

PackageManagement (a.k.a. OneGet) is a new way to discover and install software packages from around the web.
It is a manager or multiplexor of existing package managers (also called package providers) that unifies Windows package management with a single Windows PowerShell interface. With PackageManagement, you can do the following.
 - Manage a list of software r
PackageManagement (a.k.a. OneGet) is a new way to discover and install software packages from around the web.
It is a manager or multiplexor of existing package managers (also called package providers) that unifies Windows package management with a single Windows PowerShell interface. With PackageManagement, you can do the following.
 - Manage a list of software repositories in which packages can be searched, acquired and installed
 - Discover software packages
 - Seamlessly install, uninstall, and inventory packages from one or more software repositories
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Minimum PowerShell version


This is a prerelease version of PackageManagement.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PackageManagement -RequiredVersion 1.2.0-preview -AllowPrerelease

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PackageManagement -Version 1.2.0-preview -Prerelease

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Microsoft Corporation


PackageManagement Linux Mac


Find-Package Get-Package Get-PackageProvider Get-PackageSource Install-Package Import-PackageProvider Find-PackageProvider Install-PackageProvider Register-PackageSource Set-PackageSource Unregister-PackageSource Uninstall-Package Save-Package


PackageManagement PackageManagementSource


Core Desktop


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

## 1.2.0-preview
A preview version of PackageManagement with NuGet v3 support. Currently we've only verified MyGet and implementations. Please log bugs with other server implementations if there are issues. Also please note any performance issues.
### New features
- Register and use a NuGet v3 URL
Register-PackageSource -Name NuGet3 -Location -ProviderName NuGet
Find-Package awssdk -Source NuGet3
- Prototype argument completer without proxy support. Either only a NuGet v3 source must be registered for NuGet provider OR a NuGet v3 source must be specified before the -Name parameter. The script is currently only available on GitHub [here](
Find-Package -Source NuGet3 -Name <tab>
### Breaking changes
- Searching for a package term with the -AllVersions switch is no longer allowed. This is due to concerns about stressing search services.
Find-Package aws* -AllVersions # Not allowed
Find-Package awssdk -AllVersions # Allowed


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated 389,546,742 7/1/2022
1.4.7 69,571,279 4/24/2020
1.4.6 6,669,331 12/23/2019
1.4.5 2,065,264 10/7/2019 4,052 4/22/2022
1.4.4 1,700,570 8/16/2019
1.4.3 997,109 7/9/2019
1.4.2 626,360 6/17/2019
1.4.1 372,192 6/4/2019
1.4 301,145 5/21/2019
1.3.2 352,105 5/7/2019
1.3.1 3,330,357 1/30/2019
1.2.4 861,548 12/1/2018
1.2.2 710,270 10/12/2018
1.2.0-preview (current version) 77,373 12/20/2017 3,083,447 5/4/2018 818,882 10/31/2017 30,615 9/11/2017 42,218 5/24/2017 18,756 3/4/2017 59,709 11/11/2016 23,825 9/29/2016
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