A set of tools that will assist you when working with Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations development / demo machines.
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c) 2018 Motz Jensen & Rasmus Andersen. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Motz Jensen & Rasmus Andersen
d365fo Dynamics365 D365 Finance&Operations FinanceOperations FinanceAndOperations Dynamics365FO
Add-D365AzureStorageConfig Add-D365EnvironmentConfig Backup-D365MetaDataDir Disable-D365MaintenanceMode Disable-D365User Enable-D365MaintenanceMode Enable-D365User Export-D365SecurityDetails Get-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig Get-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig Get-D365AOTObject Get-D365AzureStorageConfig Get-D365AzureStorageFile Get-D365ClickOnceTrustPrompt Get-D365DatabaseAccess Get-D365DecryptedConfigFile Get-D365DotNetClass Get-D365DotNetMethod Get-D365Environment Get-D365EnvironmentConfig Get-D365EnvironmentSetting Get-D365ExposedService Get-D365InstalledHotfix Get-D365InstalledPackage Get-D365InstalledService Get-D365InstanceName Get-D365Label Get-D365LogicAppConfig Get-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail Get-D365PackageBundleDetail Get-D365PackageLabelFile Get-D365ProductInformation Get-D365SDPCleanUp Get-D365Table Get-D365TableField Get-D365TableSequence Get-D365TfsUri Get-D365TfsWorkspace Get-D365Url Get-D365User Get-D365UserAuthenticationDetail Get-D365WindowsActivationStatus Import-D365AadUser Import-D365Bacpac Initialize-D365Config Initialize-D365TestAutomationCertificate Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload Invoke-D365DataFlush Invoke-D365DBSync Invoke-D365InstallLicense Invoke-D365LogicApp Invoke-D365ModelUtil Invoke-D365ReArmWindows Invoke-D365SDPInstall Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall Invoke-D365SysFlushAodCache Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass Invoke-D365SqlScript Invoke-D365TableBrowser New-D365Bacpac New-D365ISVLicense New-D365TopologyFile Remove-D365Database Remove-D365User Rename-D365Instance Rename-D365ComputerName Set-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig Set-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig Set-D365Admin Set-D365ClickOnceTrustPrompt Set-D365FavoriteBookmark Set-D365LogicAppConfig Set-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail Set-D365SDPCleanUp Set-D365StartPage Set-D365SysAdmin Set-D365WorkstationMode Start-D365Environment Stop-D365Environment Switch-D365ActiveDatabase Update-D365User
- Azure.Storage (>= 4.4.0)
- AzureAd (>=
- PSFramework (>=
- d365fo.tools.nuspec
- commands.ps1
- d365fo.tools.psd1
- d365fo.tools.psm1
- readme.md
- resourcesAfter.ps1
- bin\readme.md
- en-us\about_d365fo.tools.help.txt
- functions\add-d365azurestorageconfig.ps1
- functions\add-d365environmentconfig.ps1
- functions\backup-d365metadatadir.ps1
- functions\disable-d365maintenancemode.ps1
- functions\disable-d365user.ps1
- functions\enable-d365maintenancemode.ps1
- functions\enable-d365user.ps1
- functions\export-d365securitydetails.ps1
- functions\get-d365activeazurestorageconfig.ps1
- functions\get-d365activeenvironmentconfig.ps1
- functions\get-d365aotobject.ps1
- functions\get-d365azurestorageconfig.ps1
- functions\get-d365azurestoragefile.ps1
- functions\get-d365clickoncetrustprompt.ps1
- functions\get-d365databaseaccess.ps1
- functions\get-d365decryptedconfigfile.ps1
- functions\get-d365dotnetclass.ps1
- functions\get-d365dotnetmethod.ps1
- functions\get-d365environment.ps1
- functions\get-d365environmentconfig.ps1
- functions\get-d365environmentsetting.ps1
