

Copies any Intune Policy via Microsoft Graph to "Copy of (policy name)".  Displays list of policies using GridView to select which to copy.  Cross tenant version

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Script -Name copy-intune-policy-crosstenant -RequiredVersion 5.0.5

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More




Package Details


  • AndrewTaylor


intune endpoint MEM environment


Get-ScriptVersion Get-IntuneApplication Get-DeviceConfigurationPolicyGP Get-ConditionalAccessPolicy Get-DeviceConfigurationPolicy Get-GroupPolicyConfigurationsDefinitionValues Get-GroupPolicyConfigurationsDefinitionValuesPresentationValues Get-GroupPolicyConfigurationsDefinitionValuesdefinition Get-GroupPolicyDefinitionsPresentations Get-DeviceConfigurationPolicySC Get-DeviceProactiveRemediations Get-DeviceManagementScripts Get-DeviceCompliancePolicy Get-DeviceSecurityPolicy Get-ManagedAppProtectionAndroid Get-ManagedAppProtectionIOS Get-GraphAADGroups Get-AutoPilotProfile Get-AutoPilotESP Get-DecryptedDeviceConfigurationPolicy Get-Win365UserSettings Get-Win365ProvisioningPolicies Get-IntunePolicySets Get-EnrollmentConfigurations Get-DeviceCategories Get-DeviceFilters Get-BrandingProfiles Get-AdminApprovals Get-OrgMessages Get-IntuneTerms Get-IntuneRoles Get-IntuneApplicationbyName Get-DeviceConfigurationPolicyGPbyName Get-ConditionalAccessPolicybyName Get-DeviceConfigurationPolicybyName Get-DeviceConfigurationPolicySCbyName Get-DeviceProactiveRemediationsbyName Get-DeviceCompliancePolicybyName Get-DeviceSecurityPolicybyName Get-ManagedAppProtectionAndroidbyName Get-ManagedAppProtectionIOSbyName Get-AutoPilotProfilebyName Get-AutoPilotESPbyName Get-DeviceManagementScriptsbyName Get-Win365UserSettingsbyName Get-Win365ProvisioningPoliciesbyName Get-IntunePolicySetsbyName Get-EnrollmentConfigurationsbyName Get-DeviceCategoriesbyName Get-DeviceFiltersbyName Get-BrandingProfilesbyName Get-AdminApprovalsbyName Get-OrgMessagesbyName Get-IntuneTermsbyName Get-IntuneRolesbyName Get-GraphAADGroupsbyName Get-DetailsbyName getpolicyjson


This script has no dependencies.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
6.0.18 233 1/12/2024
6.0.17 26 12/6/2023
6.0.16 18 11/16/2023
6.0.15 115 7/6/2023
6.0.14 25 6/29/2023
6.0.13 10 6/29/2023
6.0.12 10 6/28/2023
6.0.11 37 5/17/2023
6.0.10 10 5/17/2023
6.0.9 12 5/12/2023
6.0.8 56 3/21/2023
6.0.7 13 3/17/2023
6.0.6 15 3/13/2023
6.0.5 10 3/13/2023
6.0.4 10 3/10/2023
6.0.3 16 2/27/2023
6.0.2 9 2/27/2023
6.0.1 9 2/27/2023
6.0.0 12 2/24/2023
5.0.7 23 2/10/2023
5.0.6 9 2/9/2023
5.0.5 (current version) 14 2/3/2023
5.0.4 9 2/3/2023
5.0.2 9 2/3/2023
5.0.1 9 2/3/2023
5.0.0 26 1/27/2023
4.0.3 18 1/23/2023
4.0.2 10 1/21/2023
4.0.1 19 1/15/2023
4.0.0 30 1/5/2023
3.2.0 25 12/22/2022
3.1.2 13 12/16/2022
3.1.1 14 12/12/2022
3.1.0 14 12/2/2022
3.0.8 15 11/29/2022
3.0.7 10 11/29/2022
3.0.6 10 11/29/2022
3.0.5 10 11/28/2022
3.0.3 42 10/21/2022
3.0.2 31 10/6/2022
3.0.1 33 9/20/2022
3.0.0 27 9/16/2022
2.1.6 27 9/7/2022
2.1.5 23 9/6/2022
2.1.4 22 9/6/2022
2.1.3 28 8/31/2022
2.0.0 30 8/28/2022
1.0.0 38 8/3/2022
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