Module with DSC resources for deployment and configuration of Microsoft SQL Server.
Minimum PowerShell version
See the version list below for details.
Installation Options
Copyright the DSC Community contributors. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- DSC Community
DesiredStateConfiguration DSC DSCResourceKit DSCResource
Add-SqlDscNode Complete-SqlDscFailoverCluster Complete-SqlDscImage Connect-SqlDscDatabaseEngine ConvertFrom-SqlDscDatabasePermission ConvertFrom-SqlDscServerPermission ConvertTo-SqlDscDatabasePermission ConvertTo-SqlDscServerPermission Disable-SqlDscAudit Enable-SqlDscAudit Get-SqlDscAudit Get-SqlDscDatabasePermission Get-SqlDscServerPermission Import-SqlDscPreferredModule Initialize-SqlDscRebuildDatabase Install-SqlDscServer Invoke-SqlDscQuery New-SqlDscAudit Remove-SqlDscAudit Remove-SqlDscNode Repair-SqlDscServer Set-SqlDscAudit Set-SqlDscDatabasePermission Set-SqlDscServerPermission Test-SqlDscIsDatabasePrincipal Test-SqlDscIsLogin Uninstall-SqlDscServer
SqlAudit SqlDatabasePermission SqlPermission SqlAG SqlAGDatabase SqlAgentAlert SqlAgentFailsafe SqlAgentOperator SqlAGListener SqlAGReplica SqlAlias SqlAlwaysOnService SqlConfiguration SqlDatabase SqlDatabaseDefaultLocation SqlDatabaseMail SqlDatabaseObjectPermission SqlDatabaseRole SqlDatabaseUser SqlEndpoint SqlEndpointPermission SqlLogin SqlMaxDop SqlMemory SqlProtocol SqlProtocolTcpIp SqlReplication SqlRole SqlRS SqlRSSetup SqlScript SqlScriptQuery SqlSecureConnection SqlServiceAccount SqlSetup SqlTraceFlag SqlWaitForAG SqlWindowsFirewall
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
## [16.1.0-preview0016] - 2023-02-12
### Removed
- SqlServerDsc
- Removed `Assert-ElevatedUser` from private functions ([issue #1797](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1797)).
- `Assert-ElevatedUser` added to _DscResource.Common_ public functions
([issue #82](https://github.com/dsccommunity/DscResource.Common/issues/82)).
- Removed `Test-IsNumericType` from private functions ([issue #1795](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1795)).
- `Test-IsNumericType` added to _DscResource.Common_ public functions
([issue #87](https://github.com/dsccommunity/DscResource.Common/issues/87)).
- Removed `Test-ServiceAccountRequirePassword` from private functions ([issue #1794](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1794)
- Replaced by `Test-AccountRequirePassword` that was added to _DscResource.Common_
public functions ([issue #93](https://github.com/dsccommunity/DscResource.Common/issues/93)).
- Removed `Assert-RequiredCommandParameter` from private functions ([issue #1796](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1796)).
- Replaced by `Assert-BoundParameter` (part of _DscResource.Common_)
that had a new parameter set added ([issue #92](https://github.com/dsccommunity/DscResource.Common/issues/92)).
- Removed private function `Test-ResourceDscPropertyIsAssigned` and
`Test-ResourceHasDscProperty`. Both are replaced by `Test-DscProperty`
which is now part of the module _DscResource.Common_.
- Removed private function `Get-DscProperty`. It is replaced by `Get-DscProperty`
which is now part of the module _DscResource.Common_.
- The class `ResourceBase` and `Reason` has been removed, they are now
part of the module _DscResource.Base_.
- The enum `Ensure` has been removed, is is now part of the module
- The private functions that the class `ResourceBase` depended on has been
moved to the module _DscResource.Base_.
- `ConvertFrom-CompareResult`
- `ConvertTo-Reason`
- `Get-ClassName`
- `Get-LocalizedDataRecursive`
- Added documentation how to generate stub modules for the unit tests.
The documentation can be found in ['tests/Unit/Stubs`](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/tree/main/tests/Unit/Stubs).
