

Sample Module with Pipeline scripts and its Plaster template to create a module following some of the community accepted practices.

Minimum PowerShell version


This is a prerelease version of Sampler.
There is a newer prerelease version of this module available.
See the version list below for details.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Sampler -RequiredVersion 0.103.0-preview0001 -AllowPrerelease

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Sampler -Version 0.103.0-preview0001 -Prerelease

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) Gael Colas. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Gael Colas


Template pipeline plaster DesiredStateConfiguration DSC DSCResourceKit DSCResource Windows MacOS Linux






Release Notes

## [0.103.0-preview0001] - 2020-04-17

### Fixed

- Now the module manifest release notes is only updated with the latest release.
 This fixes the issue with the limitation for the release notes in the module
 manifest when releasing a module to PowerShell Gallery. If all the change log
 entries for the latest release still exceed the max hard limit then the release
 notes will be truncated to the max hard limit.
- The CI pipeline was updated with working build images.

## [0.102.1] - 2020-02-21

### Changed

- Changed build tasks to use the helper function `Get-ModuleVersion` to
 reduce code duplication.
- Changed each build task so that the default value of the parameter
 `ModuleVersion` always returns the sematic version (x.y.z-prerelease),
 and not the informational version ([issue #130](

## [0.102.0] - 2020-02-14

### Added

- Added the functionality to merge multiple JaCoCo code coverage files into one file.

## [0.101.0] - 2020-02-10

### Changed

- Added warning messages to all build task if the task couldn't be imported
 because of an invalid PSD1 file.
- `build.ps1` will now dynamically determine the build configuration if
 not specified via the `-BuildConfig` parameter.
- Updated the PesterScript parameter to allow the specification of hastables,
 to enable specifying parameters to Pester.
### Added

- Add conceptual build step for DSC resources [issue #122](

## [0.100.0] - 2020-02-01

### Added

- Added the option to specify `CodeCoverageOutputFile` and `CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding`
 in the file `build.yml`. For example if a code coverage provider need the
 file to be named in a certain way.

### Changed

- Added new common functions for build tasks to reduce code duplication.

## [0.99.4] - 2020-01-22

### Changed

- Removed Azure-Pipelines.yml on simple module type.
- Ensuring Pester version above 4.0 is used and loaded.
- build.yaml, RequiredModules.psd1 and Resolve-Dependency.psd1 are now templated
assets with conditional content.
- HQRM tests to run only when using the dsccommunity module type.
- Updated simple module to not contain sample scripts & tests.
- supports setting CustomRepo to pull dependencies from a private gallery
other than PSGallery.
- Update the plaster template to replace 'synedgy' with 'dsccommunity' if
 the module type is 'dsccommunity'.

## [0.99.3] - 2020-01-21

### Changed

- The deploy step is no longer run if the Azure DevOps organization URL
 does not contain 'synedgy'.

## [0.99.2] - 2020-01-16

### Added

- VSCode template setting `pipelineIndentationStyle`.

## [0.99.1] - 2020-01-16

### Fixed

- Update GitVersion.yml with the correct regular expression.
- Fix casing in key names in `azure-pipelines.yml`.

### Changed

- Set a display name on all the jobs and tasks in the CI pipeline.
- Azure Pipelines will no longer trigger on changes to just the

## [0.99.0] - 2020-01-01

### Changed

- Updated `build.ps1` to add DscTestTag, DscTestExcludeTag parameters.
- Updated module manifest to support PS 5.0.
- updated to redirect to
- Set `testRunTitle` for PublishTestResults steps in `azure-pipelines.yml`
 so that a helpful name is displayed in Azure DevOps for each test run.
- Removed unnecessary comments from `azure-pipelines.yml`.

## [0.98.1] - 2019-12-24

### Fixed

- Fixing the codecoverage threshold issues reported by Daniel (As param set to 0 should not bypass).

### Removed

- Removing QA tests from dsccommunity template.

