Adds functionality for working with Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server.
Installation Options
(c) 2019 Donovan Brown. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- @DonovanBrown
VSTS TFS DevOps VisualStudio TeamServices Team AzureDevOps Pipelines Boards Artifacts TestPlans Repos
Add-VSTeamAzureRMServiceEndpoint Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint Add-VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint Add-VSTeamServiceEndpoint Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint Add-VSTeamBuild Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition Add-VSTeamProject Add-VSTeamRelease Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition Set-VSTeamAccount Add-VSTeam Add-VSTeamPolicy Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject Get-VSTeamApproval Get-VSTeamBuild Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription Get-VSTeamPolicy Get-VSTeamPolicyType Get-VSTeamPool Get-VSTeamProcess Get-VSTeamProject Get-VSTeamQueue Get-VSTeamRelease Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint Get-VSTeamInfo Get-VSTeam Get-VSTeamMember Update-VSTeamPolicy Remove-VSTeamBuild Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition Remove-VSTeamProject Remove-VSTeamRelease Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition Remove-VSTeamServiceEndpoint Remove-VSTeamAccount Remove-VSTeam Remove-VSTeamPolicy Set-VSTeamApproval Set-VSTeamDefaultProject Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus Update-VSTeamProject Update-VSTeam Get-VSTeamGitRepository Add-VSTeamGitRepository Remove-VSTeamGitRepository Get-VSTeamBuildLog Add-VSTeamBuildTag Get-VSTeamBuildTag Remove-VSTeamBuildTag Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact Update-VSTeamBuild Get-VSTeamOption Get-VSTeamResourceArea Show-VSTeamProject Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition Show-VSTeamApproval Show-VSTeamBuild Show-VSTeamGitRepository Show-VSTeamReleaseDefinition Show-VSTeamRelease Show-VSTeam Add-VSTeamProfile Remove-VSTeamProfile Get-VSTeamProfile Set-VSTeamAPIVersion Invoke-VSTeamRequest Get-VSTeamUser Remove-VSTeamUser Add-VSTeamUser Update-VSTeamUser Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch Get-VSTeamWorkItemType Add-VSTeamWorkItem Get-VSTeamWorkItem Show-VSTeamWorkItem Get-VSTeamGitRef Get-VSTeamAgent Remove-VSTeamAgent Enable-VSTeamAgent Disable-VSTeamAgent Update-VSTeamProfile Get-VSTeamAPIVersion Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint Get-VSTeamFeed Add-VSTeamFeed Show-VSTeamFeed Remove-VSTeamFeed Get-VSTeamPullRequest Show-VSTeamPullRequest Add-VSTeamExtension Get-VSTeamExtension Update-VSTeamExtension Remove-VSTeamExtension Update-VSTeamWorkItem Set-VSTeamAlias Get-VSTeamGroup Get-VSTeamDescriptor
Release Notes
- VSTeam.nuspec
- VSTeam.psd1
- VSTeam.psm1
- Classes\classes.json
- Classes\VSTeamAccount.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamAgent.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamAttempt.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamBuild.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhase.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamBuildDefinitions.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamBuilds.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamDescriptor.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamDirectory.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamEnvironment.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamExtension.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamExtensions.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamFeed.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamFeeds.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamGitRepositoryPermissions.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamGroup.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamIdentityPermissions.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamInstallState.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamLeaf.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamPool.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamPools.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamProcess.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamProcessCache.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamProject.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamProjectCache.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamProjectPermissions.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamQueue.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamQueues.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamRef.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamRelease.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamReleases.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamRepositories.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamTask.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamTeam.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamTeams.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamUser.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamVersions.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamWorkItemAreaPermissions.ps1
