

PowerShell script that allow you to manage the upgrade process with winget.
It adds a few more options than 'winget upgrade --all':
- create a file with the packages you would like to omit
- add or remove packages from the blacklist file directly from the script
- automatically omit packages with "unknown" installed version, or when the formats of
 the installed ver
PowerShell script that allow you to manage the upgrade process with winget.
It adds a few more options than 'winget upgrade --all':
- create a file with the packages you would like to omit
- add or remove packages from the blacklist file directly from the script
- automatically omit packages with "unknown" installed version, or when the formats of
 the installed version and the available version formatest does not match
- it tries to guess the correct installed version by reading the pattern
 from the available version
- manually edit the upgrade queue
- quick mode (it's similar to 'winget upgrade --all' but with a blacklist applied)
- wingetParam <string> option with custom parameters to pass to winget. '-h' is set by default
- blacklistPath <Path> option with custom blacklist file location. Default is "~\toSkip.txt".
It doesn't need to be created beforehand
- you can preselect one of the options available from the menu by adding the Aoption,
Coption or Soption parameter

Known issue with Windows Powershell ver. <= 5.1 (desktop):
Due to the ascii encoding, packages with longer names than 30 chars may corrupt
the 'winget upgrade' result, i.e. info about the long name package
and the packages listed after it.
Please use this script with PowerShell ver. > 5.1 (core) if you can
or avoid installing long name packages with winget.

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Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Script -Name PSWizget -RequiredVersion 1.0.13

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More




Package Details




windows winget batch upgrade wizard update all queue


Write-Separator Get-Answer Get-IntAnswer Write-PackagesStatus Split-Result Show-Result Show-UI


Core Desktop


This script has no dependencies.

Release Notes

- you can now preselect one of the options avaliable from the menu by adding the Aoption,
Coption or Soption parameter


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.0.15 12,467 11/17/2022
1.0.14 49 7/1/2022
1.0.13 (current version) 12 6/30/2022
1.0.12 12 6/30/2022
1.0.11 12 6/29/2022
1.0.10 12 6/29/2022
1.0 24 6/27/2022
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