- SqlRSSetup and SqlRS
- Removed the integration test when running against SQL Server 2019,
due to the URL to download the Reporting Services 2019 executable
no longer works.
### Added
- SqlServerDsc
- The following private functions were added to the module (see comment-based
help for more information):
- `Assert-SetupActionProperties`
- `Invoke-SetupAction`
- The following public functions were added to the module (see comment-based
help for more information):
- `Install-SqlDscServer`
- `Uninstall-SqlDscServer`
- `Add-SqlDscNode`
- `Remove-SqlDscNode`
- `Repair-SqlDscServer`
- `Complete-SqlDscImage`
- `Complete-SqlDscFailoverCluster`
- `Initialize-SqlDscRebuildDatabase`
- `Import-SqlDscPreferredModule`
- New GitHub issue templates for proposing new public commands, proposing
an enhancement to an existing command, or having a problem with an existing
- Integration tests are now also run on SQL Server 2022 and SQL Server
Reporting Services 2022.
- Integration tests now wait for LCM after each It-block, not just at the
end of a Context-block. Hopefully this will mitigate some of the intermittent
errors we have seen when running the integration tests in the pipeline.
- Use preview version of Pester to support the development of Pester as
this is a code base with a diverse set of tests thar can help catch
issues in Pester. If preview release of Pester prevents release we
should temporary shift back to stable.
- Add the GitHub App _Pull Request Quantifier_ as an experiment to see if it
brings any value ([issue #1811](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1811)).
- Updated thresholds, and label names and colors.
- New QA tests for public commands and private functions.
- SqlDatabase
- Added compatibility levels for SQL Server 2022 (major version 16).
- SqlSetup
- Paths for SQL Server 2022 are correctly returned by Get.
- SqlRS
- Added optional parameter `Encrypt`. Parameter `Encrypt` controls whether
the connection used by `Invoke-SqlCmd should enforce encryption. This
parameter can only be used together with the module _SqlServer_ v22.x
(minimum v22.0.49-preview). The parameter will be ignored if an older
major versions of the module _SqlServer_ is used.
- SqlScript
- Added optional parameter `Encrypt`. Parameter `Encrypt` controls whether
the connection used by `Invoke-SqlCmd should enforce encryption. This
parameter can only be used together with the module _SqlServer_ v22.x
(minimum v22.0.49-preview). The parameter will be ignored if an older
major versions of the module _SqlServer_ is used.
- SqlScriptQuery
- Added optional parameter `Encrypt`. Parameter `Encrypt` controls whether
the connection used by `Invoke-SqlCmd should enforce encryption. This
parameter can only be used together with the module _SqlServer_ v22.x
(minimum v22.0.49-preview). The parameter will be ignored if an older
major versions of the module _SqlServer_ is used.
- SqlTraceFlag
- The resource is now tested with an integration tests ([issue #1835](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1835)).
- A new parameter `ClearAllTraceFlags` was added so a configuration
can enforce that there should be no trace flags.
- The public commands `Add-SqlDscNode`, `Complete-SqlDscFailoverCluster`,
`Complete-SqlDscImage`, `Install-SqlDscServer`, and `Repair-SqlDscServer`
now support the setup argument `ProductCoveredBySA` ([issue #1798](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1798)).
### Changed
- SqlServerDsc
- Update Stale GitHub Action to v7.
- Update to build module in separate folder under `output`.
- Moved the build step of the pipeline to a Windows build worker when
running in Azure DevOps.
- Class-based resources now uses the parent class `ResourceBase` from the
module _DscResource.Base_ ([issue #1790](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1790)).
- Settings for the _Visual Studio Code_ extension _Pester Tests_ was changed
to be able to run all unit tests, and all tests run by the extension
are now run in a separate process to be able to handle changes in
class-based resources.
- The AppVeyor configuration file was updated to include the possibility
to run integration tests for SQL Server 2022.
- The AppVeyor configuration file was updated to include the possibility
to run skip installing one or more SQL Server instances when debugging
in AppVeyor to help maximize the time alloted be run.
