

Helper to access the Server-Eye API

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name ServerEye.Powershell.Helper -RequiredVersion 1.4

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name ServerEye.Powershell.Helper -Version 1.4

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) Kraemer IT Solutions GmbH. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Andres Behr (Server-Eye)


Connect-ServerEyeSession Disconnect-ServerEyeSession Get-ActionlogList Get-Agent Get-AgentActionlogList Get-AgentCategoryList Get-AgentChart Get-AgentNoteList Get-AgentNotificationList Get-AgentRemoteSetting Get-AgentSettingList Get-AgentStateList Get-AgentStateListbulk Get-AgentTagList Get-AgentTypeList Get-AgentTypeSettingList Get-Container Get-ContainerActionlogList Get-ContainerAgentList Get-ContainerInventory Get-ContainerNoteList Get-ContainerNotificationList Get-ContainerProposalList Get-ContainerProposalSettingList Get-ContainerStateList Get-ContainerStateListbulk Get-ContainerTagList Get-Customer Get-CustomerList Get-CustomerApikey Get-CustomerApikeyList Get-CustomerBucketList Get-CustomerBucketUserList Get-CustomerContainerList Get-CustomerDispatchtimeList Get-CustomerLocation Get-CustomerManagerList Get-CustomerSettingList Get-CustomerTagList Get-CustomerTemplateAgentList Get-CustomerTemplateList Get-CustomerUsage Get-CustomerUsageList Get-CustomerViewfilterList Get-Group Get-GroupList Get-GroupUserList Get-Key Get-Me Get-MyCustomer Get-MyFeedList Get-MyLocation Get-MyMobilepush Get-MyMobilepushList Get-MyNodesList Get-MyNotificationList Get-MySetting Get-MyTwofactor Get-MyTwofactorSecret Get-NetworkSystemInstallstatusList Get-NetworkSystemList Get-Pcvisit Get-PcvisitCheck Get-ReportingCustomReport Get-ReportingCustomReportList Get-ReportingTemplate Get-ReportingTemplateList Get-RoleList Get-User Get-UserGroupList Get-UserList Get-UserLocation Get-UserSettingList New-Agent New-AgentCopy New-AgentNote New-AgentNotification New-AgentRestart New-AgentStateHint New-AgentTag New-ApiKey New-ContainerNote New-ContainerNotification New-ContainerStateHint New-ContainerTag New-Customer New-CustomerBucket New-CustomerCoupon New-CustomerDispatchtime New-CustomerLocation New-CustomerTag New-CustomerViewfilter New-Group New-Login New-Logout New-MyLocation New-MyMobilepush New-MyTwofactor New-NetworkSystem New-PcivistStart New-ReportingCustomReport New-ReportingTemplate New-Reset New-Template New-User New-UserLocation Read-CustomerBucket Remove-Agent Remove-AgentNote Remove-AgentNotification Remove-AgentTag Remove-Container Remove-ContainerNote Remove-ContainerNotification Remove-ContainerProposal Remove-ContainerTag Remove-CustomerApikey Remove-CustomerBucket Remove-CustomerBucketUser Remove-CustomerDispatchtime Remove-CustomerManager Remove-CustomerTag Remove-CustomerTemplate Remove-CustomerTemplateAgent Remove-CustomerViewfilter Remove-Group Remove-GroupUser Remove-MyMobilepush Remove-MyNotification Remove-MyTwofactor Remove-ReportingCustomReport Remove-ReportingTemplate Remove-User Remove-UserGroup Remove-UserSubstitude Remove-UserTwofactor Restart-Container Set-Agent Set-AgentNotification Set-AgentSetting Set-Container Set-ContainerNotification Set-ContainerProposal Set-Customer Set-CustomerBucket Set-CustomerBucketUser Set-CustomerDispatchtime Set-CustomerManager Set-CustomerSetting Set-CustomerTag Set-CustomerViewfilter Set-Group Set-GroupUser Set-MyNotification Set-MySetting Set-ReportingTemplate Set-Template Set-User Set-UserGroup Set-UserSetting Set-UserSettingKey Set-UserSubstitude Start-Container Stop-Container


