

Uninstalls Microsoft Teams completely. Optional parameters to disable the Chat widget (Win+C) and prevent Office from installing Teams.

The script stops the Teams process, uninstalls Teams using the uninstall key, uninstalls Teams from the Program Files (x86) directory, uninstalls Teams from the AppData directory, removes the Teams AppxPackage, deletes the Microsoft
Uninstalls Microsoft Teams completely. Optional parameters to disable the Chat widget (Win+C) and prevent Office from installing Teams.

The script stops the Teams process, uninstalls Teams using the uninstall key, uninstalls Teams from the Program Files (x86) directory, uninstalls Teams from the AppData directory, removes the Teams AppxPackage, deletes the Microsoft Teams directory in AppData, deletes the Teams directory in AppData, removes the startup registry keys for Teams, and removes the Desktop and Start Menu icons for Teams.

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Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Script -Name UninstallTeams -RequiredVersion 1.1.4

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More


Package Details


  • asherto


PowerShell Microsoft Teams remove uninstall delete erase uninstaller widget chat enable disable change


Get-GitHubRelease CheckForUpdate Get-ChatWidgetStatus Set-ChatWidgetStatus Get-OfficeTeamsInstallStatus Set-OfficeTeamsInstallStatus Check-GitHubRelease Write-Section Get-UninstallString Remove-Shortcut Remove-DesktopShortcuts Remove-StartMenuShortcuts


This script has no dependencies.

Release Notes

[Version 0.0.1] - Initial Release.
[Version 0.0.2] - Fixed typo and confirmed directory existence before removal.
[Version 0.0.3] - Added support for Uninstall registry key.
[Version 0.0.4] - Added to GitHub.
[Version 0.0.5] - Fixed signature.
[Version 0.0.6] - Fixed various bugs.
[Version 0.0.7] - Added removal AppxPackage.
[Version 0.0.8] - Added removal of startup entries.
[Version 1.0.0] - Added ability to optionally disable Chat widget (Win+C) which will reinstall Teams. Major refactor of code.
[Version 1.0.1] - Added URL to -CheckForUpdate function when script is out of date.
[Version 1.0.2] - Improve description.
[Version 1.0.3] - Fixed bug with -Version.
[Version 1.0.4] - Improved CheckForUpdate function by converting time to local time and switching to variables.
[Version 1.0.5] - Changed -CheckForUpdates to -CheckForUpdate.
[Version 1.1.0] - Various bug fixes. Added removal of Desktop and Start Menu shortcuts. Added method to prevent Office from installing Teams. Added folders and registry keys to detect.
[Version 1.1.1] - Improved Chat widget warning detection. Improved output into section headers.
[Version 1.1.2] - Improved DisableOfficeTeamsInstall by adding registry key if it doesn't exist.
[Version 1.1.3] - Added TeamsMachineInstaller registry key for deletion.
[Version 1.1.4] - Added Teams uninstall registry key for deletion.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.2.5 153,359 8/1/2024
1.2.4 83 8/1/2024
1.2.3 159,934 1/7/2024
1.2.2 9 1/7/2024
1.2.0 692 10/14/2023
1.1.4 (current version) 14 10/14/2023
1.1.3 8 10/14/2023
1.1.2 324 8/30/2023
1.1.1 36 8/25/2023
1.1.0 10 8/25/2023
1.0.3 33 6/20/2023
1.0.2 8 6/20/2023
1.0.1 8 6/20/2023
1.0.0 11 6/20/2023
0.0.8 20 5/2/2023
0.0.7 41 8/29/2022
0.0.6 15 8/29/2022
0.0.5 15 8/23/2022
0.0.3 13 8/23/2022
0.0.2 30 7/30/2022
0.0.1 15 7/30/2022
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