- functions\get-d365exposedservice.ps1
- functions\get-d365installedhotfix.ps1
- functions\get-d365installedpackage.ps1
- functions\get-d365installedservice.ps1
- functions\get-d365instancename.ps1
- functions\get-d365label.ps1
- functions\get-d365logicappconfig.ps1
- functions\get-d365offlineauthenticationadminemail.ps1
- functions\get-d365packagebundledetail.ps1
- functions\get-d365packagelabelfile.ps1
- functions\get-d365productinformation.ps1
- functions\get-d365sdpcleanup.ps1
- functions\get-d365table.ps1
- functions\get-d365tablefield.ps1
- functions\get-d365tablesequence.ps1
- functions\get-d365tfsuri.ps1
- functions\get-d365tfsworkspace.ps1
- functions\get-d365url.ps1
- functions\get-d365user.ps1
- functions\get-d365userauthenticationdetail.ps1
- functions\get-d365windowsactivationstatus.ps1
- functions\import-d365aaduser.ps1
- functions\import-d365bacpac.ps1
- functions\initialize-d365config.ps1
- functions\initialize-d365testautomationcertificate.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365azurestoragedownload.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365azurestorageupload.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365dataflush.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365dbsync.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365installlicense.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365logicapp.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365modelutil.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365rearmwindows.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365scdpbundleinstall.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365sdpinstall.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365sqlscript.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365sysflushaodcache.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365sysrunnerclass.ps1
- functions\invoke-d365tablebrowser.ps1
- functions\new-d365bacpac.ps1
- functions\new-d365isvlicense.ps1
- functions\new-d365topologyfile.ps1
- functions\readme.md
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- functions\remove-d365user.ps1
- functions\rename-d365computername.ps1
- functions\rename-d365instance.ps1
- functions\set-d365activeazurestorageconfig.ps1
- functions\set-d365activeenvironmentconfig.ps1
- functions\set-d365admin.ps1
- functions\set-d365clickoncetrustprompt.ps1
- functions\set-d365favoritebookmark.ps1
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- functions\set-d365sdpcleanup.ps1
- functions\set-d365startpage.ps1
- functions\set-d365sysadmin.ps1
- functions\set-d365workstationmode.ps1
- functions\start-d365environment.ps1
- functions\stop-d365environment.ps1
- functions\switch-d365activedatabase.ps1
- functions\update-d365user.ps1
- tests\pester.ps1
- tests\readme.md
- xml\d365fo.tools.Format.ps1xml
- xml\d365fo.tools.Types.ps1xml
- xml\readme.md
- internal\configurations\configuration.ps1
- internal\configurations\readme.md
- internal\dll\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll
- internal\dll\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Platform.dll
- internal\functions\add-aadusersecurity.ps1
- internal\functions\add-wifconfigauthoritythumbprint.ps1
- internal\functions\backup-file.ps1
- internal\functions\get-applicationenvironment.ps1
- internal\functions\get-azureserviceobjective.ps1
- internal\functions\get-backupname.ps1
- internal\functions\get-canonicalidentityprovider.ps1
- internal\functions\get-deepclone.ps1
- internal\functions\get-identityprovider.ps1
- internal\functions\get-instanceidentityprovider.ps1