## [0.98.0] - 2019-12-22

### Added

- Added Module manifest in build.psd1 template to fix issue resolving Project on linux.
- Added DSC Resources & Supporting modules (including one from PSGallery, one from source).
- Added PesterScript parameter in Build.ps1 so that it can be overridden at runtime (in azure-pipelines.yml).
- Added `Modules` commented out to the `build.yml`
- Added CodeCoverageThreshold parameter to fail when under threshold
 (configurable in `build.yaml`). Will skip all code coverage when set to 0
 (build.ps1 parameter override build.yml config).
- Added Tasks.json with build and test tasks.
 (VSCode bug when you click on Problems, Integrated terminal crashes).

### Changed

- Made Code Coverage threshold to load from config file, and be skipped completely if set to 0 or absent.
- Updating Code of Conduct to the DSC Community one.

### Fixed

- Made build.ps1 & Resolve-Dependency.ps1 compliant with DSC Style guidelines
- removed unnecessary file from Plaster template

## [0.96.0] - 2019-11-01

### Fixed

- Fixed when the SourcePath is not enough for finding ModuleManifest (ModuleBuilder bug)

## [0.95.1] - 2019-11-01

### Changed

- Updating QA tests function discovery to look within loaded module

## [0.95.0] - 2019-11-01

### Added

- Support for Pester parameter in Config File
- Making Plaster Template Discoverable by Get-PlasterTemplate -IncludeInstalledModules

## [0.93.2] - 2019-10-30

### Fixed

- Template not including RootModule anymore
- Uncomment ReleaseNotes from module manifest before updating
- Skip Changelog test when not in a git repo

## [0.93.1] - 2019-10-29

### Added

- Shields badge on the readme page
- Release notes to module manifest

### Changed

- Changelog compiled to release notes
- use release notes for publishing to GH

### Fixed

- fixed template
- fixed the publishing to also pack Nupkg
- Added hidden files as template assets
- fixed git test to skip test on new module scaffolding
- fixed default DscResources from copy-item in build yaml

### Removed

- old file reference with wrong case
- remove kitchen yaml from template

## [v0.92.2] - 2019-10-15

### Fixed

- Add condition to trigger deployment stage when building a tag (not master)

## [v0.92.0] - 2019-10-15

### Fixed

- Fixing GitHub config for creating Changelog PR

### Changed

- Changed the Tags trigger to include "v*" but still exclude "*-*"

## [v0.91.6] - 2019-10-11

### Added

- Packaging module to nupkg
- Adding Auto-creation of GitHub PR for Changelog update on release

### Changed

- for changes in existing functionality.
- changed continuous deployment to continuous delivery in gitversion
- extracted GitHub functions into separate file

### Deprecated

- for soon-to-be removed features.

### Security

- in case of vulnerabilities.

### Fixed

- Fixing Create ChangeLog PR Get-Variable
- fixing versioning by reverting to gitversions' continuousDeployment mode
- fixed #22: marking github releases as pre-release when there's a PreReleaseTag
- fix call to add assets to GH release.
- for any bug fixes.

### Removed

- for now removed features.

