

This DSC module is used to deploy and configure SharePoint Server 2013, 2016 and 2019, and covers a wide range of areas including web apps, service apps and farm configuration.

Minimum PowerShell version


This is a prerelease version of SharePointDSC.
There is a newer prerelease version of this module available.
See the version list below for details.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name SharePointDSC -RequiredVersion 4.6.0-preview0002 -AllowPrerelease

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name SharePointDSC -Version 4.6.0-preview0002 -Prerelease

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright the DSC Community contributors. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • DSC Community


DesiredStateConfiguration DSC DSCResourceKit DSCResource


Add-SPDscEvent Add-SPDscUserToLocalAdmin Clear-SPDscKerberosToken Compare-PSCustomObjectArrays Convert-SPDscADGroupIDToName Convert-SPDscADGroupNameToID Convert-SPDscHashtableToString ConvertTo-ReverseString ConvertTo-TwoDigitFlipString Export-SPConfiguration Export-SPDscDiagnosticData Format-OfficePatchGUID Get-SPDscDBForAlias Get-SPDscAssemblyVersion Get-SPDscBuildVersion Get-SPDscClaimTypeMapping Get-SPDscContentService Get-SPDscFarmAccount Get-SPDscFarmAccountName Get-SPDscFarmProductsInfo Get-SPDscFarmVersionInfo Get-SPDscInstalledProductVersion Get-SPDscOSVersion Get-SPDscRegistryKey Get-SPDscRegProductsInfo Get-SPDscServerPatchStatus Get-SPDscServiceAppSecurityMembers Get-SPDscServiceContext Get-SPDscUserProfileSubTypeManager Get-SPDscWebAppHappyHour Get-SPWebPolicyPermissions Invoke-SPDscCommand Read-TargetResource Remove-SPDscGenericObject Remove-SPDscUserToLocalAdmin Remove-SPDscZoneMap Rename-SPDscParamValue Repair-Credentials Resolve-SPDscSecurityIdentifier Set-SPDscObjectPropertyIfValuePresent Set-SPDscZoneMap Set-SPFarmAdministrators Set-SPFarmAdministratorsBlock Set-SPDscTermStoreAdministrators Set-SPDscTermStoreAdministratorsBlock Test-SPDscIsADUser Test-SPDscObjectHasProperty Test-SPDscParameterState Test-SPDscRunAsCredential Test-SPDscRunningAsFarmAccount Test-SPDscUserIsLocalAdmin


SPAccessServiceApp SPAccessServices2010 SPAlternateUrl SPAntivirusSettings SPAppCatalog SPAppDomain SPAppManagementServiceApp SPAppStoreSettings SPAuthenticationRealm SPAzureAccessControlServiceAppProxy SPBCSServiceApp SPBlobCacheSettings SPCacheAccounts SPConfigWizard SPContentDatabase SPDatabaseAAG SPDesignerSettings SPDiagnosticLoggingSettings SPDiagnosticsProvider SPDistributedCacheClientSettings SPDistributedCacheService SPDocIcon SPExcelServiceApp SPFarm SPFarmAdministrators SPFarmPropertyBag SPFarmSolution SPFeature SPHealthAnalyzerRuleState SPIncomingEmailSettings SPInfoPathFormsServiceConfig SPInstall SPInstallLanguagePack SPInstallPrereqs SPIrmSettings SPLogLevel SPMachineTranslationServiceApp SPManagedAccount SPManagedMetadataServiceApp SPManagedMetadataServiceAppDefault SPManagedPath SPMinRoleCompliance SPOAppPrincipalMgmtServiceAppProxy SPOfficeOnlineServerBinding SPOutgoingEmailSettings SPPasswordChangeSettings SPPerformancePointServiceApp SPPowerPointAutomationServiceApp SPProductUpdate SPProjectServerAdditionalSettings SPProjectServerADResourcePoolSync SPProjectServerGlobalPermissions SPProjectServerGroup SPProjectServerLicense SPProjectServerPermissionMode SPProjectServerServiceApp SPProjectServerTimeSheetSettings SPProjectServerUserSyncSettings SPProjectServerWssSettings SPPublishServiceApplication SPQuotaTemplate SPRemoteFarmTrust SPSearchAuthoritativePage SPSearchContentSource SPSearchCrawlerImpactRule SPSearchCrawlMapping SPSearchCrawlRule SPSearchFileType SPSearchIndexPartition SPSearchManagedProperty SPSearchMetadataCategory SPSearchResultSource SPSearchServiceApp SPSearchServiceSettings SPSearchTopology SPSecureStoreServiceApp SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig SPSelfServiceSiteCreation SPServiceAppPool SPServiceAppProxyGroup SPServiceAppSecurity SPServiceIdentity SPServiceInstance SPSessionStateService SPShellAdmins SPSite SPSitePropertyBag SPSiteUrl SPStateServiceApp SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApp SPTimerJobState SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuerProviderRealms SPTrustedRootAuthority SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer SPUsageApplication SPUserProfileProperty SPUserProfileSection SPUserProfileServiceApp SPUserProfileServiceAppPermissions SPUserProfileSyncConnection SPUserProfileSyncService SPVisioServiceApp SPWeb SPWebAppAuthentication SPWebAppBlockedFileTypes SPWebAppClientCallableSettings SPWebAppGeneralSettings SPWebApplication SPWebApplicationAppDomain SPWebApplicationExtension SPWebAppPeoplePickerSettings SPWebAppPermissions SPWebAppPolicy SPWebAppPropertyBag SPWebAppProxyGroup SPWebAppSiteUseAndDeletion SPWebAppSuiteBar SPWebAppThrottlingSettings SPWebAppWorkflowSettings SPWordAutomationServiceApp SPWorkflowService SPWorkManagementServiceApp SPManagedMetaDataServiceApp SPManagedMetaDataServiceAppDefault


