Provides easy to use file and mail logging. Documentation of module at https://github.com/echalone/TUN/blob/master/PowerShell/Modules/TUN.Logging/TUN.Logging.md
Installation Options
(c) 2020 - Markus Szumovski (ThingsUNeed)
Package Details
- Markus Szumovski
Logging Logs LogFile LogFiles Log-File Log-Files Mailing Mails Log-Mail LogMails LogMail Log-Mails Linux Windows Core PowershellCore Powershell-Core PS3 PS4 PS5 PS6 PS7
Get-HasLogDebug Get-HasLogError Get-HasLogHost Get-HasLogInformation Get-HasLogOutput Get-HasLogVerbose Get-HasLogWarning Get-HasMailLogDebug Get-HasMailLogError Get-HasMailLogHost Get-HasMailLogInformation Get-HasMailLogOutput Get-HasMailLogVerbose Get-HasMailLogWarning Get-TUNLoggingVersion Send-Log Set-ForceLogSend Start-Log Start-MailLog Stop-Log Write-DebugLog Write-ErrorLog Write-HostLog Write-InformationLog Write-OutputLog Write-VerboseLog Write-WarningLog
- TUN.Credentials (>= 1.0.7)
Release Notes
V 1.0.0: Initial version
V 1.0.1: Updated module information
V 1.0.2: Moved markdown link from HelpInfoUri to description
V 1.0.3: Fixed icon link
V 1.0.4: Bumped required module version
V 1.0.5: Bugfixes for logging from console or function, added logging of user
V 1.1.0: Bugfixes for Linux, now compatible with Linux Powershell Core
V 1.1.1: Bugfixing fallback color
V 1.1.2: Updated markdown help and added examples
V 1.1.3: Changed output of error messages slightly to show more error details
V 1.1.4: Bumped version number in markdown readme
V 1.1.5: Only initialize script-wide logging variables if they haven't already been initialized by another logging module import from a parent script/call
V 1.1.6: Removed conditional initialization of script-wide logging variables again as it didn't work correctly
- TUN.Logging.nuspec
- TUN.Logging.md
- TUN.Logging.psd1
- TUN.Logging.psm1