

Check your VMware vSphere environment for undesired values, and automatically fix them. Define settings, then use PowerCLI and Pester to report on and/or remediate any problems discovered.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Vester -RequiredVersion 1.1.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Vester -Version 1.1.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Apache License

Package Details


  • Chris Wahl


vester vmware vcenter vsphere esxi powercli


Invoke-Vester New-VesterConfig


Release Notes

## [1.1.0] - 2017-06-15
I learned that we need to publish releases far more often. :)

### Added
- New scope for datastore clusters: "DSCluster"
- New [DSCluster tests](
 - AutoOverride-IoLoadBalance
 - AutoOverride-PolicyEnforcement
 - AutoOverride-RuleEnforcement
 - AutoOverride-SpaceLoadBalance
 - AutoOverride-VmEvacuation
 - IO-Latency
 - IO-LoadImbalanceThreshold
 - IO-ResIopsThreshold
 - IO-ResPercentThreshold
 - IO-ResThresholdMode
 - IOLoadBalance
 - LoadBalance-Interval
 - SDRS-AutomationLevel
 - SDRS-DefaultVMAffinity
 - Space-FreespaceTheshold
 - Space-ThresholdMode
 - Space-UtilDiffMin
 - SpaceUtilPercent
- Some new tests were written, and others were ported from the old test format (prior to Vester 1.0's module life)
- New [vCenter tests](
 - SMTP-Sender
 - SMTP-Server
 - VC-EventMaxAge
 - VC-EventMaxAgeEnabled
 - VC-TaskMaxAge
 - VC-TaskMaxAgeEnabled
- New [ESXi Host tests](
 - Advanced-Kernel-iovDisableIR
 - BPDU-Filter
 - Disk-MaxLUN
 - NetDump-Settings
 - NetDump-SettingsEnable
 - NTP-Service
 - NTP-Service-Policy
 - SSH-Service-Policy
- New [VM tests](
 - Boot-Delay
 - CPU-Reservation
 - Isolation-DeviceConnectable
 - Isolation-DeviceEdit
 - Memory-Reservation
 - RemoteConsole-VNC
 - Snapshot-Retention
 - Sync-TimeSettings
 - Tools-HostInfoAccess
 - Tools-SetInfo-SizeLimit
- New [VDS Network tests](
 - VDS-LinkOperation
 - VDS-MTUsize
 - VDS-Teaming-HealthCheck
 - VDS-VlanMTU-HealthCheck

### Changed
- #114/#115: `Invoke-Vester` is **more than twice as fast** now! We removed repeated `Get` calls within private file `VesterTemplate.Tests.ps1`. Big thanks to @Midacts/@jpsider/@jonneedham for collaborating on this.
- #118/#119: `Config.json` files now sort their settings within each scope.

### Fixed
- #90: `Invoke-Vester -Test $TestList` should execute all tests in the array, instead of just the final one after ignoring the rest. Now they do again.
- #99: Re-implemented `-PassThru` on `Invoke-Vester`.
- #116/#129: The name of the active vCenter connection was not being reported properly.
- Cleaned up VM test files:
 - Tools-DiskWiperDisable
 - Tools-HGFS-ServerDisable

### Much :heart:
[@jeffgreenca]( [@haberstrohr]( [@jonneedham]( [@Midacts]( [@jpsider](

## [1.0.1] - 2017-02-28
Initial availability as a PowerShell module

## [1.0.0] - 2016-11-10 [YANKED]
Published just to reserve the name on the PowerShell Gallery. If you have this version, please update!


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.2.0 6,867 8/22/2017
1.1.0 (current version) 144 6/16/2017
1.0.1 194 2/28/2017