

A PowerShell module for querying and managing Sonarr PVR through its APIs.

Minimum PowerShell version


This is a prerelease version of PoshSonarr.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PoshSonarr -AllowPrerelease

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PoshSonarr -Prerelease

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Yevrag35, LLC.

Package Details


  • Mike Garvey


Anime Api Backup Calendar Connect dll Episode Json .NET Manage PVR Quality Rss Series Sonarr Status Sync Website


Add-SonarrRelease Add-SonarrSeries Add-SonarrTag Clear-SonarrTag Connect-SonarrInstance Disconnect-SonarrInstance Edit-SonarrManualImport Get-SonarrBackup Get-SonarrCalendar Get-SonarrCommand Get-SonarrCommandHistory Get-SonarrDelayProfile Get-SonarrDiskspace Get-SonarrDownloadClient Get-SonarrDownloadClientConfig Get-SonarrEpisode Get-SonarrEpisodeFile Get-SonarrHistory Get-SonarrHostConfig Get-SonarrIndexer Get-SonarrLanguageProfile Get-SonarrLog Get-SonarrLogFile Get-SonarrManualImport Get-SonarrMediaManagement Get-SonarrNamingConfig Get-SonarrNotification Get-SonarrNotificationSchema Get-SonarrObjectProperty Get-SonarrQualityDefinition Get-SonarrQualityProfile Get-SonarrReleaseProfile Get-SonarrRemotePathMapping Get-SonarrRootFolder Get-SonarrSeries Get-SonarrStatus Get-SonarrTag Get-SonarrWantedMissing Invoke-SonarrRename Invoke-SonarrRssSync New-SonarrRemotePathMapping New-SonarrRootFolder New-SonarrTag Remove-SonarrBackup Remove-SonarrDelayProfile Remove-SonarrDownloadClient Remove-SonarrEpisodeFile Remove-SonarrIndexer Remove-SonarrNotification Remove-SonarrReleaseProfile Remove-SonarrRemotePathMapping Remove-SonarrRootFolder Remove-SonarrSeries Remove-SonarrTag Rename-SonarrTag Restart-SonarrInstance Save-SonarrBackup Save-SonarrLogFile Search-SonarrRelease Search-SonarrSeries Show-SonarrException Test-SonarrInstance Test-SonarrRename Test-SonarrResource Update-SonarrEpisode Update-SonarrHostConfig Update-SonarrIndexer Update-SonarrMediaManagement Update-SonarrNamingConfig Update-SonarrNotification Update-SonarrRemotePathMapping Update-SonarrSeries




This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

Prerelease Build 2 - Some cmdlets are still missing; check the GitHub project what still needs to be added.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2.0.0-beta1 (current version) 124 11/12/2023
2.0.0-alpha1 8 10/15/2023
1.4.7 6,320 9/17/2023
1.4.6 8 9/16/2023
1.4.5 436 9/17/2022
1.4.3 413 10/4/2020
1.4.2 98 8/1/2020
1.4.1 82 7/29/2020
1.4.0 83 7/26/2020
1.3.1 97 6/17/2020
1.3.0 113 3/22/2020
1.3.0-gamma 81 3/18/2020
1.3.0-delta 78 3/17/2020
1.3.0-beta2 81 3/10/2020
1.3.0-alpha 85 1/13/2020
1.2.1 131 9/21/2019
1.2.0 95 8/21/2019
1.1.2 96 8/3/2019
1.1.2-delta 80 8/1/2019
1.1.2-beta 78 7/30/2019
1.1.2-alpha 78 7/29/2019
1.1.1 79 7/28/2019
1.1.0 82 7/26/2019
1.0.0 80 7/25/2019 136 12/1/2018
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