 67 | 10/15/2018 |
0.9.479 | 132 | 10/14/2018 |
0.9.478 | 27 | 10/14/2018 |
0.9.477 | 405 | 10/12/2018 |
0.9.475 | 252 | 10/11/2018 |
0.9.474 | 217 | 10/11/2018 |
0.9.473 | 550 | 10/10/2018 |
0.9.472 | 229 | 10/9/2018 |
0.9.471 | 598 | 10/8/2018 |
0.9.470 | 152 | 10/7/2018 |
0.9.459 | 64 | 10/7/2018 |
0.9.458 | 73 | 10/6/2018 |
0.9.457 | 67 | 10/6/2018 |
0.9.455 | 381 | 10/4/2018 |
0.9.454 | 267 | 10/4/2018 |
0.9.453 | 369 | 10/3/2018 |
0.9.452 | 36 | 10/3/2018 |
0.9.451 | 47 | 10/3/2018 |
0.9.450 | 907 | 10/1/2018 |
0.9.447 | 354 | 9/29/2018 |
0.9.445 | 685 | 9/26/2018 |
0.9.443 | 68 | 9/26/2018 |
0.9.442 | 119 | 9/26/2018 |
0.9.441 | 29 | 9/26/2018 |
0.9.440 | 108 | 9/26/2018 |
0.9.439 | 151 | 9/26/2018 |
0.9.438 | 38 | 9/25/2018 |
0.9.437 | 33 | 9/25/2018 |
0.9.435 | 760 | 9/24/2018 |
0.9.434 | 142 | 9/23/2018 |
0.9.433 | 328 | 9/21/2018 |
0.9.432 | 271 | 9/20/2018 |
0.9.431 | 403 | 9/19/2018 |
0.9.430 | 35 | 9/19/2018 |
0.9.429 | 34 | 9/19/2018 |
0.9.428 | 184 | 9/19/2018 |
0.9.427 | 296 | 9/18/2018 |
0.9.425 | 43 | 9/18/2018 |
0.9.424 | 96 | 9/18/2018 |
0.9.423 | 33 | 9/18/2018 |
0.9.422 | 371 | 9/16/2018 |
0.9.421 | 28 | 9/16/2018 |
0.9.420 | 36 | 9/16/2018 |
0.9.419 | 389 | 9/14/2018 |
0.9.418 | 951 | 9/11/2018 |
0.9.417 | 578 | 9/9/2018 |
0.9.415 | 150 | 9/8/2018 |
0.9.412 | 75 | 9/7/2018 |
0.9.411 | 293 | 9/7/2018 |
0.9.410 | 133 | 9/7/2018 |
0.9.405 | 25 | 9/7/2018 |
0.9.402 | 332 | 9/6/2018 |
0.9.400 | 421 | 9/5/2018 |
0.9.399 | 659 | 8/31/2018 |
0.9.398 | 237 | 8/30/2018 |
0.9.395 | 582 | 8/28/2018 |
0.9.394 | 442 | 8/26/2018 |
0.9.393 | 481 | 8/23/2018 |
0.9.392 | 500 | 8/22/2018 |
0.9.391 | 485 | 8/21/2018 |
0.9.390 | 223 | 8/20/2018 |
0.9.389 | 319 | 8/18/2018 |
0.9.388 | 203 | 8/17/2018 |
0.9.387 | 488 | 8/15/2018 |
0.9.385 | 1,664 | 8/8/2018 |
0.9.384 | 1,130 | 8/2/2018 |
0.9.383 | 241 | 8/1/2018 |
0.9.382 | 1,717 | 7/26/2018 |
0.9.381 | 191 | 7/26/2018 |
0.9.380 | 642 | 7/23/2018 |
0.9.378 | 229 | 7/22/2018 |
0.9.377 | 187 | 7/20/2018 |
0.9.376 | 734 | 7/18/2018 |
0.9.375 | 773 | 7/15/2018 |
0.9.374 | 110 | 7/14/2018 |
0.9.373 | 342 | 7/12/2018 |
0.9.372 | 34 | 7/12/2018 |
0.9.371 | 215 | 7/12/2018 |
0.9.370 (current version) | 1,002 | 7/6/2018 |
0.9.369 | 416 | 7/5/2018 |
0.9.368 | 123 | 7/5/2018 |
0.9.367 | 109 | 7/4/2018 |
0.9.365 | 208 | 7/3/2018 |
0.9.364 | 191 | 7/3/2018 |