- The stubs in `SqlServerStub.psm1` are now based on the commands from the
module SqlServer v22.0.49-preview.
- The module will now call `Import-SqlDscPreferredModule` when the module
is imported to make sure SqlServer (default preferred module) or SQLPS
is loaded into the session. This will make it possible for classes and
commands to use and return SQL types. If no module is found it will
output a warning to install any of the dependent modules.
- `Install-SqlServerDsc`
- No longer throws an exception when parameter `AgtSvcAccount` is not specified.
- SqlAgReplica
- Converted unit test to Pester 5.
- `Update-AvailabilityGroupReplica` to trigger once within `Set-TargetResource`
for all AvailabilityReplica changes.
- Private function `Invoke-SetupAction` ([issue #1798](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1798)).
- Was changed to support the SQL Server 2022 GA feature `AzureExtension`
(that replaced the feature name `ARC`).
- Support the setup argument `ProductCoveredBySA`.
- No longer supports the argument `OnBoardSQLToARC` as it was removed in
SQL Server 2022 GA.
- `Install-SqlDscServer`
- Was changed to support the SQL Server 2022 GA feature `AzureExtension`
(that replaced the feature name `ARC`) ([issue #1798](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1798)).
- `Uninstall-SqlDscServer`
- Was changed to support the SQL Server 2022 GA feature `AzureExtension`
(that replaced the feature name `ARC`) ([issue #1798](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1798)).
- `Import-SqlDscPreferredModule`
- No longer tries to get the environment variables from the machine state
when run on Linux or macOS. This will allow the unit tests to run
- SqlReplication
- The resource now supports SQL Server 2022. The resource will require
the module _SqlServer_ v22.0.49-preview or newer when used against an
SQL Server 2022 instance ([issue #1801](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1801)).
- SqlProtocol
- The resource now supports SQL Server 2022. The resource will require
the module _SqlServer_ v22.0.49-preview or newer when used against an
SQL Server 2022 instance ([issue #1802](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1802)).
- SqlProtocolTcpIp
- The resource now supports SQL Server 2022. The resource will require
the module _SqlServer_ v22.0.49-preview or newer when used against an
SQL Server 2022 instance ([issue #1805](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1805)).
- SqlServiceAccount
- The resource now supports SQL Server 2022. The resource will require
the module _SqlServer_ v22.0.49-preview or newer when used against an
SQL Server 2022 instance ([issue #1800](https://github.com/dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc/issues/1800)).
- SqlSetup
- Integration test
- SqlServerDsc.nuspec
- SqlServerDsc.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAlwaysOnService\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGListener\DSC_SqlAGListener.schema.mof
- SqlServerDsc.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGListener\DSC_SqlAGListener.psm1
- en-US\about_SqlDatabasePermission.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGListener\README.md
- en-US\SqlPermission.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabase\DSC_SqlDatabase.schema.mof
- en-US\SqlServerDsc.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabase\DSC_SqlDatabase.psm1
- en-US\SqlDatabasePermission.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabase\README.md
- en-US\SqlAudit.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentAlert\DSC_SqlAgentAlert.schema.mof
- en-US\about_SqlServerDsc.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentAlert\README.md
- en-US\SqlResourceBase.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentAlert\DSC_SqlAgentAlert.psm1
- en-US\about_SqlPermission.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlEndpointPermission\DSC_SqlEndpointPermission.schema.mof
- en-US\about_SqlAudit.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlEndpointPermission\DSC_SqlEndpointPermission.psm1
- Modules\SqlServerDsc.Common\SqlServerDsc.Common.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlEndpointPermission\README.md
