Sample module to manage AutoPilot devices using the Intune Graph API
Installation Options
(c) 2023 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Michael Niehaus
BoolToString Connect-MSGraphApp Get-AutopilotDevice Set-AutopilotDevice Remove-AutopilotDevice Get-AutopilotImportedDevice Add-AutopilotImportedDevice Remove-AutopilotImportedDevice Get-AutopilotProfile Get-AutopilotProfileAssignedDevice ConvertTo-AutopilotConfigurationJSON Set-AutopilotProfile New-AutopilotProfile Remove-AutopilotProfile Get-AutopilotProfileAssignments Remove-AutopilotProfileAssignments Set-AutopilotProfileAssignedGroup Get-EnrollmentStatusPage Add-EnrollmentStatusPage Set-EnrollmentStatusPage Remove-EnrollmentStatusPage Invoke-AutopilotSync Get-AutopilotSyncInfo Import-AutopilotCSV Get-AutopilotEvent
Release Notes
Version 5.3: Switching back to using Write-Host and fix esp settting bug.
Version 5.2: Fix \[Content_Types].xml already exists issue.
Version 5.1: Switch from MSGraph to MgGraph.
Version 5.0: Replaced deprecated orderIdentifier parameter with groupTag parameter.
Version 4.8: Added Connect-MSGraphApp wrapper to simplify app-based authentication.
Version 4.7: Fixed a bug.
Version 4.6: Added Get-AutopilotSyncInfo cmdlet.
Version 4.5: Enabled skip connectivity check option for Hybrid Azure AD Join VPN support.
Version 4.4: Removed Set-AutoPilotDeviceAssignedUser function (workaround no longer needed). Added logic to JSON conversion function.
Version 4.3: Re-added Set-AutoPilotDeviceAssignedUser function to address white glove user assignment issue (temporary workaround)
Version 4.2: Bug fix for not-yet-supported property
Version 4.0: Reworked *-AutopilotProfile functions, added new Get-AutopilotEvent function, added verbose logging to all functions
Version 3.9: Removed logic to install and load dependent modules and instead declared them in the module manifest, for compatibility with Azure Automation
Version 3.8: Replaced Set-AutopilotDeviceAssignedUser with more-capable Set-AutopilotDevice method
Version 3.7: Fixed but with serial number filter on Get-AutopilotDevice
Version 3.6: Added 256 to the default CloudAssignedOobeConfig value to suppress the check for Windows feature updates
Version 3.5: Fixed HttpMethod values for DELETE and PATCH to be upper-case
Version 3.4: Fixed a bug
Version 3.3: Removed duplicate cmdlet
Version 3.2: Added Get-AutopilotProfileAssignedDevices cmdlet to get the list of devices with a specific profile
Version 3.1: Fixed bugs, added expand logic for Autopilot devices
Version 3.0: Modified script to use the Microsoft.Graph.Intune module, added new functions from Damien Van Robaeys
Version 2.7: Added support for using GroupTag instead of OrderID for uploading batches of devices
Version 2.6: Added the ability to read the OrderID value from a CSV file; fixed "Waiting for 1 of" message
Version 2.5: Modified ConvertTo-AutopilotConfigurationJSON to set ZtdCorrelationId to the ID of the profile; added Set-AutoPilotDeviceAssignedUser function (thanks to Oliver Kieselbach)
Version 2.4: Modified ConvertTo-AutopilotConfigurationJSON to properly support available AAD user-driven options
Version 2.3: Added new Invoke-AutopilotSync method (equivalent to clicking "Sync" in the Intune console)
Version 2.2: Added pagination support (thanks to Oliver Kieselbach)
Version 2.1: Fixed syntax issue in connect method
Version 2.0: Added cmdlet help (and fixed the mistake of using 1.41 as a verion, since 1.41 is considered > 1.5 because 41 is greater than 5)
Version 1.4: Added functions to delete a device, to list Autopilot profiles, and to convert Autopilot profiles into JSON.
Version 1.3: Fixed module manifest to export functions
- WindowsAutoPilotIntune.nuspec
- WindowsAutoPilotIntune.psd1
- WindowsAutoPilotIntune.psm1