0.9.363 | 429 | 7/1/2018 |
0.9.362 | 621 | 6/28/2018 |
0.9.361 | 52 | 6/28/2018 |
0.9.360 | 281 | 6/27/2018 |
0.9.359 | 600 | 6/25/2018 |
0.9.358 | 196 | 6/25/2018 |
0.9.357 | 705 | 6/21/2018 |
0.9.355 | 82 | 6/21/2018 |
0.9.354 | 527 | 6/19/2018 |
0.9.353 | 104 | 6/19/2018 |
0.9.352 | 166 | 6/19/2018 |
0.9.351 | 146 | 6/19/2018 |
0.9.350 | 90 | 6/19/2018 |
0.9.349 | 766 | 6/15/2018 |
0.9.348 | 856 | 6/12/2018 |
0.9.347 | 917 | 6/10/2018 |
0.9.346 | 117 | 6/10/2018 |
0.9.345 | 380 | 6/8/2018 |
0.9.344 | 106 | 6/8/2018 |
0.9.343 | 449 | 6/7/2018 |
0.9.342 | 1,384 | 6/1/2018 |
0.9.341 | 411 | 5/31/2018 |
0.9.340 | 192 | 5/31/2018 |
0.9.339 | 409 | 5/30/2018 |
0.9.338 | 975 | 5/25/2018 |
0.9.337 | 165 | 5/25/2018 |
0.9.336 | 326 | 5/24/2018 |
0.9.335 | 1,472 | 5/17/2018 |
0.9.334 | 808 | 5/15/2018 |
0.9.333 | 955 | 5/9/2018 |
0.9.332 | 776 | 5/7/2018 |
0.9.331 | 319 | 5/4/2018 |
0.9.330 | 853 | 5/1/2018 |
0.9.329 | 554 | 4/28/2018 |
0.9.327 | 517 | 4/26/2018 |
0.9.326 | 708 | 4/24/2018 |
0.9.325 | 2,368 | 4/12/2018 |
0.9.324 | 853 | 4/10/2018 |
0.9.323 | 612 | 4/10/2018 |
0.9.322 | 717 | 4/9/2018 |
0.9.321 | 1,186 | 4/4/2018 |
0.9.320 | 494 | 4/4/2018 |
0.9.319 | 590 | 4/4/2018 |
0.9.318 | 1,104 | 4/1/2018 |
0.9.317 | 699 | 3/30/2018 |
0.9.316 | 993 | 3/28/2018 |
0.9.315 | 780 | 3/27/2018 |
0.9.314 | 520 | 3/27/2018 |
0.9.312 | 500 | 3/27/2018 |
0.9.311 | 684 | 3/26/2018 |
0.9.310 | 709 | 3/24/2018 |
0.9.308 | 495 | 3/24/2018 |
0.9.307 | 803 | 3/22/2018 |
0.9.306 | 793 | 3/21/2018 |
0.9.305 | 1,064 | 3/18/2018 |
0.9.304 | 584 | 3/16/2018 |
0.9.303 | 501 | 3/16/2018 |
0.9.302 | 895 | 3/14/2018 |
0.9.301 | 2,592 | 3/5/2018 |
0.9.300 | 1,465 | 2/28/2018 |
0.9.211 | 792 | 2/27/2018 |
0.9.210 | 1,087 | 2/24/2018 |
0.9.209 | 986 | 2/22/2018 |
0.9.208 | 748 | 2/22/2018 |
0.9.207 | 732 | 2/20/2018 |
0.9.205 | 505 | 2/20/2018 |
0.9.204 | 683 | 2/19/2018 |
0.9.203 | 567 | 2/18/2018 |
0.9.202 | 516 | 2/18/2018 |
0.9.201 | 563 | 2/17/2018 |
0.9.200 | 547 | 2/16/2018 |
0.9.199 | 583 | 2/16/2018 |
0.9.198 | 842 | 2/14/2018 |
0.9.197 | 658 | 2/13/2018 |
0.9.196 | 547 | 2/13/2018 |
0.9.195 | 788 | 2/12/2018 |
0.9.194 | 630 | 2/11/2018 |
0.9.193 | 714 | 2/9/2018 |
0.9.192 | 1,157 | 2/6/2018 |
0.9.191 | 689 | 2/5/2018 |
0.9.190 | 917 | 2/1/2018 |
0.9.189 | 743 | 1/31/2018 |
0.9.188 | 1,219 | 1/26/2018 |
0.9.187 | 637 | 1/25/2018 |