- Modules\SqlServerDsc.Common\SqlServerDsc.Common.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlLogin\DSC_SqlLogin.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseRole\DSC_SqlDatabaseRole.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlLogin\DSC_SqlLogin.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseRole\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlLogin\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseRole\DSC_SqlDatabaseRole.schema.mof
- Modules\DscResource.Common\0.14.0\DscResource.Common.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentFailsafe\DSC_SqlAgentFailsafe.psm1
- Modules\DscResource.Common\0.14.0\DscResource.Common.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentFailsafe\DSC_SqlAgentFailsafe.schema.mof
- Modules\DscResource.Base\1.0.0\DscResource.Base.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentFailsafe\README.md
- Modules\DscResource.Base\1.0.0\DscResource.Base.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlProtocol\DSC_SqlProtocol.psm1
- Modules\SqlServerDsc.Common\en-US\SqlServerDsc.Common.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlProtocol\README.md
- Modules\SqlServerDsc.Common\sv-SE\SqlServerDsc.Common.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlProtocol\DSC_SqlProtocol.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseRole\en-US\DSC_SqlDatabaseRole.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlProtocolTcpIp\DSC_SqlProtocolTcpIp.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseRole\en-US\about_SqlDatabaseRole.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlProtocolTcpIp\DSC_SqlProtocolTcpIp.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentFailsafe\en-US\about_SqlAgentFailsafe.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlProtocolTcpIp\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentFailsafe\en-US\DSC_SqlAgentFailsafe.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlTraceFlag\DSC_SqlTraceFlag.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlProtocol\en-US\about_SqlProtocol.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlTraceFlag\DSC_SqlTraceFlag.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlProtocol\en-US\DSC_SqlProtocol.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlTraceFlag\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlProtocolTcpIp\en-US\about_SqlProtocolTcpIp.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlSecureConnection\DSC_SqlSecureConnection.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlProtocolTcpIp\en-US\DSC_SqlProtocolTcpIp.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlSecureConnection\DSC_SqlSecureConnection.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlTraceFlag\en-US\DSC_SqlTraceFlag.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlSecureConnection\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlTraceFlag\en-US\about_SqlTraceFlag.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlSetup\DSC_SqlSetup.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlSecureConnection\en-US\about_SqlSecureConnection.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlSetup\DSC_SqlSetup.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlSecureConnection\en-US\DSC_SqlSecureConnection.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlSetup\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlSetup\en-US\DSC_SqlSetup.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGDatabase\DSC_SqlAGDatabase.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlSetup\en-US\about_SqlSetup.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGDatabase\DSC_SqlAGDatabase.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlSetup\sv-SE\DSC_SqlSetup.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGDatabase\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGDatabase\en-US\DSC_SqlAGDatabase.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRS\DSC_SqlRS.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGDatabase\en-US\about_SqlAGDatabase.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRS\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRS\en-US\about_SqlRS.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRS\DSC_SqlRS.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRS\en-US\DSC_SqlRS.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlWindowsFirewall\DSC_SqlWindowsFirewall.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlWindowsFirewall\en-US\DSC_SqlWindowsFirewall.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlWindowsFirewall\DSC_SqlWindowsFirewall.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlWindowsFirewall\en-US\about_SqlWindowsFirewall.