- internal\functions\get-instancevalues.ps1
- internal\functions\get-loginfromemail.ps1
- internal\functions\get-networkdomain.ps1
- internal\functions\get-productinfoprovider.ps1
- internal\functions\get-servicelist.ps1
- internal\functions\get-sqlcommand.ps1
- internal\functions\get-tenantfromemail.ps1
- internal\functions\get-usersidfromaad.ps1
- internal\functions\import-aaduserIntod365fo.ps1
- internal\functions\invoke-azurebackuprestore.ps1
- internal\functions\invoke-clearazurespecificobjects.ps1
- internal\functions\invoke-clearsqlspecificobjects.ps1
- internal\functions\invoke-sqlbackuprestore.ps1
- internal\functions\invoke-sqlpackage.ps1
- internal\functions\invoke-timesignal.ps1
- internal\functions\new-authorizationheader.ps1
- internal\functions\new-d365fouser.ps1
- internal\functions\new-d365selfsignedcertificate.ps1
- internal\functions\new-decryptedfile.ps1
- internal\functions\new-webrequest.ps1
- internal\functions\readme.md
- internal\functions\rename-configvalue.ps1
- internal\functions\set-adminuser.ps1
- internal\functions\set-azurebacpacvalues.ps1
- internal\functions\set-sqlbacpacvalues.ps1
- internal\functions\test-aaduseridind365fo.ps1
- internal\functions\test-aaduserind365fo.ps1
- internal\functions\test-pathexists.ps1
- internal\functions\test-registryvalue.ps1
- internal\functions\test-trustedconnection.ps1
- internal\functions\update-topologyfile.ps1
- internal\misc\D365FO.url
- internal\scripts\enum-environmenttype.ps1
- internal\scripts\license.ps1
- internal\scripts\postimport.ps1
- internal\scripts\preimport.ps1
- internal\scripts\variables.ps1
- internal\sql\add-aaduserintod365fo.sql
- internal\sql\add-bacpacdatabase.sql
- internal\sql\backuprestoredb.sql
- internal\sql\checkfornewazuredb.sql
- internal\sql\clear-azurebacpacdatabase.sql
- internal\sql\clear-sqlbacpacdatabase.sql
- internal\sql\disable-maintenancemode.sql
- internal\sql\disable-user.sql
- internal\sql\enable-maintenancemode.sql
- internal\sql\enable-user.sql
- internal\sql\get-alltablefields.sql
- internal\sql\get-azureserviceobjective.sql
- internal\sql\get-instancevalues.sql
- internal\sql\get-tablefields.sql
- internal\sql\get-tables.sql
- internal\sql\get-tablesequence.sql
- internal\sql\get-user.sql
- internal\sql\invoke-sphelp.sql
- internal\sql\newazuredbfromcopy.sql
- internal\sql\remove-database.sql
- internal\sql\remove-user.sql
- internal\sql\set-aadusersecurityind365fo.sql
- internal\sql\set-bacpacvaluesazure.sql
- internal\sql\set-bacpacvaluessql.sql
- internal\sql\set-sysadmin.sql
- internal\sql\switch-database.sql
- internal\sql\test-aaduseridind365fo.sql
- internal\sql\test-aaduserind365fo.sql
- internal\sql\update-user.sql
- internal\tepp\assignment.ps1
- internal\tepp\example.tepp.ps1
- internal\tepp\readme.md
- tests\examples\Get-DeepClone.Tests.ps1
- tests\examples\Test-TrustedConnection.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Add-D365AzureStorageConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Add-D365EnvironmentConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Backup-D365MetaDataDir.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Disable-D365MaintenanceMode.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Disable-D365User.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Enable-D365MaintenanceMode.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Enable-D365User.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Export-D365SecurityDetails.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365AOTObject.