- Classes\VSTeamWorkItemIterationPermissions.ps1
- en-US\about_vsteam.help.txt
- en-US\about_vsteam_profiles.help.txt
- en-US\about_vsteam_provider.help.txt
- en-US\VSTeam-Help.xml
- formats\Approvals.format.ps1xml
- formats\builds.format.ps1xml
- formats\descriptor.format.ps1xml
- formats\group.format.ps1xml
- formats\policyTypes.format.ps1xml
- formats\profile.format.ps1xml
- formats\serviceendpoints.format.ps1xml
- formats\serviceendpointTypes.format.ps1xml
- formats\team.format.ps1xml
- formats\users.format.ps1xml
- formats\vsteamPSDrive.format.ps1xml
- formats\workitems.format.ps1xml
- formats\workitemTypes.format.ps1xml
- Private\applyTypes.ps1
- Private\common.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeam.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamAzureRMServiceEndpoint.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamBuild.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamExtension.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamFeed.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamKubernetesEndpoint.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamNuGetEndpoint.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamProfile.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamProject.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamRelease.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamServiceFabricEndpoint.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamSonarQubeEndpoint.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamUser.ps1
- Public\Add-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
- Public\Clear-VSTeamDefaultProject.ps1
- Public\Disable-VSTeamAgent.ps1
- Public\Enable-VSTeamAgent.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeam.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamAgent.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamApproval.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamBuild.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamBuildArtifact.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamBuildLog.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamCloudSubscription.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamDescriptor.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamExtension.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamFeed.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamGitRef.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamGroup.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamInfo.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamMember.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamOption.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamPolicyType.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamPool.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamProcess.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamProfile.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamProject.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamQueue.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamRelease.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamResourceArea.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamServiceEndpointType.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamTfvcBranch.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamTfvcRootBranch.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamUser.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
- Public\Get-VSTeamWorkItemType.ps1
- Public\Invoke-VSTeamRequest.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeam.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamAccount.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamAgent.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamBuild.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamBuildTag.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamExtension.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamFeed.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamProfile.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamProject.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamRelease.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