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlWindowsFirewall\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlEndpoint\en-US\about_SqlEndpoint.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlEndpoint\DSC_SqlEndpoint.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlEndpoint\en-US\DSC_SqlEndpoint.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlEndpoint\DSC_SqlEndpoint.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseMail\en-US\DSC_SqlDatabaseMail.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlEndpoint\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseMail\en-US\about_SqlDatabaseMail.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseMail\DSC_SqlDatabaseMail.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRSSetup\en-US\about_SqlRSSetup.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseMail\DSC_SqlDatabaseMail.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRSSetup\en-US\DSC_SqlRSSetup.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseMail\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlServiceAccount\en-US\DSC_SqlServiceAccount.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRSSetup\DSC_SqlRSSetup.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlServiceAccount\en-US\about_SqlServiceAccount.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRSSetup\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentOperator\en-US\DSC_SqlAgentOperator.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRSSetup\DSC_SqlRSSetup.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentOperator\en-US\about_SqlAgentOperator.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlServiceAccount\DSC_SqlServiceAccount.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAlias\en-US\DSC_SqlAlias.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlServiceAccount\DSC_SqlServiceAccount.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAlias\en-US\about_SqlAlias.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlServiceAccount\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGReplica\en-US\about_SqlAGReplica.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentOperator\DSC_SqlAgentOperator.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGReplica\en-US\DSC_SqlAGReplica.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentOperator\DSC_SqlAgentOperator.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseObjectPermission\en-US\DSC_SqlDatabaseObjectPermission.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentOperator\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseObjectPermission\en-US\about_SqlDatabaseObjectPermission.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAlias\DSC_SqlAlias.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlScriptQuery\en-US\DSC_SqlScriptQuery.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAlias\DSC_SqlAlias.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlScriptQuery\en-US\about_SqlScriptQuery.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAlias\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlReplication\en-US\DSC_SqlReplication.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGReplica\DSC_SqlAGReplica.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlReplication\en-US\about_SqlReplication.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGReplica\DSC_SqlAGReplica.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlScript\en-US\DSC_SqlScript.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGReplica\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlScript\en-US\about_SqlScript.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseObjectPermission\DSC_SqlDatabaseObjectPermission.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAG\en-US\about_SqlAG.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseObjectPermission\DSC_SqlDatabaseObjectPermission.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAG\en-US\DSC_SqlAG.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseObjectPermission\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseDefaultLocation\en-US\about_SqlDatabaseDefaultLocation.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlScriptQuery\DSC_SqlScriptQuery.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseDefaultLocation\en-US\DSC_SqlDatabaseDefaultLocation.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlScriptQuery\DSC_SqlScriptQuery.