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365AzureStorageConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365AzureStorageFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365ClickOnceTrustPrompt.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365DatabaseAccess.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365DecryptedConfigFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365DotNetClass.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365DotNetMethod.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365Environment.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365EnvironmentConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365EnvironmentSetting.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365ExposedService.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365InstalledHotfix.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365InstalledPackage.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365InstalledService.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365InstanceName.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365Label.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365LogicAppConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365PackageBundleDetail.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365PackageLabelFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365ProductInformation.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365SDPCleanUp.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365Table.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365TableField.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365TableSequence.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365TfsUri.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365TfsWorkspace.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365Url.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365User.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365UserAuthenticationDetail.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Get-D365WindowsActivationStatus.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Import-D365AadUser.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Import-D365Bacpac.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Initialize-D365Config.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Initialize-D365TestAutomationCertificate.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365DataFlush.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365DBSync.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365InstallLicense.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365LogicApp.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365ModelUtil.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365ReArmWindows.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365SDPInstall.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365SqlScript.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365SysFlushAodCache.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Invoke-D365TableBrowser.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\New-D365Bacpac.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\New-D365ISVLicense.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\New-D365TopologyFile.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\readme.md
- tests\functions\Remove-D365Database.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Remove-D365User.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Rename-D365ComputerName.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Rename-D365Instance.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Set-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Set-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Set-D365Admin.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Set-D365ClickOnceTrustPrompt.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Set-D365FavoriteBookmark.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Set-D365LogicAppConfig.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Set-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Set-D365SDPCleanUp.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Set-D365StartPage.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Set-D365SysAdmin.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Set-D365WorkstationMode.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Start-D365Environment.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Stop-D365Environment.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Switch-D365ActiveDatabase.Tests.ps1
- tests\functions\Update-D365User.Tests.ps1
- tests\general\FileIntegrity.Exceptions.ps1
- tests\general\FileIntegrity.Tests.ps1
- tests\general\Generic.Help.Tests.ps1
- tests\general\Help.Exceptions.ps1
- tests\general\Help.Tests.ps1
- tests\general\Manifest.Tests.ps1
- tests\general\PSScriptAnalyzer.Tests.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
0.7.21 | 16,281 | 3/2/2025 |
0.7.20 | 32,846 | 2/1/2025 |
0.7.19 | 49,996 | 11/17/2024 |
0.7.18 | 4,623 | 11/10/2024 |
0.7.17 | 26,684 | 9/26/2024 |
0.7.16 | 54,409 | 7/9/2024 |
0.7.15 | 647 | 7/8/2024 |
0.7.14 | 4,643 | 6/30/2024 |
0.7.13 | 10,057 | 6/12/2024 |
0.7.12 | 14,556 | 5/16/2024 |
0.7.11 | 104 | 5/16/2024 |
0.7.10 | 8,039 | 5/2/2024 |
0.7.9 | 47,398 | 1/24/2024 |
0.7.8 | 538 | 1/23/2024 |
0.7.7 | 13,233 | 12/18/2023 |
0.7.6 | 5,052 | 12/4/2023 |
0.7.5 | 8,729 | 11/10/2023 |
0.7.4 | 6,614 | 10/24/2023 |
0.7.3 | 397 | 10/23/2023 |
0.7.2 | 2,737 | 10/16/2023 |
0.7.1 | 24,641 | 8/3/2023 |
0.7.0 | 2,917 | 7/25/2023 |
0.6.79 | 19,707 | 5/11/2023 |
0.6.78 | 5,307 | 4/20/2023 |
0.6.77 | 33,519 | 11/26/2022 |
0.6.76 | 8,830 | 10/14/2022 |
0.6.75 | 21 | 10/14/2022 |
0.6.74 | 146 | 10/14/2022 |
0.6.73 | 18,884 | 6/20/2022 |
0.6.72 | 10,751 | 4/4/2022 |
0.6.71 | 1,992 | 3/18/2022 |
0.6.70 | 7,269 | 1/19/2022 |
0.6.69 | 10,694 | 10/18/2021 |
0.6.68 | 91 | 10/17/2021 |
0.6.67 | 2,792 | 9/21/2021 |
0.6.66 | 2,166 | 8/27/2021 |
0.6.65 | 366 | 8/26/2021 |
0.6.64 | 100 | 8/25/2021 |
0.6.63 | 202 | 8/23/2021 |
0.6.62 | 105 | 8/22/2021 |
0.6.61 | 2,591 | 7/19/2021 |
0.6.60 | 1,293 | 7/1/2021 |
0.6.59 | 996 | 6/19/2021 |
0.6.58 | 2,347 | 5/21/2021 |
0.6.56 | 4,409 | 3/25/2021 |
0.6.55 | 1,057 | 3/12/2021 |
0.6.54 | 710 | 3/3/2021 |
0.6.53 | 187 | 3/1/2021 |
0.6.52 | 831 | 2/18/2021 |
0.6.51 | 542 | 2/10/2021 |
0.6.50 | 1,946 | 1/7/2021 |
0.6.48 | 185 | 1/4/2021 |
0.6.47 | 46 | 1/4/2021 |
0.6.46 | 141 | 12/30/2020 |
0.6.45 | 24 | 12/30/2020 |
0.6.44 | 19 | 12/30/2020 |
0.6.43 | 32 | 12/29/2020 |
0.6.42 | 20 | 12/29/2020 |
0.6.40 | 508 | 12/14/2020 |
0.6.38 | 329 | 12/8/2020 |
0.6.37 | 164 | 12/6/2020 |
0.6.36 | 24 | 12/6/2020 |
0.6.35 | 414 | 11/28/2020 |
0.6.34 | 1,017 | 11/12/2020 |
0.6.33 | 939 | 10/22/2020 |
0.6.32 | 169 | 10/8/2020 |
0.6.31 | 14 | 10/1/2020 |
0.6.30 | 13 | 10/1/2020 |
0.6.29 | 56 | 9/17/2020 |
0.6.27 | 398 | 9/6/2020 |
0.6.26 | 15 | 9/6/2020 |
0.6.25 | 51 | 9/4/2020 |
0.6.23 | 912 | 8/10/2020 |
0.6.22 | 155 | 8/5/2020 |
0.6.21 | 68 | 8/4/2020 |
0.6.20 | 955 | 6/30/2020 |
0.6.19 | 135 | 6/26/2020 |
0.6.18 | 558 | 6/9/2020 |
0.6.17 | 101 | 6/6/2020 |
0.6.16 | 1,066 | 5/12/2020 |
0.6.15 | 234 | 5/6/2020 |
0.6.13 | 381 | 4/26/2020 |
0.6.12 | 123 | 4/22/2020 |