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

## [4.6.0-preview0002] - 2021-04-01

### Added
- SharePointDsc
 - Export-SPDscDiagnosticData cmdlet to create a diagnostic package which can
   easily be shared for troubleshooting
- ReverseDsc
 - Added a check in Export-SPConfiguration/Start-SharePointDSCExtract to check if
   ReverseDsc is present or not. Show instructions if it isn't
 - Added DocIcon to export GUI
 - Renamed export cmdlet to Export-SPConfiguration, to match Microsoft365DSC naming.
   Added old Start-SharePointDSCExtract as alias

### Changed

- SPFarmAdministrators
 - Added check to see if a central admin site is returned and stop if it isn't
- SPManagedMetaDataServiceApp
 - Added check to see if a central admin site is returned and stop if it isn't
- SPSite
 - Added check to see if a central admin site is returned and stop if it isn't
- ReverseDsc
 - Made the export GUI logic more dynamic

### Fixed

- SPAccessServiceApp, SPAccessServices2010, SPAppManagementServiceApp, SPBCSServiceApp,
 SPExcelServiceApp, SPMachineTranslationServiceApp, SPManagedMetadataServiceApp,
 SPPerformancePointServiceApp, SPPowerPointAutomationServiceApp, SPProjectServerServiceApp,
 SPPublishServiceApplication, SPSearchCrawlRule, SPSearchFileType, SPSearchServiceApp,
 SPSecureStoreServiceApp, SPServiceAppSecurity, SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApp,
 SPUsageApplication, SPUserProfileProperty, SPUserProfileSection, SPUserProfileServiceApp,
 SPUserProfileSyncConnection, SPUserProfileSyncService, SPVisioServiceApp,
 SPWordAutomationServiceApp, SPWorkManagementServiceApp
 - Fixed issue with the Name parameter of Get-SPServiceApplication, which is case
- SPExcelServiceApp
 - Fixed issue where PSBoundParameters was used multiple times, but manipulated at an early
   stage, breaking all subsequent usages
- SPInstallLanguagePack
 - Fixed issue in the Norwegian Language Pack detection
- SPSearchManagedProperty
 - Fixed issue where setting Searchable=True resulted in an error
- SPSearchResultSource
 - Clarified the use of ScopeName and ScopeUrl with SSA as ScopeName and added examples
- SPUserProfileServiceApp
 - Fixed issue where MySiteHostLocation was return from Get method including port number,
   which causes the Test method to fail
- SPWebAppAuthentication
 - Fix issue in Get method to return Null when zone does not exist. That way the Test and
   Set method can detect a non-existent zone and throw a proper error.
- SPWordAutomation
 - Fixed issue where the resource never went into desired state when using AddToDefault

### Removed

- SharePointDsc
 - Removed the ReverseDsc dependency for the SharePointDsc module since the module
   is only required when performing an export


