If you are about to order a new tesla car, please consider using my referral code.
For that you (and I) will get 1000 miles / 1500 km of free super charging and you will have a chance to win a Model Y (one time per month) and a Roadster (once every 3 months)
Click this link https:/
If you are about to order a new tesla car, please consider using my referral code.
For that you (and I) will get 1000 miles / 1500 km of free super charging and you will have a chance to win a Model Y (one time per month) and a Roadster (once every 3 months)
Click this link https://ts.la/john53080 or use the method Get-FreeSuperCharging inside the module.
How to use:
Import the module is done just by typing Import-Module TeslaMatrix
During Import the module will ask for your tesla credentials.
You can also save your credentials in a local credential object and pass it to the Import-Module command as shown below.
Import-Module TeslaMatrix -argumentlist @{Credential=$cred}
You can also, if preferred, only send your tesla refresh token to the module. The module will ask the tesla API for a new token based on that.
Import-Module TeslaMatrix -argumentlist @{RefreshToken="1234567890"}
Sourcecode can be found on github (https://github.com/jower999/TeslaMatrix).
You are most welcome to contribute by forking the code and sending me a pull-request.
TeslaMatrix powershell module is based on the unofficial documentation of the tesla API
The documentation can be found on https://tesla-api.timdorr.com/
Installation Options
(c) John Petersen. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- John Petersen
Clear-SpeedLimitPin Close-ChargePort Close-Windows ConvertFrom-Kilometers ConvertTo-Kilometers Disable-SentryMode Disable-SpeedLimit Disable-ValetMode Enable-SentryMode Enable-SpeedLimit Enable-ValetMode Get-AccessToken Get-ChargeState Get-ClimateState Get-DriveState Get-FreeSuperCharging Get-GUISettings Get-LoginDetails Get-MobileEnabled Get-NearByChargingSites Get-VehicleConfig Get-VehicleData Get-Vehicles Get-Vehicle Get-VehicleState Invoke-FlashLights Invoke-Frunk Invoke-HonkHorn Invoke-MyTeslaMethod Invoke-RemoteStartDrive Invoke-Trunk Invoke-Wakeup Open-ChargePort Open-Windows Reset-ValetPassword Revoke-AccessToken Select-Vehicle Set-ChargeLimit Set-ChargeMaxRange Set-ChargeStandard Set-MediaNextFavourite Set-MediaNextTrack Set-MediaPlayback Set-MediaPreviousTrack Set-MediaPrevousFavourite Set-MediaVolumeDown Set-MediaVolumeUp Set-SeatHeaterLevel Set-SpeedLimit Set-Temperature Start-AutoConditioning Start-Charging Start-PreConditioningMaxDefrost Start-Share Start-SoftwareUpdate Start-SteeringWheelHeater Stop-AutoConditioning Stop-Charging Stop-PreConditioningMaxDefrost Stop-SoftwareUpdate Stop-SteeringWheelHeater Resolve-OptionCodes
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
Exported Disable-ValetMode function and Allows for Select-Vehicle to be called with name of the vehicle as well as the id
- TeslaMatrix.nuspec
- optioncode.csv
- TeslaMatrix.tests.ps1
- TeslaMatrix.psm1
- OptionCodes.ps1
- TeslaMatrix.psd1