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

All API calls are now available as cmdlets.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated 45,635 10/1/2024
2.19.1 51,099 11/3/2022
2.18.0 3,150 11/3/2021
2.17.11 27 11/2/2021
2.17.10 45 10/28/2021
2.17.9 202 9/27/2021
2.17.8 363 7/26/2021
2.17.7 206 6/16/2021
2.17.6 18 6/15/2021
2.17.5 24 6/14/2021
2.17.4 98 5/25/2021
2.17.3 30 5/21/2021
2.17.2 14 5/21/2021
2.17.1 22 5/20/2021
2.17.0 15 5/20/2021
2.16.4 112 4/30/2021
2.16.3 19 4/30/2021
2.16.2 16 4/30/2021
2.16.1 19 4/29/2021
2.16.0 15 4/29/2021
2.15.25 46 4/22/2021
2.15.24 22 4/21/2021
2.15.23 15 4/21/2021
2.15.22 19 4/21/2021
2.15.21 20 4/20/2021
2.15.20 22 4/19/2021
2.15.19 107 3/30/2021
2.15.18 27 3/29/2021
2.15.17 58 3/22/2021
2.15.16 107 3/8/2021
2.15.15 32 3/4/2021
2.15.14 66 2/26/2021
2.15.13 22 2/26/2021
2.15.12 220 1/18/2021
2.15.11 157 12/28/2020
2.15.10 335 10/2/2020
2.15.9 11 9/18/2020
2.15.8 28 9/15/2020
2.15.7 31 9/11/2020
2.15.6 39 9/3/2020
2.15.5 16 9/3/2020
2.15.4 160 8/7/2020
2.15.3 131 7/30/2020
2.15.2 29 7/28/2020
2.15.1 26 7/27/2020
2.15.0 297 5/25/2020
2.14.25 145 5/4/2020
2.14.24 225 3/26/2020
2.14.23 164 2/25/2020
2.14.22 22 2/25/2020
2.14.21 21 2/25/2020
2.14.20 82 2/20/2020
2.14.19 216 1/14/2020
2.14.18 24 1/14/2020
2.14.17 27 1/13/2020
2.14.16 67 1/3/2020
2.14.15 23 1/3/2020
2.14.14 212 12/16/2019
2.14.13 240 11/5/2019
2.14.12 21 11/5/2019
2.14.11 20 11/5/2019
2.14.10 21 11/5/2019
2.14.9 25 11/5/2019
2.14.8 24 11/4/2019
2.14.7 151 9/24/2019
2.14.6 35 9/20/2019
2.14.5 25 9/20/2019
2.14.4 67 9/10/2019
2.14.3 39 9/9/2019
2.14.2 22 9/9/2019
2.14.1 31 9/3/2019
2.14.0 21 9/2/2019
2.13.7 22 9/2/2019
2.13.6 22 9/2/2019
2.13.5 123 7/17/2019
2.13.4 53 7/5/2019
2.13.3 73 6/14/2019
2.13.2 22 6/14/2019
2.13.1 69 5/29/2019
2.13.0 24 5/29/2019
2.12.19 22 5/29/2019
2.12.18 22 5/29/2019
2.12.17 30 5/28/2019
2.12.15 24 5/28/2019
2.12.14 34 5/23/2019
2.12.13 23 5/23/2019
2.12.12 44 5/16/2019
2.12.11 24 5/16/2019
2.12.10 32 5/15/2019
2.12.9 22 5/15/2019
2.12.8 49 5/6/2019
2.12.7 25 5/6/2019
2.12.6 23 5/6/2019
2.12.5 65 4/10/2019
2.12.4 25 4/5/2019
2.12.3 45 4/2/2019
2.12.2 20 4/2/2019
2.12.1 36 3/26/2019
2.12.0 22 3/26/2019
2.11.8 30 3/21/2019
2.11.7 31 3/18/2019
2.11.6 20 3/18/2019
