ZipAsFolder is a PowerShell FileSystem provider lets you get, add, change, clear, and delete files and directories in zip archives.
New-Item zf:/ # new empty zip archive
Set-Content zf:/ "hello from zf" # add a text file into the archive
New-Item zf:/ -ItemType Directory # add a directory in
New-Item zf:/ # new empty zip archive
Set-Content zf:/ "hello from zf" # add a text file into the archive
New-Item zf:/ -ItemType Directory # add a directory in
ZipAsFolder is a PowerShell FileSystem provider lets you get, add, change, clear, and delete files and directories in zip archives.
New-Item zf:/ # new empty zip archive
Set-Content zf:/ "hello from zf" # add a text file into the archive
New-Item zf:/ -ItemType Directory # add a directory into the archive
Get-Content zf:/ -Raw | Set-Content zf:/
Get-ChildItem zf:/ # list items of the archive
New-Item zf:/extracted -ItemType Directory # new empty directory
Copy-Item zf:/* zf:/extracted -Recurse # expand the archive
Remove-Item zf:/ -Recurse # remove a directory from the archive
Remove-Item zf:/ -Recurse # remove the archive
New-Item zf:/
Copy-Item zf:/extracted/* zf:/ -Recurse # compress
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New-Item zf:/ # new empty zip archive
Set-Content zf:/ "hello from zf" # add a text file into the archive
New-Item zf:/ -ItemType Directory # add a directory into the archive
Get-Content zf:/ -Raw | Set-Content zf:/
Get-ChildItem zf:/ # list items of the archive
New-Item zf:/extracted -ItemType Directory # new empty directory
Copy-Item zf:/* zf:/extracted -Recurse # expand the archive
Remove-Item zf:/ -Recurse # remove a directory from the archive
Remove-Item zf:/ -Recurse # remove the archive
New-Item zf:/
Copy-Item zf:/extracted/* zf:/ -Recurse # compress
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(C) 2022 Max Ieremenko, licensed under MIT License
Package Details
- Max Ieremenko
zip archive extract compress Windows Linux macOS
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
- ZipAsFolder.nuspec
- ZipAsFolder.Suite.dll
- ZipAsFolder.Archive.Abstractions.dll
- ZipAsFolder.Archive.Zip.dll
- ZipAsFolder.dll
- ZipAsFolder.IO.Abstractions.deps.json
- ZipAsFolder.IO.Archive.deps.json
- ZipAsFolder.IO.FileSystem.deps.json
- ZipAsFolder.psm1
- ZipAsFolder.Shared.dll
- ZipAsFolder.Suite.deps.json
- ZipAsFolder.Archive.Abstractions.deps.json
- ZipAsFolder.Archive.Zip.deps.json
- ZipAsFolder.deps.json
- ZipAsFolder.Format.ps1xml
- ZipAsFolder.IO.Abstractions.dll
- ZipAsFolder.IO.Archive.dll
- ZipAsFolder.IO.FileSystem.dll
- ZipAsFolder.psd1
- ZipAsFolder.Shared.deps.json
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
1.0.0 | 221 | 4/13/2024 |
0.0.1 (current version) | 251 | 10/3/2022 |