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRole\en-US\about_SqlRole.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlScriptQuery\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRole\en-US\DSC_SqlRole.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlReplication\DSC_SqlReplication.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlMemory\en-US\DSC_SqlMemory.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlReplication\DSC_SqlReplication.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlMemory\en-US\about_SqlMemory.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlReplication\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlMaxDop\en-US\about_SqlMaxDop.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlScript\DSC_SqlScript.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlMaxDop\en-US\DSC_SqlMaxDop.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlScript\DSC_SqlScript.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseUser\en-US\DSC_SqlDatabaseUser.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlScript\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseUser\en-US\about_SqlDatabaseUser.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAG\DSC_SqlAG.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlWaitForAG\en-US\about_SqlWaitForAG.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAG\DSC_SqlAG.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlWaitForAG\en-US\DSC_SqlWaitForAG.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAG\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlConfiguration\en-US\about_SqlConfiguration.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseDefaultLocation\DSC_SqlDatabaseDefaultLocation.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlConfiguration\en-US\DSC_SqlConfiguration.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseDefaultLocation\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAlwaysOnService\en-US\about_SqlAlwaysOnService.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseDefaultLocation\DSC_SqlDatabaseDefaultLocation.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAlwaysOnService\en-US\DSC_SqlAlwaysOnService.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRole\DSC_SqlRole.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGListener\en-US\about_SqlAGListener.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRole\DSC_SqlRole.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAGListener\en-US\DSC_SqlAGListener.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlRole\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabase\en-US\DSC_SqlDatabase.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlMemory\DSC_SqlMemory.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabase\en-US\about_SqlDatabase.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlMemory\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentAlert\en-US\DSC_SqlAgentAlert.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlMemory\DSC_SqlMemory.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAgentAlert\en-US\about_SqlAgentAlert.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlMaxDop\DSC_SqlMaxDop.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlEndpointPermission\en-US\about_SqlEndpointPermission.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlMaxDop\DSC_SqlMaxDop.schema.mof
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlEndpointPermission\en-US\DSC_SqlEndpointPermission.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlMaxDop\README.md
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlLogin\en-US\DSC_SqlLogin.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseUser\DSC_SqlDatabaseUser.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlLogin\en-US\about_SqlLogin.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseUser\DSC_SqlDatabaseUser.schema.mof
- Modules\DscResource.Common\0.14.0\en-US\about_DscResource.Common.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlDatabaseUser\README.md
- Modules\DscResource.Common\0.14.0\en-US\DscResource.Common.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlWaitForAG\DSC_SqlWaitForAG.schema.mof
- Modules\DscResource.Base\1.0.0\en-US\DscResource.Base.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlWaitForAG\DSC_SqlWaitForAG.psm1
- Modules\DscResource.Base\1.0.0\en-US\ResourceBase.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlWaitForAG\README.md