0.9.186 | 547 | 1/25/2018 |
0.9.185 | 716 | 1/24/2018 |
0.9.184 | 542 | 1/24/2018 |
0.9.183 | 854 | 1/23/2018 |
0.9.182 | 705 | 1/22/2018 |
0.9.181 | 613 | 1/22/2018 |
0.9.180 | 579 | 1/21/2018 |
0.9.179 | 559 | 1/20/2018 |
0.9.177 | 627 | 1/19/2018 |
0.9.176 | 630 | 1/19/2018 |
0.9.175 | 726 | 1/17/2018 |
0.9.174 | 687 | 1/16/2018 |
0.9.173 | 674 | 1/16/2018 |
0.9.172 | 555 | 1/16/2018 |
0.9.171 | 597 | 1/15/2018 |
0.9.170 | 665 | 1/15/2018 |
0.9.162 | 581 | 1/13/2018 |
0.9.161 | 557 | 1/13/2018 |
0.9.160 | 593 | 1/13/2018 |
0.9.159 | 565 | 1/13/2018 |
0.9.158 | 596 | 1/12/2018 |
0.9.157 | 573 | 1/12/2018 |
0.9.156 | 840 | 1/10/2018 |
0.9.155 | 585 | 1/10/2018 |
0.9.153 | 790 | 1/9/2018 |
0.9.152 | 662 | 1/9/2018 |
0.9.151 | 694 | 1/8/2018 |
0.9.150 | 939 | 1/5/2018 |
0.9.148 | 722 | 1/4/2018 |
0.9.147 | 593 | 1/4/2018 |
0.9.145 | 899 | 1/2/2018 |
0.9.144 | 665 | 12/31/2017 |
0.9.143 | 649 | 12/30/2017 |
0.9.142 | 820 | 12/29/2017 |
0.9.141 | 800 | 12/28/2017 |
0.9.140 | 976 | 12/25/2017 |
0.9.139 | 767 | 12/24/2017 |
0.9.138 | 767 | 12/23/2017 |
0.9.137 | 896 | 12/21/2017 |
0.9.136 | 1,004 | 12/20/2017 |
0.9.135 | 931 | 12/19/2017 |
0.9.134 | 769 | 12/19/2017 |
0.9.133 | 916 | 12/18/2017 |
0.9.132 | 833 | 12/16/2017 |
0.9.130 | 779 | 12/15/2017 |
0.9.129 | 768 | 12/15/2017 |
0.9.128 | 903 | 12/15/2017 |
0.9.127 | 799 | 12/15/2017 |
0.9.126 | 1,010 | 12/14/2017 |
0.9.125 | 816 | 12/14/2017 |
0.9.124 | 1,042 | 12/13/2017 |
0.9.123 | 789 | 12/13/2017 |
0.9.122 | 942 | 12/12/2017 |
0.9.121 | 768 | 12/12/2017 |
0.9.120 | 901 | 12/11/2017 |
0.9.119 | 1,041 | 12/7/2017 |
0.9.118 | 894 | 12/6/2017 |
0.9.117 | 830 | 12/6/2017 |
0.9.116 | 780 | 12/6/2017 |
0.9.114 | 865 | 12/5/2017 |
0.9.112 | 846 | 12/5/2017 |
0.9.111 | 877 | 12/4/2017 |
0.9.110 | 1,084 | 12/1/2017 |
0.9.109 | 770 | 11/30/2017 |
0.9.108 | 880 | 11/29/2017 |
0.9.107 | 913 | 11/28/2017 |
0.9.106 | 950 | 11/26/2017 |
0.9.105 | 1,547 | 11/17/2017 |
0.9.104 | 782 | 11/17/2017 |
0.9.103 | 759 | 11/17/2017 |
0.9.102 | 785 | 11/17/2017 |
0.9.101 | 973 | 11/16/2017 |
0.9.100 | 890 | 11/15/2017 |
0.9.99 | 103 | 11/15/2017 |
0.9.98 | 89 | 11/15/2017 |
0.9.97 | 168 | 11/14/2017 |
0.9.96 | 74 | 11/14/2017 |
0.9.95 | 348 | 11/11/2017 |
0.9.94 | 30 | 11/11/2017 |
0.9.93 | 308 | 11/9/2017 |
0.9.92 | 40 | 11/9/2017 |
0.9.91 | 29 | 11/9/2017 |
0.9.90 | 39 | 11/9/2017 |
