

PowerShell Module for Managing VMware vRealize Automation

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PowervRA -RequiredVersion 4.2.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PowervRA -Version 4.2.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2016 Jakku Labs. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Jakku Labs


Automation VMware vRA vRealize


Connect-vRAServer Disconnect-vRAServer Get-vRAAPIVersion Get-vRABlockDevice Get-vRABlueprint Get-vRABlueprintVersion Get-vRACatalogItem Get-vRACloudAccount Get-vRACloudZone Get-vRACodeStreamExecution Get-vRACodeStreamPipeline Get-vRACodeStreamVariable Get-vRAContentSource Get-vRADeployment Get-vRAExternalNetworkIPRange Get-vRAFabricAWSVolumeType Get-vRAFabricAzureStorageAccount Get-vRAFabricCompute Get-vRAFabricImage Get-vRAFabricNetwork Get-vRAFlavorProfile Get-vRAImageProfile Get-vRALoadBalancer Get-vRAMachine Get-vRAMachineDisk Get-vRANetwork Get-vRANetworkDomain Get-vRANetworkIPRange Get-vRANetworkProfile Get-vRAOnboardingDeployment Get-vRAOnboardingPlan Get-vRAOnboardingPlanExecution Get-vRAOnboardingResource Get-vRAProject Get-vRARegion Get-vRARegionEnumerationvSphere Get-vRARequest Get-vRASecurityGroup Get-vRAStorageProfile Get-vRATag Get-vRAvSphereFabricDatastore Get-vRAvSphereFabricStoragePolicy Invoke-vRAOnboardingPlan Invoke-vRARestMethod New-vRACloudAccountAzure New-vRACloudAccountGCP New-vRACloudAccountvSphere New-vRAMachineAttachedDisk New-vRAOnboardingDeployment New-vRAOnboardingPlan New-vRAOnboardingResource New-vRAProject New-vRAVirtualDisk Remove-vRACloudAccount Remove-vRACodeStreamExecution Remove-vRACodeStreamVariable Remove-vRAOnboardingDeployment Remove-vRAOnboardingPlan Remove-vRAOnboardingResource Remove-vRAProject Resize-vRAMachine Restart-vRAMachine Restart-vRAMachineGuestOS Start-vRAMachine Stop-vRAMachine Stop-vRAMachineGuestOS Suspend-vRAMachine Update-vRACodeStreamVariable


Desktop Core


This module has no dependencies.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
6.0.0 36,600 7/5/2023
5.2.0 25,800 7/8/2021
5.1.0 911 5/25/2021
5.0.1 1,538 4/30/2021
5.0.0 1,349 4/20/2021
4.2.0 (current version) 3,678 1/29/2021
4.1.1 3,575 8/19/2020
4.1.0 21 8/19/2020
4.0.0 2,135 4/8/2020
3.8.0 270 1/12/2022
3.7.1 39 1/12/2022
3.7.0 34,692 4/5/2020
3.6.8 62 4/3/2020
3.6.7 23 4/3/2020
3.6.0 18,730 4/5/2019
3.5.0 4,752 2/4/2019
3.4.0 438 1/11/2019
3.3.0 172,544 7/10/2018
3.2.0 1,565 4/12/2018
3.1.1 498 2/23/2018
3.1.0 363 1/18/2018
3.0.0 264 12/12/2017
2.2.0 1,003 4/25/2017
2.1.0 123 4/5/2017
2.0.0 333 1/11/2017
1.5.1 80 12/21/2016
1.5.0 30 12/16/2016
1.4.0 49 12/2/2016
1.3.2 119 10/7/2016
1.3.1 26 9/29/2016
1.3.0 41 9/16/2016
1.2.2 155 6/10/2016
1.2.0 37 5/27/2016
1.1.0 58 4/18/2016
1.0.2 28 4/5/2016
1.0.1 38 3/22/2016
1.0.0 27 3/21/2016
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