

Various functions working with DevExpress XAF, eXpandFramework and not only

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name XpandPosh -RequiredVersion 1.9.7

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name XpandPosh -Version 1.9.7

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2019 eXpamdFramework. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • eXpamdFramework


eXpandFramework DevExpress nuget XAF srcsrv


Update-NugetProjectVersion Get-NugetPackage Get-NugetPackageSearchMetadata Invoke-Parallel Update-GitHubIssue New-GithubReleaseNotes New-GithubReleaseNotesTemplate Publish-GitHubRelease Get-GitHubRepositoryTag Get-GitHubRelease Get-GitHubMilestone Get-GitHubCommitIssue Close-GithubIssue Checkpoint-GitHubIssue Get-Distinct


Find-XpandPackage Clear-NugetCache Get-XmlContent Update-ProjectTargetFramework Get-MsBuildPath Get-XpandPackages Get-NugetPath Get-GitLastSha Clear-ASPNETTemp Clear-ProjectDirectories Install-Chocolatey Remove-ProjectNuget Compress-Files Compress-ProjectFolder Uninstall-ProjectAllPackages Uninstall-ProjectXAFPackages Update-ProjectPackage ConvertTo-Object Restore-ProjectPackages New-Command Get-VersionFromFile Disable-ExecutionPolicy Get-MsBuildLocation Get-AllParameters Get-ScriptVariables Write-HostHashtable Get-DXPath Get-DevExpressVersion Get-RelativePath Get-XpandVersion Update-AssemblyInfoVersion Update-AssemblyInfo Invoke-Retry Install-Devexpress Get-PackageSourceLocations Set-VsoVariable Update-NugetPackage UnPublish-NugetPackage Update-Symbols Get-PackageFeed Get-CallerPreference Update-HintPath Get-DxNugets Install-Xpand UnInstall-Xpand Get-XpandPath Use-NugetAssembly Install-SubModule Get-NugetPackageVersion Get-DotnetCoreVersion Get-NUgetPackageMetadataVersion ConvertTo-PackageObject Publish-NugetPackage Get-ChocoPackage Invoke-Parallel