## [v0.0.1] - 2019-10-04

### Added

- dummy release for example


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.118.3-prev... 69 2/28/2025
0.118.2 25,059 1/19/2025
0.118.2-prev... 3 1/18/2025
0.118.2-prev... 4 1/18/2025
0.118.2-prev... 1,433 8/26/2024
0.118.2-prev... 1,214 7/28/2024
0.118.2-prev... 213 7/24/2024
0.118.1 90,032 7/20/2024
0.118.1-prev... 7 7/18/2024
0.118.1-prev... 5 7/17/2024
0.118.0-prev... 3,696 4/17/2024
0.118.0-prev... 373 4/6/2024
0.118.0-prev... 1,186 2/9/2024
0.118.0-prev... 1,078 1/13/2024
0.118.0-prev... 294 1/7/2024
0.117.1-prev... 5 1/7/2024
0.117.1-prev... 503 12/24/2023
0.117.0 170,654 9/29/2023
0.117.0-prev... 193 9/24/2023
0.117.0-prev... 26 9/21/2023
0.117.0-prev... 1,633 7/1/2023
0.116.6-prev... 5 6/30/2023
0.116.5 84,206 4/19/2023
0.116.5-prev... 165 4/17/2023
0.116.4 3,243 4/6/2023
0.116.4-prev... 6 4/6/2023
0.116.3 1,606 4/1/2023
0.116.3-prev... 5 4/1/2023
0.116.3-prev... 639 3/7/2023
0.116.2 10,765 3/1/2023
0.116.2-prev... 8 3/1/2023
0.116.2-prev... 1,049 1/24/2023
0.116.1 11,936 1/9/2023
0.116.0 26,850 11/8/2022
0.116.0-prev... 14 11/8/2022
0.116.0-prev... 35 11/1/2022
0.116.0-prev... 10 11/1/2022
0.116.0-prev... 11 11/1/2022
0.116.0-prev... 10 11/1/2022
0.116.0-prev... 790 8/3/2022
0.116.0-prev... 12 8/1/2022
0.116.0-prev... 752 7/9/2022
0.115.0 4,713 6/9/2022
0.115.0-prev... 455 5/29/2022
0.115.0-prev... 10 5/28/2022
0.115.0-prev... 131 5/23/2022
0.115.0-prev... 52 5/21/2022
0.115.0-prev... 50 5/20/2022
0.114.1-prev... 22 5/20/2022
0.114.0 1,470 5/13/2022
0.113.0-prev... 11 5/13/2022
0.112.4-prev... 27 5/13/2022
0.112.4-prev... 20 5/13/2022
0.112.3 1,770 3/31/2022
0.112.3-prev... 10 3/31/2022
0.112.2 535 3/20/2022
0.112.2-prev... 11 3/20/2022
0.112.2-prev... 828 2/16/2022
0.112.2-prev... 272 1/26/2022
0.112.1 2,406 1/23/2022
0.112.1-prev... 10 1/23/2022
0.112.1-prev... 10 1/23/2022
0.112.1-prev... 10 1/23/2022
0.112.1-prev... 309 12/1/2021
0.112.1-prev... 142 11/15/2021
0.112.1-prev... 163 10/1/2021
0.112.0 4,291 9/23/2021
0.112.0-prev... 20 9/8/2021
0.112.0-prev... 10 9/8/2021
0.112.0-prev... 13 9/5/2021
0.112.0-prev... 49 8/18/2021
0.111.8 1,312 8/8/2021
0.111.8-prev... 15 8/7/2021
0.111.7 236 7/31/2021
0.111.7-prev... 58 7/30/2021
0.111.7-prev... 73 7/28/2021
0.111.6 678 7/3/2021
0.111.6-prev... 22 7/2/2021
0.111.6-prev... 12 7/1/2021
0.111.5 270 6/25/2021
0.111.5-prev... 11 6/25/2021
0.111.5-prev... 96 6/17/2021
0.111.4 493 6/3/2021
0.111.4-prev... 10 6/3/2021
0.111.3 537 5/21/2021
0.111.3-prev... 10 5/21/2021