- Modules\DscResource.Base\1.0.0\en-US\about_DscResource.Base.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlConfiguration\DSC_SqlConfiguration.psm1
- Modules\DscResource.Base\1.0.0\Modules\DscResource.Common\0.14.0\DscResource.Common.psm1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlConfiguration\README.md
- Modules\DscResource.Base\1.0.0\Modules\DscResource.Common\0.14.0\DscResource.Common.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlConfiguration\DSC_SqlConfiguration.schema.mof
- Modules\DscResource.Base\1.0.0\Modules\DscResource.Common\0.14.0\en-US\about_DscResource.Common.help.txt
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAlwaysOnService\DSC_SqlAlwaysOnService.psm1
- Modules\DscResource.Base\1.0.0\Modules\DscResource.Common\0.14.0\en-US\DscResource.Common.strings.psd1
- DSCResources\DSC_SqlAlwaysOnService\DSC_SqlAlwaysOnService.schema.mof
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
17.1.0-previ... | 7 | 3/19/2025 |
17.1.0-previ... | 10 | 3/13/2025 |
17.1.0-previ... | 3 | 3/12/2025 |
17.1.0-previ... | 3 | 3/11/2025 |
17.1.0-previ... | 27 | 3/4/2025 |
17.1.0-previ... | 6 | 3/2/2025 |
17.0.1-previ... | 104 | 10/29/2024 |
17.0.1-previ... | 6 | 10/26/2024 |
17.0.1-previ... | 14 | 10/7/2024 |
17.0.0 | 454,861 | 9/30/2024 |
17.0.0-previ... | 5 | 9/29/2024 |
17.0.0-previ... | 49 | 8/13/2024 |
16.6.1-previ... | 118 | 5/23/2024 |
16.6.1-previ... | 5 | 5/22/2024 |
16.6.0 | 91,812 | 5/17/2024 |
16.6.0-previ... | 10 | 5/12/2024 |
16.6.0-previ... | 4 | 5/11/2024 |
16.6.0-previ... | 104 | 3/3/2024 |
16.6.0-previ... | 46 | 1/20/2024 |
16.6.0-previ... | 6 | 1/19/2024 |
16.5.1-previ... | 68 | 12/15/2023 |
16.5.1-previ... | 91 | 11/19/2023 |
16.5.1-previ... | 47 | 11/2/2023 |
16.5.0 | 145,540 | 10/5/2023 |
16.5.0-previ... | 12 | 10/1/2023 |
16.5.0-previ... | 7 | 9/29/2023 |
16.5.0-previ... | 47 | 9/1/2023 |
16.5.0-previ... | 7 | 8/26/2023 |
16.4.1-previ... | 6 | 8/25/2023 |
16.4.0 | 111,656 | 8/22/2023 |
16.4.0-previ... | 5 | 8/20/2023 |
16.4.0-previ... | 5 | 8/20/2023 |
16.4.0-previ... | 6 | 8/19/2023 |
16.4.0-previ... | 76 | 5/18/2023 |
16.4.0-previ... | 20 | 5/10/2023 |
16.4.0-previ... | 6 | 5/9/2023 |
16.4.0-previ... | 7 | 5/8/2023 |
16.3.1 | 460,365 | 5/6/2023 |
16.3.1-previ... | 5 | 5/6/2023 |
16.3.1-previ... | 9 | 5/4/2023 |
16.3.0 | 42,289 | 4/26/2023 |
16.3.0-previ... | 7 | 4/26/2023 |
16.3.0-previ... | 7 | 4/25/2023 |
16.3.0-previ... | 6 | 4/24/2023 |
16.3.0-previ... | 6 | 4/23/2023 |
16.3.0-previ... | 28 | 4/18/2023 |
16.3.0-previ... | 5 | 4/16/2023 |
16.2.1-previ... | 7 | 4/12/2023 |
16.2.0 | 75,196 | 4/10/2023 |
16.2.0-previ... | 5 | 4/10/2023 |
16.2.0-previ... | 5 | 4/8/2023 |
16.2.0-previ... | 5 | 4/8/2023 |
16.2.0-previ... | 10 | 4/6/2023 |
16.2.0-previ... | 10 | 4/1/2023 |
16.2.0-previ... | 11 | 3/28/2023 |
16.2.0-previ... | 10 | 3/26/2023 |
16.2.0-previ... | 5 | 3/25/2023 |
16.2.0-previ... | 170 | 3/19/2023 |
16.2.0-previ... | 27 | 3/7/2023 |
16.2.0-previ... | 10 | 3/4/2023 |
16.1.0 | 175,613 | 2/28/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 6 | 2/28/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 9 | 2/25/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 7 | 2/24/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 48 | 2/13/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... (current version) | 28 | 2/12/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 25 | 2/5/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 11 | 2/1/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 29 | 1/25/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 8 | 1/24/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 5 | 1/24/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 12 | 1/22/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 346 | 1/4/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 6 | 1/3/2023 |
16.1.0-previ... | 15 | 12/26/2022 |
16.1.0-previ... | 50 | 12/19/2022 |
16.1.0-previ... | 13 | 12/17/2022 |
16.1.0-previ... | 115 | 12/11/2022 |
16.1.0-previ... | 13 | 12/4/2022 |
16.1.0-previ... | 36 | 11/26/2022 |
16.1.0-previ... | 11 | 11/24/2022 |
16.0.1-previ... | 31 | 11/11/2022 |
16.0.0 | 828,014 | 9/9/2022 |
16.0.0-previ... | 30 | 8/21/2022 |
16.0.0-previ... | 24 | 8/13/2022 |
16.0.0-previ... | 15 | 8/13/2022 |
16.0.0-previ... | 26 | 8/1/2022 |
16.0.0-previ... | 81 | 6/14/2022 |
16.0.0-previ... | 25 | 6/8/2022 |
16.0.0-previ... | 18 | 6/6/2022 |
16.0.0-previ... | 15 | 6/6/2022 |
16.0.0-previ... | 89 | 4/26/2022 |