This module has no dependencies.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2.9.9 926 6/5/2019
2.9.6 23 6/5/2019
2.9.4 46 5/31/2019
2.6.1 87 5/24/2019
2.6.0 19 5/24/2019
2.5.0 19 5/23/2019
2.4.0 18 5/23/2019
2.3.0 40 5/21/2019
2.2.3 54 5/20/2019
2.2.2 27 5/20/2019
2.2.1 21 5/20/2019
2.2.0 18 5/20/2019
2.1.0 23 5/19/2019
2.0.0 22 5/18/2019
1.17.2 18 5/17/2019
1.17.1 37 5/16/2019
1.17.0 55 5/13/2019
1.16.0 25 5/11/2019
1.15.0 24 5/11/2019
1.14.0 19 5/9/2019
1.13.0 38 5/8/2019
1.12.2 65 5/5/2019
1.12.1 21 5/5/2019
1.12.0 23 5/5/2019
1.11.0 20 5/3/2019
1.10.0 31 5/1/2019
1.9.8 54 4/30/2019
1.9.7 (current version) 19 4/30/2019
1.9.6 64 4/28/2019
1.9.5 32 4/28/2019
1.9.4 20 4/28/2019
1.9.3 19 4/28/2019
1.9.2 92 4/22/2019
1.9.1 32 4/21/2019
1.9.0 63 4/18/2019
1.8.1 33 4/16/2019
1.8.0 72 4/11/2019
1.7.0 45 4/8/2019
1.6.1 27 4/6/2019
1.6.0 18 4/5/2019
1.5.10 25 4/3/2019
1.5.9 25 4/2/2019
1.5.8 25 4/1/2019
1.5.7 20 3/30/2019
1.5.6 35 3/29/2019
1.5.5 20 3/29/2019
1.5.4 28 3/27/2019
1.5.3 28 3/26/2019
1.5.2 28 3/26/2019
1.5.1 21 3/26/2019
1.5.0 22 3/25/2019
1.4.1 23 3/23/2019
1.4.0 17 3/23/2019
1.3.28 20 3/22/2019
1.3.27 17 3/22/2019
1.3.26 17 3/22/2019
1.3.25 17 3/21/2019
1.3.24 16 3/20/2019
1.3.23 17 3/20/2019
1.3.22 15 3/20/2019
1.3.21 32 3/20/2019
1.3.20 43 3/20/2019
1.3.19 17 3/20/2019
1.3.18 16 3/20/2019
1.3.17 17 3/20/2019
1.3.16 16 3/20/2019
1.3.15 17 3/20/2019
1.3.14 16 3/20/2019
1.3.13 16 3/20/2019
1.3.12 16 3/20/2019
1.3.11 16 3/20/2019
1.3.10 16 3/20/2019
1.3.9 17 3/20/2019
1.3.8 17 3/20/2019
1.3.7 20 3/19/2019
1.3.6 20 3/19/2019
1.3.5 18 3/19/2019
1.3.4 19 3/19/2019
1.3.3 20 3/19/2019
1.3.2 17 3/19/2019
1.3.1 18 3/19/2019
1.3.0 18 3/19/2019
1.2.9 41 3/17/2019
1.2.8 17 3/17/2019
1.2.7 17 3/17/2019
1.2.6 17 3/16/2019
1.2.5 18 3/16/2019
1.2.4 17 3/16/2019
1.2.3 16 3/16/2019
1.2.2 17 3/16/2019
1.2.1 16 3/16/2019
1.2.0 17 3/16/2019
1.1.9 32 3/14/2019
1.1.8 20 3/14/2019
1.1.7 22 3/14/2019
1.1.6 18 3/14/2019
1.1.5 57 3/14/2019
1.1.4 27 3/14/2019
1.1.3 22 3/14/2019
1.1.2 18 3/14/2019
1.1.1 25 3/14/2019
1.1.0 20 3/13/2019
1.0.50 18 3/13/2019
1.0.49 18 3/13/2019
1.0.48 40 3/12/2019
1.0.47 23 3/11/2019
1.0.46 33 3/11/2019
1.0.45 54 3/11/2019
1.0.44 21 3/11/2019
1.0.43 34 3/10/2019
1.0.42 19 3/10/2019
1.0.41 20 3/9/2019
1.0.40 18 3/9/2019
1.0.39 19 3/9/2019
1.0.38 31 3/8/2019
1.0.37 19 3/8/2019
1.0.36 25 3/8/2019
1.0.35 79 3/5/2019
1.0.34 137 3/4/2019
1.0.33 36 3/4/2019
1.0.32 22 3/4/2019
1.0.31 39 3/2/2019
1.0.30 43 2/28/2019
1.0.29 47 2/27/2019
1.0.28 19 2/27/2019
1.0.27 19 2/27/2019
1.0.26 20 2/27/2019
1.0.25 22 2/27/2019
1.0.24 19 2/27/2019
1.0.23 26 2/27/2019
1.0.22 27 2/24/2019
1.0.21 20 2/22/2019
1.0.20 28 2/15/2019
1.0.19 25 2/14/2019
1.0.18 18 2/12/2019
1.0.17 19 2/12/2019
1.0.16 19 2/12/2019
1.0.15 27 2/5/2019
1.0.14 21 2/1/2019
1.0.13 23 2/1/2019
1.0.12 32 1/27/2019
1.0.10 22 1/26/2019
1.0.9 20 1/26/2019
1.0.8 19 1/25/2019
1.0.7 22 1/25/2019
1.0.6 23 1/25/2019
1.0.5 24 1/24/2019
1.0.4 18 1/24/2019
1.0.3 17 1/24/2019
1.0.2 23 1/24/2019
1.0.1 17 1/24/2019
1.0.0 24 1/24/2019
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