

Tedon Utilities module

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name TD.Util -RequiredVersion 0.1.24

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name TD.Util -Version 0.1.24

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) [2020-2021] Tedon Technology BV. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Edwin Hagen


Windows MacOS Linux AzureDevOps Azure Slack Config


Add-AdoAzureArmEndpoint Add-AdoBuildDefinition Add-AdoEndpoint Add-AdoProject Add-AdoPullRequest Add-AdoRepository Add-AdoVariableGroup Get-AdoAllRepositories Get-AdoApiResult Get-AdoBuild Get-AdoBuildDefinitions Get-AdoEndPoints Get-AdoPipelinePermission Get-AdoProject Get-AdoProjects Get-AdoQueue Get-AdoRepositories Get-AdoRepository Get-AdoUri Get-AdoVariableGroup Get-AdoVsRmUrl Get-AzureDevOpsAccessToken Get-AzureDevOpsCredential Grant-AdoPipelineResourceAccess Import-AzureDevOpsModules Invoke-AdoCreateRelease Invoke-AdoQueueBuild New-AdoAuthenticationToken Publish-PackageToAzureDevOps Register-AzureDevOpsPackageSource Remove-AdoBuildDefinition Remove-AdoProject Remove-AdoRepository Remove-AdoServiceConnection Remove-AdoVariableGroup Test-BuildDefinitionExists Test-EndPointExists Test-ProjectExists Test-RepositoryExists Test-VariableGroupExists Update-AdoPipelinePermission Update-AdoPipelinePermissions Update-AdoVariableGroup Wait-AdoBuildCompleted Add-TokensFromAzureKeyVault Assert-AzureConnected Connect-ToAzure Initialize-AzureModules Select-AzureDefaultSubscription Test-AzureConnected Add-TokensFromConfig Convert-TokensInFile Invoke-CloneGitRepo Invoke-CloneGitRepos Invoke-Git Read-ObjectFromJsonFile Save-ObjectToJsonFile SecureStringStorage Send-ToSlack Get-EnvironmentVar Get-PSPropertyValue Invoke-RetryBlock Test-PSProperty


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.1.39 5,133 11/13/2024
0.1.38 13,818 7/30/2023
0.1.37 30 7/27/2023
0.1.36 294 7/19/2023
0.1.35 484 7/5/2023
0.1.34 304 6/28/2023
0.1.33 4,658 2/4/2023
0.1.32 2,211 12/3/2022
0.1.31 335 11/19/2022
0.1.30 6,061 5/11/2022
0.1.29 1,736 3/13/2022
0.1.28 514 2/23/2022
0.1.27 778 1/26/2022
0.1.26 1,711 11/18/2021
0.1.25 122 11/15/2021
0.1.24 (current version) 56 11/13/2021
0.1.23 230 11/5/2021
0.1.22 15 11/5/2021
0.1.21 1,100 9/22/2021
0.1.19 3,611 6/2/2021
0.1.18 1,388 4/15/2021
0.1.16 819 3/25/2021
0.1.15 38 3/25/2021
0.1.14 29 3/24/2021
0.1.13 15 3/24/2021
0.1.12 223 3/17/2021
0.1.11 74 3/15/2021
0.1.10 695 2/4/2021
0.1.9 181 1/27/2021
0.1.8 39 1/27/2021
0.1.7 122 1/13/2021
0.1.6 19 1/13/2021
0.1.5 19 1/13/2021
0.1.4 19 1/6/2021
0.1.3 20 12/23/2020
0.1.2 31 12/16/2020
0.1.1 20 12/9/2020
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