

Module for parsing/configuring switches

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PowerSwitch -RequiredVersion 1.0.13

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PowerSwitch -Version 1.0.13

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) brian.addicks@lockstepgroup.com. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • brian.addicks@lockstepgroup.com


Get-CiscoAaaConfig Get-CiscoDhcpSnoopingConfig Get-CiscoHostConfig Get-CiscoIpInterface Get-CiscoLoggingConfig Get-CiscoMgmtConfig Get-CiscoPortConfig Get-CiscoPortName Get-CiscoSnmpConfig Get-CiscoSpantreeConfig Get-CiscoStaticRoute Get-CiscoTimeConfig Get-CiscoVlanConfig Get-EosAaaConfig Get-EosArpInspectionConfig Get-EosDhcpSnoopingConfig Get-EosDiscoveryNeighbor Get-EosHostConfig Get-EosInventory Get-EosIpInterface Get-EosLinkFlapConfig Get-EosMgmtConfig Get-EosPortName Get-EosPortStatus Get-EosRadiusConfig Get-EosRouteTable Get-EosSnmpConfig Get-EosSpantreeConfig Get-EosTimeConfig Get-EosVlanConfig Get-ExosEapsConfig Get-ExosIpInterface Get-ExosPortStatus Get-ExosVlanConfig Get-HpArubaDhcpSnoopingConfig Get-HpArubaHostConfig Get-HpArubaIpInterface Get-HpArubaMgmtConfig Get-HpArubaPortName Get-HpArubaSpantreeConfig Get-HpArubaStaticRoute Get-HpArubaTimeConfig Get-HpArubaVlanConfig Get-HpCwDhcpSnoopingConfig Get-HpCwHostConfig Get-HpCwIpInterface Get-HpCwLoggingConfig Get-HpCwMgmtConfig Get-HpCwPortName Get-HpCwRelayServerGroup Get-HpCwSnmpConfig Get-HpCwSpantreeConfig Get-HpCwStaticRoute Get-HpCwTimeConfig Get-HpCwVlanConfig Get-PsAaaConfig Get-PsDhcpSnoopingConfig Get-PsHostConfig Get-PsInventory Get-PsIpInterface Get-PsLoggingConfig Get-PsMgmtConfig Get-PsPortName Get-PsPortStatus Get-PsRouteTable Get-PsSnmpConfig Get-PsSpantreeConfig Get-PsSwitchType Get-PsTimeConfig Get-PsUnmatchedConfig Get-PsVlanConfig


Release Notes

Added ExtremeEos support to Get-PsIpInterface


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.1.21 251 10/25/2021
1.1.20 76 7/6/2021
1.1.18 17 6/2/2021
1.1.17 16 5/21/2021
1.1.16 13 5/21/2021
1.1.15 14 5/20/2021
1.1.14 16 5/20/2021
1.1.12 52 10/21/2020
1.1.10 22 8/6/2020
1.1.4 43 3/13/2020
1.1.3 19 3/6/2020
1.1.1 18 3/5/2020
1.0.13 (current version) 61 9/11/2019
1.0.12 16 9/10/2019
1.0.10 31 6/27/2019
1.0.9 17 6/27/2019
1.0.8 19 6/27/2019
1.0.7 17 6/26/2019
1.0.6 18 6/25/2019
1.0.5 17 6/21/2019
1.0.4 23 6/12/2019
1.0.3 17 6/12/2019
1.0.2 50 2/19/2019
1.0.1 36 12/20/2018
1.0.0 17 12/20/2018
0.0.2 34 10/9/2018
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