16.0.0-previ... | 45 | 3/28/2022 |
16.0.0-previ... | 66 | 2/12/2022 |
15.2.0 | 2,685,024 | 9/1/2021 |
15.2.0-previ... | 16 | 9/1/2021 |
15.2.0-previ... | 45 | 7/23/2021 |
15.2.0-previ... | 76 | 6/6/2021 |
15.2.0-previ... | 66 | 4/18/2021 |
15.2.0-previ... | 86 | 3/12/2021 |
15.1.1 | 1,403,238 | 2/12/2021 |
15.1.1-previ... | 18 | 2/12/2021 |
15.1.0 | 62,537 | 2/2/2021 |
15.1.0-previ... | 25 | 2/1/2021 |
15.1.0-previ... | 20 | 1/31/2021 |
15.0.2-previ... | 19 | 1/30/2021 |
15.0.2-previ... | 25 | 1/24/2021 |
15.0.2-previ... | 63 | 1/21/2021 |
15.0.2-previ... | 62 | 1/12/2021 |
15.0.1 | 143,078 | 1/9/2021 |
15.0.1-previ... | 59 | 1/9/2021 |
15.0.1-previ... | 64 | 1/6/2021 |
15.0.1-previ... | 60 | 1/6/2021 |
15.0.1-previ... | 69 | 12/27/2020 |
15.0.1-previ... | 61 | 12/26/2020 |
15.0.1-previ... | 63 | 12/23/2020 |
15.0.1-previ... | 71 | 12/14/2020 |
15.0.1-previ... | 62 | 12/13/2020 |
15.0.1-previ... | 60 | 12/12/2020 |
15.0.1-previ... | 61 | 12/10/2020 |
15.0.0 | 214,720 | 12/6/2020 |
15.0.0-previ... | 61 | 12/6/2020 |
15.0.0-previ... | 66 | 11/25/2020 |
15.0.0-previ... | 58 | 11/22/2020 |
15.0.0-previ... | 62 | 11/21/2020 |
14.3.0-previ... | 99 | 10/5/2020 |
14.3.0-previ... | 55 | 10/3/2020 |
14.3.0-previ... | 61 | 10/2/2020 |
14.2.2-previ... | 105 | 8/19/2020 |
14.2.2-previ... | 61 | 8/16/2020 |
14.2.1 | 643,655 | 8/14/2020 |
14.2.1-previ... | 60 | 8/13/2020 |
14.2.1-previ... | 61 | 8/11/2020 |
14.2.1-previ... | 57 | 8/11/2020 |
14.2.1-previ... | 72 | 7/31/2020 |
14.2.1-previ... | 60 | 7/28/2020 |
14.2.0 | 72,744 | 7/23/2020 |
14.2.0-previ... | 63 | 7/23/2020 |
14.2.0-previ... | 65 | 7/19/2020 |
14.2.0-previ... | 74 | 7/13/2020 |
14.2.0-previ... | 65 | 7/10/2020 |
14.2.0-previ... | 62 | 7/9/2020 |
14.1.1-previ... | 64 | 7/9/2020 |
14.1.0 | 221,797 | 7/6/2020 |
14.1.0-previ... | 369 | 7/5/2020 |
14.1.0-previ... | 61 | 7/4/2020 |
14.1.0-previ... | 62 | 7/4/2020 |
14.1.0-previ... | 64 | 7/3/2020 |
14.1.0-previ... | 66 | 7/1/2020 |
14.0.1-previ... | 72 | 6/28/2020 |
14.0.1-previ... | 61 | 6/26/2020 |
14.0.0 | 10,848 | 6/12/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 62 | 6/12/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 68 | 6/11/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 70 | 6/10/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 69 | 6/10/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 103 | 5/28/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 78 | 5/25/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 68 | 5/25/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 80 | 5/19/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 76 | 5/19/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 82 | 5/17/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 71 | 5/17/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 69 | 5/16/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 70 | 5/14/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 72 | 5/13/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 80 | 5/12/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 70 | 5/12/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 70 | 5/12/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 83 | 5/8/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 69 | 5/6/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 73 | 5/5/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 71 | 5/4/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 70 | 5/3/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 69 | 5/3/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 84 | 4/27/2020 |
14.0.0-previ... | 79 | 4/26/2020 |
13.5.0 | 28,427 | 4/12/2020 |
13.5.0-previ... | 76 | 4/11/2020 |
13.5.0-previ... | 78 | 4/11/2020 |
13.4.1-previ... | 105 | 3/31/2020 |
13.4.0 | 122,350 | 3/18/2020 |
13.4.0-previ... | 71 | 3/18/2020 |
13.3.1-previ... | 117 | 1/18/2020 |
13.3.0 | 480,798 | 1/17/2020 |
13.3.0-previ... | 74 | 1/17/2020 |
13.3.0-previ... | 79 | 1/12/2020 |
13.3.0-previ... | 73 | 1/8/2020 |
13.3.0-previ... | 76 | 1/7/2020 |
13.3.0-previ... | 73 | 1/3/2020 |
13.3.0-previ... | 74 | 1/2/2020 |
13.3.0-previ... | 75 | 1/2/2020 | | 862,307 | 9/19/2019 | | 35,028 | 8/8/2019 | | 26,085 | 6/26/2019 | | 17,534 | 5/15/2019 | | 21,762 | 4/3/2019 | | 40,232 | 2/20/2019 | | 9,061 | 1/10/2019 | | 23,309 | 10/25/2018 | | 21,443 | 9/5/2018 | | 16,160 | 7/25/2018 | | 7,384 | 6/13/2018 | | 5,255 | 5/2/2018 | | 6,251 | 3/22/2018 | | 13,548 | 2/8/2018 | | 3,650 | 12/14/2017 |