- Public\Remove-VSTeamUser.ps1
- Public\Set-VSTeamAccount.ps1
- Public\Set-VSTeamAlias.ps1
- Public\Set-VSTeamAPIVersion.ps1
- Public\Set-VSTeamApproval.ps1
- Public\Set-VSTeamDefaultProject.ps1
- Public\Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus.ps1
- Public\Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus.ps1
- Public\Show-VSTeam.ps1
- Public\Show-VSTeamApproval.ps1
- Public\Show-VSTeamBuild.ps1
- Public\Show-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
- Public\Show-VSTeamFeed.ps1
- Public\Show-VSTeamGitRepository.ps1
- Public\Show-VSTeamProject.ps1
- Public\Show-VSTeamPullRequest.ps1
- Public\Show-VSTeamRelease.ps1
- Public\Show-VSTeamReleaseDefinition.ps1
- Public\Show-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
- Public\Update-VSTeam.ps1
- Public\Update-VSTeamBuild.ps1
- Public\Update-VSTeamBuildDefinition.ps1
- Public\Update-VSTeamExtension.ps1
- Public\Update-VSTeamPolicy.ps1
- Public\Update-VSTeamProfile.ps1
- Public\Update-VSTeamProject.ps1
- Public\Update-VSTeamServiceEndpoint.ps1
- Public\Update-VSTeamUser.ps1
- Public\Update-VSTeamWorkItem.ps1
- types\Approvals.ps1xml
- types\builds.ps1xml
- types\cloudSubscriptions.ps1xml
- types\descriptor.ps1xml
- types\group.ps1xml
- types\policies.ps1xml
- types\pullrequest.ps1xml
- types\releaseDefinitions.ps1xml
- types\releases.ps1xml
- types\repositories.ps1xml
- types\serviceendpoints.ps1xml
- types\team.ps1xml
- types\teammembers.ps1xml
- types\teams.ps1xml
- types\tfvc.ps1xml
- types\users.ps1xml
- types\workitems.ps1xml
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
7.15.2 | 472,415 | 10/24/2023 |
7.15.1 | 1,733 | 10/22/2023 |
7.14.0 | 16,687 | 10/16/2023 |
7.13.3 | 77,208 | 8/10/2023 |
7.13.1 | 89,308 | 5/24/2023 |
7.13.0 | 4,121 | 5/21/2023 |
7.12.0 | 5,499 | 5/15/2023 |
7.11.0 | 18,610 | 4/26/2023 |
7.9.0 | 190,725 | 9/8/2022 |
7.8.0 | 6,161 | 8/24/2022 |
7.7.0 | 2,989 | 8/13/2022 |
7.6.1 | 57,336 | 3/7/2022 |
7.6.0 | 4,479 | 2/22/2022 |
7.5.0 | 39,783 | 1/11/2022 |
7.4.0 | 81,478 | 8/1/2021 |
7.3.0 | 9,877 | 6/30/2021 |
7.2.0 | 36,691 | 4/22/2021 |
7.1.3 | 11,903 | 2/20/2021 |
7.1.2 | 24,079 | 10/16/2020 |
7.1.1 | 522 | 10/4/2020 |
7.1.0 | 137 | 10/2/2020 |
7.0.1 | 482 | 9/23/2020 |
7.0.0 | 144 | 9/23/2020 |
6.5.1 | 16,361 | 7/29/2020 |
6.5.0 | 2,568 | 7/14/2020 |
6.4.8 | 59,038 | 5/14/2020 |
6.4.7 | 2,318 | 5/1/2020 |
6.4.6 | 24,985 | 3/12/2020 |
6.4.5 | 436 | 3/12/2020 |
6.4.4 | 5,433 | 2/25/2020 |
6.4.3 | 14,087 | 1/18/2020 |
6.4.2 | 10,376 | 12/23/2019 |
6.4.1 | 53,555 | 11/9/2019 |
6.4.0 | 681 | 11/7/2019 |
6.3.6 | 13,390 | 10/3/2019 |
6.3.5 | 3,638 | 9/22/2019 |
6.3.4 | 4,635 | 9/6/2019 |
6.3.3 | 1,444 | 9/1/2019 |
6.3.2 | 4,457 | 8/15/2019 |
6.3.1 | 2,678 | 8/7/2019 |
6.3.0 | 9,722 | 7/19/2019 |
6.2.9 | 1,123 | 7/16/2019 |
6.2.8 | 3,287 | 7/8/2019 |
6.2.7 | 1,792 | 7/2/2019 |
6.2.6 | 8,742 | 6/8/2019 |
6.2.5 | 270 | 6/7/2019 |
6.2.4 | 2,039 | 6/2/2019 |
6.2.2 | 5,876 | 5/16/2019 |
6.2.1 | 6,082 | 5/4/2019 |
6.2.0 | 6,897 | 4/19/2019 |
6.1.3 | 12,437 | 3/28/2019 |
6.1.2 | 12,222 | 3/8/2019 |
6.1.1 (current version) | 4,193 | 3/3/2019 |
6.1.0 | 11,360 | 2/17/2019 |
6.0.1 | 6,538 | 2/8/2019 |
6.0.0 | 42,752 | 2/7/2019 |
5.0.2 | 572,557 | 2/3/2019 |
5.0.1 | 8,260 | 1/23/2019 |
5.0.0 | 36,905 | 12/8/2018 |
4.0.13 | 4,951 | 12/2/2018 |
4.0.12 | 47,222 | 10/16/2018 |
4.0.11 | 283 | 10/16/2018 |
4.0.10 | 10,289 | 10/9/2018 |
4.0.9 | 18,263 | 9/26/2018 |
4.0.8 | 12,857 | 9/18/2018 |
4.0.7 | 2,607 | 9/16/2018 |
4.0.6 | 807 | 9/15/2018 |
4.0.5 | 6,635 | 9/11/2018 |
4.0.4 | 502 | 9/11/2018 |
4.0.3 | 3,964 | 9/9/2018 |
4.0.2 | 18,222 | 8/27/2018 |
4.0.1 | 9,581 | 8/21/2018 |
4.0.0 | 3,497 | 8/18/2018 |
3.0.6 | 13,276 | 8/9/2018 |
3.0.5 | 8,783 | 8/3/2018 |
3.0.4 | 4,649 | 7/31/2018 |
3.0.3 | 2,916 | 7/29/2018 |
3.0.2 | 14,685 | 7/19/2018 |
3.0.1 | 12,430 | 7/11/2018 |
3.0.0 | 2,045 | 6/18/2018 |
2.1.13 | 311 | 6/3/2018 |
2.1.12 | 325 | 5/25/2018 |
2.1.11 | 160 | 5/23/2018 |
2.1.10 | 342 | 4/9/2018 |
2.1.9 | 219 | 3/27/2018 |
2.1.8 | 206 | 3/15/2018 |
2.1.7 | 151 | 3/15/2018 |
2.1.6 | 265 | 2/28/2018 |
2.1.5 | 176 | 2/27/2018 |
2.1.4 | 159 | 2/25/2018 |
2.1.3 | 258 | 2/5/2018 |
2.1.2 | 160 | 1/31/2018 |
2.1.1 | 240 | 1/8/2018 |
2.1.0 | 172 | 1/3/2018 |
2.0.1 | 245 | 12/6/2017 |
1.0.5 | 190 | 11/23/2017 |
1.0.4 | 211 | 10/31/2017 |
1.0.3 | 207 | 10/6/2017 |
1.0.2 | 168 | 9/30/2017 |
1.0.1 | 176 | 9/23/2017 |