0.111.2 30 5/21/2021
0.111.2-prev... 10 5/21/2021
0.111.1 378 5/15/2021
0.111.1-prev... 11 5/15/2021
0.111.1-prev... 11 5/15/2021
0.111.0 196 5/13/2021
0.111.0-prev... 13 5/13/2021
0.111.0-prev... 12 5/13/2021
0.111.0-prev... 12 5/13/2021
0.111.0-prev... 69 5/7/2021
0.111.0-prev... 11 5/6/2021
0.111.0-prev... 20 5/4/2021
0.111.0-prev... 67 4/20/2021
0.111.0-prev... 63 4/16/2021
0.110.2-prev... 25 4/14/2021
0.110.2-prev... 55 4/13/2021
0.110.1 1,001 4/8/2021
0.110.1-prev... 13 4/8/2021
0.110.0 20 4/8/2021
0.110.0-prev... 11 4/8/2021
0.110.0-prev... 11 4/7/2021
0.110.0-prev... 11 4/7/2021
0.110.0-prev... 11 4/7/2021
0.109.11-pre... 19 3/29/2021
0.109.10 667 3/24/2021
0.109.10-pre... 15 3/22/2021
0.109.9 257 3/20/2021
0.109.9-prev... 11 3/20/2021
0.109.8 25 3/20/2021
0.109.8-prev... 12 3/20/2021
0.109.7 18 3/20/2021
0.109.7-prev... 12 3/20/2021
0.109.6 225 3/18/2021
0.109.6-prev... 15 3/18/2021
0.109.6-prev... 19 3/16/2021
0.109.5 377 3/10/2021
0.109.5-prev... 18 3/10/2021
0.109.5-prev... 20 3/10/2021
0.109.5-prev... 40 3/8/2021
0.109.5-prev... 12 3/7/2021
0.109.4 482 3/6/2021
0.109.4-prev... 13 3/6/2021
0.109.3 877 2/16/2021
0.109.3-prev... 13 2/16/2021
0.109.2 857 1/13/2021
0.109.2-prev... 14 1/13/2021
0.109.2-prev... 13 1/13/2021
0.109.1 321 1/6/2021
0.109.1-prev... 13 1/4/2021
0.109.1-prev... 13 12/29/2020
0.109.0 1,116 11/24/2020
0.109.0-prev... 12 11/24/2020
0.109.0-prev... 19 11/19/2020
0.109.0-prev... 13 11/18/2020
0.109.0-prev... 12 10/13/2020
0.108.0 707 9/14/2020
0.108.0-prev... 11 9/13/2020
0.108.0-prev... 10 9/13/2020
0.107.4-prev... 10 9/12/2020
0.107.4-prev... 10 9/11/2020
0.107.3 211 9/10/2020
0.107.3-prev... 10 9/10/2020
0.107.2 206 9/8/2020
0.107.2-prev... 11 9/8/2020
0.107.1 177 9/8/2020
0.107.1-prev... 11 9/7/2020
0.107.0 168 9/7/2020
0.107.0-prev... 10 9/7/2020
0.107.0-prev... 11 9/7/2020
0.106.1 206 8/30/2020
0.106.1-prev... 11 8/30/2020
0.106.0 187 8/30/2020
0.106.0-prev... 11 8/29/2020
0.106.0-prev... 19 8/21/2020
0.106.0-prev... 32 8/19/2020
0.106.0-prev... 12 8/18/2020
0.106.0-prev... 13 8/8/2020
0.105.7-prev... 16 7/11/2020
0.105.6 1,895 6/1/2020
0.105.6-prev... 11 6/1/2020
0.105.5 276 5/29/2020
0.105.5-prev... 12 5/29/2020
0.105.5-prev... 11 5/29/2020
0.105.4 171 5/29/2020
0.105.4-prev... 11 5/29/2020
0.105.4-prev... 11 5/28/2020
0.105.3 858 5/9/2020
0.105.3-prev... 11 5/9/2020
0.105.2 655 5/1/2020
0.105.2-prev... 11 5/1/2020
0.105.2-prev... 11 5/1/2020
0.105.2-prev... 11 4/24/2020
0.105.2-prev... 11 4/24/2020
0.105.1 477 4/24/2020
