

StorageGRID-Webscale Powershell Cmdlet.

Minimum PowerShell version


There is a newer prerelease version of this module available.
See the version list below for details.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name StorageGRID-Webscale -RequiredVersion 5.3.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name StorageGRID-Webscale -Version 5.3.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2018 NetApp Deutschland GmbH. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Florian Feldhaus


StorageGRID-Webscale SGW NetApp


Get-S3Object Get-S3Objects Add-AwsCredentials ConvertFrom-AwsConfigFile ConvertTo-AwsConfigFile ConvertTo-SortedDictionary Disable-S3BucketLastAccessTime Enable-S3BucketLastAccessTime Get-AwsHash Get-S3Bucket Get-S3BucketConsistency Get-S3BucketLastAccessTime Get-S3Buckets Get-S3StorageUsage Get-SignedString Invoke-AwsRequest New-AwsSignatureV2 New-AwsSignatureV4 New-S3Bucket Read-S3Object Remove-S3Bucket Remove-S3Object Update-S3BucketConsistency Write-S3Object Get-SgwAccountS3AccessKey Get-SgwAccountS3AccessKeys New-SgwAccountS3AccessKey Remove-SgwAccountS3AccessKey Connect-SgwServer ConvertFrom-UnixTimestamp ConvertTo-UnixTimestamp Delete-SgwGroup Disconnect-SgwServer Get-SgwAccount Get-SgwAccountGroups Get-SgwAccounts Get-SgwAccountUsage Get-SgwAlarms Get-SgwConfig Get-SgwConfigManagement Get-SgwDeactivatedFeatures Get-SgwDNSServers Get-SgwEndpointDomainNames Get-SgwExpansion Get-SgwExpansionNode Get-SgwExpansionNodes Get-SgwExpansionSite Get-SgwExpansionSites Get-SgwFederatedGroupByShortName Get-SgwGridNetworks Get-SgwGroup Get-SgwGroupByShortName Get-SgwGroups Get-SgwHealth Get-SgwIdentitySources Get-SgwIlmMetadata Get-SgwIlmRules Get-SgwLicense Get-SgwMetricNames Get-SgwMetricQuery Get-SgwNtpServers Get-SgwProductVersion Get-SgwReport Get-SgwS3AccessKey Get-SgwS3AccessKeys Get-SgwTopologyHealth Get-SgwUsers Get-SgwVersion Get-SgwVersions Invoke-SgwExpansion Invoke-SgwIlmEvaluate Invoke-SgwRequest New-SgwAccount New-SgwExpansionNode New-SgwExpansionSite New-SgwGroup New-SgwS3AccessKey Remove-SgwAccount Remove-SgwExpansionNode Remove-SgwS3AccessKey Replace-SgwAccount Replace-SgwDNSServers Replace-SgwEndpointDomainNames Replace-SgwGroup Reset-SgwExpansionNode Start-SgwExpansion Stop-SgwExpansion Sync-SgwIdentitySources Update-SgwAccount Update-SgwConfigManagement Update-SgwDeactivatedFeatures Update-SgwExpansionSite Update-SgwGridNetworks Update-SgwGroup Update-SgwIdentitySources Update-SgwLicense Update-SgwNtpServers Update-SgwPassword Update-SgwSwiftAdminPassword


This module has no dependencies.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
7.2.1 2,677 9/27/2019
7.2.0 274 6/26/2019
7.1.2 48 5/27/2019
7.1.1 27 5/21/2019
7.1.0 112 3/15/2019
7.0.1 49 3/14/2019
7.0.0 31 3/12/2019
6.2.0 72 2/19/2019
6.1.4 26 2/9/2019
6.1.3 18 2/9/2019
6.1.2 18 2/8/2019
6.1.1 18 2/8/2019
6.1.0 32 2/1/2019
6.0.2 64 1/15/2019
6.0.1 332 12/11/2018
6.0.0 153 11/13/2018
6.0.0-preview6 210 9/24/2018
6.0.0-preview5 74 9/9/2018
6.0.0-preview4 29 8/16/2018
6.0.0-preview3 14 8/14/2018
6.0.0-preview2 82 6/14/2018
6.0.0-preview1 16 6/13/2018
5.3.1 194 1/18/2018
5.3.0 (current version) 19 1/18/2018
5.2.0 25 1/12/2018
5.1.2 23 1/8/2018
5.1.1 19 1/8/2018
5.1.0 20 1/8/2018
5.0.0 23 1/5/2018
4.1.0 114 6/28/2017
4.0.1 53 5/5/2017
4.0.0 24 5/3/2017
3.0.3 71 1/12/2017
3.0.2 82 10/7/2016
3.0.1 21 10/7/2016
3.0.0 24 10/6/2016
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