0.9.89 | 100 | 11/8/2017 |
0.9.88 | 194 | 11/7/2017 |
0.9.87 | 168 | 11/6/2017 |
0.9.86 | 182 | 11/6/2017 |
0.9.85 | 447 | 11/2/2017 |
0.9.84 | 592 | 10/30/2017 |
0.9.83 | 267 | 10/27/2017 |
0.9.82 | 90 | 10/27/2017 |
0.9.81 | 44 | 10/27/2017 |
0.9.80 | 63 | 10/26/2017 |
0.9.79 | 84 | 10/26/2017 |
0.9.78 | 43 | 10/26/2017 |
0.9.77 | 263 | 10/24/2017 |
0.9.76 | 66 | 10/24/2017 |
0.9.75 | 36 | 10/24/2017 |
0.9.74 | 29 | 10/24/2017 |
0.9.73 | 531 | 10/19/2017 |
0.9.72 | 395 | 10/18/2017 |
0.9.71 | 113 | 10/17/2017 |
0.9.70 | 462 | 10/12/2017 |
0.9.69 | 216 | 10/11/2017 |
0.9.68 | 361 | 10/10/2017 |
0.9.67 | 147 | 10/9/2017 |
0.9.65 | 206 | 10/6/2017 |
0.9.64 | 197 | 10/5/2017 |
0.9.63 | 345 | 10/4/2017 |
0.9.62 | 725 | 9/30/2017 |
0.9.61 | 45 | 9/30/2017 |
0.9.60 | 199 | 9/28/2017 |
0.9.59 | 204 | 9/28/2017 |
0.9.58 | 91 | 9/27/2017 |
0.9.57 | 511 | 9/26/2017 |
0.9.56 | 461 | 9/25/2017 |
0.9.55 | 32 | 9/25/2017 |
0.9.54 | 60 | 9/25/2017 |
0.9.53 | 110 | 9/22/2017 |
0.9.52 | 70 | 9/22/2017 |
0.9.51 | 76 | 9/22/2017 |
0.9.50 | 32 | 9/22/2017 |
0.9.49 | 125 | 9/20/2017 |
0.9.48 | 150 | 9/19/2017 |
0.9.47 | 37 | 9/19/2017 |
0.9.46 | 61 | 9/19/2017 |
0.9.45 | 141 | 9/18/2017 |
0.9.44 | 188 | 9/14/2017 |
0.9.43 | 27 | 9/14/2017 |
0.9.42 | 448 | 9/13/2017 |
0.9.41 | 553 | 9/7/2017 |
0.9.40 | 193 | 9/6/2017 |
0.9.39 | 549 | 8/27/2017 |
0.9.38 | 35 | 8/26/2017 |
0.9.37 | 62 | 8/26/2017 |
0.9.34 | 549 | 8/18/2017 |
0.9.33 | 222 | 8/18/2017 |
0.9.32 | 496 | 8/18/2017 |
0.9.31 | 578 | 8/17/2017 |
0.9.30 | 490 | 8/17/2017 |
0.9.29 | 708 | 8/14/2017 |
0.9.28 | 577 | 8/14/2017 |
0.9.27 | 562 | 8/11/2017 |
0.9.26 | 506 | 8/11/2017 |
0.9.25 | 704 | 8/9/2017 |
0.9.24 | 740 | 8/4/2017 |
0.9.23 | 536 | 8/4/2017 |
0.9.22 | 862 | 7/30/2017 |
0.9.21 | 510 | 7/29/2017 |
0.9.20 | 660 | 7/27/2017 |
0.9.19 | 660 | 7/26/2017 |
0.9.18 | 760 | 7/23/2017 |
0.9.17 | 560 | 7/23/2017 |
0.9.16 | 575 | 7/23/2017 |
0.9.15 | 610 | 7/22/2017 |
0.9.12 | 778 | 7/22/2017 |
0.9.11 | 764 | 7/21/2017 |
0.9.10 | 860 | 7/21/2017 |
0.9.9 | 69 | 7/20/2017 |
0.9.7 | 52 | 7/20/2017 |
0.9.6 | 32 | 7/20/2017 |
0.9.4 | 69 | 7/20/2017 |
0.9.3 | 626 | 7/19/2017 |
0.8.957 | 3,047 | 5/16/2017 |
0.8.956 | 962 | 5/11/2017 |
0.8.955 | 906 | 5/9/2017 |
0.8.954 | 832 | 5/9/2017 |
0.8.953 | 762 | 5/9/2017 |
0.8.952 | 298 | 5/8/2017 |
0.8.951 | 367 | 5/8/2017 |