0.6.11 | 98 | 4/20/2020 |
0.6.10 | 38 | 4/19/2020 |
0.6.0 | 117 | 4/17/2020 |
0.5.84 | 101 | 4/14/2020 |
0.5.83 | 326 | 3/31/2020 |
0.5.82 | 202 | 3/26/2020 |
0.5.81 | 267 | 3/17/2020 |
0.5.80 | 77 | 3/16/2020 |
0.5.79 | 334 | 3/2/2020 |
0.5.78 | 84 | 2/28/2020 |
0.5.77 | 91 | 2/26/2020 |
0.5.76 | 56 | 2/25/2020 |
0.5.75 | 29 | 2/24/2020 |
0.5.74 | 142 | 2/20/2020 |
0.5.73 | 18 | 2/20/2020 |
0.5.72 | 30 | 2/20/2020 |
0.5.71 | 90 | 2/17/2020 |
0.5.70 | 166 | 2/10/2020 |
0.5.64 | 1,107 | 12/24/2019 |
0.5.63 | 38 | 12/21/2019 |
0.5.61 | 64 | 12/20/2019 |
0.5.60 | 99 | 12/17/2019 |
0.5.58 | 506 | 11/22/2019 |
0.5.57 | 33 | 11/22/2019 |
0.5.56 | 42 | 11/21/2019 |
0.5.55 | 134 | 11/15/2019 |
0.5.54 | 24 | 11/15/2019 |
0.5.53 | 97 | 11/12/2019 |
0.5.52 | 230 | 11/2/2019 |
0.5.51 | 108 | 10/30/2019 |
0.5.50 | 562 | 10/11/2019 |
0.5.49 | 144 | 10/8/2019 |
0.5.48 | 135 | 10/3/2019 |
0.5.47 | 27 | 10/3/2019 |
0.5.46 | 436 | 9/18/2019 |
0.5.45 | 139 | 9/13/2019 |
0.5.44 | 31 | 9/12/2019 |
0.5.43 | 19 | 9/12/2019 |
0.5.42 | 18 | 9/12/2019 |
0.5.41 | 1,223 | 7/2/2019 |
0.5.39 | 326 | 6/16/2019 |
0.5.38 | 41 | 6/14/2019 |
0.5.37 | 26 | 6/14/2019 |
0.5.36 | 414 | 5/22/2019 |
0.5.35 | 115 | 5/16/2019 |
0.5.34 | 21 | 5/16/2019 |
0.5.33 | 38 | 5/16/2019 |
0.5.32 | 43 | 5/14/2019 |
0.5.31 | 28 | 5/14/2019 |
0.5.30 | 130 | 5/6/2019 |
0.5.29 | 121 | 4/30/2019 |
0.5.28 | 25 | 4/30/2019 |
0.5.27 | 61 | 4/26/2019 |
0.5.26 | 118 | 4/17/2019 |
0.5.25 | 148 | 4/8/2019 |
0.5.24 | 31 | 4/8/2019 |
0.5.23 | 32 | 4/8/2019 |
0.5.22 | 30 | 4/7/2019 |
0.5.21 | 20 | 4/7/2019 |
0.5.20 | 162 | 3/29/2019 |
0.5.19 | 26 | 3/28/2019 |
0.5.18 | 33 | 3/28/2019 |
0.5.17 | 25 | 3/28/2019 |
0.5.16 | 24 | 3/28/2019 |
0.5.15 | 46 | 3/27/2019 |
0.5.14 | 24 | 3/27/2019 |
0.5.13 | 125 | 3/18/2019 |
0.5.12 | 43 | 3/16/2019 |
0.5.11 | 79 | 3/13/2019 |
0.5.10 | 27 | 3/12/2019 |
0.5.9 | 71 | 3/9/2019 |
0.5.8 | 20 | 3/9/2019 |
0.5.7 | 49 | 3/7/2019 |
0.5.6 | 79 | 3/4/2019 |
0.5.5 | 155 | 2/22/2019 |
0.5.4 | 82 | 2/21/2019 |
0.5.3 | 116 | 2/15/2019 |
0.5.2 | 63 | 2/12/2019 |
0.5.1 | 259 | 1/23/2019 |
0.5.0 | 68 | 1/21/2019 |
0.4.95 | 142 | 1/9/2019 |
0.4.94 | 219 | 12/17/2018 |
0.4.93 | 87 | 12/9/2018 |
0.4.92 | 22 | 12/8/2018 |
0.4.91 | 152 | 11/30/2018 |
0.4.90 | 27 | 11/30/2018 |
0.4.89 | 115 | 11/22/2018 |
0.4.88 | 50 | 11/21/2018 |
0.4.87 | 59 | 11/20/2018 |
0.4.86 | 139 | 11/12/2018 |
0.4.85 | 64 | 11/9/2018 |
0.4.84 | 72 | 11/6/2018 |
0.4.83 | 22 | 11/6/2018 |
0.4.82 | 55 | 11/2/2018 |
0.4.81 | 68 | 10/31/2018 |
0.4.80 | 46 | 10/30/2018 |
0.4.79 | 25 | 10/30/2018 |
0.4.78 | 44 | 10/28/2018 |
0.4.77 | 21 | 10/28/2018 |
0.4.76 | 22 | 10/28/2018 |
0.4.75 | 22 | 10/27/2018 |
0.4.74 | 35 | 10/26/2018 |
0.4.73 | 40 | 10/25/2018 |
0.4.72 | 41 | 10/25/2018 |
0.4.71 | 28 | 10/24/2018 |
0.4.70 | 21 | 10/24/2018 |
0.4.67 | 61 | 10/23/2018 |
0.4.66 (current version) | 40 | 10/22/2018 |
0.4.65 | 45 | 10/21/2018 |
0.4.64 | 49 | 10/19/2018 |
0.4.62 | 36 | 10/19/2018 |
0.4.60 | 32 | 10/19/2018 |
0.4.58 | 37 | 10/19/2018 |
0.4.56 | 39 | 10/18/2018 |
0.4.54 | 54 | 10/17/2018 |
0.4.52 | 72 | 10/16/2018 |
0.4.50 | 52 | 10/15/2018 |
0.4.34 | 119 | 10/12/2018 |
0.4.33 | 32 | 10/12/2018 |
0.4.32 | 29 | 10/12/2018 |
0.4.31 | 57 | 10/10/2018 |
0.4.20 | 55 | 10/9/2018 |
0.4.19 | 84 | 10/4/2018 |
0.4.18 | 31 | 10/4/2018 |
0.4.17 | 66 | 10/2/2018 |
0.4.15 | 34 | 9/28/2018 |
0.4.13 | 74 | 9/24/2018 |
0.4.12 | 36 | 9/23/2018 |
0.4.11 | 33 | 9/23/2018 |
0.4.10 | 30 | 9/23/2018 |
0.4.9 | 44 | 9/19/2018 |
0.4.8 | 44 | 9/14/2018 |
0.4.7 | 28 | 9/14/2018 |
0.4.6 | 35 | 9/14/2018 |
0.4.5 | 32 | 9/14/2018 |
0.2.5 | 31 | 7/6/2018 |