0.105.1-prev... 11 4/24/2020
0.105.0 298 4/21/2020
0.105.0-prev... 11 4/21/2020
0.105.0-prev... 11 4/18/2020
0.104.0 3,726 4/18/2020
0.104.0-prev... 11 4/18/2020
0.104.0-prev... 11 4/17/2020
0.103.0 206 4/17/2020
0.103.0-prev... (current version) 11 4/17/2020
0.102.1 1,332 2/21/2020
0.102.1-prev... 14 2/18/2020
0.102.1-prev... 13 2/18/2020
0.102.0 272 2/14/2020
0.102.0-prev... 14 2/14/2020
0.102.0-prev... 14 2/12/2020
0.101.0 249 2/10/2020
0.101.0-prev... 13 2/10/2020
0.101.0-prev... 13 2/7/2020
0.101.0-prev... 13 2/7/2020
0.100.0 452 2/1/2020
0.100.0-prev... 13 2/1/2020
0.99.4 388 1/22/2020
0.99.4-previ... 15 1/22/2020
0.99.4-previ... 14 1/22/2020
0.99.4-previ... 13 1/22/2020
0.99.3 180 1/21/2020
0.99.3-previ... 13 1/21/2020
0.99.2 297 1/16/2020
0.99.2-previ... 14 1/16/2020
0.99.1 152 1/16/2020
0.99.1-previ... 13 1/16/2020
0.99.1-previ... 15 1/9/2020
0.99.1-previ... 13 1/7/2020
0.99.1-previ... 13 1/7/2020
0.99.0 682 1/1/2020
0.99.0-previ... 13 1/1/2020
0.99.0-previ... 13 1/1/2020
0.99.0-previ... 13 1/1/2020
0.99.0-previ... 17 12/28/2019
0.99.0-previ... 14 12/28/2019
0.99.0-previ... 13 12/26/2019
0.98.1 513 12/24/2019
0.98.1-previ... 14 12/24/2019
0.98.1-previ... 13 12/23/2019
0.98.0 190 12/22/2019
0.98.0-previ... 14 12/22/2019
0.98.0-previ... 14 12/21/2019
0.97.0 448 12/9/2019
0.97.0-previ... 13 12/9/2019
0.96.1-previ... 14 11/8/2019
0.96.1-previ... 13 11/5/2019
0.96.0 338 11/1/2019
0.96.0-previ... 14 11/1/2019
0.95.2-previ... 14 11/1/2019
0.95.1 189 11/1/2019
0.95.1-previ... 13 11/1/2019
0.95.1-previ... 13 11/1/2019
0.95.0 175 11/1/2019
0.95.0-previ... 13 11/1/2019
0.94.0 178 10/30/2019
0.94.0-previ... 14 10/30/2019
0.94.0-previ... 14 10/30/2019
0.93.3-previ... 13 10/30/2019
0.93.2 174 10/30/2019
0.93.2-previ... 13 10/30/2019
0.93.2-previ... 13 10/30/2019
0.93.2-previ... 12 10/29/2019
0.93.1 181 10/29/2019
0.93.1-previ... 14 10/29/2019
0.93.1-previ... 13 10/29/2019
0.93.0 173 10/29/2019
0.93.0-previ... 13 10/29/2019
0.93.0-previ... 13 10/29/2019
0.93.0-previ... 12 10/23/2019
0.93.0-previ... 12 10/23/2019
0.93.0-previ... 20 10/22/2019
0.93.0-previ... 15 10/20/2019
0.92.2-previ... 13 10/15/2019
0.92.1 201 10/15/2019
0.92.1-previ... 12 10/15/2019
0.92.0 172 10/15/2019
0.92.0-previ... 12 10/14/2019
0.92.0-previ... 13 10/14/2019
0.92.0-previ... 12 10/14/2019
0.92.0-previ... 12 10/14/2019
0.91.7-previ... 12 10/11/2019
0.91.6 175 10/11/2019
0.91.6-previ... 13 10/10/2019
0.91.6-previ... 12 10/10/2019
0.91.6-previ... 12 10/10/2019
0.89.7-previ... 13 10/10/2019
Show less