0.8.950 | 430 | 5/4/2017 |
0.8.948 | 782 | 4/25/2017 |
0.8.947 | 501 | 4/19/2017 |
0.8.946 | 302 | 4/19/2017 |
0.8.945 | 653 | 4/11/2017 |
0.8.944 | 804 | 3/29/2017 |
0.8.943 | 517 | 3/22/2017 |
0.8.942 | 602 | 3/15/2017 |
0.8.941 | 308 | 3/15/2017 |
0.8.940 | 419 | 3/10/2017 |
0.8.939 | 332 | 3/10/2017 |
0.8.938 | 526 | 3/5/2017 |
0.8.937 | 394 | 3/4/2017 |
0.8.935 | 323 | 3/4/2017 |
0.8.934 | 305 | 3/4/2017 |
0.8.933 | 476 | 3/1/2017 |
0.8.932 | 307 | 3/1/2017 |
0.8.931 | 392 | 2/28/2017 |
0.8.930 | 365 | 2/27/2017 |
0.8.929 | 343 | 2/27/2017 |
0.8.928 | 350 | 2/24/2017 |
0.8.925 | 320 | 2/24/2017 |
0.8.920 | 326 | 2/24/2017 |
0.8.915 | 309 | 2/24/2017 |
0.8.914 | 328 | 2/24/2017 |
0.8.912 | 304 | 2/24/2017 |
0.8.910 | 309 | 2/23/2017 |
0.8.908 | 311 | 2/23/2017 |
0.8.905 | 329 | 2/23/2017 |
0.8.904 | 332 | 2/22/2017 |
0.8.903 | 514 | 2/20/2017 |
0.8.902 | 372 | 2/18/2017 |
0.8.901 | 447 | 2/15/2017 |
0.8.900 | 440 | 2/13/2017 |
0.8.709 | 451 | 2/8/2017 |
0.8.708 | 314 | 2/8/2017 |
0.8.707 | 343 | 2/7/2017 |
0.8.705 | 356 | 2/7/2017 |
0.8.704 | 303 | 2/7/2017 |
0.8.702 | 316 | 2/6/2017 |
0.8.701 | 321 | 2/6/2017 |
0.8.700 | 328 | 2/5/2017 |
0.8.695 | 315 | 2/4/2017 |
0.8.694 | 429 | 2/1/2017 |
0.8.692 | 1,210 | 12/16/2016 |
0.8.691 | 366 | 12/14/2016 |
0.8.69 | 330 | 12/13/2016 |
0.8.68 | 533 | 11/30/2016 |
0.8.66 | 378 | 11/27/2016 |
0.8.65 | 407 | 11/22/2016 |
0.8.61 | 573 | 11/2/2016 |
0.8.6 | 407 | 10/29/2016 | | 672 | 9/26/2016 | | 337 | 9/26/2016 | | 600 | 8/20/2016 | | 358 | 8/18/2016 | | 315 | 8/18/2016 | | 337 | 8/17/2016 | | 335 | 8/17/2016 | | 324 | 8/16/2016 | | 326 | 8/16/2016 | | 436 | 7/29/2016 | | 320 | 7/28/2016 | | 335 | 7/25/2016 | | 342 | 7/23/2016 | | 354 | 7/20/2016 | | 323 | 7/20/2016 | | 335 | 7/18/2016 | | 330 | 7/18/2016 | | 317 | 7/17/2016 | | 326 | 7/17/2016 | | 320 | 7/17/2016 | | 320 | 7/17/2016 | | 323 | 7/17/2016 | | 319 | 7/17/2016 | | 323 | 7/16/2016 | | 318 | 7/16/2016 | | 323 | 7/15/2016 | | 318 | 7/15/2016 | | 459 | 7/5/2016 | | 343 | 6/28/2016 | | 340 | 6/23/2016 | | 349 | 6/18/2016 | | 347 | 6/14/2016 | | 328 | 6/14/2016 | | 320 | 6/14/2016 | | 348 | 6/4/2016 | | 353 | 5/21/2016 | | 328 | 5/21/2016 | | 338 | 5/17/2016 | | 329 | 5/16/2016 | | 331 | 5/16/2016 | | 328 | 5/16/2016 | | 330 | 5/16/2016 | | 331 | 5/16/2016 | | 329 | 5/15/2016 | | 334 | 5/15/2016 | | 348 | 5/15/2016 |