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
5.6.1 2,315 1/29/2025
5.6.1-previe... 4 1/28/2025
5.6.0 570 1/23/2025
5.6.0-previe... 3 1/23/2025
5.6.0-previe... 5 12/27/2024
5.6.0-previe... 8 11/25/2024
5.5.0 18,451 4/22/2024
5.5.0-previe... 5 4/20/2024
5.5.0-previe... 216 4/25/2023
5.5.0-previe... 5 4/22/2023
5.4.0 28,454 4/4/2023
5.3.1-previe... 5 4/3/2023
5.3.1-previe... 23 3/18/2023
5.3.1-previe... 5 3/17/2023
5.3.0 5,470 11/15/2022
5.2.1-previe... 9 11/10/2022
5.2.0 16,777 5/12/2022
5.2.0-previe... 16 5/12/2022
5.2.0-previe... 18 5/4/2022
5.2.0-previe... 31 4/1/2022
5.2.0-previe... 21 3/26/2022
5.1.0 6,919 2/24/2022
5.1.0-previe... 17 2/24/2022
5.1.0-previe... 19 2/17/2022
5.1.0-previe... 18 2/16/2022
5.1.0-previe... 20 2/11/2022
5.1.0-previe... 16 1/19/2022
5.1.0-previe... 14 1/17/2022
5.0.1-previe... 14 1/11/2022
5.0.1-previe... 18 1/7/2022
5.0.0 29,204 12/17/2021
5.0.0-previe... 14 12/16/2021
4.9.0 9,140 11/6/2021
4.8.1-previe... 14 11/5/2021
4.8.1-previe... 15 11/4/2021
4.8.1-previe... 122 10/3/2021
4.8.0 7,758 8/31/2021
4.8.0-previe... 14 8/31/2021
4.8.0-previe... 14 8/31/2021
4.8.0-previe... 15 8/25/2021
4.8.0-previe... 14 8/25/2021
4.8.0-previe... 23 7/9/2021
4.8.0-previe... 18 6/27/2021
4.7.0 10,210 6/10/2021
4.6.1-previe... 14 6/10/2021
4.6.1-previe... 25 4/12/2021
4.6.1-previe... 17 4/9/2021
4.6.1-previe... 17 4/8/2021
4.6.0 11,403 4/2/2021
4.6.0-previe... (current version) 16 4/1/2021
4.6.0-previe... 22 3/25/2021
4.5.1 10,346 2/5/2021
4.5.1-previe... 17 2/4/2021
4.5.0 1,220 1/30/2021
4.5.0-previe... 26 1/8/2021
4.5.0-previe... 21 12/19/2020
4.4.1-previe... 18 11/26/2020
4.4.1-previe... 18 11/18/2020
4.4.0 15,839 11/14/2020
4.4.0-previe... 15 11/14/2020
4.4.0-previe... 15 11/13/2020
4.4.0-previe... 17 11/11/2020
4.4.0-previe... 14 11/11/2020
4.3.1-previe... 18 10/23/2020
4.3.0 10,198 9/30/2020
4.3.0-previe... 14 9/30/2020
4.3.0-previe... 13 9/25/2020
4.3.0-previe... 13 9/25/2020
4.2.1-previe... 24 7/30/2020
4.2.1-previe... 16 7/29/2020
4.2.0 19,700 6/14/2020
4.2.0-previe... 15 6/13/2020
4.1.0 1,437 6/10/2020
4.1.0-previe... 15 6/9/2020
4.1.0-previe... 19 6/2/2020
4.1.0-previe... 22 5/11/2020
4.0.1-previe... 18 5/5/2020
4.0.0 6,780 4/28/2020
4.0.0-previe... 21 4/28/2020
4.0.0-previe... 21 4/28/2020
4.0.0-previe... 24 3/31/2020
4.0.0-previe... 17 3/27/2020
3.9.0-previe... 19 3/19/2020
3.8.0 11,690 2/27/2020
3.8.0-previe... 19 2/25/2020
3.8.0-previe... 21 2/18/2020
3.8.0-previe... 17 2/18/2020
3.8.0-previe... 25 1/24/2020
3.8.0-previe... 17 1/17/2020
3.8.0-previe... 19 1/16/2020 23,252 10/30/2019 15,614 8/12/2019 9,479 6/26/2019 10,202 5/15/2019 16,546 4/3/2019 34,118 2/20/2019 4,211 11/29/2018 1,507 11/12/2018 2,775 10/25/2018 10,084 9/5/2018 10,215 7/25/2018 3,627 6/13/2018 8,077 3/22/2018 3,026 2/8/2018 2,716 12/20/2017 11,892 10/5/2017 7,305 7/12/2017 1,291 5/31/2017 12,690 3/8/2017 1,482 12/14/2016 689 11/2/2016 875 9/21/2016 497 8/10/2016 598 6/29/2016 298 6/7/2016
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