Integrate and maintain SEPPmail in Microsoft 365 and Exchange Online
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c) SEPPmail AG. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- SEPPmail Dev-Team
SEPPmail ExchangeOnline Microsoft365 Office365
Backup-SM365Connectors Get-SM365Connectors New-SM365Connectors Remove-SM365Connectors Backup-SM365Rules Get-SM365Rules New-SM365Rules Remove-SM365Rules New-SM365ExOReport Test-SM365ConnectionStatus Get-SM365Setup Remove-SM365Setup
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
26.08.20 1.0.0 Fixing final issues and ready to release.
03.12.20 1.1.0 Incoming mails don't land in Junk folders anymore.
Add Set-SM365Connectors and Set-SM365Rules CmdLets to update configuration.
Add Remove-SM365Connectors and Remove-SM365Rules CmdLets.
Add detailed documentation (HTML and Markdown) on Github Page.
04.12.20 1.1.1 Minor fix - add missing action to new transport rules.
05.07.21 1.1.2 Minor fix - include transport rules in New-SM365ExOReport
09.09.21 1.1.3 Minor update - add new config version that disables rules which set the SCL to -1
31.10.21 1.2.0 beta1 - New whitelist filter policy,
Tighter report
Evolution-step config versions
Connectors without domain limitation
Renamed rules - which make clearer what they actually do
25.11.21 1.2.0 beta2 - Feedback from Support and simplification of code.
Rules -ExcludeDomain Feature to route only specific domains to SEPPmail
03.12.21 1.2.0 RC1 - Internal:Get-SM365Rules and Get-SM365Connectors, bugfixes
09.12.21 1.2.0 RC2 - Public RC: Add Remove-SM365Setup, polish for Gallery-Release
21.12.21 1.2.0 Production Release, includes -TLSCertName Parameter for connectors wildcard certificates
07.01.22 1.2.1 Published release with file handling on reports and fix for -TLSCertname
21.01.22 1.2.2 Outbound connectors are created before inbound connectors.
"Module update" available check and notification on module init
- SEPPmail365.nuspec
- seppmail365\LICENSE
- seppmail365\
- seppmail365\SEPPmail365.psd1
- SEPPmail365.psd1
- seppmail365\SEPPmail365.psm1
- SEPPmail365.psm1
- seppmail365\ExOConfig\Connectors\Inbound.json
- ExOConfig\Connectors\Inbound.json
- seppmail365\ExOConfig\Connectors\OutBound.json
- ExOConfig\Connectors\OutBound.json
- seppmail365\ExOConfig\Rules\Inbound.json
- ExOConfig\Rules\Inbound.json
- seppmail365\ExOConfig\Rules\Outbound.json
- ExOConfig\Rules\Outbound.json
- seppmail365\ExOConfig\Rules\X-SM-decrypted-header-cleaning.json
- ExOConfig\Rules\X-SM-decrypted-header-cleaning.json
- seppmail365\ExOConfig\Rules\X-SM-encrypted-header-cleaning.json
- ExOConfig\Rules\X-SM-encrypted-header-cleaning.json
- seppmail365\ExOConfig\Rules\X-SM-outgoing-header-cleaning.json
- ExOConfig\Rules\X-SM-outgoing-header-cleaning.json
- seppmail365\HTML\SEPPmailLogo.jpg
- HTML\SEPPmailLogo.jpg
- seppmail365\HTML\SEPPmailReport.css
- HTML\SEPPmailReport.css
- seppmail365\Private\ConfigBundle.ps1
- Private\ConfigBundle.ps1
- seppmail365\Private\PrivateFunctions.ps1
- Private\PrivateFunctions.ps1
- seppmail365\Private\SetupTypes.ps1
- Private\SetupTypes.ps1
- seppmail365\Private\Types.cs
- Private\Types.cs
- seppmail365\Public\Common.ps1
- Public\Common.ps1
- seppmail365\Public\Connectors.ps1
- Public\Connectors.ps1
- seppmail365\Public\Rules.ps1
- Public\Rules.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
1.2.8 | 1,365 | 11/6/2024 |
1.2.6 | 2,809 | 3/27/2023 |
1.2.5 | 207 | 11/27/2022 |
1.2.2 (current version) | 437 | 1/23/2022 |