2.11.5 33 3/14/2019
2.11.4 49 3/4/2019
2.11.3 71 2/15/2019
2.11.2 20 2/15/2019
2.11.0 20 2/15/2019
2.10.13 21 2/15/2019
2.10.12 28 2/14/2019
2.10.11 69 1/21/2019
2.10.10 34 1/18/2019
2.10.9 34 1/16/2019
2.10.8 46 12/21/2018
2.10.7 22 12/21/2018
2.10.6 127 11/22/2018
2.10.5 24 11/21/2018
2.10.4 25 11/20/2018
2.10.3 30 11/14/2018
2.10.2 22 11/13/2018
2.10.1 87 10/19/2018
2.10.0 31 10/17/2018
2.9.16 22 10/16/2018
2.9.15 19 10/16/2018
2.9.14 17 10/15/2018
2.9.13 16 10/15/2018
2.9.12 14 10/15/2018
2.9.11 15 10/15/2018
2.9.10 17 10/15/2018
2.9.9 24 10/15/2018
2.9.8 15 10/15/2018
2.9.7 15 10/15/2018
2.9.6 16 10/15/2018
2.9.5 17 10/15/2018
2.9.4 27 10/12/2018
2.9.3 17 10/12/2018
2.9.2 19 10/12/2018
2.9.1 16 10/12/2018
2.9.0 50 9/26/2018
2.8.19 25 9/19/2018
2.8.18 17 9/19/2018
2.8.16 27 9/11/2018
2.8.15 16 9/11/2018
2.8.13 17 9/11/2018
2.8.12 20 9/11/2018
2.8.11 25 9/5/2018
2.8.10 17 9/5/2018
2.8.9 39 8/27/2018
2.8.8 18 8/27/2018
2.8.7 23 8/21/2018
2.8.5 19 8/20/2018
2.8.3 17 8/20/2018
2.8.2 17 8/20/2018
2.8.1 19 8/20/2018
2.8.0 21 8/14/2018
2.7.19 17 8/13/2018
2.7.17 17 8/13/2018
2.7.16 19 8/10/2018
2.7.14 17 8/10/2018
2.7.13 21 8/6/2018
2.7.12 17 8/6/2018
2.7.11 17 8/6/2018
2.7.10 24 7/31/2018
2.7.9 18 7/31/2018
2.7.8 29 7/27/2018
2.7.7 41 7/23/2018
2.7.6 16 7/23/2018
2.7.5 26 7/20/2018
2.7.4 18 7/20/2018
2.7.3 27 7/19/2018
2.7.2 16 7/19/2018
2.7.1 18 7/19/2018
2.7.0 18 7/18/2018
2.6.29 17 7/18/2018
2.6.28 18 7/18/2018
2.6.27 52 6/19/2018
2.6.26 32 6/6/2018
2.6.25 17 6/6/2018
2.6.24 18 6/6/2018
2.6.23 17 6/6/2018
2.6.22 20 6/5/2018
2.6.21 17 6/5/2018
2.6.20 17 6/5/2018
2.6.19 19 6/5/2018
2.6.18 26 5/28/2018
2.6.17 22 5/24/2018
2.6.16 20 5/18/2018
2.6.15 18 5/18/2018
2.6.14 17 5/18/2018
2.6.13 32 5/16/2018
2.6.12 17 5/16/2018
2.6.11 60 4/5/2018
2.6.10 29 3/26/2018
2.6.9 80 2/22/2018
2.6.8 33 1/23/2018
2.6.7 76 11/7/2017
2.6.6 32 11/3/2017
2.6.5 26 10/19/2017
2.6.4 34 9/28/2017
2.6.3 25 9/20/2017
2.6.2 20 9/18/2017
2.6.1 17 9/18/2017
2.5.5 21 9/15/2017
2.5.4 19 9/14/2017
2.5.3 21 9/5/2017
2.5.1 21 9/1/2017
2.5.0 17 8/31/2017
2.0.1 34 8/21/2017
2.0.0 22 8/21/2017
1.5.3 48 7/6/2017
1.4 (current version) 26 7/4/2017
1.2 29 6/27/2017
1.0 31 6/26/2017
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